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🇫🇮 As public support for Ukraine has waned over time, and Washington’s policy elites are shifting their focus more toward the conflict in Gaza, an endgame for Ukraine is desperately needed. U.S. and European officials have reportedly broached the issue of possible peace negotiations with their Ukrainian counterparts. This begs the question: What could a peace treaty between Kyiv and Moscow look like? One historical instance stands out among many as a potential model for how the Russo-Ukrainian War could end.

The “Winter War,” or the Soviet-Finnish War that took place from November 1939 to March 1940 (and was renewed by the Finns as allies of Germany between June 1941 and September 1944), has drawn some comparisons with the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. After Finland rejected an ultimatum to concede a considerable portion of its territory and the Soviet signing of the 1939 Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Joseph Stalin’s Red Army invaded Finland to install a puppet Communist Finnish government and eliminate a potentially hostile presence near the Soviet Union’s second city and only Baltic port of Leningrad.

Similar to the initial phase of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Soviet officials predicted that Helsinki would fall to Soviet troops in as little as three days. However, despite the Soviets outnumbering the Finns in soldiers by three to one, Helsinki succeeded in holding off the Red Army for more than three months, inflicting extremely heavy casualties on the invading forces.

Though Finland was eventually defeated and forced to concede about 11 percent of its territory, the Finns scored a moral victory. It is widely considered that the grit and courage of Finland’s resistance convinced Stalin that incorporating Finland into the Soviet Union or turning it into a Communist client state like Poland would be more trouble than it was worth. This also contributed to Stalin’s eventual agreement to sign a peace treaty with Finland in 1944 in return for a small amount of additional territory and a commitment on Helsinki’s part to neutrality. Finland thus became the only part of the former Russian Empire that was not reincorporated into the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin.

Helsinki had to sacrifice territory for autonomy, but its pride and prosperity soared 🏄

💬 Read more by Anatol Lieven and Alex Little

#Finland #Russia #USSR #history #Ukraine #war

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🇷🇺 A Geography of Russia’s Military Honour

The Days of Military Honour are special memorable dates in the Russian Armed Forces dedicated to the most outstanding victories won by Russia. This infographic shows the geography of Russia’s military honour.

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🇺🇦🇪🇺 According to Syrsky, the new commander-in-chief of Kiev’s troops, the lives of Ukrainian soldiers are the most important thing the army has. An assumption that was only made when it became obvious to everyone that there was no chance of victory in a direct fight against Russia.

As long as it was possible to feed the idea that „Ukraine was beating Russia“, when it was Russia that had the initiative — and never lost it — the lives of Ukrainian soldiers were worth little. Men — and some women — in their hundreds of thousands were thrown into muddy trenches, poorly fed and with ammunition in short supply, against an opponent who never lacked anything.

Only someone completely alienated by the promises of Fukuyama and his „end of history“ could consider a „synthesis“ that would result in the elimination of Russia. Only those who don’t know Russian and European history, and its identity and patriotic aspects, could consider that the role of anti-Russian antagonism that Kiev represents would have the strength to eliminate what is one of the three best-armed countries in the world.

But anyone who thinks that anti-Russian antagonism can only lead to the physical elimination of Ukraine, even if only partially, is mistaken. The European Union-Russia relationship also suffers from the same evils and destructive potential. In this sense, we can even speak of Ukraine as an alter-ego of the European Union.

This European Union is demonizing the country that saved it from Nazi-fascist terror by rewriting its past, desecrating its dead, misrepresenting its thinking and conspiring with its achievements.

💬 Read more by Hugo Dionisio

#EU #Ukraine #war #Syrsky #Russia

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🇷🇺 President Vladimir Putin made an interesting admission in a recent interview with Russian media. He said he “regretted” not acting sooner to order the military operation in Ukraine.

Overall, Putin sounded confident in the interview about the prospects of victory in Ukraine against the U.S.-led NATO proxy war. The conflict marks two years this week since Russian forces entered Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Independent analysts and even Western media outlets are admitting that the NATO-backed Kiev regime is teetering on defeat by superior Russian military forces. The fall of the strategic city of Avdiyivka in recent days portends a final collapse for the regime.

Russia controls about 20 percent of the territory in the east and south of what was Ukraine. The territory includes the Donbass region and Crimea which are now a legal, integral part of the Russian Federation.

Nonetheless, the Russian leader candidly said in the interview that he should have ordered Russia’s military to confront the Ukrainian regime sooner.

Russia will defeat the U.S.-led NATO axis in its Ukraine proxy war. But the victory has taken longer and has been more bloody than if Putin had acted sooner ⭐️

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#NATO #Russia #Ukraine #UnitedStates #Putin

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🦅 Recently, the U.S. began spreading rumors about alleged Russian space-based nuclear weapons. According to American intelligence, Moscow is developing a powerful anti-satellite weapon to be deployed in space, thus violating international norms that prohibit the militarization of Earth’s orbit.

Rumors about “Russian space-based nukes” look like a smokescreen 🌀

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz

#Russia #space #UnitedStates

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🇷🇺📆 A Timeline of Russia’s Military Honour

The Days of Military Honour are special memorable dates in the Russian Armed Forces dedicated to the most outstanding victories won by Russia. This infographic shows the timeline of Russia’s military honour.

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📍 A Geography of Russia’s Military Honour

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🇷🇺 The main Western newspapers already had articles prepared in advance about Putin’s victory in the Russian elections. With the confirmation of this victory, they just took them out of the drawer and published the barbarities that we already know.

“Orchestrated election”, accuses the New York Times. The Washington Post calls the election a “farce.” CNN, of “stage-managed election devoid of credible opposition”. BBC and The Guardian present the allegations of Golos, an NGO accused by the Russian government of being a “foreign agent” due to its links with European organizations.

This NGO says the elections were not clean because “a significant proportion of Russian society was not represented by any presidential candidate.”

But participation in these elections was the highest in Russian history, with 77.44% turnout among voters eligible to vote. This means that less than 23% of voters did not vote.

Any president who serves the interests of the majority of his people and protects the nation from foreign interference will naturally be chosen to remain in power.

💬 Eduardo Vasco writes

#Putin #Russia #West

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🇷🇺 Forget what the propaganda manufactured by the CIA and disseminated by all the major international media says. Only someone who is very uninformed can believe that Putin was elected because he arrested and killed opponents who had a chance of defeating him. Putin has no rival and the reasons are as follows.

His politics are highly popular. No one can deny that Putin is largely responsible for pulling Russia out of the mud it was thrown into by the same people who attack it today. Only those who lived through the terrible 90s know what Russia was like before Putin, with total devastation of the economy and unprecedented human degradation. And many of them know that the real culprits are the great imperialist powers, first of all the United States, which tried to enslave Russia and today cannot accept this fantastic recovery.

But Putin only managed to rebuild Russia because he applied a masterful policy.

Putin knows very well the feelings and psychology of the Russian people. The sense of family and preservation of traditional customs is deeply rooted in the common population, which gives it a conservative character.

💬 Eduardo Vasco writes

#Putin #Russia

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⚫️ Ukrainian attacks against Russia’s Belgorod region are becoming increasingly serious. Missiles and drones hit civilian targets on the Russian border every day, causing casualties and spreading terror. In Western media, the incursions against Belgorod are commonly linked to alleged “Russian partisan” groups, but insiders in the region seem to disagree with this narrative, pointing to Kiev’s agents and foreign mercenaries as the true perpetrators.

Western media lies by accusing alleged “Russian dissidents” of being responsible for the terrorist attacks in Belgorod.

💬 Lucas Leiroz writes @lucasleiroz

#Belgorod #Russia #Ukraine #terrorism

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🇷🇺 Upon assuming his duties, the new Russian Defence Minister Andrey Belousov made a number of noteworthy statements that rightfully reverberated throughout the world. But tucked in amongst his other observations of mainly geopolitical character there was one pregnant remark of an entirely different nature that nobody seems to have caught on to.

It is important to preserve the values of Western Christian civilization, European civilization, Russian Defence Minister says.

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#Russia #values

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🕊️🦅 The combatants in the largest land conflict in Europe since the World War II may be Russia and Ukraine, but there is no mistaking that it is really NATO’s war. It has claimed it for itself. Whether by intention or unforeseen consequence, it is so deeply enmeshed in the strategies, intelligence, supplies, tactics and weapons employed by Kiev that it is impossible to become disentangled, and that means it cannot afford to let Ukraine lose.

What this also means, of course, is that for as long as fighting between the two countries continues, NATO is committed to supporting Ukraine militarily. Its military leaders believe that Russia no longer has the power to overwhelm Ukraine, but it is also the case that Russia is not about to lose the war any time soon. Does this mean an eternal and bloody stalemate?

💬 Mark Blacklock writes

#NATO #Russia #Ukraine #war

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🌏🦅 NATO’s strategic aim is to conquer Russia and use its resources to dictate economic terms to an emasculated China. If NATO can crack Russia’s Western wall and bottle up the South China Sea, NATO will be well on the way to winning this global war, not least because those two victories will resonate globally.

Though Russia, China and the others have much to talk about, they have much to do as well.

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#NATO #war #China #Russia

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