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👧🏾 Numa época em que a questão da má conduta sexual dentro da indústria do entretenimento continua a ganhar manchetes, como testemunhado pelo movimento #MeToo, a indiferença e até mesmo a aversão de Hollywood ao assunto da pedofilia e do tráfico sexual infantil é no mínimo estranha.

Afinal, como esta biópsia cinematográfica revela com razão, há mais pessoas escravizadas agora, pelo tráfico sexual, do que quando a escravidão era legal. E embora as alegações de abuso sexual cometido por figurões de Hollywood (entre adultos consentidos) sejam altamente perturbadoras, até mesmo a insinuação de que a indústria líder da América poderia estar defendendo ou mesmo participando do tráfico sexual infantil desafia seriamente os limites da aceitabilidade moral.

Nem é preciso dizer que praticamente não há limite para o número de teorias da conspiração envolvendo o santuário interno de Hollywood – do controle dos Illuminati no estilo Kubrick à má conduta sexual desenfreada – a indústria testemunhou todas as acusações sórdidas sob o sol da Califórnia. Somando-se à sua reputação manchada, um número crescente de pessoas, muitas delas empregadas pela indústria cinematográfica, estão falando sobre a pedofilia nas fileiras de Hollywood, e o fato de que seus esforços não estão sendo levados a sério pelos senhores da mídia e do entretenimento apenas aumentam a aura de suspeita.

É difícil imaginar as coisas ficando de cabeça para baixo na terra dos livres, mas parece que a loucura está apenas começando 🌀

💬 Por Robert Bridge

#SC_Portuguese #Hollywood

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🎬 A new American film that reveals the brutal reality of child sex-trafficking has been greeted with muted enthusiasm from the political left, which begs the question: does the silence equal complicity in the unspeakable crime? 🛑

Tim Ballard is an American anti-human trafficking activist, author and founder of the non-profit organization Operation Underground Railroad, an anti-sex trafficking organization. A former special agent at the Department of Homeland Security who now works independently, Ballard’s life’s work is being immortalized in a Hollywood film, entitled Sound of Freedom.

At a time when the question of sexual misconduct inside of the entertainment industry continues to grab headlines, as witnessed by the #MeToo movement, Hollywood’s indifference and even aversion to the subject of pedophilia and child sex-trafficking is strange to say the least. After all, as this cinematic biopsy rightly reveals, there are more people enslaved now, by sex trafficking, than there were when slavery was legal. And while allegations of sexual abuse committed by Hollywood bigwigs (amongst consenting adults) is highly disturbing, even the hint that America’s leading industry could be defending or even participating in child sex-trafficking seriously challenges the limits of moral acceptability.

It goes without saying that there is practically no limit to the number of conspiracy theories involving the inner sanctum of #Hollywood – from Kubrick-style Illuminati control to unbridled sexual misconduct – the industry has witnessed every sordid accusation under the California sun. Adding to its stained reputation, an increasing number of people, many of them employed by the movie industry, are speaking out about pedophilia within the Hollywood ranks, and the fact that their efforts are not being taken seriously by the overlords of media and entertainment only adds to the aura of suspicion.

💬 Robert Bridge writes

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🍿 To say that The Big Lebowski – written, produced, and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen – has captured the heart of Hollywood would be a serious understatement. The 1998 crime comedy, aside from becoming a cult favorite for millions of film aficionados, was selected for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for its “cultural, historical, and aesthetical significance.” And according to at least one poll, the film is considered the best of all time, surpassing even Citizen Kane and Star Wars. But is this iconic production, chock full of quotable gems (“Obviously, you’re not a golfer”), dream sequences and idiosyncratic dialogue, significant for other less conspicuous reasons as well?

The primary thesis of this essay is to determine, in pure ‘conspiracy theorist’ fashion, whether the The Big Lebowski was created as a vehicle for predictive programming and subliminal messaging for the epic historic event of our times, now known concisely as ‘9/11,’ or for pure and innocent adult entertainment.

In the movie, we have a dual reference to the ‘New World Order’ and the terrorist attacks of 9/11, two critical events separated by 11 years 😱

💬 Mark Jacobson writes

#CultureWar #Hollywood #society #terrorism #United States

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