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#NationalSecurityLaw Hotline in Hong Kong Receives 10,000 Messages In One Week

More than four months has passed since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in July 2020, Hong Kong police announced earlier that its National Security Department has launched a reporting hotline for people to provide national security-related information and report suspected breaches of the law.

In their reply to the reporters' inquiry on Nov 15, police stated that they had received nearly 10,000 messages as of November 12.

As to whether they will initiate any investigation regarding the reports, police dodged the question.

The China-owned South China Morning Post quoted the government sources that among the nearly 10,000 messages received by the 'National Security Reporting Hotline', some are repetitive, but some are constructive.

Source: Stand News #Nov15
#StudentPoliticism #Interview
Activism as the Protest Ebbs: "The Movement Isn't Over as Long as Someone Carries On", says Student Politicism Convener

Part 1/3

Source: InMedia #Nov15

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#StudentPoliticism #Interview
Activism as the Protest Ebbs: "The Movement Isn't Over as Long as Someone Carries On", says Student Politicism Convener

Part 1/3

Since the National Security Law came into effect in July in Hong Kong, many student activist groups have assumed a low profile, focusing their efforts on online platforms, or ceasing operations entirely. In contrast, the group Student Politicism not only continues on, but also steps up their efforts, frequently hosting streetside booths and public events like exhibitions and letter writing campaigns.

When asked why they chose to act boldly when the movement seems to be at a low point, convener Wong Yat-chin said, "Other people might be scared, or have become worn out. That's why a student organization like us needs to step up."

Before the passing of the National Security Law, Wong said, his organization took a vote by secret ballot to decide whether they would continue to operate. The result was 95 to 5 in favor of continuing on, without much disagreement in the discussions leading up to the vote.

Were they not worried at all? They certainly were, Wong said, but he felt that "there must be some leeway for us to keep doing this."

And so, Student Politicism carries on in their "action-oriented" style, and looked for ways to maximize the limited room for resistance. They hosted exhibitions of photograohs of the pro-democracy movement, as well as streetside booths for citizens to write to the 12 Hongkongers held captive in China.

The purpose was twofold, Wong said. He hoped to break out of the echo chamber of social media and reach people of all ages on the streets, helping them become politically aware, and preparing them for the future resistance.

At the same time, he hopes to "keep the fighting spirit alive".

Source: InMedia #Nov15

#NationalSecurityLaw #HongKongProtests #Fighting #Save12HKYouths #Students #Youths #NeverGiveUp #WongYatChin
After Obtaining 50k Petitions, the German Parliament Agrees to Hold a Hearing on China Sanction, said German Hongkonger Glacier Kwong

Source: The Stand News #Nov15

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After Obtaining 50k Petitions, the German Parliament Agrees to Hold a Hearing on China Sanction, said German Hongkonger Glacier Kwong

In September, Glacier Kwong Chung-ching, a Hong Kong resident in German and a former spokesperson of the "Keyboard Frontline", an NGO advocated for Human rights on the Web, submitted a proposal to the petition committee at the German Parliament. The petition called on the German Bundestag to formulate policies and to impose sanctions on China for the Hong Kong National Security Law. Glacier Kwong has got 50,000 signatures for the petition and posted on Facebook today that she had received an official document from the German Parliament confirming her eligibility for the hearing but was yet to know the date. She intends to reflect issues such as the 12 Hong Kong people detained in the mainland, describing it one of the small steps to liberate Hong Kong.

She said that due to the pandemic lockdown in Germany, she could only hold the hearing after lockdown, at the start of next year as the earliest, but she believes that as long as the hearing is held before the German election next year, the result will not be too far off. She also hoped that the hearing would address issues such as the importance of rescuing the 12 Hong Kong people detained in the mainland, the remaining freedom in Hong Kong, and the crumble of its political system. She hoped that the committee members of the German Parliament would take a stand on the China issues and that the hearing would be one of the formal occasions to discuss before the German elections. She also hopes that more people would pay attention to the China problem, as well as the situation in Taiwan and Xinjiang.

Source: The Stand News #Nov15


#Germany #China #HongKong #NationalSecurityLaw #GermanParliament #Petition #GlacierKwong #KeyboardFrontline #Save12HKYouth
#StudentPoliticism #Interview
Hong Kong Student: "The Movement Isn't Over as Long as Someone Carries On"

Part 2/3

Source: InMedia #Nov15

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#StudentPoliticism #Interview
Hong Kong Student: "The Movement Isn't Over as Long as Someone Carries On"

Part 1/3

Part 2/3

“I felt like people are starting to forget, and everyone is exhausted”, Student Politicism convener Wong Yat-Chin said with disappointment in his voice.

It has been more than a year since the beginning of the pro-democracy Anti-ELAB movement in Hong Kong, many who had fought alongside with him are gradually withdrawing. They no longer share post about the movement on their social media and many “have gone back to being political indifferent, caring only about materialistic pleasures”.

Wong understands that many people are frustrated by the downturn of the events, but he still hopes to “remind them of their original cause”, in order to “give hope to those who once had hope” because “as long as someone persists, this movement will never end.”

Although some said the movement is gaining less and less attention, there are always pedestrians stopping by Student Politicism’s street booths. Many of those also wrote down their thoughts and words.

Wong recalled a mother pointing at the word “conscience” on the display board and explaining it to her children; and elderly people came to wrote postcards to the 12 Hong Kong youths detained in China.

The most unforgettable incident was when the father of Liu Tsz-man, one of the pro-democracy Hongkongers who was captured by China, came to write a postcard.

“At first I was just taking it, but he grabbed my hand and pointed to the addressee which reads ‘From: Dad’”.

No one could forget the hollow and hopeless look in Liu's father's eyes. “I really wanted to give him a hug. I asked if there is anything I can do to help. He said no in a tone of despair and walked away”.

Source: InMedia #Nov15

#LiuTszMan #Save12HKYouths #Conscience #NeverForget
#StudentPoliticism #Interview
Pro-democracy Student Group Convener: “I was not born in Hong Kong, but I am willing to die for it”

Part 3/3

Source: InMedia #Nov15

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#StudentPoliticism #Interview
Pro-democracy Student Group Convener: “I was not born in Hong Kong, but I am willing to die for it”

Part 1/3

Part 2/3

Part 3/3

Student Politicism convener Wong Yat-Chin was born and raised in China until he moved to Hong Kong in Primary 5, yet his love and attachment to the city are undeniable.

He recalled being unfamiliar with politics when he was young, and even after he immigrated, he spent his time “gaming and playing ballgames with his peers” and “did not really have a goal in life”. Wong said that he didn’t even know what the 'yellow" (pro-democracy) and the 'blue' (pro-Beijing) camps were until last year.

On June 9, 2019, Wong participated in a rally for the first time, because he felt that the Extradition Law amendments was unjust. The real wake-up call for him was when pro-democracy protester Marco Leung fell to his death at Pacific Place on June 15, 2019.

Wong sighed in retrospect saying, “I guess some would even choose to sacrifice their lives for this movement.” He said that the incident made him even more involved in the movement.

Wong started an awareness group in his secondary school and organized strikes, devoting most of his time to the movement. Some of his teachers advised him to continue only after finishing his studies. However, Wong expressed that he “wouldn’t be able to live up to his conscience, and by that time it would be too late for both me and Hong Kong.”

Not only did his participation in the movement affect his academics, it has also affected his relationship with his family and friends. Wong does not talk to his parents often because of their different political stances. “They knew I am involved but they didn’t say much, even when I got arrested last time, all they said was “okay” and that was it.”

At the beginning of the movement, he could still get in touch with his friends in China, but as the movement continued, they gradually lost contact, some even called him “violent thug” after they knew that he had founded Student Politicism.

Wong admitted that he had felt discouraged, but with his newly founded organization, he realized that “this movement is something I have committed the most in.”

In the past, he did not want to study and only dreamed of starting a local fashion brand, but now he aims to self-study for the public exam DSE and hopes to study politics in the future.

“I believe that the day will come when all Hong Kong people will rise up and fight together in unity, ” Wong repeatedly said in his interview. When he was asked whether he is worried about the consequences, he replied “I can foresee that I might become a political prisoner, but I am willing to sacrifice my life. I have not considered leaving the city.”

“I was not born in Hong Kong, but I am willing to die for it.”

Source: InMedia #Nov15

#LoveHongKong #Conscience #HongKongStudents #Youth #WongYatChin
The US Say No Position on Taiwan Sovereignty, but “One-China Policy” is Distinct from “One-China Principle”

Source: Apple Daily #Nov15

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The US Say No Position on Taiwan Sovereignty, but “One-China Policy” is Distinct from “One-China Principle”

In response to press inquiries, the US Department of State spokesperson further elaborates US's stance on Taiwan policy. He pointed out that the US has long followed a “One-China Policy” which is distinct from Beijing's “One-China Principle”. The spokesperson said the China Communist Party (CCP) asserts sovereignty over Taiwan under the “One-China Principle”, but the US takes no position on sovereignty over Taiwan.

The spokesperson added, "the fundamental U.S. interest is that the Taiwan question be resolved peacefully, without coercion, and in a manner acceptable to the people on both sides of the Strait". In his reply, he emphasize the U.S.' One China policy remains guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques between the U.S. and China, and the Six Assurances to Taiwan by Ronald Reagan, as it has been in the past four decades.

The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in an interview with Hugh Hewitt Show that the US has prescribed that Taiwan has not been part of China, and that was recognized since the Reagan administration, adhered to now for three and a half decades, and done so under both Democratic and the Republican administrations, in fact, a bipartian consensus. Since Pompeo's speech was questioned as a violation of the “one China principle,” it reportedly triggered strong discontent among hardliners in Beijing.

#Taiwan #US #China #USdepartment #USsecretary #Pompeo #OneChinaPolicy #OneChinaPrinciple #TaiwanRelationsAct #SixAssurancesToTaiwan

Source: Apple Daily #Nov15

Yoshihide Suga Showing Grave Concern over Hong Kong, urged Upholding a Free and Open System under the "One Country Two System"

Source from: The Stand News #Nov15

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Yoshihide Suga Showing Grave Concern over Hong Kong, urged Upholding a Free and Open System under the "One Country Two System"

The East Asia Summit, held by leaders of China, the U.S. and Japan, was held by video conference on Saturday (14th November). At the meeting Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said developments contrary to the rule of law have been unfolding in the region, including the South China Sea. He also express grave concerns over the the enactment of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, urged upholding a free and open system under the "One Country Two System" framework.

According to Kyodo News, in the dispute over the sovereignty of Senkaku Islands (a.k.a. Diaoyu Island in China), Yoshihide Suga said China's activities in the East China Sea violate Japan's sovereignty, ballistic missile launches and further militarization in the South China Sea also increase tensions in the region. The U.S. National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien participate on behalf of President Donald Trump. He also criticized China on its actions over the Mekong River basin and the South China Sea for threatening the peace, stability and sovereignty of other countries.

Source from: The Stand News #Nov15

#Japan #China #UnitedStates #NationalSecurityLaw #OneCountryTwoSystems #EastAsiaSummit #YoshihideSuga #RobertOBrien #SouthChinaSea #EastChinaSea #SenkakuIsland #DiaoyuIsland
Malaysia Refuses to Extradite Uyghurs to China. Scholar Says Malaysia’s Move Might Anger Beijing

Source: Stand News #Nov15

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Malaysia Refuses to Extradite Uyghurs to China. Scholar Says Malaysia’s Move Might Anger Beijing

Reuters reported that the Malaysian government declared its stance in September this year to firmly refuse extraditing Uyghur refugees to China. South China Morning Post reported on November 15 that the move could drive Uyghurs to seek refuge in Southeast Asian Muslim countries. The report also said that this move represented Malaysia’s declaration of Uyghurs’ status for the first time, and contrasted its neighbouring country Indonesia. A professor from George Washington University has said, “This is likely to anger Beijing, but it is a responsible move.”

The report said that the government of Malaysia, a country with the majority of its population being Muslims, mentioned in a response to the Parliament in September that even if requests were to come directly from Beijing, they would not repatriate Uyghurs who have sought refuge in Malaysia. This move represented Malaysia’s declaration of Uyghur’s status for the first time, and contrasted its neighbouring country Indonesia. Last month, Indonesia repatriated three Uyghurs back to China.

#Malaysia #China #Indonesia #Uyghurs #Muslim #Refugee

Source: Stand News #Nov15

China Reaches World’s Largest Free-Trade Agreement with 14 Countries and Set to Wield More Influence, US Urges Japan and Korea Not to Go Silent on Human Rights Issues

Source: Stand News #Nov15

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China Reaches World’s Largest Free-Trade Agreement with 14 Countries and Set to Wield More Influence, US Urges Japan and Korea Not to Go Silent on Human Rights Issues

As the trade war between China and the US continues, China formally signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) with Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and the ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on 15 November. Covering 30% of the global population and one-third of the world’s trade volume and economic output, the RCEP is considered the largest free-trade agreement in the world.

With the US withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), it is believed that China would assume leadership of the RCEP and increase its influence in Asia in doing so. The US stated earlier that it hopes that Japan and Korea, both in the RCEP, will remain vocal in support of human rights and democracy in China despite the partnership.

Source: Stand News #Nov15

#US #Japan #Korea #China #RCEP #Trade #Diplomacy #HumanRights

Hong Kong protest anthem played at Rugby Sevens series in Korea

Source: Korea Times #Nov15

#Incheon #RugbySevens #HongKong #NationalAnthem #GloryToHongKong

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Hong Kong protest anthem played at Rugby Sevens series in Korea

The Korea Rugby Union, the local operator of the second leg of the Asia Rugby Sevens Series held in Korea between Nov. 12 and 13, apologized for playing "Glory to Hong Kong," a protest anthem widely sung during the 2019-2020 pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, instead of the Chinese national anthem, "March of the Volunteers," during the men's final round between Hong Kong and Korea held in Incheon, Korea on Sunday.

The Hong Kong government chastised Asia Rugby Monday morning about what happened and asked for an "in-depth investigation." However, the remarks of the Korean operator contradict those of the Hong Kong government.

Stressing that playing the Hong Kong pro-democracy protest anthem was "simply a mistake" by the Korea Rugby Union and that the Korean union immediately announced the mistake in the stadium and delivered an official apology to the Chinese and Hong Kong teams, a public relations representative from the Korean organization told The Korea Times Monday that "We ask each country to submit national anthems to play, but failed to get one (from the Hong Kong team)."

The person added that "our staff saved 'the Hong Kong national anthem' listed on the top of a search engine in the file folder named, 'Hong Kong.'"

The person continued that the Korea Rugby Union was later informed by Asia Rugby that the organization should play China's national anthem for the Hong Kong team but failed to delete the mistakenly saved file and delivered it to the broadcasting team. The official added that a staff member of the broadcasting team played the song in the file when Hong Kong made it to the final.

Also, the person said that the organizer then played the Chinese national anthem for the Hong Kong team during the award ceremony, after Hong Kong won the final.

Some pro-democracy restaurants in Hong Kong made the issue into a promotional event, giving those with Korean passports in Hong Kong discounts and some coupons for what happened.

Cafe de JarGor, a local food restaurant chain in Hong Kong that is known to support the anti-government movement and is vocal about anti-government issues, posted on Instagram that they will give a 50 percent discount to Korean passport holders that visit its restaurants for dinner today with the hashtag, "#thankyou" in Korean.

Source: Korea Times #Nov15


#Incheon #RugbySevens #HongKong #NationalAnthem #GloryToHongKong
U.S. FBI director says TikTok poses national security concerns

The U.S. operations of Chinese-owned TikTok raise national security concerns, FBI Director Chris Wray said on Tuesday, flagging the risk that the Chinese government could harness the video-sharing app to influence users or control their devices.

Risks include "the possibility that the Chinese government could use [TikTok] to control data collection on millions of users or control the recommendation algorithm, which could be used for influence operations," Wray told U.S. lawmakers.

Source:Reuters #Nov15


#FBI #TikTok #Security #China