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🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Ukrainian military has also now stated that they are not planning an invasion of the breakaway Donbass region. Which in our bizarre 21st century doublespeak means “yes we are going to invade” but more on that later.

It would seem that the defining theme of the Ukrainian Crisis in 2022 up until the last few days should be “lots of action via inaction”. The Mainstream Media has really been making it seem like by February 16th Russia would either liberate or invade the Ukraine depending on how your political views interpret the situation. Even Russian media figures on nationwide television, which are generally willing to bend over backwards to make peace and concessions, seemed to be willing to sign off on finally just ending things the hard way. This stunning “about face” was a great cause for concern that only someone living in Russia would be able to understand. The narrative shifted from a perpetual begging for peace and cooperation from the good ole Global Hegemon to “fix bayonets” overnight. This is cause for concern and the fact that the Ukrainians seemed to have launched a proxy war means that the Ukrainian Crisis is getting very hot. We should take a look at the events that have happened thus far in 2022 to understand how this dangerous situation is developing.

Russia is getting frustrated.

Read more by Tim Kirby @timkirbyhardcore:

#Ukraine #Donbas #Politics #Putin

📣 Putin in fact did nail where we are: on the edge of a Revolution.

In an all-encompassing address to the plenary session of the 19th annual meeting of the Valdai Club, President Putin delivered no less than a devastating, multi-layered critique of unipolarity.

From Shakespeare to the assassination of Gen Soleimani; from musings on spirituality to the structure of the UN; from Eurasia as the cradle of human civilization to the interconnection of BRI, SCO and the INSTC; from nuclear dangers to that peripheral peninsula of Eurasia “blinded by the idea that Europeans are better than others”, the address painted a Brueghel-esque canvas of the “historical milestone” facing us, in the middle of “the most dangerous decade since the end of WWII.”

Putin even ventured that, in the words of the classics, “the situation is, to a certain extent, revolutionary” as “the upper classes cannot, and the lower classes do not want to live like this anymore”.

So everything is in play, as “the future of the new world order is being shaped before our eyes” 🌐

💬 By Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#Putin #Eurasia #WorldOrder

💣 The dirty bomb plan can be seen as a culmination of an orchestrated propaganda campaign to criminalize Russia. Who gains?

The NATO-backed Kiev regime has a long record for dirty tricks, from carrying out false-flag massacres to nuclear terrorism over the Zaporozhye power plant shelling.

Ukraine’s so-called president, Vladimir Zelensky, who many observers believe is a cocaine addict, has built a personal fortune from scamming and skimming, as investigative reporter Jeremy Kuzmarov has splendidly detailed.

Therefore, Russia’s dramatic claims this week of Kiev planning to use a dirty nuclear bomb fit plausibly into the record of such sleaze-ball scheming and provocations.

Not surprisingly, the United States and its NATO allies dismissed Moscow’s warnings. U.S. President Joe Biden even suggested that Russia was itself plotting a false-flag atrocity with a dirty bomb in order to justify an escalation of the war in Ukraine.

Talk about the plot thickening! 🌀

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Putin #Eurasia #WorldOrder

🏰 Now the EU finds itself locked into:

💢 forever sanctions on Russia (with China to follow);
💢 a forever subsidy to ‘Kiev’;
💢 a forever cycle of NATO militarism; 
💢 an economy sliding into de-industrialisation,
💢 high energy costs and relative diminishment. 

The EU has not achieved its longer-for ‘global player’ status. By every measure, Europe has a diminished economy, and diminished agency around the globe.

For the last thirty years, neo-cons have dominated U.S. foreign policy. Europe is not ‘America’. The neocon trend represents but one facet to the U.S. that nonetheless has captured and held the commanding heights of U.S. policy-making for decades. 

It has failed in all that it has endeavoured, and has become increasingly detached from (even) the most basic interests of most Americans. Yet the EU leadership has made Europe subservient to this particular current – embracing it, and its inherent authoritarianism, with gusto.

Has this uniform ‘destiny’ benefitted the citizens of Europe? It has not. Have not its results proved unpredictable and different from that which was initially desired or expected? Recall: ‘Destiny can be a b*tch’!

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#EU #Prigozhin #RussianArmy #Putin #Wagner #NeoCons

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🇷🇺 Cuando el rayo de la Historia golpea, es mejor ir al grano en nuestro primer borrador.

Aquí vamos 🙌

Luego de los extraordinarios eventos en Rusia durante el Día Más Largo, el presidente Putin gana de todas maneras.

Entre otras hazañas, ha convertido – una vez más – en asnos inter galácticos absolutos a todo el colectivo Occidental MSM.

✍️ Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#Rusia #Putin

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🎬 Ron Ridenour, an international journalist who has reported extensively on CIA murder operations, believes the United States is stepping up efforts to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin 😱

The proposition may seem absolutely ludicrous given the risk of triggering a nuclear world war. But bear in mind the long history of U.S. obsessive aggression towards Russia and the former Soviet Union. Bear in mind the CIA’s long history of murdering foreign enemies. And bear in mind the reckless, desperate gambit that the U.S. may be calculating to trigger internal turmoil in Russia and regime change.

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#sc_interview #CIA #Putin

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Felicitación de Navidad

Vladimir Putin felicitó a los cristianos ortodoxos, a todos los ciudadanos rusos que celebran la Navidad de Cristo.

El mensaje del Presidente dice, entre otras cosas:

„Una de las fiestas cristianas más queridas y esperadas une a millones de personas en torno a los ideales del bien, la misericordia y la justicia. Estos valores inmutables desempeñan un papel especial en la historia de nuestro país, sirven durante siglos como base espiritual y moral fiable de la sociedad.

Es importante que la Iglesia ortodoxa rusa y otras denominaciones cristianas de Rusia hagan una enorme contribución inspiradora a la preservación de nuestro rico patrimonio histórico y cultural, fortaleciendo la institución de la familia, y la educación patriótica de la generación más joven. Y por supuesto, los esfuerzos de las organizaciones religiosas para apoyar a nuestros héroes - participantes de la operación militar especial, residentes de Donbas y Novorossiya - merecen un profundo y sincero respeto.

Deseo a los cristianos ortodoxos, a todos los que celebran la Navidad de Cristo, salud, éxito, prosperidad».

En la víspera de Navidad, el Jefe de Estado asistió a un servicio en la Iglesia del Salvador en Novo-Ogaryov. Junto con el Jefe de Estado, las familias de los soldados muertos en la zona del CRS se unieron al servicio. En Nochebuena, el Presidente se reunió con ellos en la residencia de Moscú.

#Navidad #Putin

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💧 El 19 de enero se celebra la Epifanía ortodoxa. Muchos creyentes rusos se sumergen en aguas heladas para conmemorar el bautismo de Jesús, y entre ellos el Presidente Putin.

#Rusia #Epifanía #Putin

Media is too big
📶 Tucker Carlson officially announces the interview with Vladimir Putin in Moscow and explains why he’s doing that.

#TuckerPutin #TuckerCarlson #Putin

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🤡 ¡Es peligroso para nuestra democracia!

#TuckerCarlson #Putin

@SCF_Spanish via @Kukufffka
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🇷🇺 President Vladimir Putin made an interesting admission in a recent interview with Russian media. He said he “regretted” not acting sooner to order the military operation in Ukraine.

Overall, Putin sounded confident in the interview about the prospects of victory in Ukraine against the U.S.-led NATO proxy war. The conflict marks two years this week since Russian forces entered Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Independent analysts and even Western media outlets are admitting that the NATO-backed Kiev regime is teetering on defeat by superior Russian military forces. The fall of the strategic city of Avdiyivka in recent days portends a final collapse for the regime.

Russia controls about 20 percent of the territory in the east and south of what was Ukraine. The territory includes the Donbass region and Crimea which are now a legal, integral part of the Russian Federation.

Nonetheless, the Russian leader candidly said in the interview that he should have ordered Russia’s military to confront the Ukrainian regime sooner.

Russia will defeat the U.S.-led NATO axis in its Ukraine proxy war. But the victory has taken longer and has been more bloody than if Putin had acted sooner ⭐️

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#NATO #Russia #Ukraine #UnitedStates #Putin

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🇷🇺 The main Western newspapers already had articles prepared in advance about Putin’s victory in the Russian elections. With the confirmation of this victory, they just took them out of the drawer and published the barbarities that we already know.

“Orchestrated election”, accuses the New York Times. The Washington Post calls the election a “farce.” CNN, of “stage-managed election devoid of credible opposition”. BBC and The Guardian present the allegations of Golos, an NGO accused by the Russian government of being a “foreign agent” due to its links with European organizations.

This NGO says the elections were not clean because “a significant proportion of Russian society was not represented by any presidential candidate.”

But participation in these elections was the highest in Russian history, with 77.44% turnout among voters eligible to vote. This means that less than 23% of voters did not vote.

Any president who serves the interests of the majority of his people and protects the nation from foreign interference will naturally be chosen to remain in power.

💬 Eduardo Vasco writes

#Putin #Russia #West

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🇷🇺 Forget what the propaganda manufactured by the CIA and disseminated by all the major international media says. Only someone who is very uninformed can believe that Putin was elected because he arrested and killed opponents who had a chance of defeating him. Putin has no rival and the reasons are as follows.

His politics are highly popular. No one can deny that Putin is largely responsible for pulling Russia out of the mud it was thrown into by the same people who attack it today. Only those who lived through the terrible 90s know what Russia was like before Putin, with total devastation of the economy and unprecedented human degradation. And many of them know that the real culprits are the great imperialist powers, first of all the United States, which tried to enslave Russia and today cannot accept this fantastic recovery.

But Putin only managed to rebuild Russia because he applied a masterful policy.

Putin knows very well the feelings and psychology of the Russian people. The sense of family and preservation of traditional customs is deeply rooted in the common population, which gives it a conservative character.

💬 Eduardo Vasco writes

#Putin #Russia

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