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Algeria’s representative to the UN Security Council, Ammar Ben Jama, said, “Whoever believes that he can uproot the Palestinians from their land by force is mistaken.”

Ben Jammeh stressed during the monthly session of the Security Council on “the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian issue” on Tuesday, that “the Zionist occupation will fail to implement its plans, and the Palestinians will not leave their homeland, and will continue the struggle until they fully enjoy their rights, including the right to self-determination.” Destiny and the establishment of their state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.
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#Al_Aqsa_Mosque #Algeria #Ammar_bin_Jamea #Gaza_Strip #Israel #Jerusalem #Middle_East #Navi_Pillay #Palestine #United_Nations_Security_Council #West_Bank
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Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry expressed Egypt’s rejection of some elements’ seizure of humanitarian aid allocated to Palestinian Rafah.

This came during a phone call with Sigrid Kach, the United Nations Chief Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction in the Gaza Strip, on Tuesday.

During the call, Shukri attacked the Israeli side for its lack of commitment to protecting aid and ensuring that it reaches those who deserve it.

Shukri stressed the need for Israel to commit to facilitating the entry of aid and easing restrictions imposed on the movement of trucks at the crossings.
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#Ahmed_Abu_Zeid #Egypt #Egyptian_Foreign_Minister #Gaza_Strip #humanitarian_aid #Israel #Palestine #Rafah #Sameh_Shukri #Security_Council #Sigrid_Kach #United_Nations
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Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry expressed Egypt’s rejection of some elements’ seizure of humanitarian aid allocated to Palestinian Rafah.

This came during a phone call with Sigrid Kach, the United Nations Chief Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and Reconstruction in the Gaza Strip, on Tuesday.

During the call, Shukri attacked the Israeli side for its lack of commitment to protecting aid and ensuring that it reaches those who deserve it.

Shukri stressed the need for Israel to commit to facilitating the entry of aid and easing restrictions imposed on the movement of trucks at the crossings.

#Ahmed_Abu_Zeid #Egypt #Egyptian_Foreign_Minister #Gaza_Strip #humanitarian_aid #Israel #Palestine #Rafah #Sameh_Shukri #Security_Council #Sigrid_Kach #United_Nations
A medical source in the Egyptian city of Al-Arish announced on Thursday that 21 cancer patients had been evacuated from the Gaza Strip to Egypt via the Kerem Shalom crossing, for the first time since the crossing was closed in early May, when the Israeli army took control of the Palestinian side of it.

The source, who requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, told Agence France-Presse, “21 cancer patients arrived in Egyptian territory through the Kerem Shalom crossing for treatment in the Emirates.”

A World Health Organization official said on Tuesday that the closure of the Rafah crossing prevented the evacuation of at least two thousand patients and called for the reopening of the crossing and other roads, according to Reuters.
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#Egypt #gaza #Israel #Kerem_Shalom_Crossing #Palestine #Rafah #UAE
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The Financial Times reported on Friday that the United States invited the foreign ministers of Israel and a number of Arab countries to attend the NATO summit in Washington next month.

The newspaper quoted a NATO official as saying: “Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg invited the heads of state and government of all thirty-two allies, in addition to the leaders of our partners in the Indo-Pacific region.”

The United States invited the foreign ministers of as many as 31 countries that have partnerships with the alliance, including Japan, Australia, and South Korea, and among the Arab invitees were Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain.
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#Bahrain #Egypt #Israel #Jonathan_Lord #Jordan #Mark_Rutte #Middle_East #NATO #Qatar #Tunisia #UAE #United_States_of_America #Washington
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A plane loaded with Tunisian food aid weighing 14 tons arrived in Egyptian territory today, Friday, heading to the Gaza Strip.

The shipment was organized in joint cooperation between the Tunisian Red Crescent and its Egyptian counterpart, in addition to the Tunisian and Egyptian authorities.

Tunisia sent the first aid shipment to the Gaza Strip on October 15, 2023, and it included 12 tons of medical and health supplies, in addition to infant formula.

The United Nations estimates the humanitarian needs in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank at $1.2 billion until the end of 2023. This need includes food, medicine, water, sanitation, and electricity, and aims to meet the needs of the population of 2.1 million people in light of the Israeli attack on all facilities in the Strip.

#Egypt #Egyptian_Authorities #Egyptian_Red_Crescent #Gaza_War #Humanitarian_Aid_to_Gaza #Israel #Tunisia #Tunisian_Authorities #Tunisian_Red_Crescent #United_Nations
Trade exchange between Morocco and Israel witnessed a noticeable increase, as the volume of trade between the two countries reached $8.5 million last May, an increase of 124% compared to the same period last year.

According to the Moroccan newspaper “Hespress”, the total cumulative value of intra-regional trade during the first five months of this year reached $53.2 million, achieving a growth of 64% compared to 2023.

A report issued by the Abraham Accords Institute indicated that there is an upward trend in trade between Israel and Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt, and Qatar.
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#Abdel_Rahim_Azraoui #Abraham_Accords_Institute #Egypt #Israel #Israeli_Exports #Jordan #Mohamed_VI_University #Morocco #Qatar #Trade_Exchange #UAE
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Today, Saturday, the Israeli embassy in Belgrade witnessed an attack carried out by a gunman with a bow and arrow, which resulted in a policeman being seriously injured while the attacker was killed.

A statement issued by the Serbian Interior Minister, Ivica Dasic, explained that the policeman assigned to guard the embassy was able to respond to the attack by using his weapon, which led to the death of the attacker, while the policeman was injured in the neck by an arrow fired by the attacker.

The injured policeman was taken to the main emergency hospital in Belgrade, where he underwent surgery to remove the arrow.

Investigations are underway to uncover the circumstances of the attack and the possible motives behind it, while the security services continue to search for the identity of the attacker.

Israeli-Serbian relations were established on January 31, 1992, when Serbia was part of socialist Yugoslavia.

#Armed_Attack #Belgrade #Gaza_War #Israel #Serbia #Serbian_Police
Algeria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ammar Benjameh, called for the speedy provision of aid to northern Gaza, to avoid complete famine in the Strip.

In his speech during the UN Security Council meeting to discuss the issue of humanitarian aid access to Gaza, Ben Jama said, “Hunger and malnutrition have caused a catastrophic crisis in Gaza.”

He added, “To avoid complete famine in the Gaza Strip, we need to quickly secure the arrival of aid to the northern Gaza Strip.”

Bin Jama pointed out that, “In December, the Security Council adopted a resolution establishing a mechanism to manage the procedures for the arrival of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, but events and facts proved the inefficiency and effectiveness of this resolution.
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#Algeria #Algeria_News #gaza #humanitarian_aid #Israel #Security_Council #United_Nations
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The Israeli Ministry of Health announced the diagnosis of 153 cases of West Nile fever in the central region of Israel, while the death of 11 people due to the disease was recorded.

The Ministry and Environmental Protection asked citizens to exercise caution and protect themselves from possible mosquito bites, by drying stagnant water sources that are considered a habitat for mosquitoes, and following the instructions issued to help limit the spread of the virus.

West Nile fever is a viral disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes, causing symptoms such as fever, headache, and nausea, and in severe cases, it may lead to serious neurological complications.

Infections occur increasingly during the summer, when mosquito activity increases, so individuals are advised to avoid exposure to mosquitoes and use the necessary protective measures to avoid contracting the disease.
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#Deaths #Israel #Israeli_Ministry_of_Health #mosquitoes #West_Nile_Fever
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