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➡️ Could masturbation be killing your gains?

As a popular and natural form of sexual expression and relief, masturbation has been a topic of interest and discussion for a long time, probably since the ancient Greek and Roman times, when athletes would allegedly refrain from their sexual activities before athletic contests. One of the most common questions that men may ask is whether or not masturbation has any impact on their gains in the gym. While the relationship between masturbation and gains in the gym is not entirely clear, there are a few things that are worth considering.

#energy #sportsperformance #training

💪 Mobility exercises – Why you should include them into your routine

When it comes to exercise, most people tend to focus on strength training and cardio. Sure, this approach is fine and will bring you results. However, mobility exercises are often overlooked, despite being an essential component of overall fitness. Mobility exercises involve movements that improve flexibility, range of motion, and joint health. These exercises can be incorporated into any workout routine, and their benefits extend even beyond physical fitness.

#Harmprevention #Sportsperformance #Training

☝🏻Nature vs Nurture – the importance of genetics in body building

Bodybuilding is a popular hobby, but have you ever stopped to think about what makes some people better at it than others? Genetics play a significant role in bodybuilding and if you’re not blessed with the right genes, you might as well stick to collecting stamps.

In fact, when it comes to bodybuilding, some people have it easier than others. If you’re born with the right genes, you could have an unfair advantage over the rest of us mere mortals. You might have a fast metabolism, making it easier for you to stay lean and shredded. You could have more type II muscle fibers, which are well suited for explosive power and strength. In addition, let’s not forget about muscle shape – some folks are born with biceps that pop like balloons, while others have to make do with spaghetti arms.

#Bodybuilding #Genes #Genetics #Training

💪 The Muscle Pump

The muscle pump is a feeling that many weightlifters strive for during their workouts. It is a temporary increase in blood flow and muscle size, which can make the muscles feel fuller and harder. However, many people believe that the muscle pump is directly responsible for muscle growth or hypertrophy. In this article, we will explore the truth about the muscle pump and its relationship to muscle growth.

It is important to understand what causes the muscle pump. It is caused by a combination of blood flow and mechanical tension. When we lift weights, the muscles contract and create tension, which in turn causes blood to flow into the muscles. This increased blood flow causes the muscles to swell, resulting in the pump. However, the muscle pump is only temporary and the blood flow returns to normal once the exercise is completed.

#DidYouKnow #Energy #SportsPerformance #Training

What is the best time of the day to work out?

We all know exercising is essential for maintaining good health and fitness, as well as reaching fitness and aesthetic goals, but one question that many people still wonder is what is the best time of the day to work out.

To cut it short, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this, as several factors may influence the optimal time for exercising, such as personal preferences or limitations, lifestyle, and overall health. In this article, we’re going to go over some of the advantages and disadvantages of working out at different (more traditional) times of the day.

#ProTip #Schedule #Training

☝🏻 6 reasons why you might want to take a day off from the gym

As fitness enthusiasts, often times we fall into the trap of thinking that we must hit the gym every day to achieve our fitness and aesthetic goals. However, taking a day off of the gym is just as important as working out. Rest and recovery are essential for muscle growth, injury prevention, and just overall well-being. In this article, we’ll go over some of the main points to help you decide whether or not you should take a day off from the gym.

#HarmPrevention #ProTip #Training

☝🏻 Cramp-Proof Your Workouts: Tips and Tricks for Preventing and Treating Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps can be a frustrating and painful experience for athletes, but there are several ways to prevent and treat them. By following these tips, athletes can stay on top of their game and avoid the frustrating and painful experience of muscle cramps.

#ProTip #SportsPerformance #Training

☝🏻 Make your calves and forearms grow – Exercises and Tips

Training calves and forearms is often a challenging task for many fitness enthusiasts, especially because these are probably the two most genetically-bound muscle groups in one’s physique. Additionally, both these groups tend to be neglected in many training routines with little to no specific workouts devoted to them, but they are still very important for overall strength and stability, as well as keeping the physique aesthetically balanced. If that wasn’t enough already, huge ripped calves and forearms look good even while you’re clothed, showing through t-shirts and shorts. In this article, we’ll discuss some basic tips for training calves and forearms for the best results.

#Bodybuilding #SportsPerformance #Training

🦾 Maintaining bodybuilding success in the long run

Bodybuilding is not just a hobby or a sport, it’s a lifestyle. It takes discipline, dedication, and commitment to achieve your goals and maintain your success. But what happens when the initial excitement fades away, and you’re left with the challenge of sustaining your progress in the long run? In this article, we’ll explore some practical tips for maintaining bodybuilding success in the long run.

#Bodybuilding #SportsPerformance #Training

🦾 Training with a partner or a trainer

Training with someone else is one of the most effective ways to achieve your fitness goals and improve your performance in the gym. Sure, you lose some of the flexibility that working out by yourself provides, but the benefits far outweigh the cons in my opinion. Not only does it help keep you accountable and on time since you have somebody waiting for you, but there are other benefits that you may not be able to achieve on your own. In this article, we will explore some of these benefits of training with a partner or a personal trainer.

#ProTip #SportsPerformance #Training