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The Sudanese authorities issued an order for all foreigners to leave the capital, Khartoum, and its suburbs within a period not exceeding two weeks.

The Director of the Department of Foreigners and Immigration Control in Khartoum, Colonel Nizar Khalil, confirmed that the decision comes in the context of protecting foreigners from the increasing dangers as a result of the armed conflict that Sudan has witnessed since April 2023.

The authorities indicated that this measure is to preserve the safety of foreigners after reports of feelings of hostility against them due to allegations about the presence of foreign mercenaries fighting alongside the Rapid Support Forces, as a number of foreigners were recently arrested for not possessing the necessary legal papers for residency.
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#Khartoum #Nizar_Khalil #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #Sudanese_Authorities #United_Nations #War_in_Sudan
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Egyptian Foreign Minister Dr. Badr Abdel Ati visited the countries of Djibouti and Somalia to discuss enhancing cooperation and securing maritime navigation in the Red Sea.

The visit included holding bilateral discussions with his Djiboutian and Somali counterparts, followed by press conferences, in conjunction with the launch of a new airline connecting Egypt with these two Arab countries, according to a statement by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.
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#Somalia #Ahmed_Abu_Zeid #Ahmed_Moallem_Faqi #Al_Azhar #Badr_Abdel_Ati #Djibouti #Djibouti_Center_for_Moderation #Egypt #Horn_of_Africa #Mahmoud_Ali_Youssef #Maritime_Security #Red_Sea #Sudan #Terrorism
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The Arab Parliament stressed the necessity of moving forward towards holding parliamentary and presidential elections in Libya and completing the postponed elections to enhance security and stability in the country.

This came during the fifth and closing plenary session of the fourth session of the third legislative term, which was held at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Cairo.

Members of the Libyan House of Representatives and members of the Arab Parliament participated in the session: Abdul Salam Nasya, Hassan Barghouti, Abu Salah Shalabi, and Ahlam Al-Lafi.

The Parliament discussed the overall current situation in the Arab countries, especially the Palestinian issue, where it affirmed its support for the Palestinian issue and the rights of the Palestinian people in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy.

#Arab_Parliament #Libya #Libyan_Elections #Palestine #Palestinian_Issue #Sudan #Yemen
The Sudanese government announced its refusal to participate in the indirect deliberations proposed by the United Nations in Geneva, stressing its commitment to the procedures and discussions that take place through the Jeddah platform.

The government explained in an official statement that the delegation of experts, led by the Humanitarian Aid Commissioner, Ms. Salwa Adam Benia, arrived in Geneva based on an invitation to participate in an indirect dialogue on the humanitarian situation.

She indicated that a clear agenda for the discussions was not presented after the arrival of the Sudanese delegation, which raised questions about the intentions and effectiveness of the proposed meetings.
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#Geneva #humanitarian_aid #Jadd_Platform #Negotiations #Rapid_Support_Forces #Salwa_Adam_Binya #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #Sudanese_Government #United_Nations #War_in_Sudan
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The South Belt Emergency Room in Khartoum State announced the cessation of all free kitchens in the region due to lack of funding and running out of food supplies.

It warned of the risk of famine threatening its population as a result of the absence of humanitarian aid and the depletion of food supplies.

The Rapid Support Forces control the area south of the belt, where neighborhoods such as “Al-Inqadh, Al-Azhari, Al-Salama, and Mayo” witnessed violent conflicts, and military operations resulted in many casualties and the destruction of homes.

The spokesman for the emergency room, Muhammad Kindasha, confirmed that the cessation of 25 free kitchens will increase the suffering of residents who depend on these kitchens to obtain food, and many suffered from malnutrition due to the lack of meals.
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#Khartoum_State #Rapid_Support_Forces #South_Belt #Sudan #Sudanese_Army
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The Sudanese army reported that it inflicted heavy losses on the ranks of the Rapid Support Forces during military operations the day before yesterday, Saturday, in the capital, Khartoum, killing more than 100 of the forces’ fighters and wounding many others.

The security situation has worsened significantly in Sudan, as clashes spread from the capital to several regions such as Darfur, the states of Al-Jazira and Sennar, in addition to areas in the Kordofan region. The intensity of the conflict has also increased in recent days, with violent clashes taking place in several neighborhoods in Khartoum.

The day before yesterday, the Sudanese authorities announced the census of refugees and their registration in Khartoum, in preparation for either regularizing their situation or deporting those who engaged in fighting alongside the Rapid Support Forces.
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#Darfur #Jazira_State #Khartoum #Kordofan #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sennar_State #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #War_in_Sudan
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Yesterday, Monday, the Political Secretary of the Beja Supreme Council, Sayed Abu Amna, revealed the presence of four armed groups in Eritrea working to inflame tensions in eastern Sudan.

He pointed out that these groups have links to leaders from the former National Congress Party.

Abu Amna explained that the groups include the Eastern Orta forces led by Al-Amin Daoud, the Eastern Sudan Liberation Movement led by Ibrahim Dunia, the National Justice and Development Movement forces led by Muhammad Tahir Suleiman Beitai, and the Beja Congress led by Musa Muhammad Ahmed.
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#Eritrea #Armed_Groups #Eastern_Orta_Forces #Eastern_Sudan_Liberation_Movement #Kassala #National_Congress_Party #National_Movement_for_Justice_and_Development #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sayyid_Abu_Amna #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #Supreme_Council_of_Beja
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Russian activity in Africa is witnessing an increasing increase in light of the close relations between Moscow and the capitals of the African continent, after the clear rise of national liberation movements, and the successive elimination of European colonialism and its destructive effects, with Russian assistance.

On July 15, the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Middle Eastern and African Affairs, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, who is in Addis Ababa on a business trip, met with the Chairman of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat.
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#Addis_Ababa #Africa #Africa_news #African_Sahel #African_Union_Commission #Mikhail_Bogdanov #Moussa_Faki_Mahamat #Russia #Russia_news #Sahara_Region #Saint_Petersburg #Sochi #Sudan
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The head of “Doctors Without Borders”, Christos Christou, announced on Tuesday that one-third of the people admitted to hospitals for war-related injuries in Sudan are women or children under the age of ten.

The organization’s hospitals, the only medical facilities operating in most parts of the war-torn country, have been repeatedly attacked, Christo told AFP in Port Sudan.

Since April 2023, tens of thousands of people have been killed in the war between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces.

Christo pointed out that many organizations chose a “reserved position” while waiting for how the conflict would develop, and this came while talks were continuing in Geneva between an international delegation and two delegations representing both sides of the war.
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#Victims #Children #Doctors_Without_Borders #Injured #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #Sudanese_Crisis #United_Nations #Women
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On Wednesday, the World Health Organization condemned the increase in attacks on medical facilities in Sudan, as battles between the army and the Rapid Support Forces have continued for more than a year.

The organization’s regional director for the Eastern Mediterranean countries, Hanan Balkhi, announced in a video press conference from Cairo that the organization has verified that 82 attacks have occurred on health care facilities in Sudan since the start of the war in April 2023, including 17 attacks during the last six weeks only.

Balkhi called on both Sudan and Chad to keep the “Adre” crossing between the two countries open to allow the entry of necessary relief materials and humanitarian aid needed by hundreds of thousands of Sudanese.
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#Cairo #humanitarian_aid #Medical_Facilities #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #Switzerland #Tom_Perriello #United_Nations #US_Special_Envoy_to_Sudan #World_Health_Organization
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The Minister of the Interior of the Interim Government of National Unity, Imad Trabelsi, called on the international community to support Libya’s efforts in combating the phenomenon of illegal immigration, which has negatively affected the country and destination countries.


This came during his speech at the “Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum,” which was held in the capital, Tripoli, in the presence of ministers and delegates from 13 countries and international organizations.

Trabelsi indicated that the number of migrants in Libya may exceed 3 million people, as about 90 to 120 thousand migrants enter the country monthly through the desert.
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#Germany #Austria #Chad #Czech_Republic #Greece #Illegal_Immigration #Imad_Trabelsi #Interim_Government_of_National_Unity #Libya #Libyan_Minister_of_Interior #Senegal #Serbia #Spain #Sudan #Trans_Mediterranean_Migration_Forum #Turkey
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Diplomatic sources reported that the negotiating sessions in Geneva, which were held between representatives of the Sudanese government and the Rapid Support Forces, resulted in a preliminary agreement on opening humanitarian crossings.

The sources stated that the meetings dealt with specific items related to humanitarian aid, and how to facilitate its access to those affected in conflict areas.

Reports indicate that it was agreed to open several crossings to ensure the flow of humanitarian aid more effectively.

A leader of the Rapid Support delegation confirmed that the negotiations took place bilaterally with United Nations representatives and that no understandings were reached with the government delegation, adding that the Sudanese army did not participate in any understandings regarding the delivery of aid.
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#Geneva_Negotiations #humanitarian_aid #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #United_Nations #War_in_Sudan
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The “Youth Observatory for Darfur” (MACHAD) for Human Rights revealed in a new statistic that the number of civilian casualties in Sudan has risen to about 4,907 people, including dead and wounded, since the outbreak of war in April 2023.

The Observatory explained that about 1,411 people were killed, including 97 children and 16 pregnant women, while more than 3,496 civilians were subjected to various injuries, including 794 people whose limbs were amputated.

The Observatory indicated that the indiscriminate artillery shelling carried out by the Rapid Support Forces caused the destruction of many service facilities and homes in various states, leading to huge losses in civilian areas.
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#Human_Rights #Nicholas_Haysom #Rapid_Support_Forces #Riek_Machar #Salva_Kiir #South_Sudan #Sudan #Sudan_War #United_Nations #Warrap_State #Youth_Observatory_for_Darfur
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Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, commander of the Rapid Support Forces, called on the UN Security Council to suspend Sudan’s membership in the United Nations, given the absence of an effective government in the country since the coup it witnessed on October 25.

This request came during a speech addressed by Dagalo through his delegation participating in the Geneva talks, which dealt with the humanitarian situation and the protection of civilians in Sudan.

In his speech, Dagalo pointed out the necessity of imposing a no-fly zone over areas devoid of military operations, and demanded strict measures that criminalize depriving civilians of obtaining documents proving their identities based on factors such as race, geography, religion, or political affiliation.
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#Geneva_Talks #Izz_al_Din_al_Safi #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #United_Nations #War_in_Sudan
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The advisor to the Commander of the Rapid Support Forces in Sudan confirmed the killing of the Field Support Commander, Abdul Rahman Al-Bishi, in the Blue Nile.

Sources close to the Rapid Support Forces reported that Al-Bishi, who was commander of the Rapid Support Forces in the Sennar and Blue Nile sector, was killed this morning as a result of an air strike launched by Sudanese army aircraft on the Rapid Support sites in the city of Sennar.

Pages on social media sites affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces confirmed the news of the death of Al-Bishi, who is considered one of the most prominent leaders of the Rapid Support Forces in central Sudan and one of the founders of these forces.
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#Abdul_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Abdul_Rahman_Al_Bishi #Blue_Nile #Humanitarian_Organizations #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sennar #Sinja #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #United_Nations
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The Egyptian authorities are intensifying their efforts to arrest a Sudanese citizen who killed a Sudanese woman by shooting her in front of passers-by in the Giza region in southern Egypt, before fleeing the scene.

It was reported that the authorities received a report that a Sudanese woman was killed by a Sudanese citizen’s bullets in front of the UNHCR in 6th of October City.

Immediately, security forces moved to the scene of the accident, where they found a woman in her fifties dead as a result of a gunshot wound.

Investigations revealed that a dispute broke out between the woman and the man of the same nationality in front of the Commission, which developed into an argument and a fistfight.

#Eritrea #Somalia #6th_of_October_City #and_Ethiopia #Egypt #Egyptian_Authorities #Egyptian_Public_Prosecution #Giza #Iraq #Murder #Sudan #Sudanese_Refugees #Syria #Yemen
Nine people died as a result of a fire accident in a residential building in the city of Port Sudan, eastern Sudan, due to an electrical short.

The police forces stated that fire and rescue teams quickly intervened to evacuate the residents trapped inside the ground floor of the building, and they were transferred to the hospital to receive the necessary treatment.

According to reports from Agence France-Presse, the condition of four survivors is stable and they are still receiving medical care.

It is noteworthy that Sudan suffers from arson fires, as they are repeatedly used as a weapon of war in the conflict that has been taking place in Sudan since April 2023. According to satellite images, 235 fires have broken out in cities and villages throughout Sudan since the start of the war, and in the Darfur region, more than 50 villages have been burned in an unintentional manner. frequent.
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#Electric_Shortcuts #Fires #Port_Sudan_City #Sudan #Sudanese_Police
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Sudan and Iran have re-exchanged ambassadors, after an eight-year break, following the agreement reached last October.

Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, commander of the Sudanese army and acting government, received the credentials of the new Iranian ambassador, Hassan Shah Hosseini, in the city of Port Sudan, which charts the features of a new phase in relations between the two countries.

On the other hand, Sudan sent its ambassador to Tehran, in a move that reflects the mutual desire to overcome previous differences and build strategic alliances, especially in light of the current circumstances that Sudan is going through and the need for support in facing the challenges of internal stability and security.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Hassan_Shah_Hosseini #Iran #Khartoum #Port_Sudan #Sudan #Sudanese_Army #Tehran #War_in_Sudan
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Official data issued by the Anti-Illegal Immigration Service in Libya revealed that 2,102 Sudanese and Chadian immigrants were deported from the city of Kufra during the first six months of this year.


The data indicated that 985 Sudanese immigrants were deported, nearly half of whom were suffering from epidemic diseases. The statistics also indicated that the largest number of deportations, which included 763 immigrants, took place in the months of May and June only.

The number of deported Chadian migrants reached 1,117 people, 240 of whom were suffering from epidemic diseases, highlighting the major health challenges facing the authorities in dealing with irregular migration flows.
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#Chad #humanitarian_aid #Illegal_immigrants #Kufra #Libya #Libyan_Anti_Illegal_Immigration_Service #Sudan
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The Oulala camp in the Amhara region of Ethiopia witnessed a new armed attack that killed two Sudanese refugees and injured about nine others, in the second attack in less than a week.

The attack occurred on Saturday after a similar attack three days ago, in which two Ethiopian policemen were killed and a number of refugees, including a child, were injured.

More than 6,000 Sudanese refugees live in difficult humanitarian conditions inside the “Oulala” forests, with the onset of autumn and rainfall, without providing any adequate protection.

Fears are rising about the continuation of armed attacks, as well as the environmental risks to which refugees are exposed.

Sources from inside the camp reported that an armed group attacked the camp and opened heavy fire, resulting in casualties.
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#Addis_Ababa #Coordination_of_Democratic_and_Civil_Forces #Coordination_of_Sudanese_Progress #Ethiopia #Ethiopian_Police #Mahra_Region #Oulala_Camp #Sudan #Sudanese_Refugee_Crisis
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