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🤑🚫 Billionaires-controlled ‘news’-media encourage censorship, so as to maintain their control over the Government. As long as that control continues, the dictatorship will continue.

Censorship is how they stay in power — censorship of the truth (not of the lies).

Most ‘democratic’ countries are democratic only in form but not in substance. They have a constitution, but there are infinite numbers of ways to get around it. Such ‘democracies’ have multiple candidates in ‘elections’, and have multiple Parties, but all of the Parties that succeed in becoming represented in the national legislature are funded by various billionaires, who collectively determine which candidates will be adequately funded, and which won’t. So: billionaires are the actual rulers there, because candidates who don’t serve any billionaire won’t stand any chance to become the nominee of any Party. Such candidates will be abandoned by the big money, and therefore would be merely a waste of money for any non-billionaire to donate to. Any such candidate can easily be overwhelmed by the money that’s going to his or her opponents who are backed by billionaires. No candidate who lacks the funds to get his/her message out to the voters stands any chance of winning, in such a ‘democracy’.

Winning public office thus becomes based upon propaganda: lying and censorship (so as to fool the public into thinking the candidate will serve the public instead of his/her top financial backers), which are done both by candidates’ campaigns and by the ‘news’-media that are controlled by the billionaires — the nation’s mainstream (i.e., well-funded) ‘news’-media. That propaganda is a lock-hold on accession to political power. And it is also a lock-hold on maintaining political power. And it is controlled by the billionaires, who are the ultimate political bosses in any such ‘democracy’.

Every recent national political campaign in any ‘democracy’ has been dominated by lying and censorship.

Here is how that — the key to control — is enabled to function effectively 👇

👤by Eric Zuesse

#censorship #MSM #democracy
🥅 In the U.S., sports-related bigotry has been condemned. Why should there be an exception to anti-Russian hatred?

In a Komsomolskaya Pravda piece, Andrey Nazarov, Artemi Panarin’s former coach in the Kontinental Hockey League, said that Panarin had brutally assaulted a young woman in Latvia, back in 2011. Thereafter, the New York Rangers gave Panarin a requested leave of absence. A good number in Western mass media were quick to draw conclusions which are quite dubious. Western mass media has included claims that Panarin’s family in Russia could be under threat over what Nazarov said.

There’s little if any basis for that last thought. Relatively well-known critics of the Russian government reside in the West, as some of their close family relations live in Russia. 

🔗 READ MORE by Michael Averko ⤵️

#Michael_Averko #Sports #MSM
🗽📢 Not since the Vietnam War – when liberals behaved like peaceniks and not the Neocon country cousins they’ve become – has the media seriously scrutinized the US government’s arguments for military exploits abroad.

From the oilfields of Iraq, to the mountains of Afghanistan, to Trump’s classic head fake in Syria when a few missiles demolished a deserted airfield, triggering NBC host Brian Williams to get all choked up over “the beauty of our weapons,” the MSM has dutifully played water boy to Uncle Sam’s overseas misadventures. Somewhere, somehow along the way Americans inherited a Fourth Estate that actively promotes military aggression abroad.

Read more by Robert Bridge:

#MassMedia #MSM #Propaganda #Ukraine

📢🦅 Western media leads us into war in Ukraine with Russia, but don’t worry, Biden’s got the autocue working now.

Read more by Martin Jay:

#Ukraine #FakeNews #MSM #Propaganda #War

📺 While the world slides towards a chaotic future the MSM remains wilfully oblivious to the suffering it has enabled.

The Globalists’ agenda has progressed steadily over the years, it’s evil intent has brought us to the lamentable condition that the world finds itself in today. It is no exaggeration to say that the Cabal are attempting to implement a mass extinction event upon humanity. Bill gates and the rest of the NWO Davos crowd have been enthusiastically talking up the need for “De-population” for years.

There are according to them, too many “useless eaters” 🍔

💬 Eamon McKinney writes

#globalism #MSM #Davos

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🇬🇧 It’s becoming harder and harder for any British PM to state that the British are not part of the war in Ukraine, Martin Jay writes.

To understand how the British media works and what’s behind the decisions it takes you don’t have to be very bright at all. In fact, you can be really quite dim and still get it, it’s really that simple.

Gone are the days when a Brit would buy a paper, perhaps in the 70s and 80s as he or she wanted to be led by smart people who have strong views about given subjects – and stuck to those principles – the media in the UK has shifted to a more basic model: being led itself by popularity.

Newspaper editors in the UK are not interested in being smart, having prescient views which they share with us, or even being right 🗞

#UK #Ukraine #MSM

🗳 The hysterical uproar in the collective West over the referendums, one suspects, has less to do with the results – which were foreseeable based on expectations of normal behaviour of threatened and abused human beings – than with the fact that someone had the audacity to organise them at all.

In the West unmanipulated expressions of popular sentiment have become a relic of the past.

The referendums set a dangerous precedent for the rulers of Western “democracies,” in addition to constituting a direct and serious non-military threat to the sustainability of their Ukrainian project.

That is why a vicious propaganda campaign was immediately unleashed to smear, disqualify, and misrepresent them at any cost 🔊

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#Donbas #MSM #propaganda

🤥 All the years of hysterical shrieking about Russian trolls interfering in US democracy and corrupting the fragile little minds of Americans — a narrative that has been used to drum up support for internet censorship and ever-increasing US government involvement in the regulation of online speech — was false 🥸

💬 By Caitlin Johnstone

#MSM #propaganda #MassMedia #fakenews

📰 The New York Times and other Western news media ran with clumsy and blatantly diversionary claims this week, which in the end only serve to draw even more attention to the guilt of the United States in blowing up the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

Not only is the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden even more indictable over the criminal act; the absurd cover-up attempt this week exposes the Western media as nothing but a ministry of propaganda masquerading as journalism.

The Western media disinformation campaign is a crude joke. It can’t distract from the glaring facts that the United States and its NATO allies carried out an act of international terrorism against European companies and governments, and an act of war against Russia as the main owner of the 1,200-kilometer Nord Stream pipelines worth at least $20 billion to construct.

That criminal act was plausibly ordered by an American president and his White House aides. The geopolitical motives are overwhelming as are the self-indicting admissions by Biden and his aides before and after the odious event.

The cack-handed attempts this week to cover up by the Western media only serve to further incriminate the United States and its NATO crime partners. In addition, the Western media are exposed more than ever as being complicit in propagandizing war crimes.

The New York Times and other Western news outlets pompously claim to be pinnacles of journalism and defenders of public interest and democracy. They are nothing but the propaganda ministry for Washington – the Empire of Lies 🤥

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#West #NordStream #propaganda #MSM

🤐 This week, Fox News axed without warning or explanation its highest-rated talk show host, Tucker Carlson @tuckercarlsonchannel.

It looks as though the establishment – the Deep State, the Swamp, the Nursing Home for Octogenarian Ice Cream Lovers, call it what you will – has finally found a way to eliminate Tucker Carlson and his heretical views once and for all.

For many years, Tucker Carlson, 53, remained a great enigma inside of the murky underworld of the U.S. mainstream media.

Tragic as that may be for his legion of listeners, Carlson now has a chance to not only question America, but to change it

💬 Read more by Robert Bridge

#TuckerCarlson #FoxNews #censorship #MSM

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😑 The real reason why Tucker Carlson was fired was simply because of his on-screen rants about the Ukraine war where he simply does what any god-fearing American journalist should do: ask difficult questions and take a very cynical view of the narrative being presented 📺

And one particular diatribe, in particular, which attacked BlackRock and its ESG investments. It is rarely noted, but it is widely known, that BlackRock has substantial investment in Fox News. And if that wasn’t a big enough headache for Murdoch, BlackRock also has huge investment in Ukraine.

His refusal to do the normal stenography like so many U.S. journalists on covering the war in Ukraine – the stoic refusal to look at the history of the conflict and examine the nuances – has made Carlson really stand out.

💬 Martin Jay writes

#TuckerCarlson #MSM #propaganda

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🤥 If Western media are to be believed, after the countless failures of their poisonous preparations clumsy Russian chemists seem now to have finally gotten it right. Alexey Navalny is reported to be dead and the Kremlin Borgias can now say: Gotcha!

However, unfortunately for the orchestrators of the new media stunt that after February 16 plunged the Western political class and MSM into a hysterical frenzy, the carefully crafted delusion began to unravel as soon as it was launched.

The psychopaths that Navalny foolishly agreed to serve probably got lucky 🏆

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#Navalny #MSM #propaganda #West

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