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77 years ago, #OTD in 1944, the city of Narva in Soviet Estonia was liberated from Nazi invaders as part of the Narva operation carried out by the forces of the Leningrad Front of the Red Army. The city had remained under German occupation since August 1941.

Both Soviet and Nazi command realized the importance of the Narva foothold which paved the way to the coast of the Gulf of Finland and the whole of the Baltic region, creating threat for the Axis ally Finland.

On 24 July 1944, following an artillery barrage, Soviet forces launched the offensive. Land troops were supported by the 13th Air Army. Soviet fighter aviation destroyed Wehrmacht’s artillery batteries and manpower, delivered strikes on communications facilities. On 26 July 1944, Narva was liberated with the Nazis driven back to Tannenberg defensive line.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Estonia #Baltic #Narva #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory
77 years ago, 27 July 1944, the Red Army liberated Lvov in western Ukraine.

However, current Ukrainian authorities do not leave attempts to erase the memory of the Red Army’s liberation feat in a triumph of neo-Nazism. On 23 July 2021, demolishing of the “Monument of Glory” in Lvov was completed. By those who wouldn’t probably exist unless Soviet soldiers broke the backbone of Nazism 76 years ago.

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77 лет назад, 27 июля 1944 г., Красная Армия освободила г.Львов в Западной Украине.

Однако действующие украинские власти в стране торжествующего неонацизма не оставляют попыток стереть из народной памяти освободительный подвиг Красной Армии. 23 июля 2021 г. во Львове завершен снос "Монумента Славы" Вооруженных сил СССР. Теми, кого, наверняка, даже не существовало бы, если бы 76 лет назад советские солдаты не сломали хребет нацизма.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Lvov #Peremysl #Ukraine #Sandomierz #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory
77 years ago, #OTD in 1944, Brest of Soviet Belorussia was liberated from Nazi troops as part of the Lublin-Brest Offensive carried out by the 1st Belorussian Front led by Marshal K.Rokossovsky.

This is from where Hitlerites started their abortive march on USSR. But whereas Soviet defenders in 1941 held the Brest fortress against far outnumbering enemy’s forces for a month, in 1944 it took the Red Army only 2 days to liberate the city.

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77 лет назад, в этот день в 1944 г. Брест в Советской Белоруссии был освобожден от нацистов в рамках Люблин-Брестской операции, осуществлявшейся войсками 1-го Белорусского фронта под командованием маршала К.Рокоссовского.

Именно отсюда гитлеровцы начали свой бесславный поход в СССР. Но в то время как защитники Брестской крепости в 1941 г. держались месяц против многократно превосходящих сил врага, в 1944 г. Красной Армии потребовалось лишь 2 дня, чтобы освободить город.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Belorussia #Belarus #Brest
#OTD in 1942, 79 years ago, three Soviet decorations – Order of Alexander Nevsky, Order of Suvorov & Order of Kutuzov – were introduced. The Orders were awarded to those who displayed personal courage in fighting the enemy & outstanding military leadership.

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В этот день в 1942 г. были учреждены 3 советских награды - Орден Александра Невского, Орден Суворова и Орден Кутузова. Ими награждались командиры военных подразделений за личное мужество, проявленное в бою с врагом, и выдающиеся успехи в деле руководства войсками.

#WW2 #WWII #Soviet #Russia #militaryglory #Suvorov #Kutuzov
On 3 August 1968 one of the prominent Red Army’s commanders during WW2, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky passed away.

During WW2, his troops fought at critical points on the Eastern Front. In 1941, Rokossovky’s division held back German tanks in the Battle of Moscow.
In 1942 his army surrounded the Nazis at Stalingrad; and in 1943 - defeated Wehrmacht at Kursk. Rokossovsky is known to have organized and executed Operation “Bagration” in 1944.

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3 августа 1968 г. не стало одного из выдающихся командиров Красной Армии периода Второй Мировой войны, дважды Героя Советского Союза, Маршала К.К.Рокоссовского.

В годы войны его войска сражались на важнейших направлениях. В 1941 г. дивизия К.Рокоссовского сдерживала натиск немецких танков под Москвой.
В 1942 г. его армия окружила нацистов под Сталинградом, а в 1943 г. - разгромила силы Вермахта в Курской битве. К.К.Рокоссовский известен подготовкой и реализацией операции "Багратион" в 1944 г.

#WW2 #WWII #USSR #Soviet
Historical fact (often deliberately forgotten in the West) - On 9 August 1945 the #USSR launched massive offensive against Axis #Japan, which led to a complete victory over a million-strong Kwantung Army, liberation of Chinese Manchuria & ultimately forced Tokyo to surrender.

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Исторический факт (часто сознательно не вспоминаемый на Западе) - 9 августа 1945 г. СССР начал крупное наступление на союзницу "Оси" Японию, которое закончилось полной победой над миллионной Квантунской армией, освобождением Китайской Маньчжурии и в конечном итоге капитуляцией Токио.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Japan #Manchuria #Mongolia #Korea #USA #UK #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory
#OTD in 1945, 76 years ago, the Red Army launched South Sakhalin Offensive against the Axis Japan. In 14 days, Soviet 16th Army of the Far East Front & Northern Pacific Ocean Flotilla liberated Sakhalin Island from Japanese forces.

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В этот день 76 лет назад Красная Армия начала Южно-Сахалинскую операцию против союзницы Оси - Японии. Через 14 дней советская 16-я армия Дальневосточного фронта и Северная Тихоокеанская флотилия освободили о. Сахалин от японских войск.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Japan #Sakhalin #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory
#OTD 78 years ago the Donbass Offensive of the Red Army during WW2 commenced.

During the operation, the Red Army advanced westwards for 300 km all along the 450-km frontline and defeated 13 German divisions. The liberation of Donbass was accomplished and Soviet soldiers approached the Dnieper. The loss of the important region, rich in coal, had a negative impact on the Third Reich’s economy.

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В этот день 78 лет назад в ходе Второй Мировой войны началась Донбасская наступательная операция Красной Армии.

В ходе наступления Красная Армия продвинулась на 300 км на запад на всем 450-километровом участке фронта, разгромив 13 немецких дивизий. Донбасс был очищен от нацистов, советские солдаты вышли к Днепру. Потеря важнейшего региона, богатого углем, имела негативные последствия для экономики Третьего Рейха.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Ukraine #Donbass #Donetsk #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory
Today outstanding #Soviet/#Russian cosmonaut, Hero of both Soviet Union and Russia Sergey Krikalev celebrates his 63rd birthday! He participated in 6 space missions and is known as “the last Soviet cosmonaut” because he was orbiting when #USSR ceased existence.

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Сегодня выдающийся советский/российский космонавт, Герой Советского Союза и России Сергей Крикалев отмечает 63-летие! Он участвовал в 6 космимческих экспедициях и стал известен как "последний советский космонавт", потому что был на орбите, когда распался СССР.
Russia commemorates the Day of Military Honour marking the 80th anniversary of the lifting of the Siege of Leningrad.

🌟 #OTD in 1944, during the “January Thunder” operation against the 18th German army, the Soviet Leningrad Front crushed the Peterhof-Strelnya Nazi formation pushing the enemy back from the city by 60-100 km and completed the lifting of the siege in cooperation with the troops of the Volkhov Front.

🕯 Since 8 September 1941, Leningrad had been under siege which lasted 872 days, with the only connection to the outer world provided by the Road of Life across lake Ladoga. During the siege, over 1 million Leningrad residents were starved to death.

Hitler’s intention regarding the city of Leningrad was to utterly destroy it together with its population. According to a directive sent to Army Group “North” in September 1941, “Following the city's encirclement, requests for surrender negotiations shall be denied, since the problem of relocating and feeding the population cannot and should not be solved by us. In this war for our very existence, we can have no interest in maintaining even a part of this very large urban population.

☝️ The Red Army made as many as 4 unsuccessful attempts to break the enemy’s circle – in September 1941, October 1941, January 1942 and August-September 1942. January 1943, when the Battle of Stalingrad distracted major Nazi forces, became the pivotal moment.

🌟 Soviet troops broke the siege during “Iskra” operation opening a land corridor 8-10 km wide which allowed more supplies to reach the city until the siege was completely lifted 1 year later.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #SiegeofLeningrad #Nazi #USSR #Soviet
📆 79 years ago, on 4 April 1945, Bratislava was liberated from the Nazis by Soviet troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front and Romanian Army under command of Marshal Rodion Malinovsky during Bratislava-Brno Offensive.

The city was prepared for defense by the enemy, with eastern suburbs of Bratislava being the most fortified area. In order to prevent destructions in the city Marshal R.Malinovsky decided to go around it and attack from the northwest but fighting in the city couldn’t be entirely avoided. Street battles continued for two days before Bratislava was totally purged.

💫 Local population greeted the Red Army soldiers as their liberators. Dressed up citizens of Czechoslovak towns and villages left their houses to take part in spontaneous rallies and festivities honouring Soviet soldiers.

#WW2 #WWII #WeRemember #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Slovakia #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory #Czechoslovakia #Bratislava #Brno #rodionmalinovsky
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📅 85 years ago, on 11 May 1939, the Khalkhin Gol conflict started involving the Soviet Union, Japan, Mongolia and the puppet state Manchukuo.

The reason for the conflict was a dispute over the border between Mongolia and Manchukuo supported by Japan.

Having occupied Manchuria in 1931, Japan turned its military interests to Soviet territories that bordered those areas. The ultimate Japan’s purpose in the conflict was capture of territories and creation of a bridgehead for attack on the USSR allied to Mongolia.

⚔️The conflict ended in defeat of the Japanese Kwantung Army and signing of a ceasefire agreement.

This victory also deterred Japan from launching an offensive against the USSR during WW2.

#WW2 #WWII #USSR #Soviet #Russia #Japan #historyofRussia #historyofUSSR #militaryhistory #KhalkhinGol
One of the most iconic Soviet monuments, the “Worker and Kolkhoz Woman” was unveiled #OTD in 1937 at the World Fair in Paris.

The 58-meter-high monument (consisting of the 25-meter sculpture and the 33-meter pedestal) crowned the Soviet pavilion at the fair. It was authored by Vera Mukhina, the master of socialist realistic sculpture. The monument was a great success-all media outlets published its pictures with its copies reproduced in the World Fair's souvenirs.

💫In 1939, during the opening of VDNKh (Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy) in the Russian capital, the statue was placed in front of a main entrance; though on a relatively small pedestal which was three times lower than the one in Paris.

📽️ After WW2 the sculpture became an official emblem of the Mosfilm cinema studio. Since then every Soviet film made by this studio is introduced by a logo of a man and woman holding a hammer and sickle.

Photos from The Moscow Times

#Russia #Soviet #USSR #SovietSculpture #SocialistRealism #Mosfilm #hammerandsickle #VeraMukhina #SovietCulture #RussianCulture #SocialistArt
📆#OTD in 1963, Valentina Tereshkova of USSR became the world’s first and youngest woman to travel into outer space with a solo mission.

🧑‍🚀The decision to select women for female cosmonauts group was taken in 1961. Having passed a number of rigid tests, V.Tereshkova was enrolled in the group. She embarked on her space flight onboard the Vostok-6 spacecraft. Her call sign in this flight was “Tchaika” (Russian for “seagull”).

She orbited the Earth 48 times and spent 2 days, 22 hours, and 50 mins in space. Her mission was used to continue the medical studies on humans in spaceflight and offered comparative data of the effects of space travel on women.

The next woman’s spaceflight took place only 19 years later with the second female cosmonaut also being Soviet citizen Svetlana Savitskaya.

#spaceexploration #USSR #Soviet #Russia #firstinspace #Tereshkova #firstwomaninspace