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⚠️ John Pilger was right. The killing fields of Ukraine are the setting of an even greater war, one of propaganda.

It is quite extraordinary how so much of what we read in the UK press originates from a U.S.-funded propaganda bureau in Kiev so much so that it has become the norm for an event to be ‘reported’ based on what President Zelensky just merely says.

The contrast and hypocrisy are stunning 💢

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#NuclearWeapons #Propaganda #Terrorism #UkraineCrisis

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🚨 Western media are conditioning the public for a false-flag attack on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP) to blame Russia. That would then provide the United States and NATO a pretext to directly intervene in their proxy war to support the Kiev regime.

The Kiev regime’s month-old counteroffensive is failing miserably to push back Russian defense lines. Indeed, if anything, it seems that Russian forces are turning the tables to gain more territory in eastern Ukraine. The military situation is becoming a fiasco for the NATO-backed regime in Kiev.

Months of much-hyped counteroffensive are delivering nothing but defeat for the Ukrainian forces despite massive supplies of weapons from the U.S. and its NATO allies. Western governments and media can barely hide the reality that NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia is turning into a historic debacle. How long can the charade continue before the American and European public demand answers and accountability?

For rolling days, just turn off CNN, Fox, BBC, New York Times, Guardian, Times, and so on 🔕

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#MassMedia #NuclearWeapons #Propaganda #Ukraine #West

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🤔 The CIA’s Associated Press network’s recent exclusive on very bad deeds being done to very good Ukrainian prisoners in “Putin’s Russian gulags” forms the spine of this article.

The article leads with a sketch of what we can only presume are Ukrainian prisoners aimlessly scratching at some barren patch of ground beneath a clump of trees with shovels and hoes, presumably to build trenches for Russian soldiers to lie down in. Further down, we see stock pictures of batons, electric prods, out houses and two spoons sitting atop three stacked plates.

Whatever points the article wishes to make are not helped by those childish drawings. And nor are they helped by the backstories of the three journalists and their various helpers, who knocked up this hit piece.

The authors are confusing Russian troops with Ukrainian Nazis, who have been repeatedly filmed dragging young Ukrainian men off the streets to dragoon them into MI6 agent Zelensky’s meat grinders.

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#HumanRights #MassMedia #Propaganda #Ukraine

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🔊One of the biggest problems with the urgent push for “media literacy” we’ve been seeing in the west these last few years is that everyone’s being taught about liberal bias and conservative bias in media, but they’re not being taught about US empire bias.

Your average western news media consumer will have some general awareness that Fox News has a conservative bias and MSNBC has a liberal bias, and if you try to use one of them to prove a political point to someone of the opposing ideology they’ll probably hasten to inform you of the biased nature of your source. A somewhat smaller but still very large percentage of the population will be aware that an outlet like RT is going to have a bias in favor of the Russian government, and if you try to cite RT to prove some point about Ukraine or whatever you’ll probably get called out on that right away.

That’s about as far as “media literacy” goes among the general public in the western world, which just so happens to work out very nicely in favor of the western empire. The radius of awareness extends just far enough to pose no threat to the empire’s information interests, and stops there 🛑

💬 Read more by Kaitlin Johnstone

#censorship #ideology #MassMedia #MSNBC #propaganda

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📛 New figures indicate the Ukrainian military death toll is at least 400,000 after 500 days of conflict. The real figure may actually surpass 500,000. This is much greater than previously estimated, which was already dreadful. Yet, Washington incoherently keeps pushing the failed counteroffensive to the “last Ukrainian”.

This bloodbath is an obscenity, a vast imperial crime, with no effort at all by the U.S. and European leaders to sue for peace. Crudely put, war is a racket and the warmongers make a packet

If the battles in Ukraine have been previously called a “meat grinder”, then it would be accurate to refer to the country more as a bloodbath ☠️

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#NATO #propaganda #Ukraine #UnitedStates #WarCrimes

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🛑 The horrific missile strike on a Ukrainian village in which 52 people, including a young boy, were killed in a cafe was widely reported by Western media with strident condemnations of a Russian “war crime”.

All the American and European media reports relied solely on Ukrainian security sources for their immediate attribution of the massacre to Russian forces. It was claimed that a Russian Iskander missile hit the village of Hroza (Groza).

Russia did not make any comment on the specific accusations, simply repeating that its military does not deliberately target civilian centers.

The false-flag provocation carried out by the Kiev regime has precedent, albeit not reported by the Western media

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#EU #propaganda #Ukraine #WarCrimes

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🇺🇦 A massacre in a Ukrainian village last week that was roundly blamed on the Russian military in Western media reports has taken a new twist that further shows the incident was actually a false-flag provocation by the Kiev regime.

Western media last week reported that 52 people were killed when a cafe was allegedly hit by a Russian precision missile on Thursday, October 5. All Western media reports cited Ukrainian officials as their source for attributing blame on the Russian military firing an Iskander missile.

Zelensky needed a propaganda punch for his appeal and Western media obliged as usual to paint Russia as evil barbarians.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#Ukraine #Zelensky #propaganda #war

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🟤 We all remember the standing ovation in the Canadian parliament for Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old Ukrainian-Canadian World War II veteran of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS. In Ukraine, which the Germans invaded during Operation Barbarossa, they found many Ukrainians sympathetic to the German Empire and/or Nazi ideology.

They were hostile to Soviet communism and wanted an independent Ukraine. So many Ukrainians decided to join what later became known as the most brutal killing squad in World War II.

After the Second World War, many of these SS battalion members were interned in what was then called Camp Rimini in Italy by the British. In 1948, the British allowed approximately 8,500 internees to emigrate to the UK, after which many of them emigrated further to Canada.

While the Western media focused on the Nazi problem in Canada, the United Kingdom remained out of the picture. But this is precisely the place where these SS Galicia members first emigrated to in 1948 🇬🇧

💬 Sonja van den Ende writes @devendonline

#Canada #ideology #Nazism #propaganda #Ukraine #UK #WarCrimes

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🔕 The horrendous violence and suffering in Gaza have dominated the global news cycle. That is not untoward given the dreadful scale of disaster where over 7,000 people, mainly civilians and nearly half of them children, have been killed over the past three weeks by Israeli bombardment and siege.

Death toll numbers are obsolete within a day, such is the wanton murderous destruction by the Israeli regime. And yet Joe Biden and other Western politicians minimize this criminality by trying to cast doubt on the casualty numbers. How utterly despicable of Biden and his Western accomplices to this genocide.

But what is also notable is the abrupt cancellation of Ukraine as a story by Western media. The wholesale relegation of interest in Ukraine is truly astounding. The precipitous fall-off in Western media coverage reflects how the proxy war in Ukraine was always a contrived geopolitical agenda devoid of any purported principle of Western democracy.

The Western media saturation coverage of terrible events in Gaza over the past three weeks is driven in large part by the onerous need to divert attention from the scandal and debacle of NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine.

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#SC_Editorial #FakeNews #Israel #Palestine #propaganda #ProxyWar #Ukraine

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🇵🇸🦅 In blatant defiance of world opinion and international law, the Israeli state continues its daily massacre of civilians in Gaza. After nearly four weeks of non-stop aerial bombardment, the death toll has exceeded 9,000, with thousands more missing under rubble.

The actual death toll as of this writing could be near 15,000.

The United Nations organization UNICEF this week described Gaza as a “graveyard for children”. An estimated 400 children are killed or wounded every day. The wounded have no way of being treated as hospitals shut down from lack of fuel and supplies.

In heartrending scenes, families are desperately trying to dig up children buried under concrete debris. All too often, their cries fade with agonising death.

The world is witnessing an age of cruel depravity that is on par with the barbarity of Nazi Germany. Sickeningly, the Israeli regime carrying out these war crimes has the temerity to invoke the memory of the Nazi Holocaust as an excuse for its actions. Decent Jews and Holocaust survivors around the world are indignant and ashamed of the repugnant posturing of Israeli envoys wearing yellow stars on their suits at the UN.

The diabolical double-think is made possible by the political and diplomatic indulgence afforded by Western states.

There is no other way to view the mass killings as anything other than genocide.

Can Western leaders show a modicum of moral fibre? 💢

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#GazaStrip #genocide #Israel #Palestine #propaganda #WarCrimes

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📢 Neither SCF columnist Sonja van den Ende @devendonline nor awakening wonder Russell Brand are members of MI6’s Trusted News Initiative, which MI6’s BBC informs us was set up by British Intelligence to fight their self declared fake news they say the likes of van den Ende and Brand personify worldwide.

As “The Trusted News Initiative is a partnership, founded by the BBC, that includes organisations from around the globe including; AP, AFP, BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Financial Times, Information Futures Lab, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, The Nation Media Group, Meta, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post, Kompas – Indonesia, Dawn – Pakistan, Indian Express, NDTV – India, ABC – Australia, SBS – Australia, NHK – Japan”, it dominates the global informational space but, sadly, van den Ende and Brand do not make the cut as they manufacture the real news these legions of BBC hacks are paid to discredit 💢

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#BBC #censorship #Israel #MassMedia #MI6 #propaganda #Ukraine

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🌍🦅 Many will be no doubt asking themselves, especially in the U.S., how did the West get itself tied up in a regional war with Iran’s proxies? But who can keep a straight face when the narrative from Washington insists that the attacks against Houthis – and now Iran’s proxies in Iraq and Syria – are not linked to the genocide being carried out in Gaza by Israel, with weapons given by the U.S. Western elites must think their voters are especially stupid if they swallow, not helped by the UK’s defence chief in parliament explaining to MPs that “Gaza is a long way from the Red Sea”.

The fourth estate has literally died and has been replaced by phalanx of corrupt young men and women who have redefined the profession entirely as an extension of the state and its craven objectives.

 💬 Martin Jay writes

#corruption #Biden #MassMedia #propaganda #UnitedStates

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🤥 If Western media are to be believed, after the countless failures of their poisonous preparations clumsy Russian chemists seem now to have finally gotten it right. Alexey Navalny is reported to be dead and the Kremlin Borgias can now say: Gotcha!

However, unfortunately for the orchestrators of the new media stunt that after February 16 plunged the Western political class and MSM into a hysterical frenzy, the carefully crafted delusion began to unravel as soon as it was launched.

The psychopaths that Navalny foolishly agreed to serve probably got lucky 🏆

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#Navalny #MSM #propaganda #West

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