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#Education #PoliticalSuppression
One More Teacher Disqualified by Hong Kong's Education Bureau

Source: Stand News #Nov13

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#Education #PoliticalSuppression
One More Teacher Disqualified by Education Bureau

The Education Bureau in Hong Kong disqualified one more teacher on November 12, 2020.

The Bureau announced that it issued a letter to a primary school teacher for "making serious mistakes" in teaching, "lacking competence" as a teacher and "not preparing for class", suggesting that teacher was not qualified, and thus the teacher's license was removed according to Education Ordinance.

According to various news sources, it was a General Studies primary school teacher from Ho Lap Primary School.

In April 2020, the said teacher introduced the opium war in a primary 2 General Studies class, and explained that UK started the Opium War to destroy opium in China.

The same teacher was accused of giving "wrong explaination" on the motive for ancient Chinese to invent paper as "substituting turtle shell and animals' bones in order to prevent the extinction of animals".

The Bureau stressed that the content "is obviously wrong and ridiculous".

Nevertheless, what the teacher had said actually came from the Education TV program (#ETV) produced by the Bureau itself.

Even if it is wrong, the teacher should not be banned for life.

Source: Stand News #Nov13
#Totalitarianism #Teachers
#PrideParade #LGBTQRights
Hong Kong Pride Parade 2020 Tells the World "Here and Proud" Despite Police Disapproval

Source: InMedia #Nov14

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#PrideParade #LGBTQ
Hong Kong Pride Parade 2020 Tells the World "Here and Proud" Despite Police's Objection

The Hong Kong Pride Parade was issued a Letter of Objection by the Hong Kong Police Force for the first time in 12 years. The original parade was prohibited, and it will now be held online.

This year’s theme is "Here and Proud". Before the gathering, spokesperson Jimmy Sham told the press that he was disappointed by the objection of the police, making it the first time the parade cannot be held under sunlight. Concerning the difficulty to calculate the number of participants online, Sham suggested that nowadays in Hong Kong, number of participants no longer matters.

Sham thanked 17 District Councils for supporting the parade and promoting it locally. Over 20 district councillors joined the event.

Sham, who is also a member of the Sha Tin District Council, pointed out that he was once told “it is very hard for gay people to become a district councillor”. This term, 3 gay people were elected, marking a new age for LGBTQ+ group. He also gave a special shout-out to the District Council members who promoted LGBTQ+ rights locally.

Singer Siufay, who came out earlier, was appointed the Rainbow Ambassador this year. He shared his experiences of coming out, “it is easier to step up than step back”. He said he had a lot of limitations before coming out, but now he can say whatever he wants.

Another Rainbow Ambassador is Figo Chan, the convener of Civil Human Rights Front. Chan added, Hong Kong is not familiar with gender issues, which creates discrimination. He hoped that one day these misunderstandings can be eliminated.

Source: InMedia #Nov14 https://bit.ly/32LOWxA

#HKPride #HereAndNow #DistrictCouncil #SiuFay #JimmySham #FigoChan
#NeverForget #NeverForgive
The Long and Arduous Aftermath after the Battle of Chinese University of Hong Kong; Arrested Student: Hongkongers, Please Go On Fighting

One year after the Anti-ELAB movement began, a quieter but more sustained form of suffering now grips Hong Kong's pro-democracy activists.

The Stand News follows the story of Ah Man, a student who was arrested at the Siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) by the police, as he awaits his trial that is yet to even be scheduled.

This is just one of many Hong Kong protesters' stories.

Ah Man hopes to tell Hongkongers, "Please go on the fight".

Read the Translated Article in Full:

Source: Stand News #Jun11


#CUHKSiege #AntiELAB #HongkongProtests #HongkongChronicles
Leader of Conservative Party in Canada Criticises China Again and Promises to Prioritise National Interests If Conservative Party Rules Government

Source: Apple Daily #Oct31

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Leader of Conservative Party in Canada Criticises China Again and Promises to Prioritise National Interests If Conservative Party Rules Government

The Leader of the Conservative Party in Canada Erin O’Toole once again criticised China and the ruling Liberal Party. He pointed out that Canadian politicians and large companies have moved a large number of manufacturing job opportunities to China, betraying the local workers. The Chinese government, on the other hand, has repeatedly violated international standards, failed to open its domestic market to foreign enterprises justly, and has broken its promises on human rights protection at the same time.

O’Toole gave a video speech at the Canadian Club Toronto, saying that too much power was in the hands of big corporations. They disrupted the balance between businessmen and workers when they migrated their production lines to China. He said that the job opportunities, steady salary and pension that Canadian workers used to enjoy in the past, were now part of a “bygone era”.

He questioned at the session, “If businesses can just pay 50 cents (CAD) per hour to the Chinese workers, why would they be willing to pay CAD 30 to local workers?”

O’Toole pointed out that the political and financial elites did not suffer from much loss under economic crisis and continued to let China seize more job opportunities from its manufacturing industry. He raised the example of the Canadian government that allowing China becomes the main supplier of medical equipment and drugs in Canada, which contradicts national interests. He emphasised that a Conservative government would prioritise national interests and that it would not only pay attention to its national GDP but also strive to unite the country in all aspects.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct31

#Canada #China #manufacturingindustry #labours #ErinOToole #OToole #ConservativeParty #LiberalParty #CanadianClubToronto #CCP

Financial Times Report: Huawei Will Build Chip Factory in Shanghai and Forgo US Technology

Source: Stand News #Nov02

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Financial Times Report: Huawei Will Build Chip Factory in Shanghai and Forgo US Technology

The British Financial Times quoted a source in saying that Chinese telecommunications equipment company Huawei has planned to establish a chip manufacturing factory in Shanghai and no longer use the US technologies, in order to solve chips supply caused by the US’s export restrictions.

The report stated that the factory would be operated by Huawei’s collaborator Shanghai IC R&D Center, to ensure sufficient chips supply for core telecommunications equipment business. They expect to commence their production by the end of next year.

The factory would first produce the low-end 45-nanometre chips, and until the second half of 2021, when it would have the ability to manufacture the more advanced 28-nanometre chips for smart TVs and other internet equipment. By 2022, it would be able to produce the 20-nanometre chips for 5G network telecommunication equipment. In addition to the previous one to two years of chips inventory, Shanghai IC R&D Centre believed that the factory could support the sustainable operation of 5G business of Huawei.

Source: Stand News #Nov02

#China #Huawei #chips #US #technology #FinancialTimes #ShanghaiICRDCenter #ICR&D #telecommunications #telecoms #telecom #5G

China: Measures Taken Against Foreign Imports Beyond Reproach, Urges Australia to Reflect on Itself

Source: RTHK #Nov06

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China: Measures Taken Against Foreign Imports Beyond Reproach, Urges Australia to Reflect on Itself

It was reported that China has stopped buying a series of Australian products. In Beijing, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated that the Chinese authorities have carried out legitimate measures on foreign imports, that they were in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations and international practices and that they were responsible measures in the interest of China’s state enterprises and consumers. He emphasised that the practice was reasonable, legal and beyond reproach.

Wang said that China has repeatedly urged Australia to reflect on itself and do more on things that benefit the mutual trust and cooperation between China and Australia and honour the spirit of comprehensive strategic partnership between them. It urged Australia to create good conditions and atmosphere for practical cooperation between the two countries in various fields.

He also said that since 2018, more than 10 investment projects from China have been rejected by Australia on account of groundless national security reasons, these rejections included the barring of Chinese companies from participating in Australia’s 5G network and infrastructure. Australia has also carried out 106 anti-dumping investigations on China, while China has only initiated 4 investigations on Australia. He questioned who it was that violated the principles of the market economy and the spirit of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and opined that the facts were very clear.

Source: RTHK #Nov06

#Australia #China #SinoAustralianRelations #ChinaAustralia #WangWenbin #MinistryofForeignAffairs #ChinaAustraliaFreeTradeAgreement #CAFTA #AustralianExports

Who Should Hong Kong Favor in the US Election? No one.

The branding of the U.S. President Donald Trump as being “tough on China” has attracted a great pool of supporters from anti-China contingents like Hong Kongers and Taiwanese, who hope for his re-election.

We should under and that not everyone casts their votes based on the candidates’ posture toward China alone; voters take into consideration their entire political agenda and how they would serve U.S. national interest. Instead of imposing our views of what the U.S. should do.

Regardless of who wins the U.S. presidency, Hong Kongers must continue advocacy both within and outside of the U.S.

Source: The Diplomat #Nov03


#USelection #Hongkonger
#FirstHand #Nov15
Students Reminds Hongkongers to Fight On with Public Screening of Documentary about China's State Terrorism

21:14 | Causeway Bay

In a shopping district in downtown Hong Kong, an ad-hoc screening took place on the street. The documentary "One Country Through Torture" directed by Kong King-chu follows four pro-democracy activists in China and the physical and mental tortures they experienced when facing suppression by the state.

The public screening organized by the group Student Politicism attracted passersby to stop and look.

The names of the 12 Hongkongers who have been detained in China since late August 2020 were displayed. The 12 pro-democracy activists are jailed by Chinese authorities for nearly 90 days without trial and without being able to meet with the lawyers appointed by their families.

#OneCountryThroughTorture #Screening #Save12HKYouths