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President #Putin on Yuri #Gagarin’s flight: At that time – on April 12, 1961 – this grandiose event certainly changed the world. It ushered in a new space age, an era of #SpaceExploration. We will always take pride in the fact that it was our country that paved the way to the Universe and, as I have already said, that our compatriot became a trailblazer on this great path.

Our duty is not just to cherish the memory of the generation of space conquerors and to respect the courage of the cosmonauts who explored the unknown despite the risks, those who created unique space systems and technology and prepared crews for work in the orbit. Our duty is not just to remember those who created and consolidated our space potential. Our duty also lies in striving today to match the level of the space trailblazers in our current work in the rocket and space industry.
Today the legendary Baikonur Cosmodrome, world's first & most famous space launch facility, celebrates its 66th anniversary. It is from Baikonur, where the Earth’s first artificial satellite (Sputnik-1) was launched & Yuri #Gagarin started his historic journey to stars #SpaceExploration

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Сегодня 66-я годовщина основания легендарного космодрома Байконур - первой и крупнейшей в мире космической гавани. Именно с Байконура был запущен первый искусственный спутник Земли (советский Спутник-1), а Юрий #Гагарин начал свое историческое путешествие к звездам
#OTD in 1984, Soviet cosmonaut, two times Hero of the Soviet Union, Svetlana Savitskaya became the first woman to perform a spacewalk. She entered the open space during "Soyuz T-12" mission. She was also the first female cosmonaut to fly to space twice


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25 июля 1984 года, советский космонавт, дважды Герой Советского Союза, Светлана Савицкая стала первой в истории женщиной, вышедшей в открытый космос, во время полета космического корабля "Союз Т-12". Также она стала первой в мире женщиной-космонавтом, отправившейся в космос дважды

French astronaut Thomas Pesquet aboard the International Space Station took pictures of Russia’s ‘Pirs’ module entering Earth’s atmosphere after it was undocked from the ISS. ‘Nauka” multipurpose lab is to take its place tomorrow, July 29, 2021.

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Французский астронавт Тома Песке с борта Международной космической станции сфотографировал как российский модуль "Пирс", отстыковавшись от МКС, входит в атмосферу Земли. Многоцелевой лабораторный модуль "Наука" должен занять его место завтра, 29 июля 2021 г.

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Russia’s ‘Nauka’ module docked with the International Space Station on 29 July 2021. According to the Khrunichev research and production centre, it has a service life through 2027 with the option of extending it until 2030.

Shortly after the arrival, the new module’s thrusters turned on and rotated the station’s normal orientation by 45 degrees, but attitude control was quickly restored with the help of Russian ‘Zvezda’ service module.

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Российский модуль "Наука" состыковался с Международной космической станцией 29 июля 2021 г. По информации НПЦ им. Хруничева, расчетный срок его службы установлен до 2027 г. с возможностью продления до 2030 г.

Вскоре после прибытия "Науки" к МКС произошел нештатный запуск двигателей модуля, в результате чего изменилась нормальная ориентация МКС на 45 градусов. Однако контроль над ориентацией был быстро восстановлен с помощью сервисного российского модуля "Звезда", работающего в составе МКС.

#Russia #naukamodule #spaceexploration #roscosmos #spaceflight #spacestation
Russia’s new ‘Prichal’ nodal module arrived at the Baikonur cosmodrome. Its launch scheduled for November 24, 2021. ‘Prichal’ will boost the potential for Russian spaceships, including the new Oryol lunar spacecraft, to dock with the space station.

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Новый российский узловой модуль "Причал" доставлен на космодром "Байконур". Запуск запланирован на 24 ноября 2021 г. "Причал" позволит расширить возможности стыковок со станцией российских кораблей, в том числе нового "лунного" корабля "Орел".

#Russia #Baikonur #naukamodule #spaceexploration #spaceexplorationtoday #roscosmos #spaceflight #iss #spacestation #prichalmodule
#OTD On 11 August 1962 Soviet spacecraft #Vostok3 was launched carrying to space the USSR's 3rd cosmonaut Andriyan Nikolayev. The results of #Vostok3 and #Vostok4 missions (they were launched simultaneously) proved the very possibility of a flight to the Moon.

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В этот день в 1962 г. в космос был запущен советский корабль "Восток 3" с 3-м космонавтом СССР Андрияном Николаевым на борту. Результаты полетов "Востока 3" и "Востока 4" (они осуществлялись одновременно) доказали возможность полета на Луну.

#Russia #spaceexploration #spaceexplorationtoday #roscosmos #spaceflight #Baikonur #vostok3
The Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket carrying British OneWeb communication satellites has been installed on the launch pad at Site 31 (Vostok) at the Baikonur spaceport, according to Russia's Roscosmos state agency.

It is scheduled to be launched at 01:23 AM Moscow time on August 20. The rocket will deliver 34 OneWeb satellites into orbit, bringing the total number of satellites in the OneWeb constellation to 288. The delivery process will take three hours and 45 minutes.

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Ракета-носитель "Союз-2.1б" с британскими спутниками связи OneWeb установлена на стартовом комплексе площадки №31 ("Восток") космодрома Байконур, сообщает Роскосмос.

Запуск ракеты запланирован на 01:23 мск 20 августа. Она должна вывести на орбиту 34 британских спутника связи OneWeb. Таким образом, количество космических аппаратов данной группировки достигнет 288. Выведение займет 3 часа 45 минут.

#spaceexploration #spaceexplorationtoday #roscosmos #spaceflight #iss #spacestation #soyuz #soyuzrocket #Russia #Baikonur
Russian satellite “Arktika-M” has successfully passed the flying tests. This satellite is designed to be a part of hydrometeorological space system that will monitor Earth’s surface & waters of the Arctic Ocean around-the-clock & in any weather conditions

#RussiaInSpace #SpaceExploration

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Российский спутник "Арктика-М" успешно прошел летные испытания. Этот аппарат разработан как часть космической гидрометеорологической системы, создаваемой для осуществления круглосуточного всепогодного мониторинга поверхности Земли и морей Северного Ледовитого океана

#РоссияВКосмосе #ИсследованиеКосмоса
#OTD in 1957, 64 years ago, a way to outer space was paved! #USSR launched #Sputnik1, Earth's first artificial satellite, from Baikonur Cosmodrome thus starting the Space Age and fulfilling the thousand-year-old dream of humanity to reach the outer space. It will forever remain one of the greatest achievements of in history of our country and humankind.

Sputnik-1 also became the first human-made apparatus in history to send a message to Earth from outer space - the famous "Beep... Beep... Beep..." sound.
Follow the link to listen to its historic radio signal


Russian Ambassador to South Africa H.E. Mr.Ilya Rogachev & Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of Wits University, unveiled the bust of Yuri Gagarin - world’s first cosmonaut - at Wits Planetarium


#SpaceExploration #firstinspace #gagarin1961
#OTD in 1970, 51 years ago, Soviet #Luna17 space probe was launched. This mission brought famous Lunokhod-1 (Moon Walker 1) to the Moon – first-ever exploration remote-controlled robot a.k.a "rover" to freely move on the surface of another celestial body


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10 ноября 1970 года, 51 год назад, был запущен советский аппарат Луна-17. На Луну был доставлен знаменитый Луноход-1 - первый в истории дистанционно управляемый робот, который успешно работал на поверхности другого небесного тела

#OTD in 1959, Soviet spacecraft #Luna3 made the world’s 1st photos of the Moon's far side. That wasn't the mission’s only achievement: Luna-3 became 1st apparatus to perform “gravity slingshot” - change its course due to effect of other stellar bodies' gravity fields


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7 октября 1959 года советский космический аппарат "Луна-3" сделал первые фотографии обратной стороны Луны. Это было не единственным достижением той экспедиции: станция "Луна-3" стала первым в мире космическим аппаратом, осуществившим гравитационный манёвр - "Луна-3" успешно изменила курс своего полета за счет воздействия гравитационных полей других небесных тел

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🚀 A Russian Soyuz 2.1a rocket carrying the Progress MS-26 cargo spacecraft, which will deliver more than 2.5 tonnes worth of cargo to the International Space Station (ISS), blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Nine minutes after the liftoff, the rocket put the spacecraft into Earth orbit, and the Progress spacecraft separated from the rocket's third stage and began its independent flight to the ISS.

🇷🇺 new space freighter will fly the traditional two-day route and is scheduled to dock the station on February 17 at 9:12 a.m. Moscow time (06:12 GMT). The spacecraft will spend a total of 180 days in space.

🛰 The space freighter inter alia carries consumables for the new scientific experiment dubbed "Fullerene" to grow fullerite crystals in the Nauka module — the third crystalline form of carbon, which is a new class of semiconductors.

Progress MS-26 will also carry equipment for the new scientific experiment Orbita-MG to create a monitoring system that will find cracks and other leaks in the station's hull.

#RussiaInSpace #ISS #SpaceExploration
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Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle with Meteor-M satellite installed at the launch complex of Vostochny cosmodrome

🚀 The Soyuz-2.1b is scheduled to blast off at 8:43 a.m. Moscow time (5:43 GMT) on February 29.

🚀 The launch vehicle will put into orbit the Meteor-M satellite No. 2-4, designed to explore the Earth's natural resources, monitor the heliogeophysical situation in near-Earth space, as well as to receive information from automatic data collection measurement platforms.

The spacecraft is also equipped with instruments of the search and rescue system COSPAS-SARSAT.

📸 @SputnikInt

#RussiaInSpace #SpaceExploration
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📆 56 years ago, on 27 March 1968, Yuri Gagarin, Earth’s first cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, died in a plane crash while test-piloting Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15.

🕯 He was only 34 when his life found a tragic end.

According to his friends, Yuri was not affected by his worldwide fame and remained as everyone knew him before the historic space flight – modest and kind to the people around him. He dearly loved his wife, Valentina, and his daughters.

🌐 Yuri Gagarin’s memory is cherished all over the world, with numerous monuments erected, streets, vessels and planes named after him.

🌠 Since 2000, “Yuri's Night”, an international celebration, is held annually to commemorate milestones in space exploration.

🇿🇦 In South Africa’s Hermanus, Western Cape, Yuri Gagarin’s bust was unveiled in November 2020 on South African National Space Agency’s site.

#spaceexploration #gagarin1961 #первыйвкосмосе #гагарин1961
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🚀 Russia has successfully launched a Soyuz-2.1b rocket from Baikonur Cosmodrome

🇷🇺 Roscosmos has released footage of the rocket carrying a Resurs-P satellite to boost high-resolution multispectral imaging.

📹 @RT_com

#RussiaInSpace #SpaceExploration
🚀 A reason to be proud!

The Russian-designed Angara-A5 heavy carrier with the "Orion" upper stage has successfully taken off from the Russian Vostochny Cosmodrome

The importance of this event cannot be overestimated: this is the first launch of the rocket of this type.

🌠 The Angara-A5 can be used for delivering satellites as well as other cargo to the orbit of the Earth.

Eventually, this rocket will serve the goal of reaching the Moon.

#RussiaInSpace #SpaceExploration
🚀 On April 12, 1961, at 09:07 Moscow time, the Vostok-1 spacecraft with pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on board blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, marking the beginning of the space age in the history of mankind.

✍️ Spacecraft designer Sergei Korolev, who ran the launch of Vostok-1 into outer space, said “I hope he goes there and returns alive” after start.

🌍 Vostok-1 climbed to an altitude of 302 km, once orbited the Earth and successfully came back down. Y.Gagarin parachuted to the ground separately from his capsule in Saratov region of Russia. The first spaceflight lasted only 108 minutes but it marked the beginning of a new chapter of human endeavour in outer space.

💬 FM Sergey Lavrov: For billions of people around the world, Yuri Gagarin continues to serve as an example of heroism and selflessness, inspiring them to overcome any obstacles in pursuit of the most ambitious and noble goals (Minister's video message on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's space flight).

🌟 Gagarin's flight embodied the triumph of Soviet science and technology and was of crucial importance for further development of space exploration and the mankind.

Having declared 1️⃣2️⃣ April as the International Day of Human Space Flight, the UN General Assembly expressed its deep conviction of the common interest of mankind in promoting and expanding the exploration and further use of outer space for peaceful purposes.

#RussiaInSpace #SpaceExploration
📆#OTD in 1963, Valentina Tereshkova of USSR became the world’s first and youngest woman to travel into outer space with a solo mission.

🧑‍🚀The decision to select women for female cosmonauts group was taken in 1961. Having passed a number of rigid tests, V.Tereshkova was enrolled in the group. She embarked on her space flight onboard the Vostok-6 spacecraft. Her call sign in this flight was “Tchaika” (Russian for “seagull”).

She orbited the Earth 48 times and spent 2 days, 22 hours, and 50 mins in space. Her mission was used to continue the medical studies on humans in spaceflight and offered comparative data of the effects of space travel on women.

The next woman’s spaceflight took place only 19 years later with the second female cosmonaut also being Soviet citizen Svetlana Savitskaya.

#spaceexploration #USSR #Soviet #Russia #firstinspace #Tereshkova #firstwomaninspace