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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Member group (WK34) posted Monday 2022-08-29

#Eden_Future / “Workshop : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34988 :
--M1-- : “wow... seemed to manifest out of the blue... I'm intrigued at what's possible
--M2-- : “I shared the workshop doc in the previous post. Here is the actual draft position paper. https://t.me/c/1186628781/35001 - “”Once we find the right balance (by consensus) of the various community interests and priorities, we can finalize the position paper accordingly.
* worker proposal system / * community delegate leadership voting system /
* community development and engagement system / * EOS blockchain governance system””
--M3-- : “That’s a nice list. great work by everyone. A small thing , maybe we can call worker proposal system as contribution incentivization system. Would it make sense to include building/maintaining bridge to hold cross chain assets? just some thoughts.”
--CD-- : “No, better bridges are being built”

#Spend_Explore : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35010 : “Sneak peak into the Spend Explore income tab. - EOSIO Spend Explorer is an open-source dApp providing tools to improve reporting and categorizing of multiple TXs executed by EOSIO accounts.”

#Permissions : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35017 : QUESTION: “Hey, quick question to the Chief Delegates in here...has the transfer of permissions taken place yet from the old CDs?
ANSWER: Yes that was done before the code changes at the beginning of the month”
--M— : “Eden namespace now under control of the current CDs.

#Eden_Membership : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35060 : --CD-- : “General question for the group: If an individual has resigned from Eden Membership, should they leave this chat also?” “”OK so then the follow on question, if we agree they should leave here, how do we make someone leave . . “”

#EOS_Rate : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35080 : “We released EOS Rate 2.0, featuring the following improvements: 🔹Users can now add comments to their ratings / 🔹Users can like or dislike user comments / 🔹New homepage layout design / 🔹Significant performance updates & general bug fixes. Go to https://eosrate.io & start rating! Eden members that rate included in eden member proxy.”

#Miscellaneous :
https://t.me/c/1186628781/35057 : “If anyone know the person or people behind goldminerxxx, mgm.gm, mgmgmgmgm.gm or eosmadrinode I'd like to speak with him/her/them . . "

#Chief_Delegates_meet : “EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meetings :
Meeting #6 - Monday, Aug 15, 2022 : https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-6-Odysee:a
Meeting #7 - Monday, Aug 22, 2022 : https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Chief-Delegate-Meeting-7---Eden-on-EOS---Odysee:4

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK35) posted Sunday 2022-09-04

#ENF_interview : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35132 : “Strong interview by BigBeardSamurai, good one to take in when time allow!” - https://youtu.be/FCOyKlSBkKg - “” Huobi X-Change invited Yves La Rose, EOS Network Foundation CEO, who share the topic titled “The New EOS – 1 Year Anniversary of the EOS Network Foundation” “”

#Eden_Hypha : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35136 : “Here is the recording link to the call yesterday with Joachim from Hypha. . “ - “” This Hypha DAO instance doesn't have a USD treasury, so picking 100% option for deferred for now.””

#Eden_Hypha : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35133 : “If you're looking to join the Eden community on Hypha, this link should get you going. Once you've signed up please let me know here or PM so I can approve it, then full access: . . “

#Eden_Fractal meeting #13 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35153 : 31 Aug 2022 : https://youtu.be/eQHP3BHo04Y : “ Come participate by joining the Eden Discord Server https://discord.gg/cnhQWk7rXm

#Eden_Fractal : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35160 : “NovaCrypto LTD interview Dan Singjoy of Eden ƒractal - “Empowering Eden Contributors”. Part of EOSIO Swiss Workshop 15 - August 23rd, 2022” - https://youtu.be/dFLPEADj65w all timestamped

#Eden_Proxy : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35163 : “The Eden on #EOS Proxy has just been updated...real humans providing real rankings.” - https://twitter.com/EOS_EdenProxy/status/1566061285506252801

#Chief_Delegates_meet : “EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #8 – September 4th, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-8-:4

= END =
Eden Members #Recap published Monday 18:00 UTC.
#Recap Eden Member group (WK36) posted Monday 2022-09-12

#Governance : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35167 :
--M1-- : “Good governance system does not mean good outcomes - Any governance process, regardless of how good and fair the system is, can only be as good as a community of individuals that runs it.“ - https://peakd.com/fractally/@sim31/good-governance-system-does-not-mean-good-outcomes
--M2-- : “Nice article. I think one factor is how many people in community are good. I think people turn good from “bad”. I think vice versa is only true in the movies.”
--M1-- : “I disagree, I think people turn from good to bad sometimes. Well, at least in the eyes of others.”

#Public_info_update needed : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35193 : “As I understand things currently only the Bylaws to follow. The Peace Treaty no longer in effect. There is a need to update erroneus information from public sites.”

#Eden_Fractal_consensus : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35228 :
--M1-- : “Talking about consensus process proposal for EdenFractal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cr7AJPSNVpGJtYejeo0YaVyLXL1KtrTH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104193210757363607373&rtpof=true&sd=true
---M2-- : “The main concern is that community members have the chance to read any [meaningful / long-lasting] proposal free of any emotional manipulation (intended or subconscious). Thus, any amount of time that allows for . . “

#Eden Values : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35230 : “Feel free add to this list as long as it is not a synonym of those mentioned : - Participation, - Responsibility, - Consensus, - Trust, - Reliability, - Charity. If you agree with these, please simply give a thumbs up.”

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK37) - posted Sunday 2022-09-18

#Basic_Eden_Infra : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35317 : *A post on discussions the method used to pay for “voting site” fix/work* :
--M-- : “I do remember the donation was voluntary. But yes, it is to be taken into account the reason for not donating and I think everyone who is a delegate is accountable for the funds received. I don't think there is a mandate to provide records or anything but I certainly won't trust someone who can't provide some records. And that is just my personal opinion.”

#Author_Comments : *Starting today any “author comments” in #Recaps will look as seen here in these few words!*

#Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35011 :*Considering the discussions for many weeks and months, as relate to accountability funds received by Eden delegates, an update on the “Spend Explorer” development would be of value.*

#Eden_Treasury : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35333 :
QUESTION 1 : “Can CD join forces and drain the Eden treasury if they wanted to right now ?”
--ANSWER CD1-- : “Yes”.
QUESTION 2 : “They don't have to wait to propose bylaws and then next CD has to ratify it etc. ?”
–ANSWER CD2-- : “Nope. Thats the process that expected of us, but we have 3/4 keys on the treasury”
--M1-- : “Vote well. Don't vote for anyone in round one that you can't see as HCD.”
--CD1-- : “Bylaws are a soft set of rules.There could be rules in the bylaws that says the CDs can't move the funds, but unless those bylaws aren't accompanied with code, they can be broken. And even then, the code can be . . “

#Eden_Future : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35361 :
--CD1-- : “Lots to do! On one hand a great opportunity, on the other hand a very difficult thing to progress as participation is minimal and the purpose of this community isn't clear to all.”
--M-- : “What exactly is Eden ? I think many have their own definition and no " correct answer" exist ?”

#Hypha : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35384 / https://t.me/c/1186628781/35385 : ” There's a whole section in the blog that discusses how this will impact Eden on EOS. TLDR; Awesome tools, unlimited users, same smart contract!” – “Through an $850k grant, Hypha DAO's “Organization-in-a-Box Solution” will be significantly expanding its feature set to establish EOS as the DAO of DAOs.””
--M1-- : “"Now we're talking"! It's all coming together nicely, bit by bit. 🙏
--M2-- : “More reasons to finish developing Eden🦾🦾🦾

#Marketing : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35409 : “With all EOS action around it is a pity outsiders would still have a hard time find the core project of EdenOnEOS the https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/ - It took me way to long using Google search. In end got to it but sure is hidden away. Searched . . “

#Chief_Delegates_meet : “EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #9 – September 5, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-9:1?s=35

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK38) - posted Sunday 2022-09-25

#Chief_Delegates_meet #10 & #11 : EdenOnEOS CD meetings :
- #11 - Monday, Sep 19, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/eos_podcast_sep_22_1.1.mov-(1080p):6
- #10 - Monday, Sep 12, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-10:e

#Eden_Elections : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35594 : “Oct 8th Elections coming up fast!  Register to vote today! https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/“ 

#Bylaws “Change-Draft” : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35423 - "Remove Member process." :
--CD1-- : “Draft of proposed Remove Member Dispute Resolution process. To consider for ratification by next set of CDs.”
--M1-- : “A really good start! Thanks for doing this . . “
--M2-- : “A necassary step to consider but have some concerns too.  Made some comments and maybe we can discuss.”
--CD1-- : “ya all good...nothing is perfect in a first draft.”
--CD2-- : “I think scope should be defined.”
--CD1-- : “We can add more language though...I'm definitely open to changes!!!”
--M3-- : “Didn't Dan L. have some bond scheme for this already conceptualized from a game theoretical standpoint?”
--CD1-- : “The basic ideas in this first draft is from Dan's concept, but for now suggesting we only apply it to member removal disputes...baby steps.” – “”If we introduce annual paid dues required to remain a member, then maybe non-payment of those dues will constitute a removal”” – “””The plaintiff risk collateral so maybe would first try contact non-payers and ask them to pay before simply move to have them removed”””.
--CD2-- : “Its up to L1 delegates jury.
--M4-- : “I was following the discussion here, but wasn't free to contribute at the time. Just finished adding a few suggestions.” – “”I encourage others to take a look and comment as well, maybe you see something those who've read it before you haven't.””

#Bylaws “Change-Proposal” : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35675 : “The current Eden CDs voted and unanimously put forward following set of Bylaws for consideration by the next set of CDs. If you'd like a clean version to read (without all the yellow) here you go: . .   -  Remember to Opt-In to the upcoming election which is only 2 (two) weeks away!!
--M1-- : “Reads like a good first step. A bit confusing part of the deliberation is the "asynchronous conversation".
--M2-- : “Asynchronous communication is any type of communication where one person provides information, and then there is a time lag before the recipients take in the information and offer their responses."

#EdenOS / #Basic_Eden_Infra : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35540 :
--M1-- : “I figured Edenia was sponsored during the previous term CDs... Has there been any advancement on the code base or merely ensure the next election following a substandard process during the last election?”
--CD1- “Edenia was paid for their efforts by Delegates use of their received funds. They will hopefully continue to be paid by Delegates for . . “ – “”The codebase has been modified/improved upon by Edenia. There is now . . “”
--M1-- : “Know that I value Team Edenia... on that note... if I recall, the ENF, or BPs, paid the Clarion team to develop EdenOS? So, community dispersed funds is a step forward in any regard.”
--CD2-- : “It was paid for their existing delivery, the code . . “
--M2-- : “Without looking at or summarizing the total amount delegates received from the Eden treasury since its inception, it is quite disappointing with the lack of information in this area. Even worse is the lack of interest to keep track on where funds end up and for what purpose. Eden need to establish some businesslike routines if we are to achieve what might be considered worthwhile.”

= END =
Today's #Recap Eden Member group (WK39) posted 20:00 UTC -
a bit later than usual which I apologize for and hope not cause any inconvenience for anyone.
#Recap Eden Member group (WK39) - posted Sunday 2022-10-02

#Chief_Delegates_meet #12 : “EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #12 - Monday, Sep 26, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-12:c

#Eden_future : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35950 : --CD1-- : “Trying to make a list of future opportunities for Eden...what can we as an org aspire to do/accomplish . . “  -  “”I've mentioned these before, but here's the list I've been thinking on so far: - Eden members to . . “
--M1-- : “I think eden needs to generate revenue by offering a unique service outside the governance process. The ideas so far: . . “
--CD2-- : “It provides distributed way to finance smaller teams and their projects , it self develops as  a possible future governance mechanism for eos dapps and eventually overall governance (either funding governance or block producing one). Eden is not for generating revenue, the people came together to ride this fractall governance experiment out”
--M1-- : “Without generating revenue, eden cannot become independent.”
--M2-- : “It should not exist as a way to generate revenue, but why let it’s assets sit idle?”
--M3-- : “I think EdenOnEOS is meant to provide value to EOS, there is no specific reason it has to be independent if it can prove to be doing just that, and a worthwhile investment to EOS. Eden needs to generate revenue so as to keep the experiment going if there's an interest in growing it.”

#Eden_Elections : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35980 : “October 8th is coming up fast!  Register to vote today! https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/“  - 
“”Be sure to look over this document to prep for the election. EOS Support on Notion - https://eoscommunity.notion.site/Best-Practices-for-Election-Participants-2a49da390b634de4bf18b4320e11fec7 -  Best Practices for Election Participants. You can request support from our team . . “

#Eden_Elections bounty : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36005 - “Eden CDs are issuing 200 EOS bounty for technical support person for Eden members voting on the election day. Requirements;• Be technical enough and . . “

#Eden_Membership : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35990 - “In an attempt to increase engagement and participation, as well as keep you all better informed of what is happening in the EdenSphere please fill out this questionnaire, it is really important that you do or you may miss out on important developments!

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK40) - posted Sunday 2022-10-09

#Eden_elections for Term #4 : 2022-10-08 : Eden-on-EOS - Saturday October 8, 2022 - Election 4 - Public Room : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCRWUwNvAWM

#Eden_Chief_Delegates : New #EdenonEOS CDs: ▶️ @ReGenRieki ▶️ @xaviercr ▶️ @jessethan3 ▶️ @edenwaxa ▶️ @Barnzooor

#Chief_Delegates_meet #13 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36471 : “EdenOnEOS Final CD meeting Term #3 - Monday, Oct 03, 2022 : https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-13:3

#Eden_Community - election comments : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36066 :
--M1-- : “The lack of participation is an obstacle that would need to be tackled before moving on what would be secondary initiatives to generate more interest.”
--M2-- : “Maybe we need to give options for participants to participate as a voter or as a delegate contender.”
--M3-- : “That is how election runs already. Participants can be voter only or a candidate as well if they so wish. Candidates need agree to potentially move up. If no one agrees then random selection could not be in play.”
--CD-- : “ It has happened but usually someone says "ok fine I'll move on" “
--M4-- : “Even the system as it stands now seems to favor those who are the best in the moment communicators.”
--M5-- : “It doesn't matter who your opponent is, just focus on your value offer, and go for it, . . “

#Eden_Membership increase : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36122 : Words by Head CD prior to election and sortition - “One page plan to increase EDEN membership. Grow Membership for EDEN Plan - Why: Election participation is decreasing. Crypto enthusiasts are not aware of the value propositions of EDEN: On-chain . . “ - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NmY2TOhGDvOpMfeTYXa_QpsS9Xyitf_dQgQmgQQB4pw/edit?usp=sharing
--M1-- : “Awesome, thank you very much. This sounds like a great plan and I’m looking forward to learning more!

#Eden_Community : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36286 : Questionnaire: “To increase engagement and participation, as well as keep you all better informed of what is happening in the EdenSphere please fill out this questionnaire, it is really important that you do or you may miss out on important developments. Using Encrypted Form CryptPad: end-to-end encrypted collaboration suite”

#Eden_OnLine : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36461 : “Here's the site that a few of us have been working on over the past 3 month - https://www.edenelections.com/ - Eden Elections | Join, Influence, Select, & Lead - The Eden up-vote election process can be learned quickly, applied to any community, used to elect leaders for any group of any size, or launch a new organization for any purpose.”
--CD1-- : “Great work on the site and video! The EDEN "Upvote Election Process" is interesting. It's good we named it, at the very least. Better than the EDEN election process, as the new name is a bit more descriptive. We finally have a proper landing page!

Eden_Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36464 : “On the Join Eden Communities page near the bottom this blue button will open a spreadsheet that I will be adding to over the next while to fill out as much as I can. This still may be useful if you want to see how much EOS a past delegate has received. Any delegate that has a link to a summary please send it to me and I'll update it, or if there are any other errors also please let me know.

FIO_Crypto_Handles : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36610 : “More FIO crypto handles created for new members: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/all-edenos-members-now-have-eden-fio-addresses/3462/30?u=lukestokes - Let me know if you have any questions.”

= END =
Apologies are due!

#Recap Eden Members group posted/shared in/from the wrong channel! Copied also here below!
#Recap Eden Member group (WK41) - Sunday 2022-10-16 (1 of 2)

#Recap_Teaser : What’s the purpose of Eden? https://t.me/c/1186628781/36933 : Rich discussion for next Eden Member recap. Will then be referenced with more snippets! Began with –M— : “[10/15/2022 8:43 PM] - Question for the current Chief Delegates: From your perspective... What is the main purpose of this Eden organization?”

#Eden_Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36462 : --CD1-- : “A spreadsheet . . - . . see how much EOS a past delegate has received. Any delegate that has a link to a summary please send it . .” - “”Reminder any/all past/present Delegates who want to share . . - . . let me know and I'll add your comments to this spreadsheet.”
--CD2-- : “Thank you for the initiative starting the spreadsheet. Definitely the basis from which value will be created.”

#Eden_Membership : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36468 - “Eden Members Directory – Why? - Why add to the contract? - How? - Concept. A rough mock up done to convey the idea using Figma is given . . “ - “”An expansion of the idea shared here a while back. Appreciate every suggestion, comments, criticism . . “”

#Hypha : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36655Hypha’s tools - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TpyEO6NRnY
--M1-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36741 “Hypha is a DAO that builds DAO tools and they are years ahead of Eden in functioning as such, which is why it seems worthwhile for Eden Members to work closely with Hypha . . .“
--M2-- : “The only thing I would add to this is, depending on our end goal, aspiring to be this plug in for now, is not a mistake. Everything you said is definitely true.”

#Eden_elections #4 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36665 : --M1-- : ““ Congratulations Head Chief Delegate🚀 @jessethan - { "lead_representative": "jesse.gem", "board": [ "riekicordon1", "marketing.gm", "chrisbedenos", "xavieredenia", "jesse.gem" ], "last_election_time": "2022-10-08T13:00:00.000" } - Txid: https://bloks.io/transaction/d4833c766781cc4611cc790b60535f8603b4f3d679efa65d0c62b99843fb283d“”
--M2-- : “I think Eden needs 3 areas of focus: - Recruitment – Infrastructure - Tools & I think this group of CDs are uniquely equipped to further those goals. Congratulations on another successful election!”
--M3-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36672 “Here are the questions that I asked in my breakout room as well as a short list with some of the strategic things that I’d like to see happen sooner than later if there is enough desire among the active members for radical changes.”
--M4-- : “Community participation is the seed of building a reputation. these values which you have earlier collected from community reflect how we want to see each other - Participation, Responsibility, Trust, Reliability & Consensus.”
--CD-- : “FYI All the genesis.eden account permissions have been updated to the current set of CDs 💪🏼

#Delegates_Channel : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36784 : “To all Delegates who won in the past election this is the Delegates Channel, I have added all of those who's privacy settings allowed me to do so, the following would not allow me to add them, please add yourselves, and let's coordinate, communicate, and cooperate!

#Micronation? : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36772 : “Liberland and Molossia on the same map... wonder if the Eden fractal (or Eden) might fit in with this group. Could we buy a PO BOX on Liberland soil?”

#Eden_ByLaw_Vision : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36801 : “There's LITTLE value that Eden is providing to the larger crypto community with current mission ignoring Eden itself. Here's my suggestion to fix this by better . . . “

#Free_Will : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36879 : “Chat above about the free will, consciousness and metaphysics is profoundly interconnected with the root motivation of why we all do this thing Eden and blockchain, because it is in the end the question of sovereignty and how sovereign individuals keeps legitimacy in the collective decision makings. i.e. governance, fund allocation, etc.
#Recap Eden Member group (WK41) - Sunday 2022-10-16 (2 of 2)

#Eden_Community : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36881 : “Was telling some of WAX game community today how there was EOS and many of the wise idealists that led us to now are still here and around. Have invited . . . “.

#Eden_Fractal : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36900 : QUESTION: “Are Eden Fractal and Eden separate? Why?”
--CD1-- :
“I don't consider them as totally separate. I see the eden fractal as a feature to EDEN. They use a different smart contract for example”
--M1-- : “I think so. I never signed up or agreed to be a member of Eden fractal, so I don't consider my self a part of Eden fractal. - “”But same as I belong to EOS Support and I am a member of this community, some belong to the Eden fractal, HyphaDAO, Edenia or to the EOS Bees and are a part of this community.””
--CD2-- : “Eden Fractal is a project that some Eden members participate in that uses a variant of the Eden election process. There is nothing official about it as it relates to Eden members, other than some Eden members have and are running on supporting this project and using their Eden Delegate funding to do so.”
--CD3-- : “The way I am viewing our progressive development is as an Eden Ecosystem. Where all of these different Edens will form and fit under separate umbrellas of Eden DAOs and Sub DAOs(circles) depending on the end goals.”

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK42) - Sunday 2022-10-23 (1 of 2)

#Chief_Delegates-meet : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37339 : #CDs term IV meeting with Yves La Rose, ENF - https://youtu.be/eCAjBY-NT78

#Recap_Teaser follow up : Purpose of Eden?/ Purpose of EOS : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36933 :
--M1-- : “Question for current Chief Delegates: From your perspective... What is the main purpose of this Eden?”
--CD1-- : “To solve problems for eos.To do so by any means that eden is capable of.”
--M1-- : “Purpose of EOS? - https://t.me/c/1186628781/36941 - If the current Chief Delegates agree the purpose of this org is to create value for the EOS network, then what is the current consensus on the main purpose of the EOS network.”
--CD1-- : “I don't see value in agreeing on one main purpose of eden. Each delegate has their own ideas and as long as it benefits eos it's sufficient.”
--CD2-- : “This purpose should evolve over time, currently Eden should focus on increasing membership and member participation.”
--CD3-- : “”Creating value for EOS ecosystem, is a broad enough statement. Due to the way the collective Eden members select CDs . . . the process in turn forms a reflection of the communities interpretation of value.”
--CD4-- : “1. . . facilitate the organization of communities of like minded individuals . ., 2. . . viable system of an up-voted governance structure . . . – Secondary goals may include funding ventures individuals or groups . . .”  -  “”The purpose of EOS as I've come to understand blockchain as a whole, is to give people greater independence and ability to independently trust transactions, . . . “” - Less cost, - Greater programmability, - More reliable code, - Faster speeds than other competitors, - (store of value yet to be seen)”
--CD5-- : “To help communities of verified humans, wherever they are, build their own versions of Eden, whatever that may be. Together. Powered by EOS"
--M2-- : “Good queries and discussion is a healthy one. Eden not yet come together toward a common objective. Maybe that's the idea. Maybe we should aim to see many options/DAOs developing within Eden and Eden Fractal.”
--M3-- : “I think we need to focus on EdenOnEOS first and then also to promote the Eden / Upvote process outside of EOS.”
--M4-- : “Question is if new communities should even use edenos, when they will get the hypha version - second question is if eden wants to migrate its ui to whatever hypha will provide.”
--M1—: “Adoption of Hypha seems like a great moment to hit the refresh button, clean up the house, and empty the trash.”
--M2-- : “Hypha set up is underway and accessible - https://dao.hypha.earth/eden - I see it as a good organisational tool for more effective and productive work by individuals and teams. Good video on Hypha - https://youtu.be/PbloPJlmQ3M”  
--CD4-- : “I agree Hypha adoption is an opportunity. But maybe "empty the trash" and "dissolving" organizations are unnecessary. Clean the house though is more along the lines my thinking, doing a bit of organizing the organization.”

#Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37068 :
--CD-- : “Any initiatives by the Delegates and Chief Delegates to establish metrics for Eden/EdenOnEOS that can justify continued funding would be welcomed by all. A Circle that might want to take this on would also be great.”
#Edenia : “We are working on an Accounting Standard for Eden Delegates that we hope will help provide useful insights and transparency on where the Eden Treasury is going. Providing more information will hopefully improve trust for continued funding. - https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/eden-delegates-accounting-standard/5826
--M-- : “The ENF hasn't said anything one way or another about additional funding for Eden. . . The ENF continues to show support for Eden in word and deed, Yves continues to engage with the CDs and not so long ago signaled support for the new bylaws.” – “”Between Eden and Hypha the EOS Network, by way of the ENF, has invested heavily in DAO infrastructure, 825k EOS all told, of which Eden is the main beneficiary.
All the ingredients for success and massive showing of support is here.””

#Delegate_Funds expiry : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37390 :
--CD1-- : “As a Delegate/Chief Delegate, should the ability to claim your allocated funds expire if not claimed by the end of the term?”
--CD2-- : “The Chiefs are considering expiring the funds after 2 terms of not claiming. Thoughts?”
--M1-- : “Believe a good change to make and same time put in that if a member miss 2 elections in a row, without justifiable excuse, then loose membership or similar.”
--M2-- : “Sounds like a micromanagement nonsense to me. Maybe you can expire it in half a year or something when you can consider it abandoned job, but no point in limiting it to the term.”

#Eden_White_List : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37076 : “Current whitelisting solutions are inefficient because users need to signup/do action for every drop and across each collection. EDEN can act as a decentralized white list if marketplaces implement this code https://github.com/edenia/eden-member-check“  -  “NFT creator on WAX is interested in exploring a decentralized whitelist solution for his community members and other creators. EDEN can provide this solution because we are good at validating unique humans on-chain.”

#Eden_Membership : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37134 : “Who wants to talk about email? - https://t.me/c/1186628781/35990 - Are folks opposed to using email? - https://t.me/c/1186628781/37150 - Do we want to be reached via a direct means of communication, which we would presumably be expecting since we have opted in, with occasional messages which transcend the noise of a telegram chat? Communications that are rare enough, and important enough that you look at the sender and think to yourself, hey here's a message from this organization I belong to, I can see that in the From field, let me have a look. Or, is there a suitable alternative?  Because clearly Telegram isn't it.

#Web_Hosting : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37306 : “EDEN community, This is an official statement for requesting proposals to run web hosting OPEX for EDEN on EOS. The Chief Delegates will be accepting proposals through October 31 2022.” – #Edenia can provide some insight into what’s needed.  Open to chat in the spirit of collaboration. The more teams that can run EdenOS, the more resilient we become as a community!  Here is a start: https://github.com/edenia/eden

#Eden_Fractal 19 meeting Oct 12 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/36990 : “The momentous first meeting with the Eden + Fractal process! - https://youtu.be/XsznxqL4t7U“  -  “” https://youtu.be/XsznxqL4t7U - Empowering communities with processes of ƒractally on EOS!””  

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK43) - posted Sunday 2022-10-30

* #Author_Comments: Discussions mainly on delegate funds “expiry date” or not, induction process, election process, how protect against sybil attack, use of NFTs for this etc. Details and comments best read in context so here only one sample of suggestions discussed in these areas. *

#Sybil_Protection : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37699 : --M1-- : “My proposed changes to fix/finish the sybil protection (incorporated the latest idea). Treat members as member candidates; Issue people who join the first round of Eden election expirable SBT (1 year). Contract can check, if there is…“
--CD1-- : “Very interesting”
--M2-- : “Community grows on trust. It is very important that we invite the right members.”
--M1-- : “I would say that without the sybil risk removed, Eden for me becomes yet another org instead of a sybil resistant system.”
--M3-- : “It would be helpful to package your proposal into a doc with visual aides.”
--CD2-- : “Whats the difference of challenging via your process versus detecting fraud in the induction process? - https://t.me/c/1186628781/37773
--M4-- : “I like the single election round sybil check approach except it means folks may have to wait up to 6 months to have a voice in the election. Maybe there could be ... “
--CD3-- : “I'm really liking your ideas here. What do you think of this attempted summary in a flow chart? - https://t.me/c/1186628781/37817
--M1-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38029 - “tldr; basically we are debating if ⮞ SBTs (soulbound tokens as per vitalik marketing machine, basically non-transferable NFTs), should first … “ – “or would be better ⮞ to provide IBC proof each time, per … “

#POLL – Sybil Check related : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37944 : Anonymous Poll : “If you needed to go through a sybil checking process to play your favorite game / buy an NFT, how long would you be willing to wait?”

#Chief_Delegates-meeting : Term IV meeting Oct 29, 2022 : https://youtu.be/Mt06DjMvnes

#Eden_Hypha : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37482 :
--CD1-- : “Starting with simple maps based on my understanding of the conversation above.”
--M1-- : “Very helpful image. Some grey areas my head - How … ?”
--CD2-- : “Makes sense. I see it as one of potential many benefits of eden membership - create and participate … .”
--M2-- : “Are we envisioning an additonal layer there? Or five separate groups.” – “”Perhaps this is the role of circles within DAOs and I am needlessly conflating the two.””
--M3-- : “If eden wants to be any sort of platform for other daos, it needs to first focus on sybil resistance and then split from there. I would say all this thinking is way too premature, eden isn't even close to finish its first layer, … .”

#Eden_Circles? : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37627 : --M-- : “Clue me in as to the existence, formal or otherwise, of all Eden circles, or working groups, currently? If you're a part of one, however loosely defined, speak up.”

#Eden_CDs_Twitter : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37670 : --CD-- : “We are using https://twitter.com/Eden_EOS_Chiefs
--M-- : “If we all agreed on a hashtag to use, that would be fine. Imo.”
--CD-- : “I don't think the org necessarily needs its own twitter account. As long as ... ”
--M-- : “Twitter accounts can serve as landing pages directing people back to websites where they can learn more... a hashtag is … .”
--CD-- : “Why create a step in between the landing page?”
--M-- : “Mentions are easy ways to direct attention to related accounts. hashtags are very broad. A direct link to a website is possible in the tweet as well, given enough space, but we still kind of have a website crisis, lol.”
--CD-- : “Yes we need to tighten up the media assets.”

#Eden_Korea : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37394 : ” 📢 Eden Korea 1st internal mainnet test has been successfully finished🎉 Website: https://edenkr.org Test account: https://bloks.io/account/testedenkor2
#Eden_Fractal meeting 20 on Oct 19th : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37445 : “An awesome meeting with many new people, great networking experiences, and synergies with Alien Worlds! - https://youtu.be/mY2RCCaKWzA

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK44) - posted Sunday 2022-11-06

#Author_Comments: Protection against sybil attacks continue as main topic, best read in full context in Eden Member group itself Here only few snippets." *

#Eden_Bylaws adopted : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38390 : 2022-11-30 - “The CD ratified our bylaws on Friday's livestreamed meeting. Here are those bylaws: …

#Sybil_Protection : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38394 :
--CD1-- : “Approaching the above discussion from a lens of "what type of culture are we creating here" e.g. "why are people currently attracted, and will continue to attract people to participate here. Current working proposal: Only …
--CD2-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38477 : “Here is a flow chart describing the new layout to achieve a sybil protection offering for other projects.”

#Eden_Spark : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38433 : “Our weekly call in Eden - Spark, any member of the hispanic community (or not) is welcome. - Punto de Encuentro de la Comunidad Hispana de la cadena de EOS, La infraestructura más poderosa para aplicaciones descentralizadas para empresas.- https://t.me/eos_espanol

#Eden_Website : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38441 : “Current layout of website im working on as seen in our meeting #4 video. If anyone has any suggestions or changes please DM or @ me.”

#Eden Chief_Delegates-meet #4 : https://youtu.be/HcNe1kXHWW0 : "Streamed live on 4 Nov 2022. Discuss Eden on EOS Governance. To find out more about Eden Up-Vote election process, visit 🌐 https://www.edenelections.com/"

#Eden_Fractal time change? : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38430 : “The Eden community is considering changing the time of weekly meetings. This article includes proposals and reasons to change the time. https://edencreators.com/time

#Eden_Fractal meeting 21 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38429 : Nov 02, 2022 - “Discussions about agendas, proposal protocols, legal entities, agreements, and new insights from people in the WAX community ... - https://youtu.be/7MQ3arHfj10

= END =
Lennie (@mlninparadise):

"Now we're talking!" 👏🐬

Eden CD's started move in more interesting and focused direction in several areas as I see things.


Above link to recording of live weekly meeting of the CDs yesterday Friday.