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💊 Dimethazine (DMZ) 101 – Superdrol overload?

Dimethazine (also known as DMZ, Dostalone or Mebolazine) is a 17-alpha-alkylated (oral) AAS derived from DHT that is essentially a dimer of Superdrol, meaning that it’s chemical structure is TWO Superdrol molecules bound by an “azine” ringe, something that only one other AAS has (Bolazine, which is 2x Masteron molecules bound together).

One of the most surprising facts about this AAS is that it was legally sold as a pro-hormone for many years (supp store clerks were selling this to 16 year olds), and to this day it can still be acquired legally as a research chemical in most countries.

#AAS #AnabolicSteroids #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Bulking #Cutting #DHT #DMZ #HarmMitigation #OralCycles #ProTips #ShortCycles #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Superdrol

🧔🏻 Post-finasteride syndrome: myth or reality?

Post-Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) is a term used to describe a set of persistent side effects that some individuals experience after discontinuing the use of Finasteride. Finasteride is a prescription drug used to treat hair loss and an enlarged prostate in men. It works by inhibiting the conversion of Testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the main hormone responsible for hair loss and prostate enlargement.

While Finasteride is generally considered safe, some individuals who take the medication experience persistent side effects, even after stopping the drug. These side effects can include sexual dysfunction, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, and physical symptoms such as muscle weakness and joint pain.

#AnabolicSteroids #Balding #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #DHT #Finasteride #HairLoss #HarmMitigation #Health #ProTips #Steroids #Testosterone

💉 Bolasterone 101 – a forgotten AAS?

Bolasterone is an oral AAS that was developed in the 1960s by the pharmaceutical company Wyeth.

It was initially used in the treatment of cachexia, a condition characterized by severe weight loss and muscle wasting in patients with advanced cancer or other chronic illnesses. Unfortunately, it was abandoned because it was too powerful to be used in a therapeutic context, but it is still used in veterinary medicine.

Even though it never became a popular AAS among bodybuilders, there is some anecdotal information about it in the deepest corners of the bodybuilding internet.

#AAS #AnabolicSteroids #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Bolasterone #Bulking #Cutting #DHT #HarmMitigation #OralCycles #ProTips #ShortCycles #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Superdrol

💊 Bromocriptine: Better than Caber and Prami?

Bromocriptine (also known as Parlodel) is a dopamine agonist similar to Cabergoline. It was developed and is still being prescribed for the treatment of parkinson’s, prolactinomas, diabetes and addiction withdrawal.

Bromocriptine can be very useful in a bodybuilding context thanks to its prolactin-lowering and hunger-inhibiting properties, which make it a perfect addition to a Nandrolone, Trenbolone or MENT cycle. These AAS interact with the progesterone receptor and cause prolactin to increase, which can lead to the development of gynecomastia, lactation and sexual dysfunction.

#AnabolicSteroids #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cabergoline #HarmMitigation #Nandrolone #Pramipexole #ProTip #Prolactin #SteroidCycles #Steroids #Trenbolone #Trestolone

💉 Erythropoietin 101

Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone that plays a critical role in the production of red blood cells. It is produced primarily by the kidneys in response to low oxygen levels in the body, and its primary function is to stimulate the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues and organs throughout the body. For that reason, many athletes (specifically endurance athletes like runners, swimmer and cyclists, but also fighters and lifters to some extent) use EPO as a PED to boost oxygenation and increase their endurance.

#Athlete #Athletism #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cardarine #Cardio #CardiovascularHealth #Cycles #Endurance #EPO #HarmMitigation #ProTips #Running #ShortCycles #Swimming

😎 Make your PCT or cruise more fun

One of the things people fear the most when doing Post-Cycle Therapy or cruising is losing their gains. This is not really an issue if a solid PCT or Cruising protocol is followed, but some people still want to go the extra way to ensure they keep every single gram of lean muscle they gained during the cycle/blast.

While it's certainly not possible to keep absolutely everything gained during a cycle if you are already way past your natural limit and you do a crazy cycle that makes you even bigger, here are some things you can add to your PCT or cruise to keep it interesting, fun and anabolic.

#Anabolics #Bloodwork #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycle #HarmMitigation #Health #PCT #PostCycleTherapy #ProTips #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone #TRT

🔵 Methylene Blue: Does it live up to the hype?

Methylene Blue is a fascinating chemical compound with a fascinating history and a wide array of applications. Known by its scientific name, “methylthioninium chloride”, this versatile dye has found its way into various fields, from medicine to chemistry, to photography and even biohacking.

In this article, we will delve into what makes Methylene Blue such a unique compound, and what its applications are in a biohacking context.

#AntiAging #Biohacking #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #BrainHealth #Energy #HarmMitigation #Health #MethyleneBlue #Nootropic #PreWorkout #ProTips

💊 Are Dianabol-only cycles possible?

Running oral only cycles has always been looked down upon in the enhanced bodybuilding community. Apart from very mild SARMs like Ostarine and S-4, it is always recommended to stack SARMs and oral AAS with a proper Testosterone Base.

However, what if I told you that Dianabol is an exception to this rule? Even though Dianabol-only cycles are far from ideal, they can work if done properly. Before you call me crazy, read this article to learn what makes Dianabol different from other oral AAS & how to run it on its own in a safe and responsible way.

#Anabolics #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycle #Dianabol #Estrogen #HarmMitigation #ProTips #ShortCycles #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone

☝🏻 How Do AAS Affect Collagen Synthesis?

Collagen is a protein that makes up the body’s connective tissues. In other words, Collagen is the very fabric of tissues like the skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and even bone.

As you can imagine, having optimal collagen synthesis is key to having strong bones, silky smooth skin, and resistant tendons and ligaments, and to repairing all these tissues when they are damaged.

#Anabolics #Anavar #AntiAging #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Collagen #Cycle #HarmMitigation #HarmReduction #Nandrolone #OralSteroids #ProTips #ShortCycles #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone #Winstrol

💊 Epitalon 101: The ultimate anti-aging peptide

Epitalon is an anti-aging peptide that works by activating telomerase. It is a synthetic derivative of Epithalamin, a substance that can be found in the pineal gland, that was developed by Russian scientists in the late Soviet Union.

Epitalon has always been one of the rarest and most underrated peptides on the market, but in recent years it has grown in popularity within bio-hacking / anti-aging circles due to its purportedly miraculous benefits.

#AntiAging #Biohacking #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #BrainHealth #Energy #Epitalon #HarmMitigation #Health #Longevity #Peptides #ProTips