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Since 2008, our mission is to help rid the world of bad steroids, misinformation on AAS, SARMs, peptides and doping in general, as well as training, nutrition and harm reduction.

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💉 Glutathione 101

Glutathione is an antioxidant peptide found in most living organisms, including humans, animals, plants and fungi. Its job is to fight oxidative stress and prevent free radicals from damaging the body.

Glutathione is popular among enhanced bodybuilders because it protects and regenerates the liver and the kidneys, two organs that are likely to suffer some damage during an AAS or SARM cycle.

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💊 Can you mix AAS with recreational drugs & alcohol?

The interaction between Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and recreational drugs like cocaine, alcohol and others is rarely discussed, but after doing some research on the subject I have found some concerning data that I believe every enhanced bodybuilder should be aware of.

Like it or not, studies have shown that there is a correlation between AAS use and recreational drug use, and it is no secret that a significant minority of AAS users do in fact take recreational drugs on a semi-regular basis.

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☝🏻 4 rare AAS

FURAZABOL, METHYL-STENBOLONE, DIMETHAZINE and HEXADRONE. These compounds are rare Anabolic Androgenic Steroids that were legally sold as “Pro-Hormones” in supplement stores during the late 2000s and early 2010s.

These are NOT pro-hormones, because they are already active and do not need to undergo a conversion into a different molecule inside the body to exert their effects. 3/4 of these are WAY more powerful than your average oral steroid, which is crazy when you realize that ignorant supplement store clerks were selling these to naive 16-year-olds all over the Western World for many years…

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☝🏻 The truth about DNP

DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol) is perhaps the most infamous and lethal drug in bodybuilding. Historically, this brutal fat-burner has been used for the production of black dyes, explosives, ammunitions and pesticides, but it was also sold as an over-the-counter fat burner in the 1930s (it didn’t end well).

This drug is so powerful and thermogenic, that Soviet soldiers allegedly used it to cope with extremely low temperatures during WWII!

#Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cycles #Fatloss #FatBurners #HarmPrevention #PEDs #Protip #Protocol #ShortCycles #WeightLoss

➡️ Dihydroboldenone: The forgotten AAS

Dihydroboldenone (also known as DHB or 1-Testosterone Cypionate) is an injectable AAS and the 5-alpha-reduced derivative of Boldenone (Equipoise). In other words, DHB is to Equipoise what DHT is to Testosterone, but DHB and DHT are extremely different.

DHB is not a popular AAS by any means, but its properties are nothing short of spectacular. Many people describe DHB as “Trenbolone without the side-effects”, and by the end of this article you will understand why.

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☝🏻Test E vs Test C

Both esters are almost interchangeable due to their similar half-lives and ester weights. Even their prices are almost always identical, so if you are struggling to choose between the two, go for whichever one you have easier access to.

If you have equally easy access to both, then pick Test E if you want to inject it intramuscularly or pick Test C if you want to inject it subcutaneously.

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☝🏻How to double the effectiveness of Trenbolone

Trenbolone is an AAS that requires no introduction. If this is the first time you hear about it, I have no idea how you ended up here…

It is no secret that Tren is extremely anabolic and capable of providing amazing gains in muscle mass, but there is a seldom mentioned property of Trenbolone that can be exploited for even more gains.

In this post, I will explain what that property is and how to take advantage of it to maximize your gains on Trenbolone.

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☝🏻 PED acronyms & abbreviations

If you have been in this space for a while, chances are you are familiar with almost every PED-related acronym and abbreviation there is. However, we sometimes forget some or even see new ones that we don’t understand, so here’s a list of pretty much every single acronym and abbreviation I could think of!

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💉 AAS injection-induced infections

There is nothing worse than having to abort an AAS cycle due to an infected injection site. It can not only ruin a cycle, but it can cost you a whole limb or even your life if you don’t get it under control as quickly as possible.

There have been many cases of men who had to get one of their legs AMPUTATED as a result of an injection-induced infection spreading throughout the whole limb. That is not a situation you want to find yourself in.

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☝️Why bodybuilders need Telmisartan

Telmisartan is a medication that is commonly used to treat high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. It belongs to a class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), which work by blocking the action of a hormone called angiotensin II that constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure. In addition to treating hypertension, telmisartan has several other potential health benefits.

Explore the uses, benefits, side effects, and dosage of Telmisartan in a bodybuilding context.

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