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Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, Abdullah Battahli, called on Libya’s regional and international partners to support dialogue among Libyans during a meeting held on Sunday.


During his meeting with the French Ambassador to Libya, Mustafa Mehraj, Battahli and Mehraj discussed the latest political and security developments in the country, as well as the prospects for reviving the political process.

The UN envoy emphasized the importance of building on existing agreements among Libyan stakeholders to avoid further delays in reaching a political settlement.

Battahli underscored the significant role that regional and international partners should play in supporting dialogue among Libyans.
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#Abdullah_Battahli #France #Libya #Libya_News #UN_Security_Council #United_Nations_Support_Mission_in_Libya
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eastern France, along with two of her brothers, after 70 kilograms of cannabis were found inside her home.

Attorney General Hugh de Vele said the operation was part of an investigation into the drug trade in the town of Avalon, which has a population of 6,000.

De Veli said that Habsaoui, who has been mayor since 2021, was captured by police following extensive raids on her home, municipal office, and even the pharmacy where she works.

De Veli explained that the case resulted in the arrest of seven, including Al-Habsawi, noting that the search led to the seizure of 983 grams of cocaine, 7,000 euros in cash, and about 20 gold bars.

The Public Prosecutor indicated that the investigations included other centers, without disclosing the amount of drugs seized at each location.

#Abdullah_Battahli #France #Libya #Libya_News #UN_Security_Council #United_Nations_Support_Mission_in_Libya
The UN Security Council warned in an emergency session held in New York that the situation in Sudan is heading towards a deadlock and a protracted conflict that leads to the collapse of Sudan and its repercussions affect the region as a whole.

Speakers at the session blamed army commander Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and Rapid Support Forces commander Mohamed Hamdan Daglo (Hemedti) for the deterioration of the situation in Sudan, stressing pressure on the warring parties to negotiate.

β€œOne year ago, two rival generals sent their armies into battle and put Sudan on the path of death, destruction and devastation that continues to this day,” said U.S.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #African_Union #Emmanuel_Macron #France #Mohamed_bin_Zayed #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #Robert_Wood #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #UN_Security_Council #United_Arab_Emirates #United_Nations #United_States_of_America
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The Security Council expressed its deep concern over the escalation of tensions and military actions around the city of El Fasher in North Darfur, Sudan.

In a statement issued on Saturday, the council called for an immediate cessation of hostilities to avoid further escalation and violence.

The Council urged all parties to the conflict to abide by international humanitarian law and immediately cease military operations, called for efforts to achieve lasting peace in the region, and warned against external interference that fuels conflict and undermines stability.

The statement stressed the importance of supporting peace efforts, urged all Member States to refrain from any form of interference that contributes to fueling tensions, and reminded all parties to the conflict of the need to abide by internationally agreed arms embargo measures.
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#Darfur #El_Fasher #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #UN_Security_Council #War_in_Sudan
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The Permanent Representative of Libya to the Security Council, Ambassador Taher Al-Sunni, in his capacity as President of the fourth session of the Conference, chaired the second meeting of the Working Committee on the Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East.


Over the course of three days of intense discussions, the β€œpeaceful uses of nuclear energy” were highlighted.

The meetings witnessed the presentation of several research papers presented by experts from specialized international organizations, and the Committee addressed the current global frameworks for these uses, and reviewed best practices and experiences learned from other regions globally.

The meeting discussed the priorities of the Middle East countries in the field of peaceful use of nuclear energy, the standards of security and safety, in addition to the proposed institutional framework for the application of these uses in the near future of the region.
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#Libya #Middle_East #Nuclear_Weapons #Sima_Bahous #Tahar_El_Sonni #UN_Security_Council
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A British newspaper revealed that several Arab countries support the establishment of an international or regional peacekeeping force in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank after the war.

According to a report published by the British newspaper β€œFinancial Times”, these countries are considering the idea of establishing a multinational peacekeeping force, under Palestinian administration, with the aim of stabilizing the region after the recent events.

These Arab states support the presence of an international or regional peacekeeping force in Gaza under Palestinian administration, and demand that the decision to establish such a force be approved by the UN Security Council.

#gaza #Gaza_Strip #Joe_Biden #Palestine #Palestinian_Cause #peacekeeping_forces #UN_Security_Council #United_States #West_Bank
Members of the UN Security Council have called for the appointment of a successor to UN envoy to Libya Abdullah Batelli as soon as possible.


In a statement, the Council members affirmed their continued support for the United Nations Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) and its leadership and urged that the interim leadership of the Mission continue to implement its mandate and ensure a smooth transition of the new Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The council members emphasized their commitment to a comprehensive political process led by Libyans and overseen by the United Nations, in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions, based on the Libyan Political Agreement and the Roadmap for the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum, as well as the updated electoral laws approved by the 6+6 Committee.

Members also noted the need for the withdrawal of all foreign forces, foreign fighters, and mercenaries from Libya without delay, in accordance with the ceasefire agreement.

Members noted the importance of an inclusive national reconciliation process based on the principles of transitional justice and accountability, and encouraged all Libyan parties, neighboring countries, and the African Union to strongly support this process.
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#6_6_Committee #Abdullah_Bathily #Libya_News #Libyan_Crisis #Libyan_Elections #UN_Security_Council #United_Nations
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On Friday, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring Palestine eligible for full membership in the United Nations and recommends that the Security Council reconsider this issue positively.

A total of 143 countries voted in favor, 25 abstained and 9 rejected the resolution.

The resolution establishes the eligibility of the State of Palestine for membership in the United Nations in accordance with Article 4 of the Charter and emphasizes the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to establish an independent State of Palestine.

The resolution affirms the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force and demands the preservation of the territorial integrity of all the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and the withdrawal of Israel from the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967.

The Assembly resolution requests UN Secretary-General AntΓ³nio Guterres to take the necessary measures to implement the resolution.

The General Assembly resolution would grant Palestinians some additional rights and privileges from September 2024, such as a seat with UN member states in the Assembly Hall, but without the right to vote on it.
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#Israel #Palestine_news #UN_General_Assembly #UN_Security_Council #United_Nations #United_States_of_America #Vatican
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The UN Security Council has imposed sanctions on three β€œal-Shabaab” leaders at the request of the Somali government, in an important step to combat terrorism.

The decision, issued on Thursday, included sanctions against three individuals identified as key figures in the organization, Abdelkader Ekrema, Mohamed Mahmoud Mir and Mohamed Omar Mohamed, and sanctions imposed on the three individuals include asset freezes and travel bans.

Somalia has been plagued by insecurity for years, with the main threats emanating from al-Shabaab and other terrorist groups such as ISIS.

In a horrific incident on Wednesday, the capital Mogadishu shot and killed Ibrahim Abdi Abdirahman, a member of parliament from Somalia’s southwestern regional state.
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#Abdiasis_Hassan_Mohamed_Laftagaren #Al_Shabaab #Counterterrorism #Ibrahim_Abdi_Abdirahman #ISIS #Mogadishu #Sanctions #Somali_Government #Somalia_News #Southwest_State_of_Somalia #UN_Security_Council
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Egypt welcomed the decision of the International Court of Justice to impose additional interim measures on Israel and its demand for an immediate cessation of military operations and any other measures in the Palestinian city of Rafah.

In a statement issued by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry on Friday, Egypt called on Israel to comply with its legal obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and international humanitarian law, and to implement all provisional measures issued by the International Court of Justice, which are legally binding and enforceable, as they are issued by the highest international judicial organ.

β€œIsrael bears full legal responsibility for the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip as the occupying power,” the statement said.

In the statement, Egypt called on "Israel to stop its systematic policies against the Palestinian people, including targeting, starvation and siege in violation of all provisions of international law and international humanitarian law."
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#Egypt_News #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #Gaza_Strip #Gaza_War #International_Court_of_Justice #Israel #Palestine_news #Rafah_City #UN_Security_Council
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