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🤑🚫 Billionaires-controlled ‘news’-media encourage censorship, so as to maintain their control over the Government. As long as that control continues, the dictatorship will continue.

Censorship is how they stay in power — censorship of the truth (not of the lies).

Most ‘democratic’ countries are democratic only in form but not in substance. They have a constitution, but there are infinite numbers of ways to get around it. Such ‘democracies’ have multiple candidates in ‘elections’, and have multiple Parties, but all of the Parties that succeed in becoming represented in the national legislature are funded by various billionaires, who collectively determine which candidates will be adequately funded, and which won’t. So: billionaires are the actual rulers there, because candidates who don’t serve any billionaire won’t stand any chance to become the nominee of any Party. Such candidates will be abandoned by the big money, and therefore would be merely a waste of money for any non-billionaire to donate to. Any such candidate can easily be overwhelmed by the money that’s going to his or her opponents who are backed by billionaires. No candidate who lacks the funds to get his/her message out to the voters stands any chance of winning, in such a ‘democracy’.

Winning public office thus becomes based upon propaganda: lying and censorship (so as to fool the public into thinking the candidate will serve the public instead of his/her top financial backers), which are done both by candidates’ campaigns and by the ‘news’-media that are controlled by the billionaires — the nation’s mainstream (i.e., well-funded) ‘news’-media. That propaganda is a lock-hold on accession to political power. And it is also a lock-hold on maintaining political power. And it is controlled by the billionaires, who are the ultimate political bosses in any such ‘democracy’.

Every recent national political campaign in any ‘democracy’ has been dominated by lying and censorship.

Here is how that — the key to control — is enabled to function effectively 👇

👤by Eric Zuesse

#censorship #MSM #democracy
🗽 To the degree that techno-feudal wind-up dolls continue to promote “democracy while demanding that the world remain firmly under the heel of a unipolar hegemon, then no “democracy summit” will be worth anything.

The consequence of many decades of terrible ideas has now begun to impose its full weight upon the unipolar ship of state which has found itself careening towards a self-induced maelstrom. The captains managing this ship would have been able to easily foresee this tragic plunge long ago, had they not chosen to get drunk on hegemony amidst the cultish age of consumerism and hedonistic myopia that transformed our society 50 years ago. These empty shells of statesmen who have arisen to prominence within the post-truth age have proven themselves so detached from any semblance of humility or self-awareness that President Joe Biden has found no embarrassment in championing a World Democracy Summit this December 9-10th.

Besides the fact that this ‘democracy summit’ has undemocratically chosen to not invite nearly half of the nations of earth, including China and Russia, the USA is still somehow projecting the image that it is the leader of the free and democratic rules-based international order. The fact is that no nation has done more work to undermine democracies, spread war and murder over the past 70 years than the USA- and only a very shallow zombie, living in a self-congratulatory echo chamber, would miss that fact. Read more by Matthew Ehret👇

#Democracy #Biden #Politics

🗽🌐🐉 The biggest enemy of the basic democratic rights is the U.S. government – and yet we have this Biden conference declaring support for democracy.

U.S. President Joe Biden’s two-day “summit for democracy” was a farce even before it began this week. Now it has turned into a vile circus for Cold War hostility that greatly threatens world democracy, human rights and peace – the very antithesis of what the hubristic Americans claim.

#SummitForDemocracy #Democracy #Biden #China #ColdWar

💭 In our attempts at understanding such people who view themselves as the natural ‘ruling elite’, it is important that we never take a literal approach in our attempts to understand their desires and thus their motives.

📇 Read the second installment from one of the chapters from a book by Cynthia Chung, titled “The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set: The Birth of International Fascism and Anglo-American Foreign Policy”. The book will be made freely available as a three part series published via SCF.

#Democracy #Fascism #History #Society #Sociology

@strategic_culture 🤝 @CanadianPatriotPress
🦅 If they had allowed peace to prevail and provided they had conceded to NATO being dismantled because the Warsaw Pact did, the situation now in 2023 would not be the same.

After a while, it became obvious that their intention was not to establish democracy but (oft brutal) global dominance 🤕

And a unipolar world complete with it.

Democracy for them appears to be just a cosmetically well packaged camouflage for despotism world wide or ‘the best democracy money can buy’ – as the U.S. political elite would tend to say in bare sarcasm.

Imposing hegemony under the pretext of democracy which has long vanished turned it into its complete opposite. The U.S. political and financial Frankestein is well and truly out Orwellian style.

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#NATO #West #democracy #multipolarity

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🗽How Americans View the U.S. Political System in 2023

According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, Americans’ views of politics and elected officials are unrelentingly negative, with little hope of improvement on the horizon. There are some findings ⬆️

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#sc_infographic #UnitedStates #democracy #politics

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