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France’s administrative court on Tuesday overturned a deportation order for an Algerian woman who grew up in the north of the country, citing her “desire to integrate into French society”.

A court statement said it had revoked a deportation order to Algeria against the woman, who is of Algerian origin who grew up in the north of the country before leaving with her family for Syria when she was a minor, out of her desire to integrate into France’s social and professional communities.

The 25-year-old’s family includes 23 members who joined ISIS, but no formal charges have been brought against her, the Lille Administrative Court said in its May 3 ruling.

#Algeria #Algerian_Woman #France_News #French_Administrative_Court #ISIS #Lille #Syria
On Tuesday, Turkish authorities arrested eight people in a security operation targeting the terrorist organization “ISIS” in six provinces, where the operation was concentrated in the state of Şanlıurfa.

On the instructions of the Prosecutor’s Office, the teams of the Directorate of the Anti-Terrorism Branch of the Şanlıurfa Gendarmerie Command have begun work to detect terrorist organizations and arrest their members.

After the security authorities identified the addresses where the people were suspected, eight people believed to be members of the Islamic State were arrested in simultaneous operations that included several provinces, including Istanbul, Mersin, Konya, Sakarya and Bolu.

During the address search, 10 digital items were seized, according to data from the Anti-Terrorism Branch Directorate teams.

This comes in the context of the Turkish government's ongoing efforts to combat terrorism, as the Turkish Interior Minister, Ali Yerlikaya, announced on the first of this month the arrest of 41 people suspected of belonging to the "ISIS" organization in a large-scale security operation that included 12 states.

#Ali_Kaya #Bolu #Counterterrorism #ISIS #ISIS_Organization #Istanbul #Konya #Mersin #Sakarya #Sanliurfa #Security_Operation #Turkey #Turkey_News #Turkish_Ministry_of_Interior
Morocco’s National Human Rights Council, through its President Amina Bouayach, announced that Somalia has agreed to transfer six Moroccan nationals convicted on charges related to their links to ISIS.

Bouayach confirmed that this agreement will allow those sentenced to serve their sentences in Morocco, after they were convicted to death last February by a Somali military court.

Bouayach made this statement on the sidelines of a seminar dedicated to the Council's international relations organized within the framework of the 29th International Book and Publishing Fair.

Bouayach pointed to the joint efforts between Moroccan NGOs and official authorities to rescue and repatriate sentenced Moroccan citizens in Somalia, reflecting solidarity and concern for human rights and justice.

Several other Moroccan NGOs have mobilized their efforts by calling on the kingdom's official authorities to rescue and repatriate the six Moroccan nationals sentenced to death on February 29th by a military court in northern Somalia on terrorism-related charges.

#Somalia #Execution #ISIS #Islamic_State #Morocco #National_Council_for_Human_Rights #Spain
The UN Security Council has imposed sanctions on three “al-Shabaab” leaders at the request of the Somali government, in an important step to combat terrorism.

The decision, issued on Thursday, included sanctions against three individuals identified as key figures in the organization, Abdelkader Ekrema, Mohamed Mahmoud Mir and Mohamed Omar Mohamed, and sanctions imposed on the three individuals include asset freezes and travel bans.

Somalia has been plagued by insecurity for years, with the main threats emanating from al-Shabaab and other terrorist groups such as ISIS.

In a horrific incident on Wednesday, the capital Mogadishu shot and killed Ibrahim Abdi Abdirahman, a member of parliament from Somalia’s southwestern regional state.
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#Abdiasis_Hassan_Mohamed_Laftagaren #Al_Shabaab #Counterterrorism #Ibrahim_Abdi_Abdirahman #ISIS #Mogadishu #Sanctions #Somali_Government #Somalia_News #Southwest_State_of_Somalia #UN_Security_Council
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Burkina Faso announced the extension of the rule of the ruling military junta for another five years, according to a new charter approved by the participants in the national dialogue yesterday, Saturday.

This charter sets the transitional period to democracy at 60 months, starting next July. The charter also allows the interim leader of Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traoré, to run for the presidency when elections are held.

The authorities have made it clear that security considerations will be the priority, with the possibility of holding elections sooner if the security situation allows.

Ibrahim Traoré, who currently holds the position of interim leader of Burkina Faso, is known for his advanced military career, as he joined the Burkina Faso army in 2009. During his career, he received training in the Air Defense Forces in Morocco, participated in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Mali, and also played a role in... Operations against the jihadist insurgency in Burkina Faso and was promoted to the rank of captain in 2020.

Traoré has become a symbol of change in Burkina Faso and shows a move towards reviewing the country's international relations, including relations with France and rapprochement with Russia.

#Al_Qaeda #Burkina_Faso #Burkina_Faso_News #Ibrahim_Traore #ISIS
The Nigerien National Army announced the start of military exercises to combat terrorism, with the participation of the armies of the Sahel countries (Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso), in addition to the armies of Chad and Togo, which the statement described as “two friendly countries.”

The statement, issued the day before yesterday, Saturday, indicated that the maneuvers are taking place under the name “Tarhna Kali,” which is a term from the “Tamasheq” language spoken by the Tuareg in the Sahara region, and means “love of the homeland.
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#Al_Qaeda #Anti_Terrorism #Burkina_Faso #Chad #Coalition_of_Sahel_Countries #ISIS #Military_Exercises #Niger #Niger_News #Nigerian_National_Army #Nigerian_Special_Forces #Tarehna_Kali #Tilia_City #Togo
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The mayor of Bankass in Mali announced yesterday, Sunday, that 20 civilians were killed in an attack that took place last Saturday on a village in the Mopti region in the center of the country.

According to the mayor, the attack targeted a village in the Bankass District, an area suffering from the activity of extremist groups linked to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.

He explained that unidentified gunmen attacked the villagers as they were heading to work in the fields, noting that the authorities counted 19 dead the day before yesterday, but the final number exceeded 20.
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#Al_Qaeda_Organization #Armed_Attack #Bandiagara_village #Bankass_municipality #ISIS #Mopti_region #Terrorism
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Armed men attacked the village of Munya in central Nigeria, killing at least 8 people and kidnapping about 150 others, local authorities announced Monday evening.

The head of the local authority, Aminu Abdul Hamid Njomi, said that gunmen on motorcycles attacked the village, killed eight people, and kidnapped about 150 other villagers, noting that among the eight dead were 4 villagers and 4 guards belonging to the local self-defense forces.

Nigeria, a country that is frequently exposed to this type of criminal and terrorist attacks, is witnessing mass kidnappings for the purpose of obtaining ransom in several states, including the northern, western and central states.
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#Boko_Haram #ISIS #kidnapping_incidents #mass_kidnapping #Monya #Niger #terrorist_incidents #United_Nations
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The Malian army announced the killing of five of its soldiers while repelling an attack carried out by militants linked to “Al-Qaeda” in the west of the country.

The army explained in a statement that the attack targeted a military site in the village of Mordia Gharbia, about 200 kilometers north of the capital, Bamako.

The statement stated that fighters from the “Supporting Islam and Muslims” group, which is linked to Al-Qaeda, carried out the attack using two suicide vehicles and fired shells at the military site.

The statement added that the Malian armed forces were able to repel the attack and inflicted “heavy losses in lives and property,” stressing that “a large number of terrorists were neutralized, and dozens wounded.
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#Al_Qaeda #Bamako #Combating_Terrorism #Group_for_the_Support_of_Islam_and_Muslims #ISIS #Mali_Army #Mali_News #Mordi_Village
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Members of the terrorist organization “ISIS” killed 30 fishermen in a retaliatory operation against the Nigerian army in Borno State in northeastern Nigeria.

According to “Europe 1” Radio, ISIS fighters launched an attack on the islands of Borno State last Sunday and Monday, where they detained fishermen and then shot them.

Although there was no official statement issued by the Nigerian army about the attack, informed sources confirmed that this attack came as a response to the air strikes carried out by the army against “ISIS” camps in Nigeria, according to the radio.

The groups “Boko Haram” and “ISIS” in West Africa are known for launching frequent attacks on farmers, loggers, herders and hunters, whom they accuse of providing the army with information about their locations and movements.

#Armed_Attack #Boko_Haram #Borno_State_Islands #ISIS #Nigeria #Nigeria_News #Nigerian_Army #Poachers #West_Africa