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#Court #PoliticalProsecution
Former #StandNews editors Denied Bail; UK office Ceases Operation a Day after crackdowns by Hong Kong Authorities

In Hong Kong, two former Stand News editors #ChungPuiKuen and Patrick #LamSiuTung were denied bail by West Kowloon Court on 30 December, 2021, one day after they were arrested by Hong Kong national security police.

Former editor-in-chief Chung Pui-kuen, and former acting editor-in-chief #PatrickLam were accused of "conspiring with others to publish or reproduce seditious publications" between July 7, 2020 and December 29, 2021.

Chung was the only defendant appeared at the hearing while Lam could not attend due to health reasons. Both defendants were remanded in custody as the magistrate was not convinced that they would not carry out acts endangering national security.

Outside the magistrate court, tens of former employees of Stand News gathered to bid farewell to Chung Pui-kuen. Many of them broke into tears as they waved goodbye to Chung. Others called out words of encouragement for Chung to stay strong.

Police on the site, however, shouted at the crowd disrespectfully, ordering them to go away and leave.

Meanwhile, #YeungTinShui, head of Stand News’ office in the UK, announced on Facebook on December 30, 2021 that the office has ceased operations and he had resigned.

On December 29, 2021, the national security police arrested senior staff members and board directors of Stand News and froze the outlet's assets that worth HK$61 million. The Force raided the news outlet's newsroom and offices in Hong Kong, seized 62 computers, 27 storage devices and six boxes of documents in the operation. Stand News, a popular pro-democracy online media outlet, was forced to fold its operation and dismissed all employees on the same day.

#Media #PoliticalOppression #PressFreedom #Arrest #Regime #PoliceState #PoliticalProsecution

Source: Inmediahk.net, RTHK; #Dec30

Related News:

Stand News: Operation ceased; social media accounts will be removed

Hong Kong National Security raid pro-democracy newspaper, arrested 6 senior staff

Hong Kong Authorities' #Crackdown on Stand News

Stand News Thanks Hongkongers for Their Support Despite #PoliticalOppression

Hong Kong Police Issues Arrest warrant for Stand News founder
#WhiteTerror #PressFreedom
“Is there any trustworthy media outlet left in Hong Kong?” ask Readers of now-defunct Stand News

In Hong Kong, Stand News, an independent pro-democracy media outlet, was forced into closure on December 29, 2021 when 7 personnel linked to the outlet were arrested by the National Security police on suspicion of “conspiracy to distribute seditious publications”.

In late evening on the same day, a young couple, Ah Wai and his girlfriend, who resides in Wong Tai Sin went all the way to the news outlet’s office in Kwun Tong to bid farewell to the reporters.

“We want to thank the reporters of Stand News," said the couple. "We’ve been reading their news reports. Without their hard work, there won’t be anything worth reading [in Hong Kong].”

The young couple used to read #AppleDaily. After Apple Daily was forced to close down in June this year, they switched to Stand News. Although both acknowledged that local authorities were set to crackdown on Stand News, they didn’t expect it to happen that day.

The couple told reporters that they were astonished to learn that senior staff members of Stand News were arrested, and the newsroom being raided. It took a long time for Ah Wai’s girlfriend to settle her mind before she could get back to work. They watched the latest video published by Stand News on its social media, "2021 Tree Cave" and shared that with their friends, regardless of their political orientation.

“I believe disseminating their work is the best way to show our respect to Stand News. Reporters who produced the video would certainly want more people to know about it.”

Ah Wai’s girlfriend continued saying that the last video produced by Stand News has been keeping her company and heartened. “[The video] tells more than how gloomy an era we are facing, it tried to shed lights for us to carry on our lives.”

It is for the same reason that took the young couple to the office of Stand News. “[we] perhaps can’t do anything for the reporters, but we can at least keep them companied.”

She added that pro-democracy media outlets in Hong Kong have been targeted and cracked down one after another in the past 6 months. Stand News was among the few trusted outlets left for her to “learn the fact and true happenings in Hong Kong.”

With Stand News closing down, she sighed and felt losing connection with society.

In her keen voice, she asked the reporters, “is there any trustworthy news outlet left in Hong Kong?”

Inside the office of Stand News in this late evening, many staff members lingered on chatting with each other. Some of them walked by the door where Ah Wai and his girlfriend were standing. Ah Wai’s girlfriend waved to them to say thank you, “thank you for the hard work. I read news reports on Stand News almost every day. They become my long-time companion. I hope you all can find your own way and carry on.”

Source: Inmediahk.net; #Dec30

#Solidarity #Humanity #Crackdown #PressFreedom #PoliticalOppression #StandNews #Readers #Hongkongers
#Breaking #PressFreedom
Hong Kong Citizen News announces its closure 5 years after its establishment

Below is the press’ open letter to its readers:

A farewell from Hong Kong Citizen News

Today is 2 Jan 2022, hkcnews has to say goodbye to all our readers 5 years after our establishment.

It is still in our vivid memory that on 1 Jan 2017, hkcnews was established. During the press conference for announcment, many experienced reporters had expressed their concerns over press freedom in Hong Kong, hoping that hkcnews could uphold the spirit of professionaism, stay true to the essence of journalism, and serve the public. During that time, we "hoped that this tiny step we take could gradually encourage the industry to protect the freedom of press".

Then, albeit facing extremely scarce resources, hkcnews slowly made our tiny stpes, paving our way into the news reporting world. We strove our best to cover exclusive news, data analysis, interviews, investigative reports, feature articles, court news, Chinese news, etc.. Although our coverage might not be the broadest, nor the fastest, but this little team of us has never stopped striving for depth and accuracies in our reports.

We started from having only 10 people in our team, now we are proud colleagues of dozens professionals, and from being a nobody, to hearing people saying they have been reading our articles.

It’s been 5 years. We truly thank all for your support.


The first news article of hkcnews, published on 1 Jan 2017.

"Hong Kong Citizen News was born on this special new year because we want you all to remember, regardless of situations, that 'This land we cherish, into our bones this love we’ve etched, happy or sad, in life or death, it's still Hong Kong, our land'."

We all love this place, yet with regret, we are not only facing a storm, but a tornado and tsunami.

We have never forgotten the reason we started. Unfortunately, with the radical change in our society, the environment for journalism has been deteriorating. We can no longer strive for our aim fearlessly.

Right in the eye of the typhoon, the little boat of us is in severe situation of waves and winds. We have to first make sure everyone in hkcnews is safe under such dangerous situation.

Therefore it is with utmost sadness that we announce:

Starting from 4 Jan 2022, Hong Kong Citizen News will cease operation. We will stop updating our websites, which will be shut down sometime later.

We sincerely thank our subscribers and readers for all of your support, which we will hold dearly onto, and remember, forever.

All those we have gone through in the past 5 years will be cherished memories of ours.

Hong Kong Citizen News

Source: Citizen News; #Jan2
#Media #CloseDown #Solidarity #Humanity #PressFreedom #PoliticalOppression #Readers #Hongkongers #WhiteTerror
#Court #AntiELAB
Pro-democracy Engineer tells Hong Kong Court to "Return the Power to the Citizens"

Part 1:

[Editor's notes: On July 28, 2019, the police fired numerous #teargas canisters and #rubberbullets in #SheungWan in order to disperse the crowd. 44 people were arrested, 21 of them were charged for rioting. The Court extended the trial from November 13 to December 4, 2021.]

In Hong Kong, 20 civilians, including an 26-year old engineer who pleaded guilty earlier, were accused of the riot at the police-citizen conflict at #SheungWan on July 28, 2019.

On December 4, 2021, Kun Kit-Wang, a 26-year-old engineer, defended himself in court in Hong Kong over rioting charges in the 2019 AntiELAB Movement.

Kun pleaded guilty before the trial and was under detention since May when he revoked his bail.

In court, Kun thanked the magistrate for reminding him to find a legal representative in the previous trial, but he still hoped to defend himself.

Kun said that during the 2019 #AntiELABmovement, #July28 was nothing special originally, but because of the Police’s indulgence of the #July21 indiscriminate attack in #YuenLong, that night triggered the most anger from citizens, and resulted in much anger on the rally on July 28.

He used a quote from #MartinLutherKing, "Riot is a language of the unheard", saying that the #riot classification reflects the government’s negligence of the citizens' opinion.

As a result, he admitted to being part of the riot with no hesitation and indicated that the government should feel ashamed of their actions, not the citizens.

He said there were two #rallies with a million people on #Jun9 and #Jun16, 2019, demonstrating the vox populi. Although the peaceful demonstration gained international accreditation, the Hong Kong government still ignored the backlash and made the decision on their own.

He recalled a quote painted on the wall of the #LegCo chsmber on #Jul01, 2019, "It's you who taught me a peaceful rally can't change anything." It expresses the hopelessness, frustration and anger felt by #Hongkongers at the time.

As there had been magistrate that were unknowledgable concerning the protesters' demands, Kun said that the protesters only hoped for having a chance to participate in policy advocacy, which some regard as "returning the power to the people".

If the #HongKongLegCo does not gain authorisation of the people or does not have a peaceful system to resolve problems, it is suppression. #MaoZedong has said, "fight as there is suppression".

He also pointed out that the #ProvisionalLegislativeCouncil (#PLC) installed by the post-handover government in 1997 was not authorised by the citizens. The handpicked council revived the #PublicOrderOrdinance, which became the law behind the prosecution of many dissidents.

As a person bound by the law, he would like to ask, "do I have the responsibility to obey a contract that I disagree with to begin with?”

Continue with Part 2:

Source: Inmedia #Dec04

#Defence #PoliticalOppression
#Court #AntiELAB
Pro-democracy Engineer tells Hong Kong Court: We would not be in court if we have democracy

[Editor's notes: On July 28, 2019, the police fired numerous #teargas canisters and #rubberbullets in #SheungWan in order to disperse the crowd. 44 people were arrested, 21 of them were charged for rioting. The Court extended the trial from November 13 to December 4, 2021.]

In Hong Kong, 20 civilians, including an 26-year old engineer who pleaded guilty earlier, were accused of the riot at the police-citizen conflict at #SheungWan on July 28, 2019.

On December 4, 2021, Kun Kit-Wang, a 26-year-old engineer, defended himself in court in Hong Kong over rioting charges in the 2019 AntiELAB Movement.

Read Part 1:

Continue with Part 2:

In the courtroom, Kun pointed out that the magistrate may think he has a high possibility of reoffending, as he does not show regrets for what he has done. Kun pointed out that "whether it is a re-offence or another riot, it's not his choice but it is up to the government".

He also made reference to a movie, in which the emperor was worried about the number of the beggar's followers, so the emperor would like to dismiss them in order to have a “peaceful" governance. Nevertheless, the beggar told the emperor that no one would choose to be a beggar if the community was stable, and he was not the one to make a choice on whether the beggar community were to disband.

Kun recommended the government to "return the power to the citizens", listen to the citizens' demands, respect people's opinions and resolve the issues behind the riot. The government, however, "strangles the people's outcry with an iron fist", eliminating those who pointed out the problems in the society. Under the circumstances, how could citizens have peace?

He said that in the end, "Fellow defendants, including myself, would not appear in courts if it was a democratic society. Although I was rash on that day, I don't think there was anything wrong in the start. Perhaps, I feel sorry for my family and the people around me, but I have no regret, I am not going to plead, but I welcome a light sentence by the court. This self-defence letter is a small but real struggle in the reality that I live in.”

Source: Inmedia #Dec04

#PoliticalOppression #Defence
Pro-democracy shop asked to flip over a banner that says “Hong Kong’s Future is Bright”

A pro-democracy retail chain in Hong Kong, Chickeeduck, hoisted a banner that read “ Hong Kong’s future is bright” to promote its new shop in Causeway Bay. However, workers of the shop were asked to turn the banner over as a member of the Incorporated Owners’ committee didn’t like it.

CEO of #Chickeeduck, #HerbertChow told reporters that he did ask the Committee for prior consent before producing the banner and putting it up.

In frustration, he called the Committee member's action barbarous and absurd.

Source: inmediahk; #Jan22
#FreedomOfSpeech #PoliceState
#Free #JimmyLai" – Campaign for world attention on Hong Kong #HumanRights and Press Freedom

On Chinese New Year’s eve (Jan 31), a series of transatlantic illuminations aiming to draw international attention on China's #authoritarian rule over Hong Kong were seen on the walls of Tower Bridge in London and Chinese Embassy in Washington DC.

Bright white lights reading "Free Jimmy Lai and the Apple 7" of three storey tall were projected onto the walls.

In addition, the illuminations also showed the "Olympics rings in thorns", a portrait of Jimmy Lai and a yellow umbrella, the symbol of the 2014 Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong.

The US-based designer, Robin Bell said his intention was to grab people's attention on Human Rights around the world.

Mark L. Clifford, president of the Committee for Freedom in Hong Kong, shared photographs of the illuminations on his Twitter page, calling the upcoming #WinterOlympics in #Beijing " the most shameful Olympics since the 1936 Nazi Olympics in Berlin”.

#ProtestArt #RobinBell #MarkClifford #AppleDaily #FreedomOfSpeech #FreedomOfPublication

Source: RFA; #Jan31
#Arrest #PoliticalOppression
An Australian-Chinese dual citizen was accused of violating National Security Law
HK authorities : No obligation to grant consular visitation to dual nationals

Source: Radio France Asia; #Feb8

#PrimaryElection #Primaries #Legcopetition #Australia #SecurityBureau #GorgonNg #NgChingHang

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#Arrest #PoliticalOppression
An Australian-Chinese dual citizen was accused of violating National Security Law
HK authorities : No obligation to grant consular visitation to dual nationals

On February 8, Australian Broadcast Company (#ABC) quoted the federal government that an Australian-Chinese man was charged under the National security law (#NSL).

Although the authorities did not reveal his identity, a spokesperson at Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (#DFAT) indicated that the defendant was arrested on Jan 6, 2021, for "conspiring to subvert state power".

He was released on bail the next day but was then re-arrested on March 1 when attending court, and charged with "subversion".

With reference to the date of arrest and the accusation, the man is said to be one of the #47Democrats, Gordon Ng (#吳政亨).

Yet, ABC cannot confirm whether the defendant mentioned by DFAT is Gordon Ng.

DFAT has also revealed that Australian officials have been repeatedly refused consular access to the man, because Hong Kong authorities no longer recognise dual citizenship.

"The Australian Consulate-General in Hong Kong was notified by Hong Kong authorities of the arrest of a dual Australian-Chinese citizen under its National Security Law in January 2021," a DFAT spokesperson said.

The report continued that the Hong Kong Security Bureau declined to provide any further details about the prosecution, saying that it could not comment on individual cases; and that the Hong Kong government was not obliged to grant consular visitation rights to dual nationals.

ps. Gordon Ng is the founder of Legcopetition, a voluntary group for primaries. He is also known as "#Liberal (#李伯盧)" on social media platforms.

#PrimaryElection #Primaries #Legcopetition #Australia #SecurityBureau #GorgonNg #NgChingHang

Source: Radio France Asia; #Feb8
#PoliticalOppression #Court
#47democrats in Hong Kong detained for almost a year while awaiting trial

Source: InMedia #Feb8

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#PoliticalOppression #Court
#47democrats in Hong Kong detained for almost a year while awaiting trial

The national security case involving 47 pro-democracy figures continued its third time hearing on February 8, 2022 in a Hong Kong Court.

The case was again adjourned for next hearing scheduled on February 28, 2022. By then, most of the defendants have remanded in custody for almost one year.

The 47 defendants – including activist #JoshuaWong, former law professor #BennyTai and ex-lawmakers #LamCheukTing, #WuChiWai and #LeungKwokHung – stand accused of taking part in an unofficial primary election in July 2020 with a view to subverting the state power.

Only 14 of the accused democrats are currently on bail pending trial. Others have been in custody for almost one year while they await trial.

#NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #PoliceState #WhiteTerror

Source: InmediaHK, #Feb8
#Court #Oppression
Former Hong Kong student leader jailed for 9 months for resisting police and perverting course of justice

Former Hong Kong Baptist University (#HKBU) students’ union president #KeithFong has been jailed for 9 months for resisting police and perverting the course of justice, in a case linked to his purchase of 10 laser pointers during the 2019 protests.

The District Court on April 7 passed sentence on Fong, who has been in custody since early February, 2022 after he was convicted of the two offences.

Judge Douglas Yau rejected the defence’s suggestions of a fine and a suspended sentence, saying only immediate imprisonment could reflect the seriousness of the crimes.

#NationalSecurityLaw #PoliticalOppression

Source: HKFP, #Apr7
Ex-head of Hong Kong’s Tiananmen vigil group convicted over ‘release political prisoners’ balloon

//The former head of the group that organised Hong Kong’s Tiananmen vigil has been convicted of breaking aviation regulations by flying a balloon with a banner reading “Release political prisoners.”

Ex-lawmaker Lee Cheuk-yan, who formerly headed the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, was fined and jailed at Eastern Magistrates’ Court on Thursday for the aviation offence and obstructing police.

The 65-year-old was convicted on two charges – flying a balloon exceeding two metres in controlled airspace, and obstructing a police officer.

Magistrate Jacky Ip fined him HK$3,500 for violating the aviation order and imposed a prison term of three weeks for obstruction. Two of the three weeks will run consecutively with the current jail term Lee is serving.//

Read more:

Source: Hong Kong Free Press #Apr28

#PoliticalOppression #PoliticalPrisoner #Jail #LeeCheukYan
Denise Ho offers encouragements during online concert, sheds tears for those who lost their freedom

#PoliticalOppression #June4 #612HumanitarianFund #HOCC

Source: Inmediahk; #May22

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Denise Ho offers encouragements during online concert, sheds tears for those who lost their freedom

On May 22, Hong Kong singer and prominent pro-democracy activist Denise Ho (#HOCC) hosted an online concert, a week after her arrest by National Security Police.

When performing her new song "Dear Black", she sobbed for a long while before she could calm herself down.

Ho explained that she was grieved by those who going through difficult times, both the ones in Hong Kong and those dispersed around the world.

"Some of them are still in Hong Kong, but I could hardly see them," she continued, "because they lost their freedom." She admitted that she cried several times in the past week.

Denise Ho was one of the five trustees of the #612HumanitarianReliefFund. The five were arrested by Hong Kong National Security Police on May 11 for alleged “collusion with foreign forces”.

The Fund provided legal and financial assistance to more than 2,200 people prosecuted for their part in the 2019 pro-democracy protests. It had ceased operations in 2021 after police announced it was under investigation, and requested administrators to provide details on its donors.

Toward the end of the concert, Ho comforted her supporters, saying, "the happiest moments in life are when you are walking steadfastly, and certain that you know what you are doing, and you have no regrets."

#PoliticalOppression #June4 #612HumanitarianFund #HOCC

Source: Inmediahk; #May22
Pro-democracy documentary depicting Anti-ELAB movement in Hong Kong in 2019 sets for international viewing on Vimeo in June

The award recognised documentary, Revolution of Our Times will soon be released internationally on Vimeo, an online streaming platform, on June 1, 2022.

The team of the documentary told supporters on the Facebook page that they want to let the world witness the determination and courage of the Hongkongers in the pursuit of democracy and freedom.

"Never forget why we started this journey, we hope the documentary will travel far, and reach out to more people," the team wrote.

#KiwiChow #ANTIELAB #PoliceState #PoliticalOppression

Pre-order links:
English only subtitled version

Chinese and English subtitled version https://vimeo.com/ondemand/revolutionofourtimes

Source: Inmediahk; #May27
Lee Ming-che urges Hongkongers to fight for their freedom

Source: The Chaser News #May16

#PoliticalOppression #AntiExtraditionBill

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Lee Ming-che urges Hongkongers to fight for their freedom

A human rights activist, a community college administrator, and a former member of Taiwanese political parties including the Democratic Progressive Party (#DPP), Lee Ming-che was arrested by the Chinese government after he entered China via Macau on March 19, 2017.

Lee was sentenced to five years in prison for allegedly subverting state power. He was released on April 14 after finishing his prison sentence and returned to Taiwan the next day.

In Lee's interview with the Chaser News, he praised the wisdom of the pro-democratic frontline protesters in their fight against police brutality, which moves everyone on the scene.

This was the first time that Lee talked about the Anti-Extradition Bill movement in Hong Kong.

In his view, the movement showed collaboration between the sensible peace-loving protesters and those courageous frontline activists. During the time, he also saw solidarity inside and outside the Legislative Council. He was deeply impressed.

Walking out from political prosecution in China and regaining freedom, Lee is thankful to those who supported him both domestically and Internationally.

Lee stressed that he will carry on his work defending human rights and prisoners' rights.

Lee is hoping that his experience could help reveal the despicable acts of the Chinese Communist Party. He wanted to become one of the defenders of democracy globally.

Lastly, Lee shared words of encouragement to pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, “Freedom is always a war trophy than a present from the ruling power.”

Source: The Chaser News #May16

#PoliticalOppression #AntiExtraditionBill

#PoliticalOppression #WhiteTerror
Vatican 'should not sacrifice Cardinal Zen for China'

Source: UCA News, #Sept5

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