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Accusations of corruption and bribery by Libya’s judiciary have stirred public opinion, amid calls for an urgent and transparent investigation to preserve the country’s only undivided body.

Libyan journalist and media personality Khalil al-Hassi accused Attorney General Siddiq al-Sur of several offences, including canceling the “red notice” issued against Ali Dabaiba, cousin of the head of the Libyan Government of National Unity, Abdul Hamid Dabaiba, and canceling the “letters rogatory” requested by the former attorney general against Ali and his son Ibrahim in Britain.
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#Abdul_Hamid_Al_Dbeibah #Ali_Al_Dbeibah #Corruption_Case #Libya_News #Libyan_Attorney_General #Libyan_Government_of_National_Unity #Siddiq_Al_Sour
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The Libyan Public Prosecutor’s Office announced that the fire, which broke out in one of the warehouses of the Electrical Works Company in Tripoli, was deliberate to conceal incidents of embezzlement.


Preliminary investigations revealed that the fire was caused by the placement of flammable materials at a site containing equipment for the production and transmission of electrical energy, which led to the outbreak of fires that caused huge losses to the company.

The Public Prosecution explained on its Facebook page that the Public Defender’s Office at the South Tripoli Court of Appeal supervised the investigation into the fire incident.

The damage caused by the fire amounted to one hundred and seventy-nine million three hundred and seventy thousand two hundred and sixty-four euros, and the investigating authority attributed the fire to concealing embezzlement of some of the store’s assets.
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#Corruption #Embezzlement #Fire #Libya #Libyan_Public_Prosecutor_s_Office #Tripoli
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A report by the US Foreign Policy Institute highlights the daunting challenges facing Libya in its fight against human trafficking.


Despite international efforts, the results remain without sustainable impact, the report, published on Friday, warned that the situation is getting worse, citing the lack of local institutions capable of protecting victims of human trafficking and prosecuting traffickers, making long-term change elusive.

The report, authored by researcher Skylar Watkins, stressed the failure of the Libyan authorities to confront human trafficking, where the absence of law enforcement forces and weak border control hampers local efforts, and even as arrest warrants have been issued against some of those involved, the limited capacity of the police and security remains an obstacle for the government to pursue criminals.

The report showed that the current criminal code does not provide adequate protection against human trafficking, criminalizing some forms and punishing them with imprisonment, but ignoring other forms such as labor and sex trafficking.

Human trafficking not only affects victims, but also undermines the rule of law, threatens national security, and weakens the country’s economic structure.
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#Corruption #Human_Trafficking #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Crisis #United_States #US_Department_of_State
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Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah announced on Friday the dissolution of the National Assembly and the suspension of some articles of the constitution for a period not exceeding 4 years.

Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah said in his speech: “Kuwait has gone through difficult times that reflected on the general reality, and the persistence has reached limits that cannot be accepted or tolerated,” referring to a number of deputies.

The Emir of Kuwait explained that “difficulties and obstacles cannot be tolerated,” noting that “there are those who disrupt the interests of the country,” and to “interference in the selection of the crown prince.

The prince stressed that "the turmoil of the political scene in the country has reached a stage that cannot be tolerated, all negative phenomena will not remain and will be reconsidered, I will not allow the exploitation of democracy to destroy the country."

The prince concluded his speech by saying: "Whoever receives public money will receive his punishment, regardless of his position or capacity, corruption has reached most state facilities and even security institutions," stressing that the judiciary is able to cleanse itself.

#Corruption #Emir_of_Kuwait #Judiciary #Kuwait #Kuwait_News #Kuwaiti_Constitution #Kuwaiti_National_Assembly #Security #Sheikh_Meshal_Al_Ahmad_Al_Jaber_Al_Sabah
Tunisian authorities have dismantled an international drug smuggling network involving Tunisian and Maghreb nationals operating between Tunisia, Italy, and France.

According to a statement by the Tunisian Interior, the operation resulted in the arrest of nine members of the network, and the seizure of large quantities of cannabis estimated at about 300 kilograms and 25,000 narcotic tablets, in addition to large sums of money, jewelry and luxury watches.

Tunisian investigations have revealed the involvement of businessmen, government employees and people of multiple nationalities in smuggling crimes, and they use the sea as the main route for their operations in order to avoid land border controls.

It was also confirmed that the network was operating through fishing boats departing from Tunisia towards the Italian coast to deliver drugs, and the Tunisian authorities indicated that the network was also linked to crimes related to money laundering.

#Corruption #Drugs #France #Italy #Morocco #Smuggling #Tunisia #Tunisian_Ministry_of_Interior
Abdallah Bathili , the former head of the UN mission in Libya, accused the country’s main players of “monopolizing the political process.”


In an interview published on Monday, Bathili noted that Libya’s political leaders were not interested in the country’s actual stability during the past transitions.

Bathili explained that no solution can be reached in Libya as long as this situation continues, pointing to the desire of political leaders to share the fruits of governance among them, rather than seeking the stability of the country.

“Libya is not a poor country, in fact, it is a very rich country, producing 1.3 million barrels of oil per day, and there are enough resources for every Libyan to live in prosperity,” Bathili said, referring to the level of corruption in Libya.

"There is no transparency, Libyans talk about corruption in the government, and when you look at the situation in the education sector and in the health sector, you see the destruction left by the wars, and the infrastructure has not been rebuilt," Batelli said.

#Abdullah_Bathili #Arms_Trade #Corruption #Human_Trafficking #Libya_News #Libyan_Crisis #Libyan_Political_Process #Smuggling #United_Nations #United_Nations_Mission_in_Libya
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Libya’s Public Prosecution has revealed details of two incidents of corruption in state institutions, including embezzlement of funds and falsification of official documents in Tripoli and Misrata.


The Public Prosecution ordered the detention of three officers from the Misrata Passports, Nationality and Foreigners Affairs Authority after they were involved in forging official documents and counterfeiting the seals of the state and private legal persons for the purpose of illegal profit.
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#City_of_Misrata #Corruption_Cases #Embezzlement #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Attorney_General_s_Office #Libyan_Public_Prosecution #Tripoli
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The Algerian judiciary revealed new details about the corruption that has affected the maritime transport sector in the country, in which dozens are accused, including former directors of the National Maritime Transport Company - North.

Algeria News ,Algeria ,Corruption ,Algerian Judiciary ,Algerian Maritime Transport Sector ,Fighting Corruption ,The Pole Court

The Algerian judiciary revealed new details about the corruption that has affected the maritime transport sector in the country, in which dozens are accused, including former directors of the National Maritime Transport Company – North.

The judge in charge of the file in the Pole Court interrogated the defendants, who are the former President and General Manager of the National Maritime Cargo Transport Company – North “G. L., and the former general directors A.S.W. and G.S.A.
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#Algeria #Algeria_News #Algerian_Judiciary #Algerian_Maritime_Transport_Sector #Corruption #Fighting_Corruption #The_Pole_Court
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A Moroccan source said that 30 parliamentarians from various political parties, whether from the government coalition or the opposition, are accused of corruption cases related to the municipal responsibilities assigned to them.

The source explained that these charges cover embezzlement of public funds, extortion, falsification of public documents, and tampering with deals, and different courts decide on these charges.

These developments came at a time when the Moroccan Parliament recalled the instructions of King Mohammed VI, which he issued at the beginning of this year on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the legislative institution, where the King called for “the creation of parliamentary life by adopting a code of ethics in the legislative institution and achieving harmony between the practice of representative democracy and democracy.” Participation, and raising the quality of parliamentary and elected elites.”
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#Anti_Corruption #Bribery #Corruption_Cases #Embezzlement_of_Funds #Extortion #Forgery_of_Public_Documents #King_Mohammed_VI #Mohamed_Al_Glousi #Moroccan_Association_for_the_Protection_of_Public_Money #Moroccan_Parliament #Morocco_News
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The Libyan Attorney General, Al-Siddiq Al-Sour, ordered the imprisonment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Price Stabilization Fund, Jamal Al-Shaibani, and a number of Fund officials for their involvement in corruption incidents worth more than two million dollars.


According to the Public Prosecution’s statement on its Facebook page, the Fund’s contracting procedures to supply 9,000 tons of rice during the year 2017 were investigated.

Investigations showed that the Chairman of the Fund’s Board of Directors and the trade, tender and specifications officials approved the disbursement of the contract price with a price difference of two million and 169 thousand dollars.

Investigations revealed that the defendants agreed to receive the rice despite its lack of requirements and conditions related to quality, and they knew that 3,000 tons had expired for human consumption.

#Al_Siddiq_Photos #Corruption_Cases #Jamal_Al_Shaibani #Libya_News #Libyan_Price_Stabilization_Fund #Libyan_Public_Prosecution #Libyan_Public_Prosecutor
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The Libyan Ministry of Oil announced on Thursday that it is launching an investigation into British reports alleging corruption in the Libyan oil sector, purportedly involving local officials.


The ministry’s investigation follows a statement by David Rutley, the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) Under-Secretary, who confirmed significant corruption within the Libyan oil sector.

Rutley added that the British Foreign Office would take measures to enhance integrity and ensure the responsible use of Libyan resources in accordance with international laws.

Additionally, Mary Trevelyan, Minister of State in the British Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, highlighted the "notable corruption" in the Libyan oil sector, suggesting that this corruption impedes political progress, stability, and development in Libya.
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#British_Foreign_Office #British_Reports #Corruption_Issues #David_Rutley #Libya_News #Libyan_Ministry_of_Oil #Libyan_Oil #Libyan_Oil_Sector #Mary_Trevelyan #Oil_Smuggling
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A report by the French intelligence website “Africa Intelligence” revealed that the Central Bank of Libya is facing difficult times as a report on money laundering approaches.


The report indicated that the level of corruption in Libya remains worrying, and that the authorities’ management of cash is still not transparent.

According to the report, the opinion of the Financial Action Task Force is crucial to the Central Bank of Libya.

Al-Siddiq Al-Kabir, the governor of the bank, is counting on Libya being allowed to join the FATF alongside countries such as Palestine, Syria, Yemen and Sudan. However, Libya is currently excluded from the FATF assessment due to the current political and security situation.

The report noted that Libya had hoped for seven years to change this situation and join the Mutual Evaluation Group.
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#Central_Bank_of_Libya #Corruption #International_Monetary_Fund #Libya_News #Money_Laundering #Palestine #Sudan #Syria #The_Great_Friend #Yemen
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Tripoli International Stadium reopened in March in the presence of a large crowd of fans and Libyan officials, after two years of maintenance and renovation operations that cost 100 million dinars.


The stadium was equipped with an artificial and natural pitch that met international standards, similar to the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium in Spain. Only three months had passed since its opening until criticism began to come in due to the state of corruption that began to appear on the field.

Bloggers posted pictures on social media showing large gaps in the grass, and a clear deterioration in its condition, despite the huge amounts of money spent on its maintenance.
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#Corruption_in_Libya #Libya #Libya_News #Maintenance_Works #Tripoli #Tripoli_International_Stadium
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The President of the Libyan Presidential Council, Mohamed Al-Manfi, discussed at the Council’s headquarters, with the European Union ambassadors accredited to Libya, the latest developments in the political situation in the country.


The media office of the President of the Presidential Council said in a statement that during the meeting, the support of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya was emphasized to facilitate a political process under Libyan leadership and ownership, and the call to hold and conduct municipal elections throughout the country was welcomed.

The office explained that during the meeting, it was emphasized to support Libya in removing fighters, mercenaries and foreign forces, and to work to find a national mechanism to distribute the budget and resources in a transparent and fair manner.
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#Corruption #European_Union #Illegal_Immigration #Libya #Libyan_Elections #Libyan_Political_Crisis #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Mohamed_Al_Manfi #Organized_Crime #Terrorism #United_Nations
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The French authorities have opened a preliminary investigation into accusations of misuse of public funds against the current President of Chad, Mohamed Idriss Deby Itno, as revealed by the French magazine “Jeune Afrique”.

The magazine reported, citing informed sources, that the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office opened the investigation last January, after allegations that Deby spent huge sums of money on purchasing luxury clothes through a registered Chadian company called “MHK Full Business.”

According to the sources, the money was transferred in December 2021 and May 2023 to buy 57 suits worth between 9,000 and 13,000 euros each, in addition to 100 shirts at 800 euros each, and 9 “safari jackets” at 7,500 euros each.
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#Chad #Corruption #France #Jean_Afrique #Mohamed_Idriss_Deby_Itno #President_of_Chad #Waste_of_Money
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In its 2024 annual report on the investment climate, the US State Department highlighted several obstacles hindering foreign investment in Libya.


The report highlighted that government division, the threat of armed groups, corruption, and bureaucracy are among the most prominent challenges facing the country, despite its great potential.

The report indicated a significant decline in net foreign direct investment in Libya from $2.7 billion in 2010 to $50 million in 2022.

The report noted that the oil and gas and infrastructure sectors are the most attractive to investment in the country, but structural problems hinder the development of these investments.
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#Armed_Groups #Bureaucracy #Central_Bank_of_Libya #Corruption #Gas #Libya #oil #US_Department_of_State #USA
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