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Members of the Libyan Joint Force stormed the branch of the Public Prosecutorโ€™s Office in Misrata, smuggled the head of the Misrata airport customs station, Fathi Makhlouf, and attempted to kidnap prosecutor Ibrahim al-Sharkasiya, local sources confirmed.


It was the Circassian who received investigations into customs corruption and the smuggling of more than 25 tons of gold through Misrata International Airport.

Against the backdrop of the raid, a number of Misrata residents and members of the Misrata movement gathered in front of the cityโ€™s Public Prosecutorโ€™s Office, condemning the state of chaos and the storming of the Joint Force into the Public Prosecutorโ€™s Office.

hy that the Attorney General's Office had earlier ordered the detention of the director general of the Customs Authority, the head of the Misrata Airport customs center, and the head of the audit office concerned with the temporary export of gold, for their involvement in the case of smuggling 26,000 kilograms of gold.

The audio recording recently released by the Internal Security Agency between leaders smuggling gold from Misrata airport was crucial evidence between Fathi Makhlouf and joint leader Abu al-Qasim al-Samadi, an aide to Omar Bougdada.

#Gold_Smuggling #Ibrahim_al_Sharksiya #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Gold #Libyan_Internal_Security_Agency #Libyan_Joint_Force #Libyan_Public_Prosecutor_s_Office #Misrata_City
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An armed group loyal to the Libyan Government of National Unity, headed by Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, announced the start of a sit-in in Misrata due to the delay in the payment of its financial dues, at a time when Zawiya witnessed a cautious calm.


The group is part of the state-funded Stabilization Support Forces (SSF), also known as the Joint Settlement, and its sit-in comes as calm continues in the city of Zawiya, west of the capital Tripoli, after deadly clashes left one person dead and 22 injured, according to reports by the Libyan Ambulance and Emergency Service.

The head of the cityโ€™s council of elders and elders in Zawiya, Mohammed Akhmaj, announced that a ceasefire agreement had been reached after clashes at dawn last Friday.
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#Abdul_Hamid_Dbeibeh #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Ambulance_and_Emergency_Service #Misrata_City #Tripoli #Turkish_Ministry_of_Defense #United_Nations #Zawiya_City
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Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, head of the outgoing National Unity Government, launched a sharp attack on the House of Representatives and the State House, accusing them of obstructing the electoral process in Libya.


Dbeibeh stated during his speech at the government meeting held in Tripoli, that the legislative bodies colluded to postpone the elections and extend their terms of office by submitting proposals for additional transitional stages, with the aim of preserving their own interests and strengthening their control over power.

Dbeibeh drew attention to a recent meeting held in Misrata that included members of both councils, which, according to him, aimed to redistribute positions in a way that only serves the interests of the participants, adding that a small elite monopolizes wealth and weapons, and is trying to block the right of the Libyan people to determine their political destiny.
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#Abdul_Hamid_al_Dbeibeh #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Elections #Libyan_Government #Libyan_House_of_Representatives #Misrata_City
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On the 19th of this month, the Acting Head of the UN Mission to Libya, Stephanie Khoury, will present her briefing on the latest developments in Libya to the UN Security Council.


This comes during the Councilโ€™s bi-monthly briefing on the situation in Libya, and Khoury is expected to update the Security Council on the recent political, security and humanitarian developments in the country.

The Chairman of the Libya Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Yamazaki Kazuyuki, is also scheduled to provide a briefing on the Committeeโ€™s activities during the past period.

The โ€œSecurity Council Reportโ€ website said that Council members are considering inviting representatives of the Arab League and the African Union to provide a briefing on efforts related to the political process and the national reconciliation process in Libya.

The Council will discuss the appointment of a new UN envoy to Libya to succeed Batelli, although political differences between members may complicate the process.
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#African_Union #Aguila_Saleh #Gulf_Cooperation_Council #League_of_Arab_States #Libya_News #Libyan_Elections #Misrata_City #Mohamed_Al_Manfi #Mohamed_Takala #Stephanie_Khoury #United_Nations_Security_Council #Yamazaki_Kazuyuki
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