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🛑 The Israel vs. Arab Children War, which doubles as the Hegemon vs. Axis of Resistance War, both a sub-branch of the NATO vs. Russia and NATO vs. China War, is veering totally out of control 🧨

By now it’s firmly established that with China brokering peace all across West Asia, and Russia-China going all out on BRICS 11, complete with facilitating energy trade settlements outside the U.S. dollar, The Empire Strikes Back would be totally predictable.

💬 Pepe Escobar writes @rocknrollgeopolitics

#GazaStrip #Israel #MiddleEast #neocons #WarCrimes #Zionism

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🇵🇸🦅 In blatant defiance of world opinion and international law, the Israeli state continues its daily massacre of civilians in Gaza. After nearly four weeks of non-stop aerial bombardment, the death toll has exceeded 9,000, with thousands more missing under rubble.

The actual death toll as of this writing could be near 15,000.

The United Nations organization UNICEF this week described Gaza as a “graveyard for children”. An estimated 400 children are killed or wounded every day. The wounded have no way of being treated as hospitals shut down from lack of fuel and supplies.

In heartrending scenes, families are desperately trying to dig up children buried under concrete debris. All too often, their cries fade with agonising death.

The world is witnessing an age of cruel depravity that is on par with the barbarity of Nazi Germany. Sickeningly, the Israeli regime carrying out these war crimes has the temerity to invoke the memory of the Nazi Holocaust as an excuse for its actions. Decent Jews and Holocaust survivors around the world are indignant and ashamed of the repugnant posturing of Israeli envoys wearing yellow stars on their suits at the UN.

The diabolical double-think is made possible by the political and diplomatic indulgence afforded by Western states.

There is no other way to view the mass killings as anything other than genocide.

Can Western leaders show a modicum of moral fibre? 💢

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#GazaStrip #genocide #Israel #Palestine #propaganda #WarCrimes

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🇮🇱 Is Israel really losing the media war? In a conflict where the truth seems to be the first and most predominant casualty, this might be the only truth, certainly when we look at recent events. The war in Gaza is not an irony-free zone though. Recently, Israel stormed social media with claims that the Palestinians were faking videos and they took one of a medic giving resuscitation to a victim, claiming that the technique was erroneous, and so, therefore, the video must have been faked. How are we to take this? Given that Israel is the expert on faking videos to support its heinous war crimes, was the logic behind the claims “trust us, we know what we’re talking about when we talk about faked videos”? In either case it failed. The mob justice of social media didn’t give any gravitas to the claims and soon enough the Red Cross said that the health worker was using the right technique.

But how interesting that Israel is now resorting to this level, to stoop so low makes many wonder if they are even close to winning the war. It doesn’t smack of a victorious side to do this and there are other examples, even, previously.

The servile, revolting, passive international press pack might be all that Netanyahu has left 🤔

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Netanyahu #GazaStrip #Israel #Palestine #WarCrimes

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🌑 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his war Cabinet are pushing ahead with a limited ground invasion of Gaza – even though that will mean disaster for thousands of more innocent lives, including over 200 Israeli hostages.

The Biden administration has reportedly been trying to delay the drastic manoeuvre to give more chance for negotiations to secure the release of hostages. But Netanyahu and his cabinet are driven by their ideological fanaticism and need to save face.

Since the attacks on Israel by Hamas Palestinian militants on October 7, the world has been waiting for a much-vaunted ground invasion by the Israeli Defense Forces into the Gaza Strip. Over 1,400 Israelis were killed during the Hamas raids. An estimated 230 hostages were taken by the militants back to Gaza where they are held in secret locations presumably in a network of underground tunnels.

Three weeks of intense aerial bombardment of the Palestinian coastal territory have wrought unprecedented death and destruction in Gaza. Over 8,000 people have been killed with 70 percent of the toll due to women, children and elderly, according to Gaza’s health officials.

The criminal recklessness of Netanyahu and his regime will rebound with a vengeance 🛑

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#Netanyahu #HAMAS #Israel #Palestine #WarCrimes

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🛑 The only mistake Israeli minister Amichai Eliyahu made was to voice out loud the genocidal policy of his government.

Following his comments that the Israeli military should drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza, the politician was publicly reprimanded by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other members of the cabinet for making statements “not based on reality”.

“Israel and the [Israel Defense Forces] are operating in accordance with the highest standards of international law to avoid harming innocents. We will continue to do so until our victory,” Netanyahu said.

The suggestion of using nuclear weapons was also seemingly rebuked by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who previously referred to Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip as “human animals”.

The apparent attempt to make a distinction within Israel’s fanatical regime is absurd. Netanyahu’s “war cabinet” is carrying out a genocide against Palestinians. The intensity of the killing is accelerating.

The clumsy call for using nuclear weapons on Gaza by a fanatical Israeli politician was only problematic because it articulated what the U.S.-Israeli state policy is. Genocide

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#GazaStrip #genocide #Israel #NuclearWeapons #Palestine #WarCrimes

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💢 Western leaders and institutions have brought themselves into unprecedented disrepute over their complicity in the genocide against the Palestinian people. This is all the more amplified by the NATO proxy war in Ukraine.

Not only is Western complicity in war crimes exposed but also what is on display to the whole world is the shocking double standards and hypocrisy of the Western leaders. These people are liars, psychopaths and criminals.

What we are witnessing is something profoundly historic: the seminal collapse of Western images of presumed democratic and moral authority.

All across the globe, huge public protests are mounting against the appalling slaughter of civilians in Gaza and the West Bank by Israeli state forces. European and North American cities, including Washington DC, London, Berlin and Paris, are seeing millions of citizens marching in protest, not only against the Israeli state crimes but also – equally important – the depraved culpability of their own governments in facilitating the genocidal destruction underway of the Palestinian people.

The old Western-dominated order has to go, despite the immense pain and suffering entailed 🌀

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#GazaStrip #imperialism #Israel #NATO #ProxyWar #WarCrimes

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🎪 The Magician steps onto the stage, his black cloak swirling about him. Centre stage, he flourishes his hat: It is empty. He punches it lightly to demonstrate its solidity. The Magician then picks up certain objects and places them into his hat. Into it goes AnsarAllah’s seizure of an Israeli-owned vessel (the situation is being ‘monitored’); into it goes the Iraqi strikes on U.S. bases (barely noticed by the main-stream media); into it too go the 1,000 missiles fired into northern Israel by Hizbullah; into it goes the hot war in the West Bank. The Magician turns to the audience – the hat is empty. But the audience knows those objects have a physical reality, but somehow they are magically obfuscated.

The present hostage exchange is centred on Gaza. However, Israel has three fronts of hot conflict open 💢

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#Gaza #Palestine #Israel #WarCrimes #West

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🇵🇸 Despite Western media’s systematic attempts to normalize Israeli state terrorism, it is inescapably evident even from their distorted lens just how wicked the Netanyahu regime is.

All Palestinians released so far in hostage exchanges by the Israeli regime are women and children. Women and children! Why were they even in detention in the first place? What sort of despotic regime does that?

One that is supported to the hilt, militarily and diplomatically, by the United States and other Western governments. So much for “Western Values”.

Locking children up and threatening their families with punishment if they show the slightest emotion is the dirtiest terror tactic 👺

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza #terrorism #WarCrimes

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🇺🇦 The precise road map of the Ukraine War Crimes Tribunal is still an enigma. Even the format of the court, as a Russian or an international legal institution, remains unclear. Perhaps there are good reasons for holding back on such details at this particular stage.

The Ukrainian Tribunal should disseminate a clear warning that no one will remain exempt from accountability.

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#Ukraine #WarCrimes

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🇮🇱🇺🇸 Recent gestures by the international criminal court in the Hague, often called simply the ICC, are that it might begin war crime proceedings against Israel for the genocide it carries out each day, with the blessing of the West. So far, they are just statements but it is interesting that global public opinion, not from elites but from the masses right around the world, is putting pressure on the international court to step up to the mark. It’s interesting on a number of levels. Chiefly though, given that the court is a creation of America and a very effective tool to use against regimes in the Global South which it doesn’t like, sceptics can only speculate as to the rationale behind the move. A fair bet might be that a number of EU member states have leant on the Hague court to at least become vocal; another possibility is that Palestine itself has urged the court to uphold international law; and a third option is that Biden himself is using the court as a tool to impale Netanyahu.

Getting rid of Netanyahu and toppling his increasingly fragile coalition, forcing new elections in a country that no one calls “the only democracy in the middle east” anymore is an attractive strategy for Biden 😉

💬 Martin Jay writes

#Netanyahu #Gaza #Palestine #UnitedStates #MiddleEast #WarCrimes

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🪖 The West should be ashamed to use these Ukrainian soldiers, but also the population, for their own aspirations and in addition to doctrinaire their own population and now, according to what we can all read, prepare for yet another war, with mandatory military conscription, everything for the enemy: Russia 🇷🇺

💬 Read more by Sonja van den Ende @devendonline

#Ukraine #West #ProxyWar #WarCrimes

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