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πŸ”Ž Combat Trenbolone side effects:
ℹ️ Trenbolone cannot aromatize to estrogen and not convert to DHT.
βœ… Donβ€˜t use it alone. You should stack it with Testosteron, at least on a hrt dosage for your libido and healthy estrogen levels.
βœ… Add a DHT-derivatives for better results. Drostanolone would fit great to the stack for a cut. Benefits are dryer and harder muscles, more strength and better libido.
⚑️Tren can decrease your endurance. You should keep some cardio in your program.
βœ… GW501516 can combat the endurance side effect and also act positive to your blood lipid levels, which are also affected by tren.
⚑️Tren can increase your prolactin, if you are sensitive to it. It can affect your libido or cause gyno with elevated estrogen levels together.
βœ… Cabergoline will lower your prolactin levels enormous.

#sideeffects #trenbolone
β€‹β€‹πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€βš•οΈ Harm prevention: infection/abcess

❕An abscess is the last step of the immune response to an infection, it is the result of the combination of germs with the body's immune responses. When the infection occurs, the white blood cells cause the blood to enter the area, increasing the temperature and the redness of the area, this added to the secretions made cause pain.

Therefore we have the symptoms of inflammation: redness, local heat, swelling and pain.

❕Not all infections can cause liquefaction of the tissue (a cavity is formed in the tissue to isolate the area) that is necessary for an abscess to occur, this varies depending on the type of bacteria, this membrane that isolates the area would also cause antibiotics to have no effect in the advanced phase and therefore it would be necessary to drain or operate the area.
The sooner it is diagnosed, the better, because an antibiotic would enough.

πŸ“ How to diagnose an abscess?

❕First of all say that what looks like an abscess may not be an infection, when we perform an injection symptoms of inflammation may occur without an infection because factors such as the pH value πŸ§ͺ, if the tissue is compatible, or where it is performed (muscle, fascia or adipose tissue) can cause local destruction of the tissue causing an immune reaction similar to that of an infection but that will go away in a few days without treatment, this is known as sterile inflammation.

To distinguish between a sterile process and an infection, the most important values are:

🌑Fever: a temperature between 37-38 degrees may be indicative of both processes, but a temperature higher than 38 will be a very likely indicative of an infection.
❕If the lymph nodes in the area are swollen, it would also be an indication.
🩸Blood test: an excess of white blood cells and specifically of neutrophils would be an indicator.
CRP would be a very interesting value to measure (but it also increases with sterile inflammation) for a bacterial infection to occur it would have to be above 40mg / l (at the beginning of an infection it may be below 20 the value so I recommend running two bloodworks).
❕Keep in mind that if we take anti-inflammatory drugs, the fever will decrease and we will get a false diagnosis.

πŸ’ŠHow to treat it?

❕Sterile inflammation: It will be enough to take an anti-inflammatory and refrigerate the area.

❕Bacterial inflammation: I recommend that you see a doctor πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€βš•οΈ because in the case of a complication the area will have to be drained and an operation may even be required, but if we do not have access to a doctor, it would be advisable to treat with an antibiotics, most antibiotics work , but given that most infections are usually caused by a bacteria of the staphylococcus aureus type, I would recommend taking cefuroxime, doxycycline or clindamycin among others if cefuroxime causes allergy😷, the doses will have to be adapted to the body meso, being in the case of a 80kg male: (2x500mg / d) cefuroxime, (2x100mg / d) doxycycline or (4x300mg / d) clindamycin.
#harmprevention #article #sideeffects #infection #abcess #pip
β€‹β€‹πŸ”Ž Under the Scope: DNP

DNP is one of the most effective substances when it comes to burning fat, but also one of the most dangerous because if it is misused or an allergic reaction occurs, the user can die.


❕It works by the uncoupling process of oxidative phosphorylation (decreases the rate of formation of phosphate bonds and stimulates oxygen consumption), it causes a change in the proton gradient causing the energy to dissipate in the form of heat πŸ”₯ .


βœ”οΈFor every 100mg of DNP that are accumulated in the system, there is an increase in the basal metabolic rate of 10-15%, being a very effective help.


βœ–οΈDeath ☠️.
βœ–οΈOxidative damage
βœ–οΈIncreases the risk of eye diseases πŸ‘.
βœ–οΈThyroid hormone depletion.


There are different protocols, among them I will only talk about the two least dangerous

❕Dose of 2-3mg / kg for several weeks (I advise not to exceed 3-4 weeks).
❕Dose of 1-1.5mg / kg during the entire cutting cycle (being a very low dose it would not pose a danger if not an extra help).

❕ Allergic reactions: I recommend starting with VERY low doses to check that an allergic reaction does not occur.
❕Since it depletes thyroid hormones, I recommend using 100mcg / day of T4 and 25mcg / day of T3 (these are the therapeutic doses).
❕ Diet: I would advise to follow the diet that you like the most while having a caloric deficit.
❕ Training: I would advise doing the least amount of cardio possible.
❕To avoid (part) of oxidative stress I would use NAC, Vitamin C or Curcumin in high doses (one gram or more).
❕ For people at risk of eye disease I would recommend using N Acetyl Carnosine eye drops from the pharmacy.


❕DNP is a useful compound when it comes to weight loss (remember that it does not work miracles and you need to eat a good diet, therefore if you eat an inadequate diet you are risking your life and health for nothing πŸ™…πŸ» for the simple reason that you are unable to control yourself eating), but if it is handled incorrectly it can cause very unpleasant side effects I DO NOT RECOMMEND its use to anyone, this guide is to try to avoid possible harm from people determined to use it.
#underthescope #article #harmprevention #sideeffects
β€‹β€‹πŸ”Ž Under the scope: RAD 140

It is a third generation SARM, being investigated πŸ”¬ by Radius Health with the aim of serving for TRT and as a treatment for prostate or breast cancer with the fewest possible side effects.


βœ”οΈHas a potency similar to testosterone, mg for mg has a great potency.
βœ”οΈHas a half-life of 60 hours ⏱ (contrary to the 14 that are often said).
βœ”οΈ Has a high affinity for androgen receptors, increasing the oxidation of fatty acids πŸ”₯.
βœ”οΈDoes not aromatize or convert to DHT therefore it has no androgenic capacity.
βœ”οΈRaises transaminases much less than the rest of the less potent SARMS.
βœ”οΈBasal metabolic rate increases.
βœ”οΈHas a neuroprotective 🧠 effect (increases the feeling of well-being and libido).


βœ–οΈBy increasing the dose it loses the selectivity characteristic of SARMS.
βœ–οΈThe lipid profile worsens.
βœ–οΈElevation of transaminases.


❕It is a very powerful SARM with a lot of different benefits and few side effects πŸ‘πŸ», doses of 14-50mg are recommended depending on weight and goals and its half-life is 60 hours.
#underthescope #sarms #sideeffects #protocol
β€‹β€‹πŸ”– Top Testosterone Myths.

πŸ“£ Some say we’re living a testosterone epidemic. Whether be it recreational or medical use, the interest for the hormone has grown dramatically on the last few years. But what are the myths we hear about it most often?

❕ Myth #1: Testosterone injections will give you liver cancer. Unlike most oral steroids, injectable testosterone isn’t 17-alpha alkylated, so it only passes your liver once and is very well tolerated.

❕ Myth #2: TRT will make you sterile and will shrink your testicles. Well, there’s some truth to this one. Although generally temporary, testosterone shots will suppress your own production, while sperm count goes down to almost zero for most people. However, these side effects usually go away within a couple of weeks and can be alleviated with drugs such as Clomid and HCG.

❕ Myth #3: TRT will make you grow breasts. While testosterone aromatizes into estrogen (and this can lead to an increase in breast size), only sensitive individuals will experience it, and it also depends on which form is being used, as longer esters tend to aromatize more. Also, there are inhibitors available to stop this process.

❕ Myth #4: A high level of testosterone will make you a sex machine. Sure, more test you probably make you hornier, but won’t cure premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or turn you into a better lover.

❕Myth #5: TRT will make you bald as an eagle. Yes, generally speaking, TRT will increase DHT levels which can lead to hair loss for genetically predisposed individuals. If you’re one of those, simply there isn’t much you can do aside from implants and sooner or later it will fall anyways.
There are other myths which include turning you into a raging behemoth that will destroy anything in your way, giving you all sorts of cancer and health problems, but these will be subject of another article.

#article #harmprevention #testosterone #sideeffects
β€‹β€‹πŸ”Ž Under the scope: Isotretinoin

βœ… It is the most effective acne treatment that can be given since it acts on all the main mechanisms of acne!

πŸ”– Isotretinoin is a retinoid which reduces the proliferation and activity of sebocytes and activates their apoptosis process in addition to normalizing follicular keratinization and inhibits the process of clogging the pores (comedogenesis), reduces the amount of bacteria on the skin, it has anti-inflammatory effects acting on neutrophils causing a decrease in the amount of pus and greatly reduces the amount of sebum excreted through the skin.

❕For the treatment to be effective, only one condition has to be given, a total amount of the active principle of 120 to 150mg / kg of body weight must be accumulated during the course of treatment, therefore it does not matter to use large doses for small periods of time or small doses for longer periods of time.

πŸ””To avoid possible side effects or decrease the potency. I would recommend lower doses for longer periods of time.

#Underthescope #Protip #Sideeffects
β€‹β€‹πŸ‘ŠπŸ»Mythbusters: Diabetes from using insulin

Dropping insulin in the blood flow increases insulin resistance and can suppress the normal insulin production of our own body and thus promotes diabetes... or it can lead to the abnormal response of our immune system and make this vital hormone hostile to our body ... But is this true?

βœ… Short answ
er: NO.

βš”οΈ Since it does not cause an immune reaction, using insulin exogenously cannot cause diabetes. The type 1 is the autoimmune disease.

πŸ₯΅ The type 2 on the other hand comes to its active form when the pancreas gives up after a long term overload against the neglected insulin resistance... 90-95% of type 2 diabetes comes from the people suffering from obesity and very inactive sedentary lifestyle.

πŸ’‘The insulin cycles impact on the insulin resistance can be drastically decreased :
❕while insulin cycles are performed, the cycles stop when fasting glucose is above 100mg / DL.
❕To accelerate the recovery of insulin sensitivity consume Berberine at doses of 500 to 1000mg per day.

#Protip #Harmprevention #Mythbusters #Sideeffects
​​❓❔Query: Having a kid while on TRT or after steroid usage

Many people for different reasons wants to have children, and either because they are on TRT or have used steroids in the past they are afraid of being sterile, this is a scientifically based answer as to whether they can have children or not.

❕Keep in mind that everything has to be done under the supervision of healthcare professionals and that this is only a review of the medical literature applied in various clinical trials.

🌐 One of the most common side effects of steroid use is sterility, this is due to the loss of spermatogenesis, βœ… the good thing is that there are a large number of clinical studies on the subject and with very high effectiveness rates.

❕Spermatogenesis and its restoration depends on two factors:

βœ”οΈ The stimulation of Sertoli cells by FSH for which they will use HMG (Menotropin).
βœ”οΈ And that to assure thay intratesticular testosterone is in range, which will be achieved through the use of HCG.

πŸ—ƒ There have been many studies on this, with different treatment protocols.
βœ…Here is the one used in adults who have cycled steroids in the past or are currently on TRT. If someone wanst to recover or maintain spermatogenesis during / after a cycle of anabolic steroids or use of exogenous testosterone (TRT for example):

To keep it: 500IU every other day of HCG
To restore it: 1000-3000IU of HCG 3 times a week combined with 75-150IU 3 times a week of recombinant FSH.

πŸ’‘Duration will have to be based on a semen quality analysis (This is a specific type of analysis that a doctor will have to perform, but on your own you can perform an analysis that counts the number of sperm that can be bought in a pharmacy, this does not indicate the quality of the sperm, only that the number of sperm is adequate).Also if you are using a SERM or AI, you will have to resort to a bit different dosages.

#Query #Harmprevention #Didyouknow #Health #Sideeffects
β€‹β€‹πŸ”– Pro tip: The least harmful steroids for hair loss

Like all treatments, taking steroids affects everyone differently. A treatment that causes hair loss in one person may not affect another. It is already known that steroids like trenbolone, anadrol and dianabol can be responsible for hair loss.
Let’s take a look at some of the least harmful of them:

πŸ’« Nandrolone:

Nandrolone is harmless to the hair. Instead of converting it to DHT, 5-alpha reductase converts it to dehydrin. It is for this reason that you should not take Finasteride treatment, it will cause more hair loss than if you do not take anything. In addition, coupled with Deca Durobolin, it is often advisable to take a product based on testosterone, which will have a negative effect on your hair.

πŸ’« Turinabol:

Turinabol has an androgenic ratio of 0, which means that it theoretically won't cause you hair loss.
However, if taken in a high dose it can potentially have negative effects on the hair. Turinabol, however, remains the product causing the least amount of hair loss.

πŸ’« Anavar or oxandrolone:

Anavar is one of the less androgenic steroids, in fact it has an anabolic / androgenic ration of 322-640: 24. However, if taken in doses greater than 100mg, it can cause hair loss.
If you are worried about hair loss, there have been promising results with Minoxidil.

Learn more in our comprehensive free E-book: Hair Loss guide.

#Protip #Harmprevention #Health #Sideeffects
​​❓❔Query: I have taken steroids for 6 months. Which homeopathic medicines can be used to remove the side effects?

❕Homeopathy does not serve or has any use, if your side effects are at the hormonal level you will need to do a post cycle therapy.

❌ 🍸If the side effects are at the hepatic level avoid the consumption of alcohol and medications and your body will heal the liver by itself, although if you want to speed up the process use TUDCA.

🐠If there are cholesterol problems consume Omega 3, Krill Oil and Red Yeast Rice for its monocoline content.

❗️If the side effects have been kidney related, kidney function cannot be repaired, only you can prevent or slow future damage that may be caused, for example using astragalus or reducing the blood pressure.

#Query #Harmprevention #AAS #Health #Sideeffects
β€‹β€‹πŸ”– Harm prevention: Couple words on Impotence & Libido loss

πŸ›‘ Impotence and libido loss are two of the most common adverse effects related to steroid use that most people would want to avoid. This is the result of a drug-induced hormonal imbalance, not a sign of masculine weakness.

πŸ‘₯ When it comes to the effect of these medicines on sexual function, not everyone will react the same way. ❕Others are extremely susceptible to the effects of these medications and will have issues no matter what they do, developing full-fledged sexual dysfunction in only a few weeks, regardless of dose. πŸ’§

πŸ§β€β™‚οΈIf an individual is prone to sexual dysfunction as a result of steroid use, such adverse effects will often appear 5-6 weeks after starting treatment and will last as long as the offending chemical is used.

βœ… There are three therapeutic options for sexual dysfunction caused by the use of nandrolone or trenbolone.
1️⃣ Entirely stop taking the problematic medicine and wait for the symptoms to go away.
2️⃣ Experiment with the ratio of testosterone to nandrolone/trenbolone to see if it helps solving the problem.
3️⃣ Finally, if the individual's symptoms are caused by prolactin, adding an anti-prolactin medicine like cabergoline or bromocriptine to one's regimen may help.

πŸ’‘Another cause of sexual dysfunction in steroid users is estrogen imbalance.βš–οΈ Too little or too much estrogen can cause the same problem. It's important to note that as with sexual dysfunction caused by nandrolone or trenbolone, not everyone responds the same to excessive or insufficient levels of estrogen.

🧬 DHT is a crucial male hormone for the development and maintenance of typical male traits and physiology, which includes sexual function. Under normal circumstances, the body generates DHT by converting a portion of freely circulating testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.🩹 As a result, if a person wants to maintain adequate DHT levels, he or she must include testosterone in their cycle.

πŸ•³ The usage of 5-AR inhibitors is the final element we'll look at. When utilizing a 5-ARinhibitor, the chance of suffering sexual dysfunction is significant, depending on the dose used. The number of possible cycles is enormous, and an alternate technique should not be dismissed simply because it differs from the traditional style of cycling.

#Article #AAS #Harmprevention #Protip #Protocol #Sideeffects
πŸ”– Most dangerous steroids

⚑️ AAS, given you continue training and eating properly, will make you bigger, faster, stronger, able to recover faster, allow you to eat more, improve your metabolism, make your bones denser, among other effects. However, and this seems to be often forgotten, AAS don’t work just the way you want. Once in your body, they will bind to whichever tissues have androgenic-anabolic receptors available, including organs, skin, hair follicles, glands, bones and even your brain. In this piece, we’ve selected some of the most dangerous AAS commonly used by bodybuilders and gym-goers.


#Article #AAS #Harmprevention #Health #Sideeffects
πŸ”– Do you really need Tren? – 17 facts to help you decide

πŸ’‰ Sure, trenbolone will do wonders for your physique, and can be applied in pretty much any and every situation, whether you’re bulking, cutting, recomping, trying to get stronger, faster, etc. due to its amazing properties regarding building mass, losing fat and making you stronger. However, trenbolone is also capable of delivering some very massive side effects, affecting not only your body but heavily degrading your psychological health. Of course, every individual will respond differently, and while some may not experience harsh sides, others’ life will become a living hell while they’re on tren.

We will go over some of its common effects on the body to help you decide whether you should use trenbolone or not:


#Article #Bodybuilding #AAS #Cycle #Sideeffects
βš•οΈThe Ultimate Solution to Acne - ISOTRETINOIN (ACCUTANE) 101

Accutane is a Vitamin-A-related medication used to treat acne and a wide variety of other skin diseases (including cancer and ichthyosis).

Even though Accutane is extremely effective at treating acne and will often get rid of it forever, it's a very infamous drug that many people fear.

That's because Accutane tends to cause extreme lip dryness, sensitivity to the sun, low Testosterone, depression and liver toxicity, among other symptoms.

Despite this, Accutane is often used by bodybuilders who develop acne as a result of using steroids. While Accutane tends to be a permanent solution for this issue, you may want to give its topical cousin, Tretinoin, a shot first (unless your acne is absolutely uncontrollable).

Tretinoin is not as effective as Accutane when it comes to treating severe acne, but it can get rid of most types of acne fairly quickly and with almost no side-effects besides some skin irritation and sensitivity during the first few weeks.

If you choose to go with Accutane, you will probably have enough with 10 to 20mg/day for up to 6 months.

Tretinoin is applied to the affected area every other day for the first two weeks, then every night for a total of 3-6 months. Start with 0.025 strength and work your way up if need be.

Regardless of which one you pick, be sure to use a good moisturizer and quality sunscreen.

#sideeffects #accutane #acne #skincare
☝️Why bodybuilders need Telmisartan

Telmisartan is a medication that is commonly used to treat high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. It belongs to a class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), which work by blocking the action of a hormone called angiotensin II that constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure. In addition to treating hypertension, telmisartan has several other potential health benefits.

Explore the uses, benefits, side effects, and dosage of Telmisartan in a bodybuilding context.

#AAS #Blood #Pressure #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycles #HarmMitigation #Health #PEDs #ProTips #ShortCycles #SideEffects #Steroids #Telmisartan

πŸ’Š Nebivolol 101

Nebivolol is a medication that belongs to the class of beta-blockers. It is used to treat high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Nebivolol works by reducing the workload on the heart and lowering the heart rate, which in turn lowers blood pressure.

This has made it incredibly useful not only as a medication, but also as an ancillary that can be used during AAS and fat-burner cycles to protect the heart. In this article, you will learn how Nebivolol works and why you might need it if you are a bodybuilder.

#AAS #BloodPressure #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycles #FatLoss #FatBurners #HarmMitigation #Health #HeartRate #Nebivolol #PEDs #ProTips #ShortCycles #SideEffects #Steroids

βš•οΈThe Ultimate Solution to Acne - ISOTRETINOIN (ACCUTANE) 101

Accutane is a Vitamin-A-related medication used to treat acne and a wide variety of other skin diseases (including cancer and ichthyosis).

Even though Accutane is extremely effective at treating acne and will often get rid of it forever, it's a very infamous drug that many people fear.

That's because Accutane tends to cause extreme lip dryness, sensitivity to the sun, low Testosterone, depression and liver toxicity, among other symptoms.

Despite this, Accutane is often used by bodybuilders who develop acne as a result of using steroids. While Accutane tends to be a permanent solution for this issue, you may want to give its topical cousin, Tretinoin, a shot first (unless your acne is absolutely uncontrollable).

Tretinoin is not as effective as Accutane when it comes to treating severe acne, but it can get rid of most types of acne fairly quickly and with almost no side-effects besides some skin irritation and sensitivity during the first few weeks.

If you choose to go with Accutane, you will probably have enough with 10 to 20mg/day for up to 6 months.

Tretinoin is applied to the affected area every other day for the first two weeks, then every night for a total of 3-6 months. Start with 0.025 strength and work your way up if need be.

Regardless of which one you pick, be sure to use a good moisturizer and quality sunscreen.

#sideeffects #accutane #acne #skincare