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First Telegram Data Science channel. Covering all technical and popular staff about anything related to Data Science: AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Statistics, general Math and the applications of former. To reach editors contact: @haarrp
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​​Large Scale Adversarial Representation Learning

DeepMind shows that GANs can be harnessed for unsupervised representation learning, with state-of-the-art results on ImageNet. Reconstructions, as shown in paper, tend to emphasise high-level semantics over pixel-level details.


#DeepMind #GAN #CV #DL #SOTA
DeepMind's Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning

DeepMind released Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning, or β€˜bsuite’ – a collection of carefully-designed experiments that investigate core capabilities of RL agents.

bsuite was built to do two things:

1. Offer clear, informative, and scalable experiments that capture key issues in RL
2. Study agent behaviour through performance on shared benchmarks

Google colab:

#RL #DeepMind #Bsuite
Applying machine learning optimization methods to the production of a quantum gas

#DeepMind developed machine learning techniques to optimise the production of a Bose-Einstein condensate, a quantum-mechanical state of matter that can be used to test predictions of theories of many-body physics.


#Physics #DL #BEC
​​πŸ”₯DeepMind’s AlphaStar beats top human players at strategy game StarCraft II

AlphaStar by Google’s DeepMind can now play StarCraft 2 so well that it places in the 99.8 percentile on the European server. In other words, way better than even great human players, achieving performance similar to gods of StarCraft.

Solution basically combines reinforcement learning with a quality-diversity algorithm, which is similar to an evolutionary algorithm.

What’s difficult about StarCraft and how is it different to recent #Go and #Chess AI solutions: even finding winning strategy (StarCraft is famouse to closeness to rock-scissors-paper, not-so-transitive game design, as chess and go), is not enough to win, since the result depends on execution on different macro and micro levels at different timescales.

How that is applicable in real world: basically, it is running logistics, manufacture, research with complex operations and different units.

Why this matters: it brings AI one step closer to running real business.

Blog post:
Nontechnical video:

#Google #GoogleAI #AlphaStar #Starcraft #Deepmind #nature #AlphaZero
​​LOGAN: Latent Optimisation for Generative Adversarial Networks

Game-theory motivated algorithm from #DeepMind improves the state-of-the-art in #GAN image generation by over 30% measured in FID.

Dream to Control: Learning Behaviors by Latent Imagination

Abstract: Learned world models summarize an agent's experience to facilitate learning complex behaviors. While learning world models from high-dimensional sensory inputs are becoming feasible through deep learning, there are many potential ways for deriving behaviors from them. We present Dreamer, a reinforcement learning agent that solves long-horizon tasks from images purely by latent imagination. We efficiently learn behaviors by propagating analytic gradients of learned state values back through trajectories imagined in the compact state space of a learned world model. On 20 challenging visual control tasks, Dreamer exceeds existing approaches in data-efficiency, computation time, and final performance.

Dreamer learns long-horizon behaviors from images purely by latent imagination. For this, it backpropagates value estimates through trajectories imagined in the compact latent space of a learned world model. Dreamer solves visual control tasks using substantially fewer episodes than strong model-free agents.

Dreamer learns a world model from past experiences that can predict the future. It then learns action and value models in its compact latent space. The value model optimizes Bellman's consistency of imagined trajectories. The action model maximizes value estimates by propagating their analytic gradients back through imagined trajectories. When interacting with the environment, it simply executes the action model.


#RL #Dreams #Imagination #DL #GoogleBrain #DeepMind
​​A Deep Neural Network's Loss Surface Contains Every Low-dimensional Pattern

New work from #DeepMind built in top of Loss Landscape Sightseeing with Multi-Point Optimization

Predecessor’s github:
​​DeepMind significally (+100%) improved protein folding modelling

Why is this important: protein folding = protein structure = protein function = how protein works in the living speciment and what it does.
What this means: better vaccines, better meds, more curable diseases and more calamities easen by the medications or better understanding.

Dataset: ~170000 available protein structures from PDB
Hardware: 128 TPUv3 cores (roughly  equivalent to ~100-200 GPUs)


#DL #NLU #proteinmodelling #bio #biolearning #insilico #deepmind #AlphaFold
​​Solving Mixed Integer Programs Using Neural Networks

Article on speeding up Mixed Integer Programs with ML. Mixed Integer Programs are usually NP-hard problems:

- Problems solved with linear programming
- Production planning (pipeline optimization)
- Scheduling / Dispatching

Or any problems where integers represent various decisions (including some of the graph problems).

Wikipedia on Mixed Integer Programming:

#NPhard #MILP #DeepMind #productionml #linearprogramming #optimizationproblem
The Illustrated Retrieval Transformer
by @jayalammar

The latest batch of language models can be much smaller yet achieve GPT-3 like performance by being able to query a database or search the web for information. A key indication is that building larger and larger models is not the only way to improve performance.

#nlp #gpt3 #retro #deepmind
🦜 Hi!

We are the first Telegram Data Science channel.

Channel was started as a collection of notable papers, news and releases shared for the members of Open Data Science (ODS) community. Through the years of just keeping the thing going we grew to an independent online Media supporting principles of Free and Open access to the information related to Data Science.

Ultimate Posts

* Where to start learning more about Data Science.
* @opendatascience channel audience research.

Open Data Science is an international community of people anyhow related to Data Science.



Through the years we accumulated a big collection of materials, most of them accompanied by hashtags.

#deeplearning #DL β€” post about deep neural networks (> 1 layer)
#cv β€” posts related to Computer Vision. Pictures and videos
#nlp #nlu β€” Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Understanding. Texts and sequences
#audiolearning #speechrecognition β€” related to audio information processing
#ar β€” augmeneted reality related content
#rl β€” Reinforcement Learning (agents, bots and neural networks capable of playing games)
#gan #generation #generatinveart #neuralart β€” about neural artt and image generation
#transformer #vqgan #vae #bert #clip #StyleGAN2 #Unet #resnet #keras #Pytorch #GPT3 #GPT2 β€” related to special architectures or frameworks
#coding #CS β€” content related to software engineering sphere
#OpenAI #microsoft #Github #DeepMind #Yandex #Google #Facebook #huggingface β€” hashtags related to certain companies
#productionml #sota #recommendation #embeddings #selfdriving #dataset #opensource #analytics #statistics #attention #machine #translation #visualization


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