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The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, warned that the possibility of the displacement of Gaza residents to Egypt would make resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible and cause a ‘terrible dilemma.’

Grandi said at the commission’s headquarters in Geneva: ‘We must do everything in our power to avoid such displacement of the people of Gaza.’

Grandi added: ‘Any further refugee crisis from Gaza to Egypt would make it impossible to resolve the issue of Palestinian refugees resulting from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.’

Grandi emphasized that the attack on Rafah might make the displacement of Gaza residents to Egypt ‘the only option available for their safety,’ stressing that this dilemma is unacceptable, and the primary responsibility to avoid it lies with Israel.
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#Egypt_News #Gaza_War #Hamas_Movement #Israel #Israeli_Army #Palestine #Rafah_City
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Egypt has strongly denied US press reports circulating in some newspapers about its circulation with Israel of military plans regarding the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

In a statement issued by the Egyptian Information Service affiliated with the presidency, its chairman, Diaa Rashwan, affirmed Egypt’s total rejection of any possible invasion of Rafah, warning of the catastrophic repercussions that may follow.

The statement pointed out that Egypt’s warnings were repeatedly addressed to the Israeli side regarding the dangers of the planned invasion of Rafah, while stressing the continuation of Egyptian efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement and the exchange of prisoners and detainees.
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#Egypt #gaza #Gaza_Strip #Israel #Rafah_City #Rafah_Invasion #War
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On the anniversary of the liberation of the Sinai Peninsula, Egyptian media highlighted what they said were “crimes committed by the Israeli army” during its occupation of Sinai, particularly in the Egyptian city of Rafah.

A report by the Egyptian newspaper “Al-Shorouk” revealed a series of bitter events that took place in the city of Rafah during the period of the Israeli occupation, between the war of setback, the war of liberation, displacement, and settlement dreams, leading to the joy of liberation and the exit of settlers.

The report pointed to Israeli plans to build a major settlement in Sinai with the aim of isolating the Gaza Strip from Egypt and explained that Israeli leader Ariel Sharon managed to displace about 5,000 Bedouins from the Rumailat tribes in 1972 in favor of building the Yamit settlement.
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#Ariel_Sharon #Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_history #Israel #Rafah_City #Sinai #Yamit_settlement
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US President Joe Biden has made shocking remarks about the bombs supplied by the United States to Israel, asserting that they were used to kill Palestinian civilians.

Biden added during an interview with CNN. The. “Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a result of these and other targeted population centers.”

Biden stressed that if Israel enters the city of Rafah, the United States will not provide it with weapons historically used to deal with this problem, noting that Israel will not get their support if it enters the population centers in Rafah.

“The United States will continue to provide defensive weapons to Israel, to make sure it is safe with respect to Iron Dome and its ability to respond to attacks that have recently been launched from the Middle East,” Biden said.

#Benjamin_Netanyahu #Gaza_War #Israel #Joe_Biden #Lloyd_Austin #Palestine_news #Rafah_City #United_States_of_America #US_Senate #Washington
The Israeli newspaper “Maariv” reported that Egyptian officials told the director of US intelligence, William Burns, that the United States must exert serious pressure on Israel in order to stop its operation in the city of Rafah, and return to serious negotiations, otherwise Cairo “will work to cancel the Camp David agreement.”

The Israeli newspaper pointed out that there is an escalation in the Egyptian media tone, demanding the cancellation of the agreement, which prompted senior Israeli officials to contact their Egyptian counterparts in order to know the nature, size, and scope of these demands.

Meanwhile, for the first time since the beginning of the war on Gaza, Egypt is asking aid truck drivers to evacuate the Rafah crossing area from the Egyptian side, while continuing to strengthen security measures there, which can be explained by fears of a security deterioration in the border area.

#Camp_David #Egypt #Egypt_News #gaza #Israel #Palestine #Rafah_City #Rafah_Crossing
Egyptian Defense Minister Mohamed Zaki said on Thursday that the Egyptian army is capable of confronting any challenges imposed on it, thanks to the strength and cohesion of the Egyptian people and their national leadership, as he put it.

Zaki stressed during the activities of a tactical training project for the Second Field Army that “Egypt has constants that it does not deviate from and does not take sides except in the interest of national security.”

The Minister of Defense stressed “the important and effective role played by Egypt in supporting the Palestinian cause throughout history.
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#Cairo #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Minister_of_Defense #Gaza_War #Hamas_Movement #Israel #Mohamed_Zaki #Palestine_news #Palestinian_Issue #Rafah_City #Rafah_Crossing #Sinai #Two_State_Solution
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Egypt welcomed the decision of the International Court of Justice to impose additional interim measures on Israel and its demand for an immediate cessation of military operations and any other measures in the Palestinian city of Rafah.

In a statement issued by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry on Friday, Egypt called on Israel to comply with its legal obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and international humanitarian law, and to implement all provisional measures issued by the International Court of Justice, which are legally binding and enforceable, as they are issued by the highest international judicial organ.

“Israel bears full legal responsibility for the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip as the occupying power,” the statement said.

In the statement, Egypt called on "Israel to stop its systematic policies against the Palestinian people, including targeting, starvation and siege in violation of all provisions of international law and international humanitarian law."
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#Egypt_News #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #Gaza_Strip #Gaza_War #International_Court_of_Justice #Israel #Palestine_news #Rafah_City #UN_Security_Council
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A high-ranking Egyptian source denied Israeli reports about the existence of tunnels under the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, following the Israeli army’s announcement of the destruction of a tunnel in the Rafah crossing area.

The Egyptian source told Cairo News Channel: “Israel is continuing its attempts to export lies about the conditions of its forces in Rafah to obscure its failure militarily and to get out of its political crisis.”

The source continued: “There is no truth to what the Israeli media reported about the existence of tunnels on the Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip, and these lies express the magnitude of the crisis facing the Israeli government.
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#Daniel_Hagari #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Border #Gaza_Strip #Gaza_War #Hamas_Movement #Israel #Israeli_Army #Palestine_news #Philadelphia_Axis #Rafah_City #Rafah_Crossing #Rafah_Invasion #Tunnels
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