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The commander-in-chief of the Libyan army, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, said that the political track has been given too much to reach its goal of holding presidential and parliamentary elections.


This came in a speech on Thursday, during the celebration of the tenth anniversary of โ€œOperation Dignityโ€ in Benghazi, in the presence of Speaker of the House of Representatives Aguila Saleh and a number of military and political leaders in the Eastern Province.

"Despite major achievements at the military and security levels, and in the areas of development and construction, the political track has remained stagnant, if not regressive, with meetings followed by meetings, delegations going and coming, loud statements followed by louder statements, and outputs stuffed with lies and empty promises, which do not fatten or sing from hunger," Haftar said.

"We believe that we have given this path of opportunities too much, to reach its goal of holding presidential and parliamentary elections, in which the people have the final say," Haftar added.

"This is a very carefully planned approach, so that the situation remains as it is, and precious time passes without making any progress," Haftar said.

Haftar pointed out that what he called "extremists who are enemies of freedom and democracy, who dream of installing themselves as guardians of the people, have sworn with the strongest faith that the Field Marshal will only run on their corpses", considering this evidence of "recognition of failure and popular rejection of them".
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#Aguila_Saleh #Benghazi #Commander_in_Chief_of_the_Libyan_Army #Libya_News #Libyan_Crisis #Libyan_Elections #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Operation_Dignity #UN_Envoy_Abdulah_Belheji
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Libya, whose delegation headed by Belkacem Haftar, son of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, commander of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, is participating in the Russia-Islamic World Forum in Kazan, offered the Russian company Tat Naft to establish an oil refinery in Libya.


This came on the sidelines of the forum held from 14 to 19 May, in which a delegation from eastern Libya will participate, which also includes four ministers from the government of eastern Libya, namely: Abdul Hadi Huwaij, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ali Al-Saadi Qaidi, Minister of Investment, Awad Badri, Minister of Electric Energy and Renewable Energy, in addition to Faraj Khalil Salem, Minister of Technical Education.

Libya's investment minister announced that his country is ready to enter into an agreement with the Russian company, while the Libyan-based company has expressed interest in the project.

"Russia has a lot of crude oil, but now its supplies are difficult due to sanctions and embargoes, and this can be solved by a refinery that is being built in Libya and crude oil is transported to it and then oil derivatives are sold," the minister said.

"We had negotiations on this issue, and they found the idea interesting," he said, adding that the Russian company could also use the oil already in Libya to recharge and process it. "We have incredible reserves," the Libyan minister said, expressing hope that the agreement would be reached.
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#Balkasim_Haftar #Kazan #Libya #Libya_News #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #oil #Russia #Russia_news
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Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, Commander-in-Chief of the Libyan National Army, inaugurated the Benghazi University Bridge and adjacent roads, following the completion of comprehensive construction and maintenance.


The inauguration took place on the tenth anniversary of Operation Dignity and was attended by a number of personalities including the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Counselor Aguila Saleh, Prime Minister-designate Osama Hammad, and the Director General of the Libya Development and Reconstruction Fund, Belgassem Haftar.

The opening also coincided with a large military ceremony at Benina Air Base, attended by senior military commanders, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, as well as the families of the martyrs.

Work on the bridge project began on May 12, 2023, during the implementation phase, and 68 pillar bases with a depth of 20 meters and a diameter of one meter were used.

It is noteworthy that "Operation Dignity" began on May 16, 2014, under the leadership of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar to cleanse the city of Benghazi from terrorist and extremist groups, and the formations of dignity included the special forces (Thunderbolt), Benina base (air force), and groups and individuals of the armed forces and revolutionaries.

#Aguila_Saleh #Benghazi_University #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_House_of_Representatives #Libyan_National_Army #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Osama_Hamad
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Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, commander of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces , summoned security authorities in Benghazi to intensify efforts to investigate the disappearance of MP Ibrahim Al-Drisi.


Haftar invited Interior Ministry Undersecretary Faraj Qaim, Internal Security Agency chief Lt. Gen. Osama al-Drissi and Benghazi security chief Maj. Gen. Ahmed al-Shamikh to the General Command headquarters to see details of the investigations.

During the meeting, Haftar stressed the need to intensify efforts to reach those involved in the kidnapping of MP Drissi, ensure his safety and return him to his family as soon as possible.

Haftar's meeting with security leaders was devoted to "examining the circumstances of the kidnapping of MP Ibrahim al-Drissi and reviewing the details of the ongoing investigations and searches and investigations", the command's media office said.

The disappearance of MP Drissi provoked wide reactions from his tribe, the House of Representatives, the head of the government assigned by the Council, Osama Hamad, and the Minister of Interior, and the United Nations Support Mission in Libya called on the competent authorities to locate the MP and secure his immediate release.

#Benghazi #Government_appointed_by_the_House_of_Representatives #Ibrahim_Al_Darsi #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Arab_Armed_Forces #Libyan_House_of_Representatives #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Osama_Hamad
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The Commander of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, praised Zintanโ€™s patriotic positions, stressing the importance of consultation between the components of Libyan society in order to achieve lasting stability.


These statements came during a meeting held by the Commander of the Libyan Armed Forces with a delegation of sheikhs, notables and intellectuals from the city of Zintan at the headquarters of the โ€œGeneral Commandโ€ in the Rajma area.

The delegation expressed their pride and appreciation for Field Marshal Haftar and his positions towards Libyaโ€™s unity and stability, praising the main role of the โ€œGeneral Commandโ€ forces in establishing security and stability.
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#Al_Rajma #Haftar #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Arab_Armed_Forces #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Zintan
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Yesterday, Saturday, the Commander of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, received Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunus Bek Yevkirov at the General Command headquarters in Al-Rajma.


Haftar welcomed the Russian delegation, stressing the friendly relationship between the two countries and the importance of developing it in the military and economic fields.

Haftar stressed the importance of cooperation between Libya and Russia, pointing to developing relations in the fields of military training and raising efficiency.

The Russian military official spoke about his countryโ€™s contribution to strengthening the capabilities of the General Command forces, stressing joint cooperation to combat terrorism and extremism.
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#Al_Rajma #Benghazi_News #Betghazi #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Arab_Armed_Forces #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Russia #Russia_news #Russian_Army #Russian_Ministry_of_Defense #Russian_Libyan_Relations #Yunusbek_Yevkirov
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Major General Saddam Khalifa Haftar, Chief of Staff of the Libyan Land Forces, officially visited the Republic of Chad, representing the Commander-in-Chief of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar.


Lieutenant General Omar Deby Itno, Director General of the Strategic Reserve, and Major General Suleiman Loni, Head of the Intelligence Service, received Major General Haftar upon his arrival.

During his visit, Major General Haftar met with the President of the Republic of Chad, Mohamed Idriss Deby, where he conveyed to him the greetings and congratulations of the Commander-in-Chief of the Libyan Armed Forces on the occasion of his victory in the presidential elections.
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#Bilateral_Relations #Chad #Chad_News #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Arab_Armed_Forces #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Military_Cooperation #Official_Visit #Saddam_Khalifa_Haftar
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The Commander of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, received the French Ambassador to Libya, Mustafa Maharaj, in his office at the General Command headquarters in the city of Benghazi.


The meeting focused on the latest developments in the political process in Libya, according to a statement published on the Facebook page of the General Commandโ€™s media office.

During the meeting, Haftar praised Libyan-French relations, stressing the importance of developing them and opening new horizons to strengthen ties between the two countries.

For his part, Maharaj expressed France's keenness to develop the relationship between the two sides in a way that serves common interests.
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#Benghazi #France #France_News #French_Ambassador_to_Libya #General_Command_Headquarters #Haftar #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Arab_Armed_Forces #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Mustafa_Maharaj
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The Commander of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, and the US Special Envoy to Libya, Richard Norland, stressed the importance of continuing efforts to prepare the country to hold presidential and parliamentary elections.


Haftar received in his office at the General Command headquarters an American delegation headed by Norland, in the presence of the Charge dโ€™Affaires of the American Embassy in Libya, Jeremy Brent.

The meeting dealt with supporting the efforts made by the United Nations mission in Libya to reach consensual solutions that lead to holding elections.

The General Command statement conveyed the visiting delegationโ€™s praise of the role of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces in achieving security and stability, and the statement stressed the importance of coordination and joint cooperation between the Libyan Armed Forces and the United States to combat terrorism and extremism.
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#Abdul_Hamid_al_Dbeibeh #American_delegation #Government_of_National_Unity #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Mohamed_Al_Manfi #Mohamed_Takala #Richard_Norland #United_States_of_America
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The Acting Head of the United Nations Mission in Libya, Stephanie Khoury, met with the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, who received her and her accompanying delegation at the command headquarters in the city of Benghazi.


The two parties discussed political developments and developments on the Libyan scene, especially with regard to the file of the presidential and parliamentary elections.

According to the General Command Media Office, the two parties discussed the importance of the political process in order to create the atmosphere that would help hold the presidential and parliamentary elections in the country.

They also discussed ways to reach consensual solutions that lead to holding the elections that the Libyan people aspire to.
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#Diplomacy #Libya #Libyan_Army #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Parliamentary_Elections #politics #Presidential_Elections #Stephanie_Khoury #United_Nations
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The Acting Head of the United Nations Mission in Libya, Stephanie Khoury, renewed the United Nationsโ€™ commitment to a comprehensive political process and achieving equitable access to social services for all Libyans.


This came during her meeting with representatives of the Tebawi National Rally, who expressed the challenges they face, including ongoing marginalization, which limits their access to voter registration, services, and political representation.

In Benghazi, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, discussed with Khoury the importance of advancing the political process to create the atmosphere for holding presidential and parliamentary elections.
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#Abdul_Hamid_al_Dbeibeh #Interim_Government_of_National_Unity #Libya #Libyan_Army #Libyan_Elections #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Mohamed_Al_Manfi #Mohamed_Takala #Stephanie_Khoury #United_Nations
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Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, Commander-in-Chief of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, praised officers from the National Army for passing the โ€œCommanders and Staffโ€ course at the Military Academy for Postgraduate and Strategic Studies in Egypt.


This praise came during Field Marshal Haftarโ€™s meeting with the officers on Wednesday in his office at the General Command of the Armed Forces in Benghazi.

The Information Office of the General Command of the Arab Armed Forces reported that the Commander-in-Chief received the officers who successfully completed the Commanders and Staff Course at the Military Academy for Postgraduate and Strategic Studies (Commanders and Staff College) in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
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#Benghazi #Egypt #Haftar #Libya #Libyan_Arab_Armed_Forces #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar
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Major General Saddam Haftar, Chief of Staff of the Land Forces of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, arrived in the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, on a two-day official visit.


He is being visited in his capacity as an envoy of the Commander-in-Chief of the Libyan Armed Forces, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, and the visit aims to strengthen military and security cooperation between Libya and Burkina Faso.

Informed sources reported that Haftar met during his visit with the interim president of Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traorรฉ, at the presidential headquarters in Ouagadougou.

The sources confirmed that this visit came within the framework of strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries and exchanging views on regional and international issues of common interest.
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#Burkina_Faso #Counterterrorism #Ibrahim_Traore #Libya #Libyan_Arab_Armed_Forces #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Organized_Crime #Ouagadougou #Saddam_Haftar
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After helping developing national liberation movements in Africa to get rid of traditional European colonialism that robbed countries of their wealth, Russia is currently working to help liberated countries rebuild their capabilities.

The persistent Russian efforts in this regard raised the concern of France, which lost its colonizers on the African continent, which prompted the French newspaper โ€œLe Mondeโ€ to publish a report in which it talked about frequent visits by envoys of the General Command in eastern Libya, headed by the commander of the Libyan Arab Army, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, who has close relations withโ€ฆ A document with Moscow, to the Sahel countries aims to strengthen their diplomatic relations: Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger, which also have good relations with Russia.
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#Benghazi #Burkina_Faso #Chad #European_Colonialism #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Arab_Army #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Mohamed_Idriss_Deby #Moscow #Niger #Russia #Russia_news #Saddam_Haftar
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