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📣🐉 Whether we are looking at religious sects masquerading as Christian or Muslim fronts, or Asian scientology-esque Falun Gong cults Xi Jinping has some messy problems to deal with both within China and abroad.

In part one, we were introduced to China’s surveillance state and broader social credit system and asked: Is this type of undemocratic behaviour justified in the modern world?

If the west were truly a beacon of liberty and if nation states were the only forces negotiating global policy between each other acting out of a concern for their citizens’ well being, and national interests then certainly the answer would be a loud negative.

However, when one accepts the reality of a supranational power structure operating above nation states committed to a specific dystopic formula for a world order, then the picture changes a bit. Read more by Matthew Ehret 👇

#China #history #colonialism #propaganda #religion

🏺📿 It isn’t often that a generation lives through a systemic breakdown crisis.

While many shallower minds are quick to lay blame to the cause of their troubles on a convenient scapegoat, the fact is that these sorts of systemic collapses take time and the root causes are to be found in something both more universal and more subjective.

Many generations of bad ideas must be embraced without self-criticism or correction before a foolish society unwilling to break from popular delusions faces the consequence of their folly.

💬 Matthew Ehret @CanadianPatriotPress writes

#Christianity #Crisis #History #Religion #RomanEmpire

🌌 In our last installment of this series, we explored the evolution of a bad idea known as eugenics throughout the 20th century following its transformation into new clothing after World War II which called itself “transhumanism”.

This new “science” danced with another bad idea masquerading as a “universal law” which was called “entropy” and found its champions among an array of social engineers who were committed to a static faith in a dying universe managed by an impotent and irrational God who was made in their own image. The practical application of this entropic science of population control took the form of a system dubbed “cybernetics” founded by an apostle of Bertrand Russell named Norbert Wiener- both of whom attempted to appropriate the name of Gottfried Leibniz (founder of calculus, binary language and computing machines) as a new god head within their new Church.

As we saw in 
part 2, Leibniz ironically stood in opposition to everything which this new death cult represented.

In this final segment of his series, Matthew Ehret @CanadianPatriotPress gives the last word to several leading scientists who took a stand in our modern age against the rise of the cult of darkness.

#History #Religion #Science #Society #Vernadsky

⚖️ What fool was it who said that the collective West, the fabled City on the Hill whose “values” are universal and binding on all, is amoral?

A greater untruth was never uttered 🤥

Of course, the West espouses and acts according to specific moral principles. But these principles need to be identified and their effects unequivocally recognized.

The moral doctrine which governs the conduct of the collective West will be sought in vain in the Bible or the Quran, in the ethical or political writings of Aristotle, or in the precepts of Confucius and the other sages of the East. That rather little known moral doctrine is called Situation Ethics.

💬 Read more by Stephen Karganovic

#HumanRights #Religion #Ukraine

📖 Andrew Doyle’s The New Puritans: How The Religion of Social Justice Captured The Western World begins and ends with America’s Salem Witch Trials.

In between, he has twelve chapters, each of whose titles has a religious connotation and all of which, when taken collectively, fillet not only Critical Race Theory (CRT) but all of its neo Marxist derivatives.

If you are looking for a book to assail all such nonsense, this is the tome for you.

💬 By Declan Hayes

#Antifa #CultureWar #Religion #Society #West

✝️ The recent passing of 95 year old Pope Benedict XVI should give not only the Latin Catholic Church but churches worldwide cause for reflection and reform.

Pope Benedict, a draftee into and a deserter from Hitler’s Wehrmacht, represented all that was best in European Catholicism, a faith that owes its survival to the armies of Spain’s Philip II, who successfully withstood Ottoman threats to the east and Lutheran hordes to the north during the Wars of the Reformation, which only ended with the Treaty of Westphalia, a treaty whose modalities should be the template for the world’s Christian Churches to use if they hope to survive much longer.

Pope Benedict would agree that God did not put Serbian, Ukrainian, Russian, Armenian, Syrian, Iraqi or Palestinian Christians on earth to be micro-managed by war criminals and their lackeys and accomplices, by places like Georgetown that is a Clinton worshipping Jesuit factory mill for war criminals.

Serbian, Ukrainian, Russian, Armenian, Syrian, Iraqi and Palestinian Christians should be allowed worship as they have always done and, if the Russian or other governments can aid them in that process on the practical and theological sides, the thanks of Christ’s faithful to them will resonate eternally.

Theology should be kept as simple as Steinbeck’s East of Eden classic, which gets a bunch of Chinese chaps to reinterpret the Cain and Abel fable 📖

💬 Writes Declan Hayes

#Christianity #religion #West

☦️ Appalling news continues to stream out of Kiev, but it no longer emanates exclusively from the usual source, the government bureaus on Kreschatyk Street. It is now coming out from a metaphysically incomparably more significant spot: the Kiev Caves Monastery complex overlooking them.

Persecution of the Orthodox Church, unabashed profession of state paganism and eager acolytes inciting anti-Christian pogroms while flaunting satanic inscriptions👺, that is par for the course in today’s Ukraine.

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#religion #society #terrorism

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⭕️Hypocrite” is a concept that is much overworked but lately it has gained a new freshness thanks to the serene indifference of the collective West to the trampling of its most cherished values whenever those it does not favour are affected. It happens, oddly enough, that in the Iranian political lexicon the word “hypocrite” is a favourite expression when referring to Western governments.

In Farsi, for all we know, that word may serve as some sort of derogatory epithet with many interesting, culturally conditioned layers. But whatever the subtleties in Farsi, in relation to much of the current public behaviour in the West the English-language equivalent fits the bill perfectly.

The word as it is used in English will do perfectly, because it hits the nail on the head and with devastating accuracy 💢

💬 Read more by Stephen Karganovic

#HumanRights #Religion #UkrainianOrthodoxChurch #Vatican

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✝️ Some important questions both for Rome and the world need to be answered as 86 year-old Pope Francis fronts Portugal’s World Youth Day.

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#Christianity #PopeFrancis #Portugal #religion #Ukraine

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🔔 It is now confirmed that the illegal seizure of the ancient Kiev-Pechersk Monastery has been completed. It was forcibly emptied of its monastics and turned over to the bogus, regime-sponsored organisation claiming to be the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. There is presently no reliable information on the disposition of the Orthodox holy relics that used to be located within the monastery complex. Some time ago however it was announced that they would be moved out of the Ukraine to foreign museums, for “safekeeping.” That appalling act of sacrilege and religious pillage may already have taken place.

The persecutors have made the mistake of prematurely revealing their brutish faces 👺

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#Ukraine #OrthodoxChurch #religion #war

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