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🗽☣️ The Russians’ argument for opening a ‘special operation’ in Ukraine just got a massive boost, Robert Bridge writes.

#BiologicalWeapons #Pentagon #Ukraine #UnitedStates

☣️🇺🇦 The involvement of the Pentagon in the activities of dozens of laboratories across Ukraine is the most strident fact pointing to concerns that the research was being conducted for the nefarious purpose of developing biological weapons.

The United States and Russia continued this week with furious sparring over the issue of biological laboratories in Ukraine. The U.S. accuses Russia of “disinformation” about the labs, saying that they were standard sanitary facilities studying common diseases and epidemiology. For its part, Russia claims that the laboratories were conducting far more sinister and illicit research into developing biowarfare weapons.

#BiologicalWeapons #Pentagon #Ukraine #UnitedStates

🇺🇸🇺🇦🇷🇺 The Americans are involved in providing information to the Ukrainians for lethal targeting of Russian troops.

The Pentagon has admitted it is providing the Ukrainian military with “actionable intelligence” in combat operations against Russian forces. If that is confirmed then the United States is at war with Russia. The implications are grave for two nuclear powers.

The admission came last week during congressional testimony by Ronald Moultrie, the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. He was speaking to the House Armed Services Committee, proudly telling Congress members how the Pentagon was helping the Ukrainian military fight Russian forces: “We are making a difference in accurate, actionable, and timely intel.”

That indicates the Americans are involved in providing information to the Ukrainians for lethal targeting of Russian troops.

It is an incredibly sensitive admission, writes Finian Cunningham:

#Pentagon #RussianArmy #UnitedStates #War

🔔 The corporate-dominated media (that lied us into the 2003 “shock and awe” attack on Iraq over non-existent WMD) is trotting out the same strategy again to sell war and deceive the public

American peace activist, documentary filmmaker and author Bruce Gagnon analyses the current war in Ukraine with a critical bigger picture of political and strategic context that is so woefully – and deliberately – missing in Western media.

In the following interview, Gagnon points out that the Russian military intervention in Ukraine that began on February 24 can only be properly understood by viewing it as a response to eight years of relentless military assault by the NATO-backed Kiev regime against the ethnic Russian population of the Donbass region. Nearly 14,000 people were killed by the NATO-backed Kiev regime and its Russian-hating Nazi regiments. Where were Western government and media condemnations?

The current expansion of the war, he contends, is really just the front line in a bigger war that the United States and its NATO-European allies are waging against Russia. The ultimate objective is regime change in Moscow. This objective is to satisfy Western corporate interests and includes the eventual targeting of China. In this way, the U.S. and its imperialist allies are trying to thwart the emergence of a multipolar world and to offset the historic decline of Western corporate power. As he says: “China is also on the regime-change list of the West, and due to the new economic and military pact between Russia and China, it becomes essential to take out Russia first before going after China. The United States is currently using Taiwan in a similar way to how it has used Ukraine as a tool of destabilization.”

Therefore, the stakes are profoundly vested in the outcome of the war in Ukraine. The U.S. and NATO want this war to continue in order to sap, destroy and subjugate Russia. Hence the reckless, criminal flow of weaponry from the NATO bloc into Ukraine to derail any political settlement. Gagnon also points out that the U.S.-NATO-Kiev axis is likely to resort to more false-flag atrocities in order to win the information war against Russia – a war that the Western so-called news media are openly waging under the conceited and deceptive guise of “journalism”.

👤 Bruce Gagnon is based in Maine, United States of America. He is founder and coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He also publishes incisive commentaries on international developments in his Organizing Notes blog. Gagnon is a Vietnam War veteran, has worked as a labor rights activist, and has traveled to dozens of countries to give public speeches and seminars to peace, anti-war, and justice organizations.

Read the interview:

#NATO #Pentagon #RegimeChange #Ukraine

🚨☣️ We must take into account the Pentagon’s threat to Russia from its undeniable bioweapons program in Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said this week that his country had “no choice” but to intervene militarily in Ukraine to halt a genocide against the Russian-speaking people of the Donbass and neutralize the growing national security threat to Russia stemming from Ukrainian territory.

💬 By Finian Cunningham:

#BiologicalWeapons #Pentagon #Ukraine

🇺🇸🇦🇫 America’s War in Afghanistan: Distribution of Casualties by Age, Race, and Gender

As of July 16, 2020, the U.S. casualties of the war in Afghanistan totaled 2,349 deaths and 20,149 wounded in actions. Here’s what the data on distribution of casualties be race and age says.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#Afghanistan #Gender #Pentagon #United States #War

☣️ Fort Detrick’s collusion with fascist Japan and Nazi Germany in the development of biological weapons of mass destruction is not some macabre relic of the distant past.

Russia and China have lobbied the UN Security Council for an independent investigation into dozens of laboratories that were being run by the Pentagon in Ukraine up until Moscow launched its military intervention in February.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham:

#BiologicalWeapons #China #Nazism #Pentagon #WarCrimes

Question – Is the US making bio-weapons in Ukraine?

☣️ Answer –  That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? Unfortunately, there’s no simple “yes or no” answer. It’s more complicated than that.

⁉️Question – Can you explain what you mean?

🤫 Answer – Sure, but some people might find it a bit confusing.

💬 By Mike Whitney:

#BiologicalWeapons #Pentagon #Ukraine

🗽🪖 Why America Is Addicted to War

An article for explains why the war in Ukraine, however disastrous, is going to be a heaven on earth for the U.S. military-industrial complex. 

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#Military #Pentagon #Ukraine

🪖🦅 It’s idle to dwell on the cringe-worthy visit of the Kiev clown to Crash Test Dummy at the White House, coupled with a “Churchillian” speech at the War Party dominions in Capitol Hill.

History will ridicule this Hollywood soap for centuries ahead 🤯

Way more juice is provided by the latest War Party P.R. show, sponsored by Raytheon Productions. After all Lloyd Austin, the current Pentagon head, is a former Raytheon weapons peddler.

After much fanfare, it was established that the Pentagon will provide not a collection, but a single Patriot battery to Kiev – either with four or eight missile launchers, and either the PAC 2 or PAC 3 version.

A Patriot battery comes with radar, lots of computers, power generating equipment, and an “engagement control station”.

Little did we know that by 2023 the raging would go beyond paroxysm, Pepe Escobar writes.

#Ukraine #Pentagon #war

@strategic_culture @rocknrollgeopolitics
📜 In World War II, Winston Churchill said that ‘in wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.’ Could this infamous quotation be one we should remember when we watch U.S. news outlets reporting on the bombshell leak lately supposedly from the Pentagon, which dominated western news for a few days in mid-April?

Or, put a different way, are the Americans taking us all for a ride and pretending that the leak is genuine and therefore encouraging media to examine every minutia of the documents in the hope that many of the nuggets are reported as facts?

We should be cautious about authenticating these documents. Not simply because Whitehouse spokesman John Kirby went to such lengths to tell journalists they shouldn’t present the essence of the information contained in them, in their articles. But more because no one has come forward and neither confirmed their authenticity or dismissed them entirely as fake 🤯

💬 By Martin Jay

#Pentagon #leak

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📍 The future of Russia and of Ukraine hinges on the Crimean Peninsula which the real shot callers in the Pentagon and the CIA need to annex so they can strip both countries bare.

The shot callers opposed to them, Putin, Gerasimov, Putin, Shoigu and Lukashenko, have their measure as their forefathers had to deal with this self-same nonsense against Napoleon, against Hitler and against the five or more nations of Sardinia, Britain, France, Austria and the Ottoman Empire during the 1853-1856 Crimean War, which had its roots in Perfidious Albion playing its usual Machiavellian games in Syria and Palestine. In Crimea, Russia has not only home team advantage but it cannot afford to lose and, given how treacherous its adversaries have proved themselves to be both historically and contemporaneously, cannot settle for anything less than outright victory from Crimea and Rostov-on-Don all the way westwards to the Romanian and Polish borders, wherever those demarcation lines may eventually lie.

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#Crimea #Pentagon #CIA #War

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🇮🇱🇺🇸 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is banking all he has on a single bet: that the U.S. will go the full nine yards in his madcap idea of a regional war between Israel and Iran’s proxies in the region.

For Netanyahu, this was always the plan from the very beginning. But it will take a series of stepping stones to get to this objective. First off is that he has to convince the Biden administration to join the IDF in its war within the Gaza Strip. And even that’s not going to be easy.

The temptation by Netanyahu to arrange a false flag attack on the Americans is too great if and when he sees the conflict not going his way 💢

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Netanyahu #GazaStrip #Israel #Biden #Pentagon

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