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77 years ago, #OTD in 1944, Brest of Soviet Belorussia was liberated from Nazi troops as part of the Lublin-Brest Offensive carried out by the 1st Belorussian Front led by Marshal K.Rokossovsky.

This is from where Hitlerites started their abortive march on USSR. But whereas Soviet defenders in 1941 held the Brest fortress against far outnumbering enemy’s forces for a month, in 1944 it took the Red Army only 2 days to liberate the city.

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77 лет назад, в этот день в 1944 г. Брест в Советской Белоруссии был освобожден от нацистов в рамках Люблин-Брестской операции, осуществлявшейся войсками 1-го Белорусского фронта под командованием маршала К.Рокоссовского.

Именно отсюда гитлеровцы начали свой бесславный поход в СССР. Но в то время как защитники Брестской крепости в 1941 г. держались месяц против многократно превосходящих сил врага, в 1944 г. Красной Армии потребовалось лишь 2 дня, чтобы освободить город.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Belorussia #Belarus #Brest
On 3 August 1968 one of the prominent Red Army’s commanders during WW2, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky passed away.

During WW2, his troops fought at critical points on the Eastern Front. In 1941, Rokossovky’s division held back German tanks in the Battle of Moscow.
In 1942 his army surrounded the Nazis at Stalingrad; and in 1943 - defeated Wehrmacht at Kursk. Rokossovsky is known to have organized and executed Operation “Bagration” in 1944.

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3 августа 1968 г. не стало одного из выдающихся командиров Красной Армии периода Второй Мировой войны, дважды Героя Советского Союза, Маршала К.К.Рокоссовского.

В годы войны его войска сражались на важнейших направлениях. В 1941 г. дивизия К.Рокоссовского сдерживала натиск немецких танков под Москвой.
В 1942 г. его армия окружила нацистов под Сталинградом, а в 1943 г. - разгромила силы Вермахта в Курской битве. К.К.Рокоссовский известен подготовкой и реализацией операции "Багратион" в 1944 г.

#WW2 #WWII #USSR #Soviet
Historical fact (often deliberately forgotten in the West) - On 9 August 1945 the #USSR launched massive offensive against Axis #Japan, which led to a complete victory over a million-strong Kwantung Army, liberation of Chinese Manchuria & ultimately forced Tokyo to surrender.

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Исторический факт (часто сознательно не вспоминаемый на Западе) - 9 августа 1945 г. СССР начал крупное наступление на союзницу "Оси" Японию, которое закончилось полной победой над миллионной Квантунской армией, освобождением Китайской Маньчжурии и в конечном итоге капитуляцией Токио.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Japan #Manchuria #Mongolia #Korea #USA #UK #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory
#OTD in 1945, 76 years ago, the Red Army launched South Sakhalin Offensive against the Axis Japan. In 14 days, Soviet 16th Army of the Far East Front & Northern Pacific Ocean Flotilla liberated Sakhalin Island from Japanese forces.

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В этот день 76 лет назад Красная Армия начала Южно-Сахалинскую операцию против союзницы Оси - Японии. Через 14 дней советская 16-я армия Дальневосточного фронта и Северная Тихоокеанская флотилия освободили о. Сахалин от японских войск.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Japan #Sakhalin #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory
#OTD 78 years ago the Donbass Offensive of the Red Army during WW2 commenced.

During the operation, the Red Army advanced westwards for 300 km all along the 450-km frontline and defeated 13 German divisions. The liberation of Donbass was accomplished and Soviet soldiers approached the Dnieper. The loss of the important region, rich in coal, had a negative impact on the Third Reich’s economy.

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В этот день 78 лет назад в ходе Второй Мировой войны началась Донбасская наступательная операция Красной Армии.

В ходе наступления Красная Армия продвинулась на 300 км на запад на всем 450-километровом участке фронта, разгромив 13 немецких дивизий. Донбасс был очищен от нацистов, советские солдаты вышли к Днепру. Потеря важнейшего региона, богатого углем, имела негативные последствия для экономики Третьего Рейха.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Ukraine #Donbass #Donetsk #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory
Today outstanding #Soviet/#Russian cosmonaut, Hero of both Soviet Union and Russia Sergey Krikalev celebrates his 63rd birthday! He participated in 6 space missions and is known as “the last Soviet cosmonaut” because he was orbiting when #USSR ceased existence.

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Сегодня выдающийся советский/российский космонавт, Герой Советского Союза и России Сергей Крикалев отмечает 63-летие! Он участвовал в 6 космимческих экспедициях и стал известен как "последний советский космонавт", потому что был на орбите, когда распался СССР.
Media is too big
#OTD in 1945, the Allied nations (#USSR, #US, #UK, #France) held a historic joint military parade in Berlin to mark the Victory over Nazism. History must not be rewritten! #WeRemember that we fought, won and saved the world together.
Watch the video footage of Allies' joint parade on 7 September 1945. This alone serves as an irrefutable proof that we fought on the same side against the universal evil that is Nazism.

#CommonHistory #WWII

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7 сентября 1945 года страны Антигитлеровской коалиции (#СССР, #США, #Великобритания, #Франция) провели исторический совместный парад в Берлине в честь Победы над нацизмом. История не должна быть переписана! #МыПомним, что мы сражались, победили и спасли мир вместе.
Предлагаем вашему вниманию видео парада 7 сентября 1945 года. Одни эти кадры хроники служат неопровержимым доказательством, что против вселенского зла, коим нацизм и является, мы сражались плечом к плечу.

#ОбщаяИстория #ВОВ
#OTD in 1957, 64 years ago, a way to outer space was paved! #USSR launched #Sputnik1, Earth's first artificial satellite, from Baikonur Cosmodrome thus starting the Space Age and fulfilling the thousand-year-old dream of humanity to reach the outer space. It will forever remain one of the greatest achievements of in history of our country and humankind.

Sputnik-1 also became the first human-made apparatus in history to send a message to Earth from outer space - the famous "Beep... Beep... Beep..." sound.
Follow the link to listen to its historic radio signal


On this day 79 years ago, the Soviet #RedArmy defeated the Nazi forces in the Battle of #Kursk. With victory on August 23, 1943, Red Army pushed back the enemy to 140-150 km to the west and liberated the cities of Orel, Belgorod and Kharkov, shifting the strategic initiative for the remainder of the war to the #USSR.
The battle of Kursk, which lasted 49 long days, was one the most sanguinary battles of #WWII and sealed a dramatic turning point in the Great Patriotic War, which began after the defeat of Nazi forces at Stalingrad. It culminated in the crossing of the Dnieper and the liberation of Kiev.
📆 #OTD in 1922 the USSR was formed. It was the biggest state in the world, 2nd in terms of economic and military power and 3rd in population.

🌟 The USSR had a huge impact on civilizational processes and a world development itself.

🌐 Before the birth of the Union, the history of mankind has not known such a large-scale voluntary unification of nations and nationalities into a single state.

#USSR #UnitedNations
Russia commemorates the Day of Military Honour marking the 80th anniversary of the lifting of the Siege of Leningrad.

🌟 #OTD in 1944, during the “January Thunder” operation against the 18th German army, the Soviet Leningrad Front crushed the Peterhof-Strelnya Nazi formation pushing the enemy back from the city by 60-100 km and completed the lifting of the siege in cooperation with the troops of the Volkhov Front.

🕯 Since 8 September 1941, Leningrad had been under siege which lasted 872 days, with the only connection to the outer world provided by the Road of Life across lake Ladoga. During the siege, over 1 million Leningrad residents were starved to death.

Hitler’s intention regarding the city of Leningrad was to utterly destroy it together with its population. According to a directive sent to Army Group “North” in September 1941, “Following the city's encirclement, requests for surrender negotiations shall be denied, since the problem of relocating and feeding the population cannot and should not be solved by us. In this war for our very existence, we can have no interest in maintaining even a part of this very large urban population.

☝️ The Red Army made as many as 4 unsuccessful attempts to break the enemy’s circle – in September 1941, October 1941, January 1942 and August-September 1942. January 1943, when the Battle of Stalingrad distracted major Nazi forces, became the pivotal moment.

🌟 Soviet troops broke the siege during “Iskra” operation opening a land corridor 8-10 km wide which allowed more supplies to reach the city until the siege was completely lifted 1 year later.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #SiegeofLeningrad #Nazi #USSR #Soviet
🕯 A memorial in Leningrad region was opened in memory of civilians of the #USSR – victims of the Nazi invaders – on 27 January, the day of the 80th anniversary of the breaking of the siege of Leningrad.

🕊 The monument is one of the tallest in the country (47 m), a mournful figure of a woman hugging her children, a symbol of the enormous tragedy of ordinary people.

🙏 150 real human destinies from different regions of the country are resurrected at the site where more than 80,000 civilians, children and prisoners of war were tortured in concentration camps during the Great Patriotic War.

#WeRemeber #NeverForget #WWII
📆 79 years ago, on 4 April 1945, Bratislava was liberated from the Nazis by Soviet troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front and Romanian Army under command of Marshal Rodion Malinovsky during Bratislava-Brno Offensive.

The city was prepared for defense by the enemy, with eastern suburbs of Bratislava being the most fortified area. In order to prevent destructions in the city Marshal R.Malinovsky decided to go around it and attack from the northwest but fighting in the city couldn’t be entirely avoided. Street battles continued for two days before Bratislava was totally purged.

💫 Local population greeted the Red Army soldiers as their liberators. Dressed up citizens of Czechoslovak towns and villages left their houses to take part in spontaneous rallies and festivities honouring Soviet soldiers.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Slovakia #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory #Czechoslovakia #Bratislava #Brno #rodionmalinovsky
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📆 92 years ago, on 4 April 1932, Andrei Tarkovsky was born, a Russian filmmaker, writer and film theorist. Among his best-known works as film director are feature films “Ivan’s Childhood” (1962), “Andrei Rublev” (1966), “Solaris” (1972), “Mirror” (1975), “Stalker” (1979), “Nostalghia” (1983) and “The Sacrifice” (1986). Throughout his lifetime Tarkovsky was awarded prizes of Venice, Cannes, Moscow film festivals, BAFTA.

Several of his works are enlisted as the best films of all time.

🎬Tarkovsky’s influence is seen in modern movies. “The Revenant” (2015) containing citations and borrowings from Tarkovsky’s works is the most up-to-date example.

#RussianCulture #RussianCinema #USSR #SovietCinema #OutstandingRussians #andreitarkovsky #ivanschildhood #russiancinema
📅 85 years ago, on 11 May 1939, the Khalkhin Gol conflict started involving the Soviet Union, Japan, Mongolia and the puppet state Manchukuo.

The reason for the conflict was a dispute over the border between Mongolia and Manchukuo supported by Japan.

Having occupied Manchuria in 1931, Japan turned its military interests to Soviet territories that bordered those areas. The ultimate Japan’s purpose in the conflict was capture of territories and creation of a bridgehead for attack on the USSR allied to Mongolia.

⚔️The conflict ended in defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army and signing of a ceasefire agreement.

This victory also deterred Japan from launching an offensive against the USSR during WW2.

#WW2 #WWII #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Japan #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory #KhalkhinGol
One of the most iconic Soviet monuments, the “Worker and Kolkhoz Woman” was unveiled #OTD in 1937 at the World Fair in Paris.

The 58-meter-high monument (consisting of the 25-meter sculpture and the 33-meter pedestal) crowned the Soviet pavilion at the fair. It was authored by Vera Mukhina, the master of socialist realistic sculpture. The monument was a great success-all media outlets published its pictures with its copies reproduced in the World Fair's souvenirs.

💫In 1939, during the opening of VDNKh (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy) in the Russian capital, the statue was placed in front of a main entrance; though on a relatively small pedestal which was three times lower than the one in Paris.

📽️ After WW2 the sculpture became an official emblem of the Mosfilm cinema studio. Since then every Soviet film made by this studio is introduced by a logo of a man and woman holding a hammer and sickle.

Photos from The Moscow Times

#Russia #Soviet #USSR #SovietSculpture #SocialistRealism #Mosfilm #hammerandsickle #VeraMukhina #SovietCulture #RussianCulture #SocialistArt
📆#OTD in 1963, Valentina Tereshkova of USSR became the world’s first and youngest woman to travel into outer space with a solo mission.

🧑‍🚀The decision to select women for female cosmonauts group was taken in 1961. Having passed a number of rigid tests, V.Tereshkova was enrolled in the group. She embarked on her space flight onboard the Vostok-6 spacecraft. Her call sign in this flight was “Tchaika” (Russian for “seagull”).

She orbited the Earth 48 times and spent 2 days, 22 hours, and 50 mins in space. Her mission was used to continue the medical studies on humans in spaceflight and offered comparative data of the effects of space travel on women.

The next woman’s spaceflight took place only 19 years later with the second female cosmonaut also being Soviet citizen Svetlana Savitskaya.

#spaceexploration #USSR #Soviet #Russia #firstinspace #Tereshkova #firstwomaninspace
📚Anti-apartheid literature in the Soviet Union

Anti-apartheid writer Peter Abrahams (1919–2017) was well-known in the Soviet Union. His novel “The Path of Thunder” first was translated into Russian in 1949 and was reprinted many times until the late 1980s with hundreds of thousands of copies.

In the Soviet Union this South African work was used by the Soviet Ministry of Education to learn English. Even a textbook for English learners was based on this novel.

📒 Abrahams was inspired by Afro-American realist fiction. Es’kia Mphahlele noted that for black writers in South Africa “realism burst into full blossom” in the 1940s. Abrahams’ novels continued Mphahlele “were to provide an inspiration for later fiction – that of the next decade.” In South Africa Abrahams became a role model for black journalists and fiction writers of the 1950s.

Richard Rive, a prominent South African author and academic, believed that Abrahams’s realism also comes from the social realist traditions of the prose produced in the Soviet Union in the first half of the twentieth century. Rive pointed out that “Abrahams was intent on showing social conflict in the broad, political sense of the word.”

In the Soviet Union, where South African fiction often had bigger print runs that in South Africa, “The Path of Thunder” became the first widely known African novel. Through Abrahams’s work readers in the Soviet Union were first introduced to anti-apartheid fiction, long before they read novels by Alex La Guma, Andre Brink or Nadine Gordimer.

Moreover, “The Path of Thunder: was adapted for ballet by Azerbaijani composer Gara Garayev in 1957. The ballet was performed at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow and the Kirov Ballet in Leningrad. In 1956, in Armenia, Stepan Kevorkov and Erasm Karamyan directed a drama based on Abrahams’s novel, which was seen by millions of people across the Soviet Union.

The materials provided by the Center for Southern Africa Studies of the Institute (

#pagesofcommonhistory #russia #sovietunion #russiasouthafrica #ussr #humanrightsday #africa #literature
🚘 Soviet and Russian motor vehicles in South Africa

The Lada Niva, a Soviet-made four-wheel-drive vehicle, first became available in South Africa in 1988. As the anti-apartheid sanctions were in force, the Soviet Union did authorise exports to South Africa. Hundreds of Nivas were imported from Western Europe, without after-market support. Only after South Africa’s transition to democracy authorised imports, supported by nationwide marketing campaigns, began.

In the late 1990s, the cars were shipped directly from Russia, with a full range of spares and technical support. The inexpensive and practical all-terrainer was welcomed by car enthusiasts in South Africa.

🚙 The ability to perform over rugged terrain and its affordability made the Lada Niva an excellent choice for South Africans. The economical car had permanent four-wheel-drive, five-speed gearbox with high and low range and a diff lock. For a small recreational vehicl, it had a huge fuel tank. Its 1.7-litre four-cylinder engine delivered 127Nm of torque.

The slightly modified Niva, now known as Lada Legend, is still produced in Russia and exported to several countries in Asia and Africa. The car, originally developed for Russia’s rural areas and launched in 1976, was the first mass-produced off-road vehicle with a monocoque structure and a permanent all-wheel-drive system.

The Lada took part in the Paris–Dakar Rally and reached the North Pole, the Antarctic and Everest. Nowadays, the Lada Niva/Legend is the world’s longest-running 4x4 still in production in its original form.

🛞 It has also enjoyed enthusiast societies on several continents. The Lada Owners Club of Southern Africa was formed in 2000. It has continued to operate after 2003 when the Lada Niva imports were discontinued. The club’s official Facebook group has nearly four thousand members:

The materials provided by the Center for Southern Africa Studies of the Institute (

#pagesofcommonhistory #russia #sovietunion #russiasouthafrica #ussr #humanrightsday #africa
🪖Mikhail Kalashnikov, the inventor of the iconic AK-47 automatic rifle, and South Africa

We continue the series of joint publications with the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Russia - South Africa in the XX century: pages of common history", timed to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the 65th anniversary of the Institute, as well as the 30th anniversary of the first democratic elections in South Africa.

🇿🇦 The Soviet engineer Mikhail Kalashnikov designed the AK-47 (the Avtomat Kalashnikova), a weapon that gained an iconic status during wars of liberation worldwide including South Africa.

The 78-year-old major-general said that he produced the AK-47 after the Second World War to help protect the borders of his country. Decades later the light automatic gun with a short barrel meant to be fired from the hip or shoulder became the preferred weapon of South Africa’s freedom fighters. The Soviet Union provided AK-47s to the ANC military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe. By the time of Kalashnikov’s trip to South Africa in 1997 approximately 70 million AK-47s had been produced. The rifle’s popularity with anti-apartheid fighters stemmed from its robust durability.

The inventor of the legendary rifle travelled to South Africa to mark the 50th anniversary of his best-known design, the world’s most popular automatic rifle AK-47. “The main purpose of my work,” - as he recounted to a South African journalist - “was to design a sub-machine gun for soldiers who did not graduate from military academies. I wanted them to have simple and reliable weapons in their hands.”

During his stay Kalashnikov visited the factory in Pretoria where the Vektor R4, the standard service rifle of the South African Defence Force, was produced. He also spent several days in Western Cape attending a function in his honour at the Castle in Cape Town and hunting springbok at a game farm near Ceres. He was impressed by the friendly disposition of South Africans towards Russia, their optimism, similar problems of building a democratic society.

📝The materials provided by the Center for Southern Africa Studies of the Institute (

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