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The latest report of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on Sudan (UNFFM) reveals the toll of the year-long conflict, which has killed thousands and displaced millions of people.

Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for Secretary-General António Guterres, said during a press briefing that the crisis had pushed more than six million people internally into displacement, while two million people had been forced to flee to neighboring countries.

Dujarric said some 24 million people were in dire need of humanitarian assistance.
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#Germany #António_Guterres #France #Paris #Stephane_Dujarric #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Refugees #United_Nations #War_in_Sudan
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Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Stephanie Khoury arrives in the Libyan capital Tripoli within days, to succeed the UN envoy to Libya, Abdullah Batelli, who submitted the resignation of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres.

Stephanie has held various positions in conflict management and peacebuilding in the Middle East for 30 years, including in Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen, and most recently as Director of Political Affairs at the United Nations Transitional Assistance Mission in Sudan .

Khoury is the second American to serve as deputy UN envoy to Libya, following her compatriot Stephanie Williams, who served during the term of former envoy Ghassan Salamé, before taking over the acting management of the mission.
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#Abdullah_Bathili #António_Guterres #Libya #Libya_News #Stephanie_Khoury #United_Nations
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The United States “vetoed” an Algerian draft resolution recommending that the General Assembly admit the State of Palestine to membership in the United Nations.

Twelve of the fifteen members of the Council voted in favor, with the United States opposed and the United Kingdom and Switzerland abstaining.

Ahead of the vote, Algerian Ambassador Ammar Ben Jammeh said that accepting full membership for Palestine was a crucial step “towards correcting a long-standing injustice, and this is the least that can be done to fulfill the debt we owe to its people and will be a clear signal that the international community stands by Palestine.
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#Algeria #Ammar_bin_Jamil #António_Guterres #Gaza_War #Israel #Jerusalem #Palestine_news #Russia #Switzerland #United_Kingdom #United_Nations #United_States_of_America #Vassily_Nebenzia #Veto_Power #West_Bank
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The work of the Council of the League of Arab States at the summit level at its 33rd session kicked off in the Bahraini capital Manama on Thursday, in the presence of kings, presidents and leaders of Arab countries.

Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa inaugurated the summit, which he took over from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, representing King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

In his speech, the King of Bahrain said: “The Arab summit is being held amid very complex regional and international circumstances of devastating wars, painful humanitarian tragedies and threats that affect our nation’s identity, security, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.

The King continued: "In light of the denial of the legitimate rights to which the Palestinian people are subjected, there is an increasing need to develop a common and urgent Arab position that adopts a method of collective solidarity to stop the bleeding of wars and establish a final and just peace as an irreplaceable option if we want to win our human will in the battle for peace."

The King pointed out that Bahrain is advancing a number of initiatives to contribute to serving the core issues of stability in the region, namely: calling for an international conference on peace in the Middle East, full recognition of the State of Palestine and its admission to membership in the United Nations and providing educational and health services to those affected by conflicts and disputes in the region.
To read the Summit's most prominent speeches, click here👇

#African_Union #Ahmed_Aboul_Gheit #António_Guterres #Arab_Summit #gaza #Gaza_War #Hamad_bin_Isa_bin_Salman_Al_Khalifa #Israel #League_of_Arab_States #Mohamed_El_Munir #Mohammed_bin_Salman #Moussa_Faki #Palestine
The Jordanian Royal Court announced on Friday that the Kingdom will host an international conference on humanitarian response in the Gaza Strip on June 11.

The conference will be organized in partnership with Egypt and the United Nations, at the invitation of the Jordanian King, King Abdullah II, the Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, according to the office’s statement.

The statement indicated that the conference will be held “at the level of leaders of states, heads of government, and heads of international humanitarian and relief organizations,” with the aim of identifying ways to strengthen the international community’s response to the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Sisi #António_Guterres #Egypt #Egyptian_President #Gaza_Strip #Gaza_War #Israel #Jordan_News #Jordanian_King #Jordanian_Royal_Court #King_Abdullah_II #Palestine #Secretary_General_of_the_United_Nations #United_Nations
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The UN Security Council approved by a majority of 14 votes Resolution 2736, which calls on the Rapid Support Forces to end the siege of the city of El Fasher in the Sudanese state of Al Jazeera.

The resolution calls for an immediate cessation of fighting and escalation in the region, the opening of the “Adre” border crossing with Chad, and the withdrawal of all fighters who threaten the security of civilians, whether from government forces or militias, in addition to allowing civilians wishing to leave El Fasher to do so in a manner consistent with international law.

The resolution obligated the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, to make recommendations to enhance the protection of civilians in Sudan, calling on the parties to agree on an immediate ceasefire and remove obstacles to the arrival of humanitarian aid, at a time when famine threatens millions of Sudanese.
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#Ammar_Muhammad_Mahmoud_Muhammad #Anna_Evstigneva #António_Guterres #Barbara_Woodward #Britain #Chad #Darfur_Region #El_Fasher_City #Gezira_State #Linda_Greenfield #Rapid_Support_Forces #Russia #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Army #UN_Security_Council #United_States_of_America
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A Jordanian aid convoy heading to Gaza was involved in an accident that led to the death of two soldiers and the injury of others, on the road leading to the Dead Sea at the Adassiya landing area.

The Jordanian army announced in a statement that three military trucks deviated from their lane, resulting in the death of a sergeant and a soldier, and two soldiers were moderately injured.

The Jordanian army confirmed its continued efforts to send humanitarian aid to the residents of Gaza, in light of the successive crises taking place in the region.

At the international level, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres spoke about the deteriorating situation in Gaza, noting the complete chaos and severe lack of security that led to trucks loaded with aid being looted.
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#António_Guterres #gaza #Gaza_War #Humanitarian_Aid_to_Gaza #Incidents #Israel #Jordan #Jordan_News #Jordanian_Army #King_Abdullah #United_Nations
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UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned that “peace and sustainable development in Africa face enormous challenges, ranging from poverty, hunger, inequalities, climate change, conflict, terrorism and crushing debt burdens.”

He called for “accelerating efforts to save the sustainable development goals, providing the necessary funding to African countries, and strengthening international cooperation to protect human rights and combat terrorism.”

In a message addressed to the “Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development” held in Cairo on Tuesday and Wednesday, Guterres stressed that despite the challenges, “the way forward is clear,” and that “providing affordable, long-term financing constitutes fuel for development, but many African countries She does not find this fuel to propel her career.
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#Africa #Africa_news #António_Guterres #Horn_of_Africa #Sahel_of_Africa #United_Nations_Secretary_General
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Bangladesh is witnessing widespread unrest against the backdrop of student protests against the quota system in government jobs.

The Bangladeshi authorities issued a decision to stop the mobile Internet network throughout the country, in an attempt to ensure the security of citizens, according to what was stated by the Minister of Communications, Zunaid Ahmed Palak.

The events came after the University Grants Commission in Bangladesh ordered the closure of universities and the immediate evacuation of students from the buildings for security reasons. The decisions included the closure of secondary schools, colleges and other educational institutions.

The roots of these protests go back to the quota system in government jobs, which allocates 56% of these jobs to specific groups.
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#António_Guterres #Bangladesh #Bangladesh_Demonstrations #demonstrations #Government_of_Bangladesh #Pakistan #Popular_Protests #Quota_System #Riot_Control #United_Nations_Secretary_General
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