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Sudanese Army Commander Abdel Fattah al-Burhan emphasized the necessity of reassessing the tasks and armament of the mobilized fighters who are fighting alongside the army against the Rapid Support Forces.

In his recent statements, he pointed to equipping the army with full combat equipment to confront current challenges.

These statements come in the aftermath of the war that erupted between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces in April of last year. At that time, the army leadership called on citizens to engage in combat within the ranks of the army. As the conflict intensified, especially after the Rapid Support Forces seized control of the Gezira State and its capital Wad Madani in December last year.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Al_Metemma #Gezira_State #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #Wad_Madani
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The World Health Organization has announced the collapse of the healthcare system in Sudan, particularly in hard-to-reach areas where health facilities have been destroyed or looted.

The World Health Organization spokesperson Christian Lindmeier noted that only 20% to 30% of health facilities are operating at minimum capacity, suffering from shortages of healthcare workers, supplies, vaccines, medicines, and equipment.

Lindmeier stated that medical supplies in Sudan cover only 25% of the needs, and access to The World Health Organization warehouse in Al Jazirah state has been cut off since December 2023. Some states, such as Darfur, have not received medical supplies throughout the past year.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Cholera #Christian_Lindmeier #Darfur_Region #dengue_fever #malaria #Measles #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan_Health_care_System #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #World_Health_Organization
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The battles in the Al-Fasher area of North Darfur state have begun to take their large share of lives and destruction, with 123 people killed during the past two weeks.

Many displaced people took refuge in areas controlled by the Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Abdel Wahid Nour, in light of the continuing clashes.

Doctors Without Borders confirmed in a statement on Sunday that a member of its team was killed as a result of the artillery shelling that targeted his house in the center of El Fasher, the state capital.

According to its estimates, the death toll has reached 123 people, with more than 930 injured as a result of fighting in the city over the past two weeks.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Armed_Clashes #El_Fasher_State #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #Violent_Clashes
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Clashes escalated in the Bahri area in the capital, Khartoum, and the city of El Fasher in Darfur, where the Sudanese army announced, on Monday, the control of a number of neighborhoods.

In a statement issued by it, the Sudanese army affirmed its commitment to the rules of engagement and maintaining the state’s infrastructure.

According to Sudanese army spokesman Brigadier General Nabil Abdullah, the forces are targeting legitimate military targets where there are camps and positions of the Rapid Support Forces.

On the other hand, local sources in El Fasher reported ongoing clashes, resulting in a number of casualties, the displacement of thousands of people, and the destruction of several properties in the city.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Darfur #El_Fasher_State #Hemedti #Khartoum_State #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army
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The founding conference of civil democratic forces, “Taqaddam,” received great local and international attendance and interest, and was described as a good beginning for unifying the civil front and stopping the war in Sudan.

On Monday, the founding conference of the “Taqaddum” coordination was launched in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, under the slogan “Our unity creates peace,” with the participation of more than 600 people from inside and outside Sudan, representing political forces, civil society organizations, professional sectors, civil administrations, and Sufi orders, as witnessed. A large international presence.
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#Abdul_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Abdullah_Hamdok #Addis_Ababa #Asma_Mahmoud_Muhammad_Taha #Hadi_Idris #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #Siddiq_Al_Sadiq_Al_Mahdi #Sudan_News #Sudan_War #Sudanese_Advance_Coordination #Sudanese_Army
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The bloody battles in Sudan between the army and the Rapid Support Forces have begun to raise international and humanitarian concerns, as the World Health Organization has warned of an increasingly deteriorating humanitarian situation.

The organization’s Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, confirmed that civilians and relief workers are suffering under the weight of the ongoing violence, which puts their lives in danger.

He also stressed the need to protect civilians and health and relief workers, calling for peace in the country.

In a related context, the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs denounced the use by the leaders of the Rapid Support Forces of the Health Organization’s uniform, demanding that the organization clarify the circumstances of the incident and issue a clear condemnation of it.

At the same time, the International Committee of the Red Cross called on the warring parties in the city of El Fasher, North Darfur State, to protect civilians, stressing the importance of avoiding the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Al_Fasher #Darfur #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #World_Health_Organization
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Sudan’s oil sector is on the verge of collapse after more than 13 months of war, with oil facilities exposed to severe damage as a result of sabotage and violent attacks.

The Rapid Support Forces transferred the war from the fronts to the oil fields in the Darfur and Kordofan regions, which led to the closure of production fields and the cessation of the main refinery in northern Khartoum.

The Minister of Energy and Oil, Mohieddin Mohamed Saeed, confirmed that the cost of rehabilitating the destroyed oil sector is estimated at about 5 billion dollars, and the destruction of oil facilities during the war led to a significant decline in production, causing the loss of about 7 million barrels of oil.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Al_Jili_Refinery #Darfur #Khartoum #Kordofan #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #South_Sudan #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #Sudanese_Oil #Sudanese_Oil_Sector
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Health authorities in Sudan said that 20 tons of medicines were delivered to North Darfur state via airdrop.

This operation was carried out in cooperation with the armed forces and the state government, with the aim of confronting the worsening health crisis in light of the ongoing clashes in the region.

Since May 10, the city of El Fasher has witnessed violent clashes between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, which has led to a deterioration in the humanitarian and health situation in the region.

The Sudanese Minister of Health, Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim, confirmed in a press statement that providing medical services to citizens is considered one of the government’s priorities.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Burhan #Airdrop #Al_Fasher_City #Haitham_Mohamed_Ibrahim #Health_Authorities_in_Sudan #Hemedti #Medicines #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #North_Darfur_State #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan_News #Sudan_War #Sudanese_Army
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Media sources confirmed the continuation of violent clashes between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces since dawn today in the Jabra area, south of the capital, Khartoum, as well as in the city of Omdurman.

According to the sources, the army used heavy artillery to repel the advance of the Rapid Support Forces, which led to heavy losses of life and equipment for these forces.

Developments in the situation indicate that the army succeeded in regaining control over several strategic points that were occupied by the Rapid Support Forces in Jabra.

The sources reported that the army launched continuous artillery attacks since the morning on Rapid Support Forces concentrations in various neighborhoods of the city of Omdurman, targeting in particular the Umm Baddah area and Souq Libya.
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#Khartoum #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Omdurman #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #War_in_Sudan #Yasser_Al_Atta
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The UAE has directed 70% of its pledge of humanitarian support to Sudan to United Nations agencies and humanitarian and relief organizations, according to the Gulf country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement, on Monday, that “support will go to the main partners from the United Nations agencies, including the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the World Food Program, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Food and Agriculture Organization, and the World Health Organization.”

This support ensures a comprehensive approach to address the humanitarian crisis and limit the worsening famine in Sudan, according to the UAE statement.
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#Food_and_Agriculture_Organization #Mohamed_Hamdan_Dagalo #Rapid_Support_Forces #Sudan_News #Sudan_War #Sudanese_Army #UAE_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #UAE_News #UNHCR #United_Nations #World_Food_Program #World_Health_Organization
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