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📢 The iniquity must stop. Julian Assange must be freed immediately.

The longer that the travesty of Julian Assange’s imprisonment goes on, the more his plight exposes the corruption of the United States government and its Western allies.

He has been persecuted under three U.S. presidencies: Obama, Trump, and now Biden. That shows the continuity of a systematic criminal policy to destroy free speech and independent journalism.

#CIA #Corruption #HumanRights #Assange #Wikileaks

⚖️📢🦅 The argument that Assange operated as a journalist and exercised his right to freedom of speech, has very little gravitas with the western mindset.

Whether you love or loathe Julian Assange, the decision by a British court to allow a U.S. extradition process is morally repugnant and wrong on so many levels. Assange will now have approximately four weeks to wait and see whether the British government itself signs off on his extradition or not – at which point he can decide to appeal.

But the treatment of the Australian publisher and his fate drives home a fundamental point about how democracy and freedom of speech barely make it to the list of priorities in western countries when governments hijack a political cause for their own tawdry agendas.

💬 Read more by Martin Jay:

#HumanRights #Journalism #Assange #Wikileaks

🔒🇬🇧 People around the world need to add their voices to the call for Julian’s release from the dungeon in Britain.

👤 John Shipton, Julian Assange’s father, spoke to Finian Cunningham in an interview just days before Christmas.

John Shipton has traveled the world appealing to parliaments, politicians, civic bodies, and ordinary public members for the release of his son. John tells how a rallying call for Julian’s release is growing. Every parliament in Europe, for example, now has members explicitly calling for freedom. So too has the Australian government finally wakened up to demand the end of the barbaric mistreatment. In Latin America, North America, and other parts of the world, the clamor for justice is growing.

Only two weeks ago, major newspapers in the United States and Europe published joint editorial statements urging the Biden Administration to end the imprisonment of Assange, stating that “publishing is not a crime”. That renewed appeal for freedom is a reflection of the swelling sea-change in public support around the world for Julian Assange.

John Shipton says he is not “into hope” in the superficial meaning of the word. By that, he means a sort of cheap hope, blithe optimism, or cheery, glib ignorance. A sort of “consumerist hope” that is fickle and vanishes at the slightest obstacle.

However, what he displays in his tenacious, resilient, courageous support for his son is a much deeper hope. One of faith and commitment in the face of immense adversity. That strength inspires profound hope. An audacious hope. One that defiantly smiles in the face of cold barbarity.

The kind of hope that can break chains

🎬 Watch the interview on YouTube

#Assange #Justice #FreeJulianAssange

💢 The Australian government is finally responding to growing public protests to get Julian Assange freed from his British torture dungeon.

Distinguished independent journalists Dave Lindorff and Ron Ridenour gave their takes in this interview with Finian Cunningham.

Julian Assange is being persecuted because he exposed the U.S. and British war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan and countless other forms of corruption by Washington and its lackey Western allies. Assange is being buried under concrete walls because he exposed the truth of corruption that lies at the heart of the U.S. government.

What’s at stake is hugely vital. Not only one good man’s freedom but the entire right of free speech and independent journalism and the right of the public to know. If Julian Assange’s persecution is permitted then we can say goodbye to basic human rights 🤥 The degradation of Western media is rapidly underway as the Assange case illustrates. But it could get a lot worse if the injustice against Assange is allowed.

🔻 Dave Lindorff explains how public pressure demanding the release of Julian Assange is pushing the Australian government to finally, belatedly, make representations on getting him out of detention. There is a worldwide movement in support of Assange.

🔻 Ron Ridenour says that the Western public needs to ramp up the protests in a way similar to the 1960s movement for U.S. civil rights and anti-Vietnam war.

Ridenour and Lindorff condemn the Western mainstream media for selling out Assange and not helping to amplify the pressure for justice.

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#Assange #HumanRights #SpeechFreedom #FreeAssange

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