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Arab and foreign countries condemned the bombing of the Iranian consulate by Israeli warplanes in the center of the Syrian capital Damascus, on Monday, killing 7 people, including diplomats.

In a statement, the Saudi Foreign Ministry expressed "Saudi Arabia's condemnation of the targeting of the Iranian consulate building in the Syrian capital Damascus," expressing "the Kingdom's categorical rejection of targeting diplomatic facilities for any justification, and under any pretext, which is a violation of international diplomatic laws and the rules of diplomatic immunity." The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it "expresses its condemnation of the targeting of the Iranian diplomatic mission in the Syrian capital Damascus," adding that "this attack represents a clear and flagrant violation of international law and Syrian sovereignty and warns of the danger of compromising the security of diplomatic missions that have diplomatic immunity under international laws.
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#Al_Khamenei #Damascus #Ebrahim_Raisi #Iran #Iranian_Consulate #Israel #Security_Council #Syria #United_States_of_America
Sudan’s Minister of Culture and Information, Graham Abdel Qader, on Tuesday issued a decision to suspend the work of a number of television channels operating in Sudan and broadcast from the UAE, after accusing them of not adhering to professionalism.

The decision included “Al-Arabiya”, “Al-Hadath” and “Sky News Arabia”, noting that these channels did not renew their licenses to practice media work.

The Sudan News Agency (SUNA) explained that this decision was based on the guidelines and requirements of professionalism in media work, and to promote the interest of the Sudanese citizen and his values.
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#abu_dhabi #Rapid_Support_Forces #Security_Council #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Media #UAE #United_Arab_Emirates #United_Nations
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The Russian frigate “Marshal Shaposhnikov” visited the coast of Eritrea at the invitation to participate in the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The frigate docked at the port of Massawa amid a welcome ceremony and in the presence of representatives of the local administration and the Eritrean navy.

The Pacific Fleet continued to dock for several days, after which the frigate continued to carry out its long-distance cruise schedule.

During the ship’s visit, a rich cultural and sports program was organized for the sailors, where the crew of the frigate visited important landmarks on tourist tours, and friendly sports matches were organized in honor of the sailors of the guest country.
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#Eritrea #Somalia #Asmar #Marshal_Shaposhnikov #Russia #Russian_Navy #Security_Council #United_Nations
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Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune received a phone call from his Palestinian counterpart, Mahmoud Abbas, where a meeting was arranged after Eid al-Fitr.

Abbas expressed, according to a statement issued by the Algerian presidency, his appreciation and thanks to Algeria for its continuous support for the Palestinian cause, especially after the recent UN resolution.

According to the statement, Tebboune stressed the firmness of his country’s positions and support for international efforts towards achieving the right and enabling the Palestinian people to regain their legitimate rights.

The two leaders agreed on a visit by the Palestinian president to Algeria after Eid al-Fitr, with the aim of strengthening bilateral cooperation and diplomatic exchange between the two countries.
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#Abdelmadjid_Tebboune #Algeria #Algeria_News #gaza #Mahmoud_Abbas #Palestine #Security_Council
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Iran’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Amir Saeed Irafani, said his country is ready to exercise its inalienable right to self-defense if Washington launches a military operation against Iran.

The Iranian representative said during a session of the UN Security Council held on Sunday the day after the unprecedented Iranian attack against Israel, that Iran “had no choice but to exercise its right to self-defense.”

“The Security Council has failed in its duty to maintain international peace and security” by failing to condemn the strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus on April 1, he said, noting that “under these circumstances, the Islamic Republic of Iran had no choice but to exercise its right to self-defense.
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#America #Iran #Iranian_Consulate #Israel #Palestine #Security_Council #Tehran #Washington
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The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Abdullah Batele, said that there is a deliberate refusal by the Libyan parties to hold elections, with a stubborn desire to postpone the elections to an unknown extent.


During his regular briefing to the UN Security Council on Tuesday, Battele said he had put forward proposals and initiatives as part of his attempts since calling on the five main parties in Libya to hold dialogue, settle outstanding issues and hold elections.

The UN representative pointed out that these proposals and attempts have only found opposition, stressing that these positions came due to a division on the world stage, which leads to the prolongation of the status quo, which threatens the region and the world.
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#Abdullah_Patel #Libya #Libyan_Elections #Security_Council #United_Nations
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UN envoy to Libya Abdallah Batelli announced his resignation, following a briefing to the Security Council in which he criticized Libya’s leaders, announcing the indefinite postponement of the Libyan reconciliation conference on April 28.


“There is no political solution in this country, which has been mired in civil conflict and political and security chaos since 2011,” Batelli said, adding that leaders in Libya put their personal interests above the needs of the country.

The UN envoy noted that the UN mission in Libya has made a lot of efforts during the past 18 months under his presidency, but “in recent months the situation has deteriorated,” denouncing “the lack of political will and goodwill of Libyan leaders who are happy with the current impasse.
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#Abdul_Hamid_Dbeibeh #Abdullah_Bathily #Libya #Libyan_National_Reconciliation_Conference #Osama_Hammad #Resignation #Security_Council #UN_Envoy_to_Libya #United_Nations
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Russia’s representative to the Security Council questioned the intentions of the United States to train a security apparatus in Libya, in a briefing to the Security Council session on the Libyan crisis.


The Russian representative, Dmitry Tretyakov, said in response to the intervention of the US representative to the United Nations regarding the Russian presence, “Let’s be clear, we acted against NATO operations in Libya, and we did not participate in the collapse of Libya,” adding, “We continue to maintain our communication with all Libyan parties and urge them to participate in dialogue.

The Russian delegate stressed that “the United States is increasing its presence in Libya, but blaming Russia, and that open sources confirm that there is an American company linked to the US Department of Defense that increases its presence in Libya and trains Libyan armed groups.”

“We have not seen the full formation of the Libyan National Army, and these exercises are carried out without state monitoring, and this raises many questions for the security apparatus trained by the United States,” the Russian representative said.
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#Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Crisis #NATO #Russia #Russian_Representative_to_the_Security_Council #Security_Council #United_States_of_America
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The Security Council held a meeting to discuss the situation in the Middle East, which included discussing the challenges faced by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees “UNRWA” in light of the Gaza war.

UNRWA Commissioner Philippe Lazzarini requested an independent investigation to protect Agency staff and other people arrested by Israeli forces in Gaza, as well as ill-treatment, including severe beatings and forced striptease .

During the session, Algeria announced its intention to make an exceptional financial contribution of $15 million to UNRWA.
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#Ahmed_Attaf #Algeria_News #China #Egypt #Gaza_War #Hamas #Jordan #Lebanon #Middle_East #Palestine #Russia #Saudi_Arabia #Security_Council #Syria #United_Nations #UNRWA #Vassily_Nebenzia
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Authorities in Benin have pledged 2,000 troops to participate in the multinational security support force to help the Republic of Haiti cope with the cycle of violence there.

According to Radio France Internationale on Tuesday, the move builds on the strong historical ties between Benin and Haiti, as the cultural and historical similarities and ties between the two countries are strong, especially thanks to voodoo (a syncretic religious doctrine rooted in West Africa and practiced in parts of the Caribbean, especially in Haiti and parts of the southern United States).

José Blea, who is in charge of President Patrice Talon’s mission for arts and culture in Benin, explained that “voodoo forms a strong bond between Benin and Haiti.
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#Bahamas #Bangladesh #Barbados #Benin_News #Chad #Haiti #Jamaica #José_Plia #Kenya #Multinational_Security_Support_Force #Patrice_Talon #Security_Council #Stephane_Dujarric #United_Nations #Voodoo_Religion
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The UN Security Council voted to extend the arms embargo on South Sudan despite appeals from the world’s newest country, the African Union, to lift or at least ease the restrictive measure.

The US-sponsored resolution received a minimum of nine “yes” votes in the 15-member council, with six countries abstaining from voting (Russia, China, Mozambique, Algeria, Sierra Leone and Guyana).

The resolution also extends the travel ban and asset freeze on South Sudan on the UN sanctions blacklist until May 31, 2025.

Deputy US Ambassador Robert Wood welcomed the adoption of the resolution, saying that extending the UN arms embargo “remains necessary to stop the unrestricted flow of weapons into a region teeming with guns.
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#Algeria #Arms_Embargo #China #Russia #Sanctions #Security_Council #South_Sudan #South_Sudan_News #United_States
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