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Russia has consolidated its position as India’s largest oil supplier for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, surpassing Middle Eastern producers and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

The data shows that Russian oil accounted for nearly 35 percent of India’s total imports of 4.7 million barrels per day, up 22 percent from the previous year.

India’s oil imports from Middle Eastern countries have also witnessed a clear decline, falling from 55% to 46% of India’s total imports.

In contrast, their revenues from the member states of the “Commonwealth of Independent States” (CIS), which includes Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan as well as Russia, jumped from 26% to 39% during the same fiscal year.
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#Aramco #Commonwealth #India #Kuwait #oil #OPEC #Russia #Russia_news #Saudi_Arabia
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The Egyptian Armed Forces are preparing tomorrow to launch the Arab Military Equestrian, Show Jumping and Stake Picking Championship at Egypt’s Olympic Games City.

The tournament will kick off with the participation of 11 countries, namely Egypt, Libya, Qatar, Algeria, Kuwait, Tunisia, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and the UAE, and will continue until April 27, under the patronage of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.

The equestrian club is active with preparations underway, with the stadiums being equipped to international standards, with stables to house horses and integrated veterinary services.

The tournament seeks to promote sports rapprochement between Arab countries and exchange experiences in the field of equestrian, in addition to providing an exceptional sports experience.
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#Algeria #Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Armed_Forces #Iraq #Jordan #Kuwait #Libya #Saudi_Arabia #Syria #Tunisia #United_Arab_Emirates
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A Syrian teacher in Kuwait is accused of using a medical injection as a way to scare and arrest students at a famous American private school in Hawalli governorate.

Kuwaiti news accounts reported that the competent authorities arrested the teacher at the Salmiya station, after she was reported by the students’ parents, about her use of a medical injection as a means to scare students and control their behavior.

Although some bloggers circulated the name of the teacher and the name of the school where the incident occurred, Kuwaiti lawyer Salem Nayef Al-Mutairi demanded that this information be verified.

Al-Mutairi, who represents one of the parents who filed a complaint in the incident, confirmed that investigations are still ongoing at the Public Prosecution.
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#Hawalli_Governorate #Kuwait #Kuwait_News #Kuwaiti_Authorities #Kuwaiti_Ministry_of_Education #Medical_Needle #Salem_Naif_Al_Mutairi #Syrian_Teacher
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The Egyptian Public Prosecution revealed the details of the horrific crime during which the body of a child was found in a rented apartment, where some of his entrails were extracted and placed next to him.

It later emerged that the crime was part of a series of bloody videos filmed to sell to dedicated websites.

The investigations conducted by the Egyptian Public Prosecution found the perpetrator of the crime, where he confessed to committing it at the request of another Egyptian resident in the State of Kuwait, who had identified him through one of the social networking sites for the trade in human organs, where he was asked to choose a child to steal his human organs in exchange for five million pounds (more than $ 100,000).
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#Cairo #Egypt #Egypt_News #Human_Organ_Trafficking #Interpol #Kuwait #Murder #Shubra_El_Kheima
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The city of El Oued, southeastern Algeria, was proud to organize the International Women’s Monodrama Festival, one of the most important cultural events in the Arab region.

The third edition of the festival was organized by the Star Dramatic Arts Association under the theme “Monodrama and World Cultural Heritage”, which witnessed the participation of artists, critics, and academics from several countries, including Iraq, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Kuwait, Denmark, and the United States of America.

Tunisian show “Psychosis 4:48”, directed by Moez Hamza, won first prize, while the Boudra Association for Theatre in Eggs in Algeria won second prize for the SDR performance performed by actress Taheri Fatiha and directed by Ahmed Hicham Kandi.
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#Algeria #culture #Denmark #Festival #Iraq #Kuwait #Libya #Syria #Tunisia #United_States
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Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Kuwaiti Amir Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah stressed the need to respect the sovereignty of the State of Libya and reject all kinds of external interference in its affairs.

The two leaders issued a joint statement on the occasion of the Kuwaiti emir’s visit to Egypt on Tuesday, in which they stressed the importance of supporting Libyan national efforts within the framework of the principle of exclusive Libyan ownership of a political settlement.

The joint statement praised the efforts of the Libyan legislative authority and its approval of electoral laws in the context of fulfilling all the necessary frameworks to hold presidential and parliamentary elections as soon as possible in accordance with previous agreements and references.

In the statement, Sisi and Al-Sabah stressed the need for all foreign forces, fighters, and mercenaries to leave Libya, disband militias, and reunify military and security institutions, in accordance with agreed principles and adopted international resolutions.
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#Abdel_Fattah_El_Sisi #Egypt #Egypt_News #Kuwait_News #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Crisis #Libyan_Elections
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The Court of First Instance in the city of Marrakech has sentenced a number of individuals involved in the death of an underage girl during a noisy party in a luxury villa.

The girl drowned in the pool during a night of alcohol and narcotics.

The court sentenced a Kuwaiti tourist to seven months in prison and a Moroccan domestic worker to ten months, and issued suspended prison sentences for nine other people, including seven Kuwaitis and two Moroccans, and ordered the reinstatement of the financial bail.

The case included serious criminal charges that included deceiving a minor, indecent assault, corruption, incitement to prostitution, and drug consumption.

The trial witnessed the hearing of the Kuwaitis accused by the Royal Gendarmerie to reveal the details of the incident, as investigations confirmed that the death resulted from drowning in the swimming pool of the villa during the party.

It is noteworthy that progress was recorded in the 2023 Organized Crime Index in Morocco, where it obtained an average of 4.8 on a scale ranging from 1 to 10, and reports indicated that Morocco is a source, destination, and transit point for victims of forced labor and sex trafficking.
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#Abdelouafi_Laftit #Incidents #Kuwait #Marrakech #Moroccan_Judiciary #Moroccan_Ministry_of_Interior #Morocco #Morocco_News #Prostitution
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Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah announced on Friday the dissolution of the National Assembly and the suspension of some articles of the constitution for a period not exceeding 4 years.

Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah said in his speech: “Kuwait has gone through difficult times that reflected on the general reality, and the persistence has reached limits that cannot be accepted or tolerated,” referring to a number of deputies.

The Emir of Kuwait explained that “difficulties and obstacles cannot be tolerated,” noting that “there are those who disrupt the interests of the country,” and to “interference in the selection of the crown prince.

The prince stressed that "the turmoil of the political scene in the country has reached a stage that cannot be tolerated, all negative phenomena will not remain and will be reconsidered, I will not allow the exploitation of democracy to destroy the country."

The prince concluded his speech by saying: "Whoever receives public money will receive his punishment, regardless of his position or capacity, corruption has reached most state facilities and even security institutions," stressing that the judiciary is able to cleanse itself.

#Corruption #Emir_of_Kuwait #Judiciary #Kuwait #Kuwait_News #Kuwaiti_Constitution #Kuwaiti_National_Assembly #Security #Sheikh_Meshal_Al_Ahmad_Al_Jaber_Al_Sabah
The Central Agency for Mobilization and Statistics reported that the volume of trade exchange between Egypt and the Arab countries decreased to $ 26 billion during 2023, compared to $ 29.5 billion in 2022.

The data showed that the value of Egyptian exports to Arab countries reached $ 13.6 billion during 2023, compared to $ 12.5 billion during 2022.

Saudi Arabia topped the list of Arab countries that imported from Egypt with a value of $ 2.7 billion during 2023, followed by the UAE with $ 2.2 billion, Libya with $ 1.8 billion, Sudan with $ 984.4 million, and Algeria with $ 850.3 million.

The agency pointed out that the most important Egyptian commodity groups exported to Arab countries during 2023 were vegetables and fruits with a value of $ 1.
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#Algeria #Egypt_Economy #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Central_Agency_for_Mobilization_and_Statistics #Egyptian_Exports #Kuwait #Oman #Qatar #Saudi_Arabia #Sudan #Trade_Exchange #UAE
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The Libya International Conference on Industry and Technology concluded on Tuesday at the Corinthia Hotel in the capital Tripoli.


The conference brought together researchers and experts from Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, China, Kuwait and Iraq, and witnessed the presence of the Minister of Italian Companies and Industry and the Deputy Minister of Industry of Turkey.

The recommendations issued by the conference stressed the importance of the state’s role in supervising and directing economic activity and encouraging local and foreign investment in the industrial sector.

Participants called for developing technological capabilities, benefiting from the infrastructure of military industries, and supporting the banking sector to provide the necessary financing for industrial projects.
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#China #Egypt #International_Libya_Conference_on_Industry_and_Technology #Iraq #Italy #Kuwait #Lebanon #Libya #Libya_News #Sudan #Tripoli #Tunisia #Turkey
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The Israeli attack on a refugee camp in Rafah, south of Gaza, sparked international condemnation, both officially and publicly, after pictures of the horrific aftermath of the attack spread on social media.

Officials said that the Israeli air strike caused a massive fire, which claimed the lives of civilians who were in the camp fleeing the battlefields, which angered world leaders who urged the implementation of the International Court of Justice’s ruling to stop the Israeli attack on the city.

Palestinian health officials say at least 45 people, nearly half of them women and children, were killed in the Israeli raid.
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#Germany #Annalina_Baerbock #Canada #Egypt #Emmanuel_Macron #France #Gaza_War #Israel #Israeli_Army #Kuwait #Melanie_Julie #Palestine_news #Qatar #Rafah_Invasion #Saudi_Arabia #United_Nations_Secretary_General_António_Guterres #United_States_of_America
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A major fire broke out in a residential building in the Kuwaiti city of Mangaf, resulting in the death of 49 people.

The First Deputy Prime Minister and Acting Minister of Interior, Sheikh Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah, confirmed that the main reason behind this disaster is the greed of some real estate owners who violate regulations and laws.

Sheikh Fahd indicated that the property owner will be detained for investigation and to verify the presence of any negligence or negligence on his part.

He added that strict measures will be taken to combat the overcrowding of workers in their homes, with the start of a campaign to confront real estate violations starting tomorrow, Thursday, without prior warnings.
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#Fahd_Yousef_Al_Sabah #Fire #Fires #Kuwait #Kuwait_News #Mangaf
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Morocco advanced in the Global Peace Index for 2024, rising 14 places to rank 78th globally, and sixth in the Middle East and North Africa region.

This classification is issued by the Institute of Economics and Peace, based on a set of sub-indicators such as the level of crime, the number of detainees, security personnel, and defense spending.

Iceland, Ireland, and Austria topped the top three places, respectively, while Yemen, Sudan, South Sudan, Afghanistan, and Ukraine topped the list after being classified in the red zones.

At the Arab level, Kuwait came in 25th place globally and first in the Arab world, followed by Qatar (29), the Sultanate of Oman (37), the United Arab Emirates (53), Tunisia (74), Algeria (90), and Libya (128).
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#Afghanistan #Algeria #Austria #Global_Peace_Index #Iceland #Institute_of_Economics_and_Peace #Ireland #Israel #Kuwait #Libya #Middle_East #Morocco_News #North_Africa #Palestine #Qatar #Sudan #Sultanate_of_Oman #Tunisia #UAE #Ukraine #Yemen
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Head of the Consular Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Alexei Klimov, announced ongoing negotiations between Russia and nine countries with the aim of mutual cancellation of entry visas.

According to Klimov, the agreements concluded over the past four years with more than 65 countries have entered into force, allowing citizens of these countries to enter Russia without a visa.

The countries concerned with the new discussions include Zimbabwe, Bahrain, Kuwait, the Sultanate of Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia, in addition to Myanmar, and negotiations are also underway with China to ease restrictions on tourist delegations.
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#Bahrain #Alexey_Klimov #Kuwait #Malaysia #Russia #Russian_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #Saudi_Arabia #Sultanate_of_Oman #Tourism #Zimbabwe
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An Egyptian government official revealed that the value of fuel imports into the country increased to about $6.4 billion during the first half of 2024, compared to $6.1 billion in the same period last year.

The official explained in press statements that the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation contracted to import shipments of petroleum materials worth $1.1 billion last June, compared to $922 million in the same month of 2023.

The official pointed out that the petroleum products bill from January to June exceeded $3.6 billion, while the rest of the value was allocated to coal, crude oil and other petroleum sector imports.

The official said that the reason for the increase in the import bill in the first half of this year is the increase in the cost of shipping and transporting petroleum products.
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#Coal #Egypt #Egypt_s_Economy #Egyptian_Fuel_Imports #Egyptian_General_Petroleum_Corporation #Iraq #Kuwait #Mustafa_Madbouly #oil #Saudi_Arabia #UAE
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Cairo International Airport authorities were able to thwart an unprecedented smuggling attempt, as they arrested an Egyptian passenger heading to Kuwait.

The authorities suspected the passenger while completing his travel procedures on board EgyptAir Flight No. 615.

The inspectors found a large sum of money, amounting to one million and 253 thousand pounds, which the passenger hid inside shawarma meals.

The concerned authorities took the necessary legal measures against the passenger, who works in a sensitive job, after this surprising attempt.
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#Cairo_Airport #Drugs #Egypt #EgyptAir #Kuwait #Money #Money_Smuggling
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In a strange incident in the world of football, the Kuwaiti Kazma Club was subjected to a fraud, as it played a friendly match with a “fake” team in Egypt, claiming to be the Beni Suef Telephone Club.

The story began when the Kuwaiti Kazma Club announced through its official accounts on social media that it had won seven goals to one over the Telephonat Beni Suef Club, within its training camp in Alexandria in preparation for the new season.

But the surprise was in the response of the Beni Suef Telephone Club, which completely denied playing any friendly match with the Kuwaiti team.

The Egyptian club explained on its “Facebook” account: “Beni Suef Telephone Club warns against dealing with the players’ agent called Sayed Riad, who impersonated the Beni Suef Telephone Club representative and played a friendly match against the Kuwaiti Al-Kadhma Club.
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#Alexandria #Bani_Suef_Telephone_Club #Egypt #football #Fraud #Kazma_Club #Kuwait #Sayed_Riad
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