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Kanali në Telegram i Ambasadës së Rusisë në Shqipëri 🇷🇺🤝🇦🇱
Adresa: Tiranë, Mjull-Bathore, rr.Dervish Shaba

Официальный телеграм-канал Посольства России в Албании 🇷🇺🤝🇦🇱
Адрес: г.Тирана, Мьюл-Баторе, ул.Дервиша Шабы
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🇷🇺🇦🇪Në Abu Dhabi po zhvillohen bisedime midis Presidentit të Rusisë Vladimir Putin dhe Presidentit të Emirateve të Bashkuara Arabe Mohammed Bin zayed Al Nahyan.

💬Vladimir Putin:

Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe janë partneri kryesor tregtar i Rusisë në botën arabe.

Vitin e kaluar, qarkullimi tregtar u rrit me 67.7 për qind. E njëjta gjë vlen edhe për veprimtarinë në fushën e investimeve.

Po përparon bashkëpunimi industrial. Një numër projektesh të mëdha në sektorin e naftës dhe gazit janë duke u zbatuar.

Po zhvillohen shkëmbimet turistike.

🌐 Ne bashkëpunojmë në arenën ndërkombëtare. Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe japin një kontribut të madh në stabilizimin e situatës në botë, duke qenë një anëtar jo i përhershëm i Këshillit të Sigurimit.

Jam shumë i kënaqur që Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe po fillojnë të punojnë në sistemin e #BRICS. Në vitin 2024, Rusia do të kryesojë këtë organizatë. Dhe do të vazhdojmë kontaktet edhe në këtë drejtim.
💬 Nga fjalimi i Sergey Lavrov-it gjatë Forumit të 21-të të Dohas (10 dhjetor 2023):

☝️ Unë mendoj se ne duhet të njohim rrjedhën objektive të historisë, e cila është evolucioni i një bote multipolare. Është e nevojshme të pranohet ekzistenca e organizatave, formateve dhe strukturave të reja, të tilla si #BRICS, #SCO, #ASEAN, Bashkimi Afrikan, CELAC dhe shumë organizata të tjera rajonale në Afrikë dhe Amerikën Latine. Ato do të bëhen "blloqet ndërtuese" të një bote të re policentrike.

🔗Lexoni plotësisht:
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🎙 Address by Russia's President Vladimir Putin on the start of Russia's BRICS Chairmanship

💬 On January 1, Russia was passed the baton of the #BRICS chairmanship, an association which, according to the decision adopted by the 15th BRICS Summit in August 2022, now includes 10 countries.

Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates joined BRICS as new full members which is a strong indication of the growing authority of the association and its role in international affairs.

BRICS is attracting an ever increasing number of supporters and like-minded countries that share its underlying principles, namely, sovereign equality, respect for the chosen path of development, mutual consideration of interests, openness, consensus, the aspiration to form a multipolar international order and a fair global financial and trade system, and pursuit of collective solutions to top challenges of our time.

The Russian 2024 BRICS Chairmanship under the motto Strengthening Multilateralism for Equitable Global Development and Security will act precisely in this manner and focus on positive and constructive cooperation with all countries concerned.

🔸 We will spare no effort to <...> facilitate the harmonious integration of new participants in all formats of its activities.

🔸 We will start working on the modalities of a new category of BRICS partner country.

🔸 Russia will continue to promote all aspects of the BRICS partnership in three key areas: politics and security, economy and finance, and cultural and humanitarian contacts.

🔸 Our priorities include promoting cooperation in science, high technology, healthcare, environmental protection, culture, sports, youth exchanges, and civil society.

🔸 In total, over 200 events of different levels and types will be held in many Russian cities as part of the chairmanship.

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🇷🇺🇮🇳📞 Russia's President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi.

The discussion focused on current issues of developing Russian-Indian relations of specially privileged strategic partnership. Both sides expressed satisfaction with various successes in practical interaction in such areas as cooperation in trade and the economy, science and technology, energy, transport and logistics, as well as cooperation in Russia’s Far East.

Vladimir Putin and Narendra Modi expressed interest in further stepping up mutually beneficial bilateral ties and wished each other every success at the upcoming elections – presidential election in Russia and the general election in India.

On January 1, the Russian Federation assumed chairmanship of #BRICS. In this context, both leaders emphasised their readiness to closely coordinate their approaches to the BRICS agenda.

According to Narendra Modi, India intends to help implement the goals and objectives of Russia’s chairmanship. The leaders also touched on several other international issues, including the situation around Ukraine.

🤝 Vladimir Putin and Narendra Modi agreed to continue their personal contact.

#RussiaIndia #DruzbaDosti
Në prag të Ditës së Punonjësit Diplomatik, Ambasada Ruse në Shqipëri sjell në vëmendjen tuaj një seri botimesh kushtuar diplomatëve të shquar rusë.

🇷🇺 Historia e sotme do t’i kushtohet politikanit tё shquar sovjetik dhe rus, Ministrit tё Punёve tё Jashtme tё Rusisë në vitet 1996-1998, Yevgeny Maksimovich #Primakov-it (1929-2015).

Ardhja e Primakovit në MPJ-nё ruse u bë një pikë kthese në politikën e jashtme të shtetit tonë, fillimi i rivendosjes së pozicioneve të Rusisë në arenën ndërkombëtare.

Primakovi parashikoi shfaqjen e qendrave të reja të rritjes ekonomike dhe ndikimit politik në botë dhe, në këtë kuptim, parashikoi lёvizjen dtrejt #multipolaritetit. Ai vendosi formatin Rusi-Indi-Kinë, i cili u bë prototipi i #BRICS, mishërimi i vërtetë i diplomacisë multipolare.

❗️ Më 24 mars tё vitit 1999, gjatë fluturimit të tij në SHBA, Yevgeny Primakov mёsoi se vendet e NATO-s filluan sulme ajrore të ish-Jugosllavisё. Ai menjëherë ktheu avionin e tij dhe u kthye në Moskë. Kjo U-kthesë legjendare mbi Atlantik-un u bë një simbol i rishikimit të marrëdhënieve me Perëndimin drejt #pragmatizmit dhe #realizmit, dhe kalimit të Rusisë drejt politikës së jashtme multi-vektoriale.

#ДДР2024 #Россия #дипломатия #Russia #diplomacy #DiplomaticWorkersDay
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🗓 On February 14, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov took part in a Government Hour session of the State Duma where he made remarks on current issues related to the foreign policy of the Russian Federation.

The Foreign Minister focused on the key aspects of the Ministry’s efforts to resolve the foreign policy challenges facing the country and took questions from deputies. He concentrated on issues related to promoting partnerships with states that have a constructive attitude to Russia, ensuring favourable external conditions for its socio-economic development, and protecting the rights and interests of compatriots living abroad.

Sergey Lavrov also spoke about strengthening Russia’s role as a leading world power, deepening integration in the Union State, #EAEU, #CIS and #SCO, the Russian chairmanship of #BRICS, the resistance of the Global Majority to the dictates of the collective West, and the formation of a fair multipolar world order.

☝️ The Minister’s regular meetings with the members of both chambers of the Federal Assembly are an opportunity to “compare notes” and determine the main areas of joint effort by the executive and legislative authorities in the framework of the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation.
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⚡️ From President Vladimir Putin's Address to the Federal Assembly (February 29, 2024)

Key talking points:

• Just like any other ideology promoting racism, national superiority or exceptionalism, Russophobia is blinding and stupefying. The US and its satellites have, in fact, dismantled the European security system which has created risks for everyone.

• We need to shore up the forces in the western strategic theatre in order to counteract the threats posed by NATO’s further eastward expansion, with Sweden and Finland joining the alliance.

• A new equal and indivisible security framework must be created in Eurasia in the foreseeable future. We are ready for a substantive discussion on this subject with all countries and associations that may be interested in it. At the same time, I would like to reiterate (I think this is important for everyone) that no enduring international order is possible without a strong and sovereign Russia.

• We strive to unite the global majority’s efforts to respond to international challenges, such as turbulent transformation of the world economy, trade, finance, and technology markets, when former monopolies and stereotypes associated with them are collapsing.

• The principles of equality and respect for each other’s interests guide us in our interactions with our partners. This is why more and more countries have been proactive in seeking to be part of the activities of the #EAEU, the #SCO, #BRICS and other associations involving Russia.

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📰 Intervistë e Ndihmësit të Presidentit të Rusisë për Politikën e Jashtme Yu.V.Ushakov për TASS (5 mars 2024)

Teza kryesore:

• Bashkëpunimi në formatin e #BRICS është një nga vektorët kryesorë të politikës së jashtme të Federatës Ruse për një perspektivë afatgjatë.

• Gjatë një periudhe relativisht të shkurtër ekzistence, BRICS është zhvilluar me shpejtësi dhe është shndërruar në një mekanizëm të gjerë shumënivelesh për ndërveprim në një gamë të gjerë çështjesh të axhendës globale.

• Pikërisht BRICS po perceptohet nga shumë aktorë si prototipi i multipolaritetit, një strukturë që bashkon Jugun global dhe Lindjen mbi parimet e barazisë, sovranitetit dhe respektit të ndërsjellë.

• Ne e konsiderojmë rritjen e rolit të shteteve të BRICS në sistemin monetar dhe financiar ndërkombëtar si një detyrë specifike për vitin aktual . <...> Ne e shikojmë krijimin e një sistemi të pavarur të pagesave të ndërsjella në kuadër të BRICS si një qëllim të rëndësishëm për të ardhmen.

• Receta për atraktivitetin dhe suksesin e BRICS është mungesa e ndonjë axhende konfrontuese ose "të fshehur". E përsëris, kjo është një shoqatë e njerëzve me mendje të njëjtë.

🔗 Lexo më shumë:
📰 Интервью помощника Президента России по внешней политике Ю.В. Ушакова ТАСС (5 марта 2024 года)

Основные тезисы:

• Сотрудничество в формате #БРИКС является одним из основных векторов внешней политики Российской Федерации на долгосрочную перспективу.

• За сравнительно недолгий период существования объединение БРИКС стремительно развивалось и трансформировалось в разветвлённый многоуровневый механизм взаимодействия по самому широкому спектру вопросов глобальной повестки.

• Многими именно БРИКС воспринимается как прообраз многополярности, структуры, объединяющей глобальный Юг и Восток на принципах равенства, суверенности и взаимного уважения.

• Конкретной задачей на текущий год видим повышение роли государств БРИКС в международной валютно-финансовой системе. <...> Важной целью на перспективу полагаем создание в рамках БРИКС независимой расчётной платежной системы.

• Рецепт привлекательности и успеха БРИКС состоит в отсутствии какой-либо конфронтационной или "скрытой" повестки. Повторю, это — объединение единомышленников.

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🎤 On March 6, the Sirius Federal Territory hosted a gala concert titled BRICS: The Young Winds as part of the World Youth Festival. The event showcased the talents of young musicians from 🇷🇺 Russia, 🇧🇷 Brazil (Matu Miranda), 🇮🇳 India (Sayli Kamble), 🇨🇳 China (Jia Yi), 🇦🇪 UAE (Ahmed Alhosani), and 🇿🇦 South Africa (Dudu Makhoba).

The concert featured popular hits from #BRICS countries, with Russian songs translated into foreign languages and vice versa. Attended by guests and participants of the World Youth Festival, the concert was also streamed online to a multi-thousand-strong audience.

🌐 BRICS: The Young Winds represents a promising initiative aimed at fostering cultural ties among BRICS countries. It eschews enforced agendas or dubious participation criteria, relying solely on the unifying power of art.



Project organiser: Territory of the First (Territoriya Pervyh) NGO; sponsored by the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives.
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🎙 Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks during a meeting of the United Russia General Council’s Commission on International Cooperation and Support for Compatriots Abroad

📍 Moscow, April 16, 2024


• The high interest in voting [during the 2024 Presidential election] was overwhelming, which was confirmed by high turnout as well as the large number of journalists, public figures and representatives from compatriot organisations who observed the elections.

• The electoral process took place amid the hybrid war against Russia unleashed by the collective West. <...> Nevertheless, the Russian Foreign Ministry and its foreign missions have coped with the task. Hundreds of thousands of Russians got the chance to exercise their constitutional right.


• The action plan [of Russia’s current BRICS chairmanship] envisages active work in three main areas, including politics and security, the economy and finance, and cultural and humanitarian contacts. <...> The key priority now is to ensure the new members’ harmonious integration into the strategic partnership architecture and to preserve the effective operation of all existing BRICS mechanisms.

• In addition to working on the partner states category, the BRICS members are going to deepen dialogue with friendly countries in the BRICS Plus/BRICS Outreach format. They are planning to involve our associates in the EAEU, CIS, CSTO and the SCO by using this format.

• We are interested in enhancing the role of the BRICS states in the currency, financial and trade systems, developing interbank cooperation, expanding the use of their national currencies in mutual trade and pooling efforts in creating a rating agency and the association’s exchange.

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