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🟤 We all remember the standing ovation in the Canadian parliament for Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old Ukrainian-Canadian World War II veteran of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS. In Ukraine, which the Germans invaded during Operation Barbarossa, they found many Ukrainians sympathetic to the German Empire and/or Nazi ideology.

They were hostile to Soviet communism and wanted an independent Ukraine. So many Ukrainians decided to join what later became known as the most brutal killing squad in World War II.

After the Second World War, many of these SS battalion members were interned in what was then called Camp Rimini in Italy by the British. In 1948, the British allowed approximately 8,500 internees to emigrate to the UK, after which many of them emigrated further to Canada.

While the Western media focused on the Nazi problem in Canada, the United Kingdom remained out of the picture. But this is precisely the place where these SS Galicia members first emigrated to in 1948 🇬🇧

💬 Sonja van den Ende writes @devendonline

#Canada #ideology #Nazism #propaganda #Ukraine #UK #WarCrimes

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
Now, let's assume you don't like the contours of the new, multipolar world order that is emerging because it would accelerate your decline as a global hegemon. Let's add that your expertise is destabilization and that you thrive on chaos and permanent war, both extremely profitable for your military-industrial complex. Also, you need not worry about your financial elites, they are fully on board because they know how to exploit chaos to their advantage. You are good at starting wars not so much at fighting them. Actually you'd rather have someone else fight for you. It takes time, money and energy to persuade the leadership of a country to wage war against its neighbour, but that's not enough, it requires an army fit for the purpose. Terrorist organizations proved useful but nothing beats a traditional war when it comes to selling top of the range weapons and weakening your adversaries. Ukraine is a real cash cow because the collective West is footing the bill, so you will milk it as long as you can. But things are not going as planned, you are not weakening Russia, its GDP is growing and it turns out it has more and better friends than you suspected. It's increasingly difficult to persuade Congress and your allies to keep funding a hare-brained scheme that has backfired. Next year presidential elections will be held in your country and you need to distract public opinion from the inevitable defeat of your proxy army in Eastern Europe, you need to show some success. What do you do? Do you happen to know an allied country that can mobilize hundreds of thousands of military trained citizens at the drop of a hat and can be easily persuaded to use force to complete its nation-building project once it's conveniently framed as "self-defense"? @LauraRuHK
💢 Few people even know the name ‘Gehlen’, yet Reinhart Gehlen and his SS men not only shaped politically the newborn OSS and CIA, but also, to a significant extent, determined post-war American attitudes toward Russia. A zeitgeist that has remained largely intact to this day, Gehlen – ‘man of light and dark’; both Führer loyalist and traitor – long before Hitler finally fired him.

Sometimes it is necessary to look into deep history to identify the roots of contemporary issues.

This Ukrainian identitarian ‘play’ has a crucial part in the story of why sustained peace with Russia is foreclosed 🛑

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#ColdWar #Gehlen #Germany #Nationalism #NATO #Nazism #Ukraine

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Forwarded from Ron Paul
Media is too big
American Neocons Push For War With Iran -- But Israel Does Not
Forwarded from Geopolitics Live
“I think that we need to watch very carefully, what happens with Hezbollah in the north. Hezbollah has a huge arsenal of missiles, something like 80,000 cruise missiles and smart drones. They would be a formidable ally [for Hamas]. In fact, it was [former Israeli national security advisor] Giora Eiland who said that if Hezbollah joins this conflict and opens a second front, then this would present an existential threat to the future of Israel,” former British diplomat and MI6 agent Alastair Crooke told the New Rules podcast.

👉Why did this latest Israeli-Palestinian crisis erupt and what will happen if Israel attempts a land invasion of Gaza: You can find the full episode on Rumble
🇮🇱🇺🇸 In a nationwide televised address, U.S. President Joe Biden did his best to sound righteous and angered by the eruption of violence in the Middle East.

“There are moments in this life − I mean this literally − when pure unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world,” Biden intoned with phony gravitas. “The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend.”

This American duplicity is nauseating. Slurring his words, Biden has no idea what he is talking about or how culpable he and his nation are in the violence.

Then we have White House spokesman John Kirby breaking down and crying on live TV, overcome with emotion about Israeli deaths. Meanwhile, this same person advocates pumping arms into Ukraine, killing hundreds of thousands of people, without a tear shed for those deaths.

This American disconnect is equally nauseating.

Biden promised the immediate supply of advanced weapons to Israel to defend itself against Hamas, the Palestinian militant group, even while hundreds of Palestinian civilians are being slaughtered in revenge by the Israeli military in Gaza.

A U.S. aircraft carrier, missile destroyers and squadrons of fighter jets are also being deployed to the region, in the words of Washington, “deter” any wider violence.

How sickening is this knee-jerk recourse to more militarism and inevitably more violence? 💢

America’s problem is rooted in its systematic criminal policy that sows and breeds violence across the world.

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#Gaza #HumanRights #Israel #Biden #MiddleEast #Palestinе #WarCrimes

🇵🇸 More on Gaza 📍Subscribe 📍Join us on VK
Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🇮🇱🇺🇸 In a nationwide televised address, U.S. President Joe Biden did his best to sound righteous and angered by the eruption of violence in the Middle East. “There are moments in this life − I mean this literally − when pure unadulterated evil is unleashed…»
🚛 ‘Crippled’ Russian Economy Continues to be Among the World’s Top Exporters

Data released in the summer of 2023 demonstrate that Russia ranks as the world’s second largest exporter, while the United States is the largest goods importer globally.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#sc_infographic #Russia #economy #sanctions #trade

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🇮🇱🇵🇸 The world is witnessing yet another brutal phase of genocide against the Palestinian people, a genocide that has been going on relentlessly for 75 years since the dubious inception of the Israeli state in 1948.
Incredibly, the vast crime against Palestine got underway only three years after Nazi horrors were vanquished. The culpability of Western colonialism-imperialism (primarily that of the British and the Americans) for the ensuing genocide in Palestine remains significant to this day. 
In response to a large-scale violent assault by Hamas militants beginning on October 7, the Israeli state has unleashed an indiscriminate bloodbath on the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza.

What we are seeing in Gaza is comparable to the Warsaw uprisings in 1943. The Israeli state response of collective punishment and indiscriminate slaughter of “subhumans” is equivalent to the crimes of the Nazi regime 🛑

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Gaza #HumanRights #Israel #Nazism #Palestinе #WarCrimes #Zionism

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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🇮🇱🇵🇸 The world is witnessing yet another brutal phase of genocide against the Palestinian people, a genocide that has been going on relentlessly for 75 years since the dubious inception of the Israeli state in 1948.   Incredibly, the vast crime against Palestine…»
🍿 To say that The Big Lebowski – written, produced, and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen – has captured the heart of Hollywood would be a serious understatement. The 1998 crime comedy, aside from becoming a cult favorite for millions of film aficionados, was selected for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for its “cultural, historical, and aesthetical significance.” And according to at least one poll, the film is considered the best of all time, surpassing even Citizen Kane and Star Wars. But is this iconic production, chock full of quotable gems (“Obviously, you’re not a golfer”), dream sequences and idiosyncratic dialogue, significant for other less conspicuous reasons as well?

The primary thesis of this essay is to determine, in pure ‘conspiracy theorist’ fashion, whether the The Big Lebowski was created as a vehicle for predictive programming and subliminal messaging for the epic historic event of our times, now known concisely as ‘9/11,’ or for pure and innocent adult entertainment.

In the movie, we have a dual reference to the ‘New World Order’ and the terrorist attacks of 9/11, two critical events separated by 11 years 😱

💬 Mark Jacobson writes

#CultureWar #Hollywood #society #terrorism #United States

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To put in pictures, this is what I mean with my latest article: The Radicalization of Europe...
🦅 Samantha Power recently arrived in Armenia to meet with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, and pledged U.S. support for Armenia in the aftermath of the armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, which has left thousands of Armenians homeless at the hands of Azerbaijan. Power is the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and had previously served as U.S. Ambassador to the UN from 2013-2017.

Power is lying again to the Armenians. In 2014, she lied to the Armenians from the UN, and now she is again lying to the Armenians from USAID, which is an agency of the U.S. State Department.
According to her profile in Forbes, “Samantha Power, the youngest-ever U.S. ambassador to the UN, is considered to be the moral compass of American diplomacy” while adding, “…she has been a powerful crusader for U.S. foreign policy as well as human rights and democracy since she took office in 2013.”

Samantha Power’s moral compass is broken. She stood by lying and humiliating the homeless Armenians in Kessab, Syria in 2014, and she is again lying to the Armenians arriving as refugees in Yerevan.

Samantha Power, Presidents Obama and Biden, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken do not care about Armenia, or Armenians wherever they are 🦅

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Armenia #CIA #MiddleEast #Karabakh #Syria #UnitedStates #USAID

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🌐 La reciente cumbre de los BRICS, ha culminado con dos noticias fundamentales para el desarrollo del mundo en los próximos años. Por un lado, el bloque aumenta su número de participantes, sumando desde el 1 de enero de 2024 a Argentina, Arabia Saudita, Irán, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Egipto y Etiopia. Por otro lado, los países del BRICS han reforzado su voluntad de reemplazar al dólar en sus transacciones comerciales y en su lugar utilizar sus distintas monedas nacionales.

A pérdida del predominio económico por parte del G7 con respecto al grupo BRICS significa el más fuerte desafío a la hegemonía de Estados Unidos 🗺️

💬 Por Luis Acosta Betegón

#SC_Spanish #BRICS #G7

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Forwarded from Geopolitics Live
Media is too big
🗣 Israel not prepared for Hezbollah’s second front:

"I would think that Hezbollah have surprises up their sleeve. And I can't even guess what they are. They might actually invade Israel. It's quite possible they would do that. They have 100,000 troops, all experienced. They've been fighting in Syria against ISIS, Daesh* for a long time. They're experienced. They're very sophisticated technically. Hezbollah has a huge arsenal of missiles. Something like 80,000 cruise missiles and smart drones. If Hezbollah joins this conflict, opens the front, this would present an existential threat to the future of Israel," Alastair Crooke, former British diplomat and MI6 agent, told the New Rules podcast.

*Daesh (also known as ISIS/ISIL/IS) is a terrorist organization outlawed in Russia and many other states.

👉 Watch the full episode of our show on Rumble

🎧 Listen to more of Crooke's analysis in our podcast New Rules