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🏺📿 It isn’t often that a generation lives through a systemic breakdown crisis.

While many shallower minds are quick to lay blame to the cause of their troubles on a convenient scapegoat, the fact is that these sorts of systemic collapses take time and the root causes are to be found in something both more universal and more subjective.

Many generations of bad ideas must be embraced without self-criticism or correction before a foolish society unwilling to break from popular delusions faces the consequence of their folly.

💬 Matthew Ehret @CanadianPatriotPress writes

#Christianity #Crisis #History #Religion #RomanEmpire

The idea that anti-republican John Locke inspired the founding of the USA has been a strategic myth which has kept generations of Americans from understanding their own moral roots.

💡 This is the 2nd of a five part series by Matthew Ehret @CanadianPatriotPress. Part one ‘On the Cult of Aristotle’ which introduces the two opposing currents of ‘western thought’ leading up to Kepler’s “banning Aristotle from Christendom” can be accessed here.

#history #science #society

⚖️ Whether we review the growth of eugenics or even the growth of modern ecologism and transhumanism out of cybernetics, the seeds of Aristotle’s oligarchical cosmology can be felt viscerally.

💡 In part three of this series, we were introduced to the growth of modern liberalism and Malthusianism as the outgrowth of the core fundamental axioms contained in Newton and Locke’s philosophical descriptive systems of mankind and the universe. We explored some of the leading voices who resisted this liberal Malthusian paradigm of social engineering with particular attention paid to the figure of Abraham Lincoln’s trusted advisor Henry C. Carey.

We ended that section by discussing a new innovative adaptation which Malthusianism and Newtonian mechanics took in the late 19th century under the label of “Entropy”- also known as “the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics”. This system was popularized by a mathematician named Rudolph Clausius and based itself on a sleight of hand that took the obvious properties of heat powered machines made by humans which necessarily tended towards heat death over time, and extended these properties to the entire universe. The outgrowth of the social application of this dismal theory of a dying universe took the form of a neo-Malthusianism called eugenics.

A leading high priest of both eugenics and entropy who took these systems to new heights during he 20th century was a man named Bertrand Russell (1872-1970).

💬 Read more by Matthew Ehret @CanadianPatriotPress

#history #society #science #transhumanism

🌌 In our last installment of this series, we explored the evolution of a bad idea known as eugenics throughout the 20th century following its transformation into new clothing after World War II which called itself “transhumanism”.

This new “science” danced with another bad idea masquerading as a “universal law” which was called “entropy” and found its champions among an array of social engineers who were committed to a static faith in a dying universe managed by an impotent and irrational God who was made in their own image. The practical application of this entropic science of population control took the form of a system dubbed “cybernetics” founded by an apostle of Bertrand Russell named Norbert Wiener- both of whom attempted to appropriate the name of Gottfried Leibniz (founder of calculus, binary language and computing machines) as a new god head within their new Church.

As we saw in 
part 2, Leibniz ironically stood in opposition to everything which this new death cult represented.

In this final segment of his series, Matthew Ehret @CanadianPatriotPress gives the last word to several leading scientists who took a stand in our modern age against the rise of the cult of darkness.

#History #Religion #Science #Society #Vernadsky

🇺🇦 Since the onset of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine in February this year, there has been an upsurge of interest in Ukrainian history.

And in the midst of a conflict over national sovereignty, there has been an upsurge of interest in simplistic versions of Ukrainian history. But the history here is very complicated.

Ukrainian nationalists have presented a distorted history of Ukraine ✂️

💬 By Katya Sedgwik

#Ukraine #History #Nationalism

💭 In our attempts at understanding such people who view themselves as the natural ‘ruling elite’, it is important that we never take a literal approach in our attempts to understand their desires and thus their motives.

📇 Read the second installment from one of the chapters from a book by Cynthia Chung, titled “The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set: The Birth of International Fascism and Anglo-American Foreign Policy”. The book will be made freely available as a three part series published via SCF.

#Democracy #Fascism #History #Society #Sociology

@strategic_culture 🤝 @CanadianPatriotPress
⚔️⭐️ The Stalingrad Battle

February 2, 2023 marked the 80th anniversary of the end of the greatest, longest, most bloody battle in human history: It was a struggle that destroyed the previously invincible spearhead of the Nazi war machine which had conquered all of Europe in only three years and seemed about to conquer the world. Let us re-post our infographic from 2020 on the Stalingrad battle.

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#sc_infographic #Stalingrad #February2 #history

🇵🇱 In a letter of support, historians and scholars worldwide said that the Polish attack on Holocaust scholar Prof. Barbara Engelking harmed the attempt ‘to understand the processes that allowed the Holocaust to take place’.

Two hundred historians, including senior Holocaust scholars from Israel and around the globe, signed a letter in support of Prof. Barbara Engelking, a Polish historian who has been under attack in her homeland after she said the Poles did not do enough to help Jews during the Shoah.

“We, the undersigned scholars of the Holocaust Era, the Second World War, and Modern and Jewish History, express our firm support for Professor Barbara Engelking and for academic freedom, in the face of an unbridled and unfounded attack by politicians, media, and other public figures …

We can attest to the fact that she is a scholar of impeccable personal and professional integrity. Her scholarship adheres to the highest academic standards, for which she has earned worldwide esteem,”
the historians wrote.

💬 Read more by Ofer Aderet

#Holocaust #Poland #Israel #history #WW2

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💬 Aleksander Kwasniewski, former Polish president:

Discussing crimes committed by members of one’s own nation is never easy. Israeli universities are honoring two outstanding Poles who explore Polish crimes against Jews in WWII. Learning the truth would strengthen Poland, too.

#Holocaust #Poland #Israel #history #WW2

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🎬 Toward the end of World War Two, the U.S. leadership had plans to use their newly developed atomic weapon not against Nazi Germany or Japan, but rather primarily to destroy the Soviet Union. A new documentary film, A Compassionate Spy, tells how that abomination against world peace was prevented.

In this interview, award-winning journalist Dave Lindorff who co-produced the movie reveals the background and nerve-racking details of this little-known spy story.

Dave Lindorff’s film, A Compassionate Spy, explains much of why the world is facing an abysmal situation today. But through a proper understanding that it provides there could be a peaceful way forward.

▶️ Watch the interview

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#Holocaust #spying #history #WW2

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🇺🇦 The Ukrainians, like the Third Reich’s Germans before them, have been led up the garden path and have died in droves for Bandera’s big fat nothing 💢

Because there is nothing funny or poetic about Ukraine’s current carnage, those most implicated in it should ponder on how these rivers of blood can be stemmed both now and in the future. One such tourniquet involves abandoning our tin gods and their feet of clay.

Because getting our heads around Stepan Bandera, the man, the myth and the political force is no easy task, we will begin our journey at Upper Silesia’s Bismarck Tower, make a detour through the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and South Tyrone and then work our way back to the blasphemy that is MI6 agent Zelensky’s rump Ukrainian Reich.

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#Bandera #Ukraine #history

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🇫🇮 As public support for Ukraine has waned over time, and Washington’s policy elites are shifting their focus more toward the conflict in Gaza, an endgame for Ukraine is desperately needed. U.S. and European officials have reportedly broached the issue of possible peace negotiations with their Ukrainian counterparts. This begs the question: What could a peace treaty between Kyiv and Moscow look like? One historical instance stands out among many as a potential model for how the Russo-Ukrainian War could end.

The “Winter War,” or the Soviet-Finnish War that took place from November 1939 to March 1940 (and was renewed by the Finns as allies of Germany between June 1941 and September 1944), has drawn some comparisons with the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. After Finland rejected an ultimatum to concede a considerable portion of its territory and the Soviet signing of the 1939 Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Joseph Stalin’s Red Army invaded Finland to install a puppet Communist Finnish government and eliminate a potentially hostile presence near the Soviet Union’s second city and only Baltic port of Leningrad.

Similar to the initial phase of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Soviet officials predicted that Helsinki would fall to Soviet troops in as little as three days. However, despite the Soviets outnumbering the Finns in soldiers by three to one, Helsinki succeeded in holding off the Red Army for more than three months, inflicting extremely heavy casualties on the invading forces.

Though Finland was eventually defeated and forced to concede about 11 percent of its territory, the Finns scored a moral victory. It is widely considered that the grit and courage of Finland’s resistance convinced Stalin that incorporating Finland into the Soviet Union or turning it into a Communist client state like Poland would be more trouble than it was worth. This also contributed to Stalin’s eventual agreement to sign a peace treaty with Finland in 1944 in return for a small amount of additional territory and a commitment on Helsinki’s part to neutrality. Finland thus became the only part of the former Russian Empire that was not reincorporated into the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin.

Helsinki had to sacrifice territory for autonomy, but its pride and prosperity soared 🏄

💬 Read more by Anatol Lieven and Alex Little

#Finland #Russia #USSR #history #Ukraine #war

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🇷🇺 A Geography of Russia’s Military Honour

The Days of Military Honour are special memorable dates in the Russian Armed Forces dedicated to the most outstanding victories won by Russia. This infographic shows the geography of Russia’s military honour.

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🇷🇺📆 A Timeline of Russia’s Military Honour

The Days of Military Honour are special memorable dates in the Russian Armed Forces dedicated to the most outstanding victories won by Russia. This infographic shows the timeline of Russia’s military honour.

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📍 A Geography of Russia’s Military Honour

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