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The President of the Libyan Council of State, Mohamed Tekala, issued sharp statements regarding the performance of former UN envoy Abdullah Bathili.


In remarks to Bathili television, Tekla sharply criticized him and accused him of failing to achieve the goals of his peace project in Libya.

Tekala stressed that Batelli did not present any specific program to achieve peace, and only provided a title, which makes him a failure in his opinion, noting that Battili criticized the meeting of the three presidencies in the Arab League because he clings to his opinion only.

Referring to the role of the five-member table in the peace process, Tekala explained that Batelli would have preferred direct negotiations through this table rather than agreeing on electoral laws, which reflects his strong bias towards his opinion without taking into account other opinions.

Regarding Bouznikaโ€™s laws, Tekala stressed that the Council of State will not object to these laws but will seek amendments to improve the situation within the council.

Tekala stressed that there are no blocs within the State Council officially, but only groups that coordinate among themselves, adding that since he assumed the presidency of the Council, he has only failed to achieve a quorum in one session, which was last February.
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#Arab_League #Libya_Libyan_State_Council #Libya_News #Mohamed_Takala #Quintet_Table #UN_Envoy_Abdoulaye_Bathili
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The head of the High Council of State, Mohamed Tekala, announced his intention to meet again in Cairo with Libyan leaders, to complete talks on the formation of a new Libyan government.


The meeting will include the head of the Presidential Council, Mohammed al-Menfi, and the speaker of the House of Representatives, Aguila Saleh, under the auspices of the Arab League, and did not specify the date of the meeting, but expected โ€œpromising results on the road map.

Tekala explained during his television interview that a committee is expected to be formed to review electoral laws within two weeks, based on the agreement reached in Cairo, although he considered that โ€œthe adoption of the draft constitution, or consensus on laws, which were adopted in the Moroccan city of Bouznika, are the best options for holding elections.โ€

Tekala stressed that the House of Representativesโ€™ announcement of its acceptance of the files of the candidates for the new government โ€œis not a fact,โ€ noting that the Speaker of the House โ€œdid not say it,โ€ stressing the continuation of โ€œtheir work for consensus.โ€
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#Aguila_Saleh #Arab_League #Cairo #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Elections #Libyan_High_Council_of_State #Libyan_House_of_Representatives_Speaker #Mohamed_Al_Menfi #Mohamed_Takala #New_Libyan_Government
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Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Georgette Gallion, arrived in Ghadames to prepare for a Libyan dialogue and the formation of a unified government to oversee the elections.


The visit comes in preparation for the arrival of an expanded United Nations delegation to the city, led by Stephanie Khoury, Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General.

During the visit, UN officials are scheduled to meet with dignitaries in Ghadames to discuss the logistical and security details needed to host the dialogue.

The dialogue will bring together key stakeholders from the House of Representatives, the State Council, and other key actors to achieve a consensus that contributes to resolving the worsening crisis in Libya.

The most prominent points of disagreement between the High Council of State and the Libyan parliament relate to electoral laws and conditions for candidacy for the presidential elections.

The High Council of State insists on barring military and dual nationals from running for the presidency, while the House of Representatives opposes these conditions.
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#Abdullah_Bathili #Aguila_Saleh #Georgette_Gagnon #Ghadames_City #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Elections #Libyan_High_Council_of_State #Libyan_House_of_Representatives #Mohamed_Takala #Stephanie_Williams #United_Nations
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After the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Libya, Stephanie Khoury, revealed her strategy for Libya, she began intensive meetings with Libyan officials in an attempt to change the Libyan political scene.


Acting Head of the Mission, Stephanie Khoury, announced her strategy for working in Libya in the upcoming period during a video statement published on Monday, marking her first statement since taking over from the resigned UN envoy, Abdoulaye Bathily.

Khoury emphasized that the UN mission is committed to supporting Libyans to avoid division, violence, and waste of resources by facilitating an inclusive political process led by Libyans themselves, including women and youth.
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#5_5_Committee #Abdul_Hamid_Dbeibeh #Libya_Crisis #Libya_News #Libyan_Elections #Mohamed_Al_Menfi #Mohamed_Takala #Stephanie_Khoury #Stephanie_Williams #UN_Envoy_Abdullah_Bathili #UN_Mission_in_Libya #United_Nations
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The League of Arab States seeks to resume the second round of the tripartite meeting, with the aim of activating the political solution and addressing the political division in Libya.


The League of Arab States sent invitations to the President of the Libyan Presidential Council, Muhammad al-Manfi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Counselor Aguila Saleh, and the President of the Supreme Council of State, Muhammad Takala.

These efforts come within the framework of an initiative led by the Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, who seeks to present a paper that includes all the concerns of the three Libyan parties, with the aim of agreeing on a clear mechanism for holding presidential and legislative elections as soon as possible.

Activating this agreement faces a major obstacle, which is the armed formationsโ€™ rejection of any settlement of the political process without involving them in future arrangements related to the election process, given their great influence in various Libyan cities.
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#Aguila_Saleh #Ahmed_Aboul_Gheit #League_of_Arab_States #Libya #Libya_News #Mahmoud_Al_Manfi #Mohamed_Takala #President_of_the_Libyan_Presidential_Council #Secretary_General_of_the_League_of_Arab_States #Speaker_of_the_Libyan_House_of_Representatives #Stephanie_Khoury #Supreme_Council_of_State_in_Libya
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Member of the Libyan Advisory Council of State, Naima Al-Hami, announced that a tripartite meeting will be held in Cairo between Libyan leaders, to complete talks on forming a new government.


Al-Hami explained that the final date for the meeting has not yet been determined, but it will be held soon, and the meeting will include the President of the Presidential Council, Mohamed Al-Manfi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aguila Saleh, and the President of the Supreme Council of State, Mohamed Takala.

Al-Hami confirmed in press statements that this meeting comes as a continuation of the discussions and agreements that took place previously in Cairo, with the aim of finding solutions to the political impasse that the country is suffering from and forming a new Libyan government.
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#Aguila_Saleh #Cairo #Egypt #Libya_News #Libyan_Crisis #Libyan_State_Council #Mohamed_Al_Manfi #Mohamed_Takala #Naima_Al_Hami #New_Government #Political_Blockage_in_Libya #Tripartite_Meeting
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The head of the Libyan Supreme Council of State, Muhammad Takala, arrived in the State of Qatar today, and met with the Chairman of the Qatari Shura Council, Dr. Hassan bin Abdullah Al-Ghanem, and a number of senior state officials.


The Media Office of the State Council published on the Facebook platform that Takala headed a high-level delegation in expanded meetings that included discussions with the Vice President of the Shura Council and the Chairman of the Qatari-Libyan Friendship Committee, in addition to the heads of the Councilโ€™s permanent committees.

The statement stressed that the visit comes to strengthen the bonds of cooperation between the two countries and deepen bilateral relations in various fields, especially in light of the current circumstances taking place in the region.
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#Doha #Khalid_bin_Mohammed_Al_Attiyah #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Government #Mohamed_Takala #Qatar #Qatari_Ministry_of_Defense #Qatari_Shura_Council
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On the 19th of this month, the Acting Head of the UN Mission to Libya, Stephanie Khoury, will present her briefing on the latest developments in Libya to the UN Security Council.


This comes during the Councilโ€™s bi-monthly briefing on the situation in Libya, and Khoury is expected to update the Security Council on the recent political, security and humanitarian developments in the country.

The Chairman of the Libya Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Yamazaki Kazuyuki, is also scheduled to provide a briefing on the Committeeโ€™s activities during the past period.

The โ€œSecurity Council Reportโ€ website said that Council members are considering inviting representatives of the Arab League and the African Union to provide a briefing on efforts related to the political process and the national reconciliation process in Libya.

The Council will discuss the appointment of a new UN envoy to Libya to succeed Batelli, although political differences between members may complicate the process.
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#African_Union #Aguila_Saleh #Gulf_Cooperation_Council #League_of_Arab_States #Libya_News #Libyan_Elections #Misrata_City #Mohamed_Al_Manfi #Mohamed_Takala #Stephanie_Khoury #United_Nations_Security_Council #Yamazaki_Kazuyuki
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The Commander of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, and the US Special Envoy to Libya, Richard Norland, stressed the importance of continuing efforts to prepare the country to hold presidential and parliamentary elections.


Haftar received in his office at the General Command headquarters an American delegation headed by Norland, in the presence of the Charge dโ€™Affaires of the American Embassy in Libya, Jeremy Brent.

The meeting dealt with supporting the efforts made by the United Nations mission in Libya to reach consensual solutions that lead to holding elections.

The General Command statement conveyed the visiting delegationโ€™s praise of the role of the Libyan Arab Armed Forces in achieving security and stability, and the statement stressed the importance of coordination and joint cooperation between the Libyan Armed Forces and the United States to combat terrorism and extremism.
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#Abdul_Hamid_al_Dbeibeh #American_delegation #Government_of_National_Unity #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Marshal_Khalifa_Haftar #Mohamed_Al_Manfi #Mohamed_Takala #Richard_Norland #United_States_of_America
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A member of the Libyan Supreme Council of State, Souad Ertima, revealed that the tripartite meeting between President of the Presidential Council, Mohamed Al-Menfi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aguila Saleh, and Head of the Supreme Council of State, Mohamed Takala, was supposed to be held last Saturday in Morocco, and not in Cairo as was rumored.


In a statement to Libya Al-Ahrar TV, Ertima explained that the reason for postponing the meeting was due to the charge dโ€™affaires of the UN mission, Stephanie Khoury, being busy with her presence at the United Nations during that period. It also confirmed the existence of an Egyptian intention to host the meeting in Cairo instead of Morocco.

The French website โ€œAfrica Intelligenceโ€ announced that the meeting will be held under the auspices of the Arab League and mediated by the head of Egyptian intelligence, Abbas Kamel, in Cairo next Thursday, June 27.
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#Aguila_Saleh #Egypt #Libya #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Libyan_Supreme_Council_of_State #Mohamed_Al_Manfi #Mohamed_Takala #Morocco #Speaker_of_the_Libyan_House_of_Representatives
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