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💉 PEG-MGF: The ultimate anabolic peptide

MGF (Mechano Growth Factor) is a peptide hormone that is closely related to IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1). MGF is naturally occurring in the human body, where it plays an important role in the development of children and teenagers. However, it continues to be important in adults because it promotes the proliferation of muscle stem cells to grow and repair muscle tissue in response to physical exertion.

MGF can be administered exogenously to improve muscular development, so it can be considered a PED. It is not very popular because it has typically been hard to find, but with more companies starting to offer it and more content about it being created, I have no doubt that it will become a staple of bodybuilding chemistry in the next few years because it builds muscle through a unique pathway that most bodybuilders seem to neglect.

#Anabolics #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycle #Growth #Hormone #HGH #IGF1 #Insulin #MGF #PEGMGF #Peptides #ProTips #ShortCycle

💉 Metribolone 101: Oral Trenbolone

Metribolone (also known as R1881 or Methyltrienolone) is an oral AAS and the 17-alpha-alkylated version of Trenbolone. In other words, Metribolone is ORAL Trenbolone, and yes, it’s as crazy as it seems.

Believe it or not, it was originally developed to treat breast cancer in women, but it was discarded as soon as they started researching it because it caused severe liver toxicity even at very low doses.

This should be a good indicator as to why Metribolone is not a popular oral AAS among bodybuilders. The reality is that doing a Metribolone cycle is a terrible idea, but there’s still room for it in an advanced enhanced bodybuilder’s PED cabinet. Keep reading to find out why!

#Anabolics #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #HarmMitigation #Metribolone #ProTips #Protocol #ShortCycles #Steroid #Cycles #Steroids #Trenbolone

😎 Make your PCT or cruise more fun

One of the things people fear the most when doing Post-Cycle Therapy or cruising is losing their gains. This is not really an issue if a solid PCT or Cruising protocol is followed, but some people still want to go the extra way to ensure they keep every single gram of lean muscle they gained during the cycle/blast.

While it's certainly not possible to keep absolutely everything gained during a cycle if you are already way past your natural limit and you do a crazy cycle that makes you even bigger, here are some things you can add to your PCT or cruise to keep it interesting, fun and

#Anabolics #Bloodwork #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycle #HarmMitigation #Health #PCT #PostCycleTherapy #ProTips #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone #TRT

☝🏻 The impact of steroid use on thyroid production

Something that we rarely discuss in the bodybuilding community is the impact AAS use has on thyroid function. Is it positive? Is it detrimental?

In this article, I will be looking at some of the data regarding the interaction between AAS and endogenous thyroid hormones, and explain why using low doses of exogenous thyroid hormones during an AAS cycle may be a good idea…

#Anabolics #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #CuttingCycles #Cycle #FatLoss #FatBurners #ProTips #SteroidCycle #Steroids #T3 #Thyroid #WeightLoss

💊 Are Dianabol-only cycles possible?

Running oral only cycles has always been looked down upon in the enhanced bodybuilding community. Apart from very mild SARMs like Ostarine and S-4, it is always recommended to stack SARMs and oral AAS with a proper Testosterone Base.

However, what if I told you that Dianabol is an exception to this rule? Even though Dianabol-only cycles are far from ideal, they can work if done properly. Before you call me crazy, read this article to learn what makes Dianabol different from other oral AAS & how to run it on its own in a safe and responsible way.

#Anabolics #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycle #Dianabol #Estrogen #HarmMitigation #ProTips #ShortCycles #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone

☝🏻 How Do AAS Affect Collagen Synthesis?

Collagen is a protein that makes up the body’s connective tissues. In other words, Collagen is the very fabric of tissues like the skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and even bone.

As you can imagine, having optimal collagen synthesis is key to having strong bones, silky smooth skin, and resistant tendons and ligaments, and to repairing all these tissues when they are damaged.

#Anabolics #Anavar #AntiAging #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Collagen #Cycle #HarmMitigation #HarmReduction #Nandrolone #OralSteroids #ProTips #ShortCycles #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone #Winstrol

💉 Testosterone Replacement Therapy for those who don’t do cycles very often

If you are on TRT or planning to hop on it in the future, you will love this post. We all know what Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is, but today I want to introduce a concept I like to call TRT+.

TRT+ is for those who don’t do cycles (blasts) very often, but who want to take their TRT protocol to the next level in a sustainable way.

This is NOT medical advice, and I would not encourage you to do TRT+ if your TRT protocol is being closely monitored by a medical specialist.

#Anabolics #AntiAging #BioHacking #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycle #HarmMitigation #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone #TRT

💉 Testosterone Replacement Therapy for those who don’t do cycles very often (Part 2)

In part 1 of the “TRT PLUS” series, we covered two strategies that anyone on TRT can implement to take their protocol to the next level and essentially be on a mini-blast for an extended period of time and without compromising their own health.

In this 2nd part, we will be covering two more strategies you can use to turn your basic TRT into a truly exciting but stil healthy “TRT+” protocol.

#Anabolics #AntiAging #BioHacking #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycle #HarmMitigation #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone #TRT

💉 TRT add-ons

After our “TRT PLUS” series, it is time for us to do an article for those who don’t want to go that far and who simply want to take safe natural supplements and/or synthetic drugs that work synergistically with TRT to improve their health, well-being or performance without having to use Anabolic Steroids.

#Anabolics #AntiAging #BioHacking #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycle #HarmMitigation #SteroidCycle #Steroids #Testosterone #TRT