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On Tuesday evening, the President of the Libyan Presidential Council, Mohamed Menfi, held bilateral discussions with the President of the Republic of Chad, Mohamed Idriss Deby Itno, in the capital, Tripoli.


The media office of the President of the Presidential Council stated that the meeting discussed the progress of work and existing cooperation between the two countries, where the importance of strengthening bilateral relations for the benefit of the two brotherly peoples was stressed, and the necessity of continuing consultation between the two countries in regional and international forums was emphasized.
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#Abdelhamid_Al_Dbeibeh #Chad #European_Union #Immigration_file #Interim_Government_of_National_Unity #Libya #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Malta #Mohamed_Al_Menfi #Mohamed_Idriss_Deby_Itno #President_of_Chad #Robert_Abella #Tripoli
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The British newspaper “The Guardian” published a report dealing with the phenomenon of kidnapping, which is worsening day after day in an area described as the “Triangle of Death” in Central Africa.

This phenomenon forced residents of the areas located on the border, which links three countries: Chad, Cameroon, and the Central African Republic, to arm and defend themselves as irregular guards, according to the newspaper.

Amos Nangio, the Guardian’s correspondent in West Africa, said in his report that people in southwestern Chad are using bows, arrows and spears to fight gunmen who have turned kidnapping professionally.
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#Amos_Nangio #Boko_Haram #Cameroon #Central_African_Republic #Chad #Drugs #Fulani_Tribe #Human_Trafficking #Iromu_Igbegol #Kidnapping
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On Wednesday, the Libyan Minister of the Interior, Imad Trabelsi, and his Chadian counterpart, Mohamed Mergui, signed a new agreement to settle the situation of irregular Chadian migrants in Libya.


This signing came on the sidelines of the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum, which was held in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, with the participation of European and African delegations.

The agreement aims, according to a statement published by the official “Our Government” platform, to identify and count Chadian migrants in Libya, and to facilitate the regularization of their status.
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#Abdelhamid_Al_Dbeibeh #Ahmed_Al_Hashani #Chad #Georgia_Meloni #Illegal_Immigration #Imad_Trabelsi #Interim_Government_of_National_Unity #Italy #Libya #Malta #Mohamed_Idriss_Deby #Mohamed_Margui #Robert_Abela #Tripoli #Tunisia
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The Minister of the Interior of the Interim Government of National Unity, Imad Trabelsi, called on the international community to support Libya’s efforts in combating the phenomenon of illegal immigration, which has negatively affected the country and destination countries.


This came during his speech at the “Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum,” which was held in the capital, Tripoli, in the presence of ministers and delegates from 13 countries and international organizations.

Trabelsi indicated that the number of migrants in Libya may exceed 3 million people, as about 90 to 120 thousand migrants enter the country monthly through the desert.
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#Germany #Austria #Chad #Czech_Republic #Greece #Illegal_Immigration #Imad_Trabelsi #Interim_Government_of_National_Unity #Libya #Libyan_Minister_of_Interior #Senegal #Serbia #Spain #Sudan #Trans_Mediterranean_Migration_Forum #Turkey
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After helping developing national liberation movements in Africa to get rid of traditional European colonialism that robbed countries of their wealth, Russia is currently working to help liberated countries rebuild their capabilities.

The persistent Russian efforts in this regard raised the concern of France, which lost its colonizers on the African continent, which prompted the French newspaper “Le Monde” to publish a report in which it talked about frequent visits by envoys of the General Command in eastern Libya, headed by the commander of the Libyan Arab Army, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, who has close relations with… A document with Moscow, to the Sahel countries aims to strengthen their diplomatic relations: Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger, which also have good relations with Russia.
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#Benghazi #Burkina_Faso #Chad #European_Colonialism #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Arab_Army #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Mohamed_Idriss_Deby #Moscow #Niger #Russia #Russia_news #Saddam_Haftar
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Libya and Chad have announced the reopening of their common borders, a move aimed at boosting trade and stability in the region.


During a meeting in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, Chadian President, Mohamed Idriss Deby, and Libyan Prime Minister, Abdelhamid Dbeibeh, stressed the importance of joint security and economic cooperation.

The Chadian President pointed out the importance of Libya as a major outlet for goods to Chad, stressing the need to secure the borders to ensure the continuity of effective trade. For his part, Dbeibeh pledged to strengthen bilateral relations and confront the challenges of illegal immigration in joint coordination.
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#Abdelhamid_Al_Dbeibeh #Aguila_Saleh #Chad #Libya #Libyan_House_of_Representatives #Mohamed_Idriss_Deby #Tripoli
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The spokeswoman for the new refugees in the Talloum camp in eastern Chad, Fatima Fadl Al-Jasser, announced the death of four refugees and the infection of 28 others with hepatitis inside the camp.

Al-Jasser reported four miscarriages among women, at a time when the deteriorating health situation forces many refugees to sell their personal belongings to finance their treatment, as a result of the severe shortage of health care and medicines.

The camp, which includes refugees who fled conflicts in Sudan, suffers from a significant absence of medical resources, as Al-Jasser indicated that the camp’s health center does not have a delivery room and suffers from a shortage of basic medicines.
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#Chad #Doctors_Without_Borders #Fatima_Fadl_Al_Jasser #Hepatitis_Epidemic #Managed_State #Sudanese_Refugees #Talloum_Camp
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Official data issued by the Anti-Illegal Immigration Service in Libya revealed that 2,102 Sudanese and Chadian immigrants were deported from the city of Kufra during the first six months of this year.


The data indicated that 985 Sudanese immigrants were deported, nearly half of whom were suffering from epidemic diseases. The statistics also indicated that the largest number of deportations, which included 763 immigrants, took place in the months of May and June only.

The number of deported Chadian migrants reached 1,117 people, 240 of whom were suffering from epidemic diseases, highlighting the major health challenges facing the authorities in dealing with irregular migration flows.
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#Chad #humanitarian_aid #Illegal_immigrants #Kufra #Libya #Libyan_Anti_Illegal_Immigration_Service #Sudan
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The Joint Disarmament Commission in Chad announced its success in seizing 3,094 firearms between May 2023 and July 2024, as part of its efforts to combat the flow of weapons from neighboring countries, including Libya.

General Tahir Yusuf Bui, the Authority’s coordinator, confirmed in a statement to local media on Sunday that the Authority faces great challenges due to the influx of weapons from neighboring countries witnessing conflicts, which calls for the need to strengthen disarmament efforts.

The general explained that the seized weapons were found in N’Djamena and in the provinces, and along the borders with neighboring countries such as Libya, Sudan, and the Central African Republic.
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#Arms_smuggling #Central_African_Republic #Chad #Idriss_Déby #Joint_Disarmament_Commission #Libya #N_Djamena #Reinforced_128th_Brigade #Sectarian_Conflicts #Sudan #Temsa
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The representative of the World Bank in Chad, Rasit Bertif, and the Chadian Minister of Finance and Economy, Tahar Hamid Nguelin, signed a financing agreement for the Productive Social Networks project.

This signing came after the project was approved on June 21, 2024, which includes $100 million in financing by the International Development Association, in addition to an additional $20 million in support from the Multi-Donor Trust Fund for the Adaptive Social Protection Program in the Sahel.

Bertif emphasized that the project aims to increase access to social networks for poor and vulnerable populations in Chad, in addition to supporting refugees and strengthening the country’s social protection system.
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#Chad #Ennedi_Oriental #Kanem #Logone_Oriental #Mayo_Kbbi_Occidental #Ouadaye #Rasit_Bertif #Salamat #Sila #Tahir_Hamid_Nguelin #Wadi_Fira #World_Bank
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A UN investigation team has uncovered “horrific killings and sexual violence” in Sudan, according to detailed testimonies provided by survivors of the conflict in neighboring Chad.

Members of the recently established UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission in Sudan spent three weeks in Chad where they met with survivors and observers and documented “worrying patterns” of grave violations.

Mona Rishmawi, a member of the mission, stressed the need to stop these atrocities and hold their perpetrators accountable.

The mission, which was established by the United Nations Human Rights Council late last year, reported that it had observed “arbitrary detention, torture, and enforced disappearances,” in addition to “looting, burning homes, and recruiting children.
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#Chad #Mohamed_Shandi_Othman #Mona_Rishmawi #Murders #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sexual_Violence #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #United_Nations
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A United Nations official revealed the presence and circulation of weapons in Sudanese refugee camps in Chad, which increases the exposure of women and girls to violence.

The regions of eastern Chad host more than 620,000 Sudanese refugees out of a total of 2.2 million people who have crossed the border since the outbreak of the conflict in Sudan on April 15, 2023.

The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Pramila Patten, visited Chad from 14 to 18 July to assess the situation in the Ouaddai region, which hosts refugees.

Her office noted in a statement that “the lack of security in the camps, the circulation of weapons, and the presence of armed men increase the exposure of women and girls to various forms of gender-based violence.
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#Chad #Doctors_Without_Borders #Farchana #I_know #Pramila_Patten #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sexual_Violence #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #Sudanese_Refugee_Crisis #United_Nations #Wadi_Region
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