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More than 50 countries have confirmed their participation in the BRICS Games, which will be held in Russia's city of Kazan in June.

On June 11-24, 2024, Kazan will host the "BRICS Sports Games Kazan 2024", an international multi-disciplinary event. The competition will take place in the run-up to the BRICS Summit, which will also be held in the capital of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan in October.

🌐 The BRICS Sports Games is an annual multi-sport event organized by the BRICS countries.

🤝 The main goal of the tournament is to strengthen friendly sports relations between countries based on the principles of equality, non-discrimination and equal access of athletes to competitions.

#BRICS #BRICSGames #Russia #Kazan
⚡️ Excerpts from the statement of the Russian Federation after the vote on granting of full membership in the UN to the State of Palestine:

This day could go down in history as the day when, after three-quarters of a century, the international community finally took the right step towards correcting the long-standing "historical injustice" towards Palestine and the legitimate aspirations of its heroic people.

☝️ After all, the essence of the matter was a simple question: are the Palestinians worthy of being part of the world family, participating fully in all decisions of international life? A question to which we have consistently answered in the affirmative, when we accepted Israel into the UN, and when we accepted dozens of states liberated from colonial oppression.

❗️ However, our American colleagues think differently.

By exercising the veto right for the fifth time since the escalation in Gaza, they have once again demonstrated their true attitude towards the Palestinians. For Washington, they do not deserve to have their own independent state. They are only an obstacle to the realization of Israel's interests.

That is why the United States is willing to turn a blind eye to Israel's crimes against the peaceful residents of Gaza, to ignore the illegal settlement activity of Jerusalem on the West Bank.

☝🏼 The goal is to break the will of the Palestinians, to compel them to unconditionally submit to the occupying power, to turn them into servants and second-class citizens, and perhaps even to eradicate them from their native territory.

#Russia #UNGA #Palestine
📅 85 years ago, on 11 May 1939, the Khalkhin Gol conflict started involving the Soviet Union, Japan, Mongolia and the puppet state Manchukuo.

The reason for the conflict was a dispute over the border between Mongolia and Manchukuo supported by Japan.

Having occupied Manchuria in 1931, Japan turned its military interests to Soviet territories that bordered those areas. The ultimate Japan’s purpose in the conflict was capture of territories and creation of a bridgehead for attack on the USSR allied to Mongolia.

⚔️The conflict ended in defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army and signing of a ceasefire agreement.

This victory also deterred Japan from launching an offensive against the USSR during WW2.

#WW2 #WWII #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Japan #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory #KhalkhinGol
One of the most iconic Soviet monuments, the “Worker and Kolkhoz Woman” was unveiled #OTD in 1937 at the World Fair in Paris.

The 58-meter-high monument (consisting of the 25-meter sculpture and the 33-meter pedestal) crowned the Soviet pavilion at the fair. It was authored by Vera Mukhina, the master of socialist realistic sculpture. The monument was a great success-all media outlets published its pictures with its copies reproduced in the World Fair's souvenirs.

💫In 1939, during the opening of VDNKh (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy) in the Russian capital, the statue was placed in front of a main entrance; though on a relatively small pedestal which was three times lower than the one in Paris.

📽️ After WW2 the sculpture became an official emblem of the Mosfilm cinema studio. Since then every Soviet film made by this studio is introduced by a logo of a man and woman holding a hammer and sickle.

Photos from The Moscow Times

#Russia #Soviet #USSR #SovietSculpture #SocialistRealism #Mosfilm #hammerandsickle #VeraMukhina #SovietCulture #RussianCulture #SocialistArt
🗓️ #OTD in 1883 the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow was consecrated. It is currently known as one of the tallest orthodox temples in the world.

⛪️The cathedral was commissioned by Tsar Alexander I on December 25, 1812, following the defeat and withdrawal of Napoleon's troops from Russia. The Tsar proclaimed the cathedral a monument of gratitude for the intervention of "Divine Providence for saving Russia" from doom, and as a memorial to the sacrifices of the Russian people.

However it was not opened until 70 years later when Alexander I's grandson was-ascending the throne. Russian composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky's"1812 Overture" was written with the cathedral's completion in mind, but it was premiered in August 1882 in a tent outside the unfinished church.

In 1931 the cathedral was demolished as part of Moscow reconstruction plan and in 1994-1999 rebuilt.

#russianculture #orthodox #russia #russian #moscow
📆#OTD 166 years ago the settlement of Khabarovka was founded by a detachment of Siberian troops under the command of Captain Yakov Dyachenko in Russia’s Far East which later became the city of Khabarovsk. It bears the name of the renowned XVII-century Cossack leader Yerofei Khabarov, who explored the Amur region.

🌊Khabarovsk is a city of two great strategic rivers: the Amur and the Ussuri. Their confluence near Khabarovsk and the state boundaries they define created one of the most important geopolitical zones in northern Asia. The city emerged as a result of the Russian-Chinese Treaty of Aigun according to which the territories on the north bank of the Amur river became part of the Russian empire, and those to the south – part of China.

🔹The devastation of WW1 occurred far from Khabarovsk, and the city actually grew with expanding military production. But the Russian Civil War and foreign military intervention in the Far East caused major damage and disruption.

❗️It lies closer to major Chinese cities than to Moscow. By rail, Khabarovsk is a 6 day 5,300-mile journey from the capital. The city is linked to the European part of Russia via the Trans-Siberian railway.

#Russia #Khabarovsk #RussianHistory #discoverrussia
📆#OTD in 1988 the INF Treaty between the USSR and the US entered into force. It was signed in December 1987 in Washington by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and US president Ronald Reagan.

✍️Under the INF Treaty, the parties eliminated two classes of nuclear armaments: land-based intermediate-range and shorter range missiles. The missile launchers and all the associated support facilities and equipment were also destroyed.

In 2019, the US unilaterally withdrew from the Treaty under a far-fetched pretext terminating it for all the parties. A great blow was dealt to the arms control system, which took decades to build. The USA is to be held responsible for the far-reaching negative consequences for the entire architecture of global security and strategic stability.

🇷🇺For its part, Russia did its best to save the Treaty as well as to ensure predictability in the missile area after its termination. President of Russia Vladimir Putin announced a moratorium on the deployment of land-based intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles as long as US weapons of similar classes were not deployed.

⚠️The US and other NATO countries were directly urged to announce a reciprocal moratorium but the Russian proposal was declined.

#Russia #USA #armscontrol #globalsecurity
🌐 Tourism industry creative arts and ads international competition "Travel More!"

🤝"Travel More!" invites legal entities as well as individuals from BRICS countries to participate in the competition.

📍Mission of "Travel More!" is to collect the best practices and promotion ideas in Russia and beyond, to inspire people go travel and to expose Russia for visitors from all around the world.

☝️Foreign nationals may apply in the “Around the World” category until 4 June 2024. The organising committee accepts advertising videos and branded materials for evaluation. The results will be announced on the margins of the forum “Let’s Travel!”

👉Applications are accepted via the website

#russia #russian #discoverrussia #visitrussia
📆#OTD in 1963, Valentina Tereshkova of USSR became the world’s first and youngest woman to travel into outer space with a solo mission.

🧑‍🚀The decision to select women for female cosmonauts group was taken in 1961. Having passed a number of rigid tests, V.Tereshkova was enrolled in the group. She embarked on her space flight onboard the Vostok-6 spacecraft. Her call sign in this flight was “Tchaika” (Russian for “seagull”).

She orbited the Earth 48 times and spent 2 days, 22 hours, and 50 mins in space. Her mission was used to continue the medical studies on humans in spaceflight and offered comparative data of the effects of space travel on women.

The next woman’s spaceflight took place only 19 years later with the second female cosmonaut also being Soviet citizen Svetlana Savitskaya.

#spaceexploration #USSR #Soviet #Russia #firstinspace #Tereshkova #firstwomaninspace
Happy holiday, Slavs!

🎉On June 25 the Slavs all over the world celebrate the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs.

The Slavs represent one of the largest linguistic and cultural community of the peoples of the world, which total number is estimated around 300-350 million people.

There are Western (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashubians and Luzhichans), Southern (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Macedonians, Slovenes, Montenegrins) and Eastern Slavs (Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, Rusyns).

The Slavs make up the bulk of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, they also live in all post-Soviet countries, Hungary, Greece, Germany, Austria, Italy, in the Americas and in Australia. Most Slavs are Christians, with the exception of Bosniaks who converted to Islam during the Ottoman rule over Southern Europe.

The Day was first celebrated in 1957 in the Soviet Union as a sign of friendship between Russians, Belarussians and Ukrainians and was created in order to revive what was lost, to remember those traditions that our ancestors believed in and to finally become proud of folk wisdom.

Every year, folk festivals take all over Russia and other states where Slavic people found their home.

#russia #russian #slavs #slavic #unity #friendship
📚Anti-apartheid literature in the Soviet Union

Anti-apartheid writer Peter Abrahams (1919–2017) was well-known in the Soviet Union. His novel “The Path of Thunder” first was translated into Russian in 1949 and was reprinted many times until the late 1980s with hundreds of thousands of copies.

In the Soviet Union this South African work was used by the Soviet Ministry of Education to learn English. Even a textbook for English learners was based on this novel.

📒 Abrahams was inspired by Afro-American realist fiction. Es’kia Mphahlele noted that for black writers in South Africa “realism burst into full blossom” in the 1940s. Abrahams’ novels continued Mphahlele “were to provide an inspiration for later fiction – that of the next decade.” In South Africa Abrahams became a role model for black journalists and fiction writers of the 1950s.

Richard Rive, a prominent South African author and academic, believed that Abrahams’s realism also comes from the social realist traditions of the prose produced in the Soviet Union in the first half of the twentieth century. Rive pointed out that “Abrahams was intent on showing social conflict in the broad, political sense of the word.”

In the Soviet Union, where South African fiction often had bigger print runs that in South Africa, “The Path of Thunder” became the first widely known African novel. Through Abrahams’s work readers in the Soviet Union were first introduced to anti-apartheid fiction, long before they read novels by Alex La Guma, Andre Brink or Nadine Gordimer.

Moreover, “The Path of Thunder: was adapted for ballet by Azerbaijani composer Gara Garayev in 1957. The ballet was performed at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow and the Kirov Ballet in Leningrad. In 1956, in Armenia, Stepan Kevorkov and Erasm Karamyan directed a drama based on Abrahams’s novel, which was seen by millions of people across the Soviet Union.

The materials provided by the Center for Southern Africa Studies of the Institute (

#pagesofcommonhistory #russia #sovietunion #russiasouthafrica #ussr #humanrightsday #africa #literature
🇷🇺 President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the US role in undermining international stability and security:

💬 The United States has destroyed the fundamental documents that underpinned international stability and security.

☝️ We did not withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which was a cornerstone, or the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.
Many elements in the foundation of international stability have been destroyed in recent years. Nothing of this was done by us. All of this was done by the US.

What were we supposed to do? Only to take note and respond to those actions.

👉 And so we did. We successfully invented systems to overcome antimissile defences, such as intercontinental Avangards, hypersonic gliding blocks, or intercontinental-range ballistic missile technology to break through missile defense systems, and some other things, too. We were forced to do this.

☝️ However, the issue of creating a legal framework for international security and strategic stability is still on our to-do list.


#InternationalStability #USA #Russia
🚘 Soviet and Russian motor vehicles in South Africa

The Lada Niva, a Soviet-made four-wheel-drive vehicle, first became available in South Africa in 1988. As the anti-apartheid sanctions were in force, the Soviet Union did authorise exports to South Africa. Hundreds of Nivas were imported from Western Europe, without after-market support. Only after South Africa’s transition to democracy authorised imports, supported by nationwide marketing campaigns, began.

In the late 1990s, the cars were shipped directly from Russia, with a full range of spares and technical support. The inexpensive and practical all-terrainer was welcomed by car enthusiasts in South Africa.

🚙 The ability to perform over rugged terrain and its affordability made the Lada Niva an excellent choice for South Africans. The economical car had permanent four-wheel-drive, five-speed gearbox with high and low range and a diff lock. For a small recreational vehicl, it had a huge fuel tank. Its 1.7-litre four-cylinder engine delivered 127Nm of torque.

The slightly modified Niva, now known as Lada Legend, is still produced in Russia and exported to several countries in Asia and Africa. The car, originally developed for Russia’s rural areas and launched in 1976, was the first mass-produced off-road vehicle with a monocoque structure and a permanent all-wheel-drive system.

The Lada took part in the Paris–Dakar Rally and reached the North Pole, the Antarctic and Everest. Nowadays, the Lada Niva/Legend is the world’s longest-running 4x4 still in production in its original form.

🛞 It has also enjoyed enthusiast societies on several continents. The Lada Owners Club of Southern Africa was formed in 2000. It has continued to operate after 2003 when the Lada Niva imports were discontinued. The club’s official Facebook group has nearly four thousand members:

The materials provided by the Center for Southern Africa Studies of the Institute (

#pagesofcommonhistory #russia #sovietunion #russiasouthafrica #ussr #humanrightsday #africa
📚The group of South African professors and activists took part in the Russian language and culture course

On 19-30 June 2024 the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology and its regional partners held the Russian language and culture programme for higher education staff from 11 African countries.

🛬About 100 educators spent a day in Moscow where they visited the Mendeleev University to discuss long-term joint programs in science, education and culture.

☀️The South African participants were hosted for 2 weeks by the Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, which organised for them several educational modules as well as a cultural programme in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast (Region).

This is already the second time the South Africans participate in the programme, last year they visited Belgorod. We hope to engage even more educators and cultural activists next time.

#russia #russian #moscow #mendeleev #mendeleevuniversity
🎙 President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the main goals of Russia's BRICS 2024 Chairmanship:

💬 The main goal of Russia’s BRICS Chairmanship this year is to create the most favourable conditions for consistent development of all its members.

I am convinced that, by acting together in unity, we will be able to fulfill our countries’ potential in the economy, investment, technology, and human capital; to strengthen the positive impact of BRICS on global developments and make the world safer and more harmonious.

☝️ This year, the number of BRICS members has reached ten. Every state is unique and carries its centuries-old culture, customs and traditions, building its own model of socio-economic and political development.

Russia is taking every effort for new members to smoothly fit in the multi-faceted mechanisms of BRICS.


#brics #brics2024 #russia #kazan #multipolarworld
👷Do not miss a chance to register for the II International Geological Championship

On 3-13 September the Championship will be hosted by the Federal Agency for Mineral Resources of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

🪨The organisers invite student teams (up to 7 members + 1 chaperone) from relevant educational institutions to join the Championship.

Applications are accepted via email till 25 July 2024.

More detailed information is available via the link:

#russia #russian #studyinrussia #geology
🇷🇺 Russia’s Strategic Vision for Regional Integration: Advancing Sustainable Development through the EAEU and Beyond

On July 15, 2024, Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, spoke at the side event titled “Regional Partnerships in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of the EAEU and Other Initiatives in Eurasia

🔹 During the event, Nebenzia outlined the significant progress the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) has made over the past decade and emphasized Russia’s commitment to advancing regional integration as a means of achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

🔹 Established ten years ago, the EAEU has made considerable strides in promoting the free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor across its member states. The union has implemented a range of joint initiatives designed to enhance labor productivity, reduce transaction costs, and stimulate industrial development.

These efforts have not only modernized production processes but also contributed to increased employment opportunities across the region.

🔹 Nebenzia highlighted that Russia is actively pursuing various regional initiatives beyond the EAEU, engaging with platforms such as the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), and BRICS.

🤝 Through these platforms, Russia is sharing successful practices of Eurasian integration and addressing fundamental legal and infrastructural issues. This includes establishing mandatory product requirements, developing compliance procedures, and optimizing customs, tax, and logistics frameworks.

#EAEU #Russia #BRICS
InteRussia Fellowship Programme

🤝 InteRussia - a fellowship programme of the Gorchakov Fund launched in 2021. The project provides an opportunity for young foreign specialists to have an additional training at leading research centers, public organisations and media outlets in Russia.

✈️ Programme targets young foreign representatives (25-35 years old) who are interested in professional development and building ties with Russia. 10-12 participants are chosen on a selective basis and provided with an opportunity to visit Russia for a month. The organisers cover travel and accommodation expenses. During the fellowship period a stipend of 30 000 RUB (approximately 6 000 ZAR) is provided.

Application season is now open for:

1. International Relations (with the Moscow State Institute of International Relations)
Apply till 1 September via

2. Journalism (with the Sputnik news agency) for BRICS+ countries
Apply till 9 August via

3. Medicine (with the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University)
Apply till 1 August via

Do not miss your chance to visit Russia and expend your professional horizons!

#russia #russian #studyinrussia #discoverrussia
🪖Mikhail Kalashnikov, the inventor of the iconic AK-47 automatic rifle, and South Africa

We continue the series of joint publications with the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Russia - South Africa in the XX century: pages of common history", timed to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the 65th anniversary of the Institute, as well as the 30th anniversary of the first democratic elections in South Africa.

🇿🇦 The Soviet engineer Mikhail Kalashnikov designed the AK-47 (the Avtomat Kalashnikova), a weapon that gained an iconic status during wars of liberation worldwide including South Africa.

The 78-year-old major-general said that he produced the AK-47 after the Second World War to help protect the borders of his country. Decades later the light automatic gun with a short barrel meant to be fired from the hip or shoulder became the preferred weapon of South Africa’s freedom fighters. The Soviet Union provided AK-47s to the ANC military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe. By the time of Kalashnikov’s trip to South Africa in 1997 approximately 70 million AK-47s had been produced. The rifle’s popularity with anti-apartheid fighters stemmed from its robust durability.

The inventor of the legendary rifle travelled to South Africa to mark the 50th anniversary of his best-known design, the world’s most popular automatic rifle AK-47. “The main purpose of my work,” - as he recounted to a South African journalist - “was to design a sub-machine gun for soldiers who did not graduate from military academies. I wanted them to have simple and reliable weapons in their hands.”

During his stay Kalashnikov visited the factory in Pretoria where the Vektor R4, the standard service rifle of the South African Defence Force, was produced. He also spent several days in Western Cape attending a function in his honour at the Castle in Cape Town and hunting springbok at a game farm near Ceres. He was impressed by the friendly disposition of South Africans towards Russia, their optimism, similar problems of building a democratic society.

📝The materials provided by the Center for Southern Africa Studies of the Institute (

#pagesofcommonhistory #russia #sovietunion #russiasouthafrica #ussr #humanrightsday #africa
🇷🇺 President Vladimir Putin on the Washington’s efforts to escalate tensions with Russia:

Today, we are paying increasing attention to Washington’s efforts to escalate tensions in connection with the flights by Russian strategic aircraft.

☝️ Just to remind you, Russian strategic missile carriers have not performed any air patrols far from our borders since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia thought this was no longer needed, with the world having changed and the Cold War becoming a thing of the past.

However, the United States chose to ignore this unilateral gesture of goodwill and continued patrolling the space in the proximity of our borders.

❗️ So, since 2007, we have resumed such flights as a response to the increased activity from US strategic and reconnaissance aircraft in the regions that we believe are sensitive for us. The move has aimed, among other things, to ensure security in the Asia-Pacific region.

#NationalSecurity #Russia #USA