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🇺🇸🇮🇱 Former American President Donald Trump, despite maintaining a reasonably lucid stance regarding the Ukrainian conflict, is a radical Zionist and has shown on several occasions that he is willing to support Tel Aviv in its genocidal war against Gaza’s Palestinians. However, the strategic errors committed by the Zionist regime are so serious that they are forcing even Trump to object to Israel’s practices.

Recently, during an interview with an Israeli newspaper, Trump warned that Tel Aviv is “losing international support” due to its war in the Gaza Strip. He advised the Israelis to “end” the military campaign as quickly as possible, thus preventing Israel from becoming even more isolated on the international arena. More than that, the former American president condemned the Israeli anti-humanitarian attacks, describing the destruction of residential facilities in Gaza as a “big mistake”, severely criticizing the actions of the Zionist regime.

In a way, Trump’s speech is hypocritical, as he criticizes the explicit aspect of Israeli actions. He does not seem to be really concerned with the crimes committed by Israel, but with the fact that such crimes are damaging the international image of the Zionist regime. However, this type of connivance with Israel’s crimes was already expected from a Zionist leader like Trump, which is why the mere fact of criticizing Zionist explicitness is actually surprising.

Former American president recognizes that the Zionist regime made a serious mistake in showing the results of its war campaign in Gaza.

💬 Lucas Leiroz writes @lucasleiroz

#Trump #Israel #Gaza #Zionism

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🇮🇱🇺🇸 Netanyahu is (still) promising Israelis ‘total victory’ over Hamas, although he knows that completely subduing the group is impossible. Netanyahu’s way out from this paradox therefore is ‘to blame Biden’ as the one preventing Israel’s victory over Hamas.

Bluntly, there is no easy military solution to Hamas – none at all. Israeli stories about having dismantled 19 Hamas battalions in Gaza is just PR that is being fed to the White House who, seemingly, take Israel’s word for it.

Netanyahu likely knows that Gaza will become an unceasing insurgency – and will blame Biden, who is already being cast as the ‘punchbag’ for trying to foist a Palestinian State on to an unwilling Israel.

Similarly, the White House seemingly has misread the ‘the ground’ in respect to the hostage deal, imagining that Hamas was not serious in its demands.

Netanyahu is gambling hugely with Israel’s (and America’s) future – and may lose 🎲

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Netanyahu #Israel #Biden #Gaza

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🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇷 In an unprecedented and dangerous escalation, Israel targeted the Iranian Consulate in Damascus on April 1. It has been many years since Israel has bombed targets inside Iran, and the diplomatic building, directly attached to the Iranian Embassy, is considered the same as an attack on Tehran.

Iran will be preparing for a retaliatory response to the Israeli attack. The White House said the U.S. was not warned in advance by Israel of the planned attack. U.S. President Biden has warned Israel previously that the U.S. does not want the Israeli war on the Palestinian people of Gaza to grow wider into a regional conflict which would certainly involve the U.S., as the military sponsor of Israel.

Netanyahu’s strategy is to deflect. He seeks to create a bigger war to deflect from his domestic problems.

The personal relationship between Biden and Netanyahu is at its lowest point. Biden had been asking Netanyahu to deliver humanitarian aid into Gaza, and Netanyahu flatly refused. Biden had told Netanyahu that going into Rafah was a “Red Line”, but Netanyahu has refused to change his military plans.

The region, and the U.S. are on the brink of a war which could be avoided by the U.S., but probably Biden and the Congress will decide to follow Netanyahu into the abyss.

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Netanyahu #Iran #Israel

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🇵🇸 The Jews are closely associated with the word holocaust. The word is culturally attached to the Jewish people, recalling a terrible genocide in Europe in the WW2 era which killed millions. It wasn’t the first genocide of modern times, that was committed on the Armenians and Syrian Christians in 1916, and it likely will not be the last genocide. We are currently watching the 2024 genocide in Gaza.

Similarly, the Japanese are closely associated with the word Hiroshima, recalling the twin U.S. attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which turned some 100,000 people instantly into ashes, and killed thousands more in the days that followed, mostly civilians.

Gaza already resembles the aftermath of a nuclear attack after more than five months of constant and intense bombing by Israel, which has killed more than 32,700 people in Gaza, including more than 13,000 children.

💬 Steven Sahiounie writes

#Gaza #Israel #war

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🇦🇺🇮🇱 Australia’s Defence Department has refused a Freedom of Information request about the details of an arms deal with Israel on the grounds that such information “could harm Australia’s international standing and reputation,” which suggests the details must be pretty damning.

💬 By Caitlin Johnstone

#Australia #Israel

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💢✡️ Recently, Zionist troops retreated from Khan Younis, ending one of the main battles of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since October 7, 2023. Israeli propagandists try to describe the maneuver as a strategic retreat, with unsubstantiated claims that Hamas has “ceased to exist” as a military organization in the region. However, the move was the result of a true military defeat. Israel was unable to maintain positions in southern Gaza, being forced to withdraw in the face of new military emergencies.

These “emergencies” are certainly related to the Israeli fear of retaliation from Tehran for the attack on the Iranian Embassy in Damascus. Considering the seriousness of what happened, it is absolutely clear that the Persian country will give a harsh response to the aggressor side, which has generated panic among Israeli officials. Maintaining positions in southern Gaza, where Zionist troops were under constant Palestinian fire, became unfeasible in the face of new “threats”, which is why Tel Aviv retreated from Khan Younis to keep its soldiers in combat readiness in the event of an Iranian attack. Meanwhile, Palestinian resistance forces are now retaking ground previously occupied by the IDF.

The Zionist regime is increasingly unable to predict the next developments in the conflict, remaining in constant instability.

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

#Zionism #Israel #Iran #Palestine

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🇮🇷 It is ironic to western analysts how invariably it is the East which keeps a cool head and doesn’t rise to the bait of escalation while it is the West which is reckless, foolhardy and careless with its provocations. In Ukraine we have seen nothing but this accompanied by miscalculation and poor decisions on the part of NATO. And now we are seeing this in Israel as remarkably, Joe Biden, has managed to be ensnared now in a regional war between Israel and Iran – a dream for the latter for well over 30 years.

Iran’s reaction to the bombing of its consulate in Damascus was very measured, well thought-out and pulled off with a certain sobriety which will not be matched by Israel and the U.S. Tehran did not want to kill civilians but simply send a message that Israel crossed a line and if it does this again, then there will be more attacks from Iran, perhaps intercontinental missiles with deeper impact than cheap drones. That is not to say that the drones were not effective. They were at the specific task which the Iranians wanted of them, knowing full well that most of them would be intercepted.

But the move by Tehran was still a shock to many western experts and no doubt the Netanyahu cabal as well, as it busted a number of myths in one evening.

Iran’s drone attack has opened up a can of worms which Biden would have preferred wouldn’t have been opened.

💬 Martin Jay writes

#Iran #Israel #MiddleEast

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🇮🇷 Iran’s military response against Israel was extremely important, both for the balance of forces in the Middle East and for the global stability of relations between states. The Iranian attack was efficient in showing to the enemy the strength of its military power, without, however, generating major escalations in the regional conflict. Above all, the Persian country’s missiles and drones made it clear to the world that attacks on diplomatic facilities remain an intolerable crime, capable of generating severe retaliation.

Iranian forces, in cooperation with the Axis of Resistance’s militias, launched a retaliatory attack against the Zionist state, using hundreds of drones and missiles against several targets on Israeli territory.

By bombing Israel, Iran showed the world that attacks on embassies remain a serious crime, subject to severe military responses.

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz

#Iran #Israel #MiddleEast

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🇮🇱 Just as it was in Nazi Germany, sport in Israel cannot be separated from the nation's underlying supremacist ideology. For Israel, the Zionist project is more important than participating in a particular sport. Although a small country, Israel has a significant impact on the international stage. 

💬 Declan Hayes notes that Israel “punches above its weight” when it comes to legal challenges.

#Israel #sports #Zionism

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🇺🇸🇮🇱 This week, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that his administration has “held up” at least one shipment of weapons to Israel, saying the U.S. wouldn’t transfer certain weapons to Israel if it proceeded with an assault on the city of Rafah’s densely populated areas.

Immediately stopping all transfers of arms and military support would be consistent with the U.S.’s international and domestic legal obligations.

In 214 days, Israel has killed 142 journalists in Gaza, approximately one every 36 hours. The staggering death toll makes the war the deadliest conflict for journalists in modern history.

When Israel can kill an American citizen, who was among the highest profile journalists in the Arab world, on camera and get away with it, that sends a very clear message about Israeli impunity, and Biden’s complicity.

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Gaza #Biden #Israel

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🇮🇱🇺🇸 The core issues at the heart of release of hostages held in Gaza were two: A complete cessation to the war and full withdrawal of all Israeli forces.

Netanyahu’s position was that whatever the hostage outcome, the IDF would return to Gaza and that the war there might continue for ten years, he said.

These were the most sensitive words in Israeli politics – with Israeli politics electrically polarised around them.

The reality is that Israel has attempted to establish a late-era settler-colonisation on lands with indigenous population. The first phase of revolt versus colonialism errupted in the post-WW2 era. We are now living the second stage of global radical anti-colonial sentiment (manifesting strategically as BRICS), but targeting today financialised colonialism posing as the ‘Rules-Based Order’.

Israelis habitually hang out two flags on special occasions: The Israeli flag and next to it, the U.S. flag. ‘We are American too: We are the 51st state’, Israelis would say.

‘No’, the young American generation of today says: We will not identify with suspect genocidal tendencies against an indigenous people.

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#Gaza #Israel #UnitedStates

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🚁 The Iranian tragedy shocked the world. The simultaneous loss of four senior officials, including the country’s president and his foreign minister, was mourned not only by the Iranian people, but by all free countries committed to diplomacy and peace. The circumstances of the accident favor the thesis that there was a targeted attack or sabotage operation. And talking about it shouldn’t be considered ‘conspiracy theory’.

The Zionist regime has already proven itself capable of committing illegal acts, such as assassinations of public figures considered enemies, which is why there is sufficient reason to believe that sabotage against the Iranian helicopter took place.

💬 Lucas Leiroz writes @lucasleiroz

#Iran #Israel

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🛑 The Israeli military continues with severe artillery shelling in Rafah and the use of quadcopters to chase people. At least 20 people were killed inside their tents as they were trying to flee within the past 24 hours.

At least 31 Palestinians have been killed across Gaza since early on Wednesday, as the Israeli military continues, ignoring calls from the international community and aid groups to stop.

Israel committed a second massacre against civilians in tents in Rafah, in less than 30 hours after its first horrific massacre on May 26, when Israeli aircraft bombed tents, killing 45 Palestinians, including three elderly people, nine children, and 12 women.

Israel can get away with mass-murder because the world’s superpower, USA, defends and excuses them of accountability.

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Gaza #Israel #UnitedStates #Palestine #Rafah

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