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🦅 Recently, the U.S. began spreading rumors about alleged Russian space-based nuclear weapons. According to American intelligence, Moscow is developing a powerful anti-satellite weapon to be deployed in space, thus violating international norms that prohibit the militarization of Earth’s orbit.

Rumors about “Russian space-based nukes” look like a smokescreen 🌀

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz

#Russia #space #UnitedStates

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🇺🇸🇹🇼 Ever since China’s civil war ended in 1949 with victory for the Communist side, the island of Taiwan off China’s southern coast has been a U.S. pawn as a haven for anti-Communist forces. The United States has sponsored the Taiwanese separatists first under the dictatorship of Chiang Kai-shek and up to the present administration in Taipei. Ironically, Washington portrays Taiwan as “democratic and free”.

Taiwan is a useful pawn in the U.S. strategy of confronting China as a “great power competitor”.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#Taiwan #China #UnitedStates #geopolitics

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⚠️ The GOP base does not favour giving more cash to Ukraine – will little or no prospect that it can prevail.

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Gaza #Israel #UnitedStates #CIA #Ukraine

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👎 They Lost the Popular Vote but Became U.S. Presidents

In a United States presidential election, the candidate who gains the most votes nationwide is said to have won the popular vote. However, the popular vote is not used to determine who is elected as the nation’s president or vice president. Thus it is possible for the winner of the popular vote to end up losing the election. This is because presidential elections are indirect elections; the votes cast on Election Day are not cast directly for a candidate, but for members of the Electoral College.

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🗽 How Americans View the World

A recent Gallup poll revealed Americans’ attitude to the world. Interestingly, some of nations seen most unfavorably are also those which experienced U.S.-led wars, occupations and economic blockades.

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🗽 How Americans’ perceive the U.S. greatest enemy, by party

A recent Gallup poll revealed Americans’ attitude to the world. While Republicans believe China is the United States’ greatest enemy, Democrats point to Russia. Interestingly, for independent voters, America’s third greatest enemy is America itself.

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See also: How Americans View the World

#sc_infographic #UnitedStates

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🇮🇱🇺🇸 The core issues at the heart of release of hostages held in Gaza were two: A complete cessation to the war and full withdrawal of all Israeli forces.

Netanyahu’s position was that whatever the hostage outcome, the IDF would return to Gaza and that the war there might continue for ten years, he said.

These were the most sensitive words in Israeli politics – with Israeli politics electrically polarised around them.

The reality is that Israel has attempted to establish a late-era settler-colonisation on lands with indigenous population. The first phase of revolt versus colonialism errupted in the post-WW2 era. We are now living the second stage of global radical anti-colonial sentiment (manifesting strategically as BRICS), but targeting today financialised colonialism posing as the ‘Rules-Based Order’.

Israelis habitually hang out two flags on special occasions: The Israeli flag and next to it, the U.S. flag. ‘We are American too: We are the 51st state’, Israelis would say.

‘No’, the young American generation of today says: We will not identify with suspect genocidal tendencies against an indigenous people.

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#Gaza #Israel #UnitedStates

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🇺🇸🇮🇳 The United States and its Western allies appear to be mounting a hostile media campaign against the Indian government of Narendra Modi.

Sensational media accusations of India running an assassination program against expatriate dissidents and spying operations in Western countries have gathered pace recently, leading to acrimonious relations.

Parsing the Western allegations, it is plausible that Washington and its Five Eyes partners are amping up false-flag provocations to coerce New Delhi into adopting pro-Western policies toward Russia and China.

The streamlined Western media campaign to compromise the Indian government is suspiciously orchestrated.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#India #NarendraModi #UnitedStates

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🛑 The Israeli military continues with severe artillery shelling in Rafah and the use of quadcopters to chase people. At least 20 people were killed inside their tents as they were trying to flee within the past 24 hours.

At least 31 Palestinians have been killed across Gaza since early on Wednesday, as the Israeli military continues, ignoring calls from the international community and aid groups to stop.

Israel committed a second massacre against civilians in tents in Rafah, in less than 30 hours after its first horrific massacre on May 26, when Israeli aircraft bombed tents, killing 45 Palestinians, including three elderly people, nine children, and 12 women.

Israel can get away with mass-murder because the world’s superpower, USA, defends and excuses them of accountability.

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Gaza #Israel #UnitedStates #Palestine #Rafah

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🇲🇲🦅 Myanmar’s civil war is in a critical phase where the ruling military government is losing significant territory to a broad coalition of insurgent armies. It is estimated that insurgents now control over half the area in the Southeast Asian country after nearly three years of conflict.

Washington views the conflict as an “unmissable opportunity” to topple the military rulers and restore an elected government. The real objective of the United States is not to support democratic politics in Myanmar or peace and stability, but rather to exploit the turmoil in the country as a way to contain China and undermine Beijing’s strategic interests.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#Myanmar #UnitedStates #China

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