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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-22

#Author_Comments : Over the past week discussion centered much around funding and subsequent use of funds received. Also on setting up of team/people to facilitate continuance and further development of the Eden objectives.

# Eden_Membership :
-- M1 --: "If you're building a COLLABORATION mechanism why should it be based on COMPETITION? Or are Eden and Fractally not designed for collaboration? If so, what is a better way to describe the system that is in resonance with the mechanisms?"
-- CD1 --: "We are trying to blend two desired outcomes into the same election event - electing for leaders, and selecting projects to fund. I am favour of Eden running its election software VERY OFTEN. Weekly could work... But not for leadership. That would be for collaboration, for sharing ideas, for rewarding people for work. I love your idea of two different monthly elections... one forward-looking and one to reward past work. I think we could have parallel purposes for elections. One longer time span for leadership, and then one more often for projects and rewarding people.
-- M2 --: "Eden and fractally are designed for coopetition. Community members do all of the following: A ) Compete to help their community more than each other, B ) Cooperate to help their community C ) Cooperate to quantify helpfulness via the consensus mechanism"
-- M3 --: "Collaboration vs Competition is similar to... Centralization vs Decentralization. It's not one or the other. It's the proper balance and application of both dynamics within context."

#Accountability :
-- M1 --: "Are the Chief Delegates going to publish their individual and collective intentions as well as how they view the immediate, short-term, and long-term goals of Eden on EOS?"
-- CD1 --: "I will. I think I have been for a while now though maybe not in a succinct format"

#Funding :
-- M1 --: "I don’t see why the Chief delegates can’t vote to use the existing treasury to fund community wide initiatives. Isn’t that what it’s for? Dan just arbitrarily came up with this 5% thing, but it’s not a bylaw or anything. So we don’t have to abide by it if we don’t want to. I just think it’s a little weird to ask the ENF for more funding when we haven’t used the funding they gave us already."
-- M2 --: "Next month 9,568 EOS will be distributed to Eden Delegates. That seems like a reasonably healthy draw rate for the organization. I think we have more of an efficient use of funds to achieve targeted goals problem, vs a not enough funding problem....not that more funding isn't better, which of course it is :)"
-- M3 --: "Currently it seems like the Eden Treasury is to pay Eden Delegates to participate in the governance process and stewardship of the subjective bylaws, etc. I think we need to assemble a sub-organization of Eden Contributors who play a different role than Eden Delegates. Most “DAOs” today have Members, Delegates, and Contributors as roles."
-- M4 --: "Eden is working for the network. We should be as useful as blockproducers. Block producers get inflation, Eden should get inflation if we do meaningful work for the network."
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-29

#Author_Comments : Eden asset ownership and organizational matters much discussed this week. Another extensive topic was "Fractally" and Eden membership view of the same and views on Eden members using their time and resources in the same.

#Accountability :
--M1-- : "Which organization should control the Eden Github repo? A capable team that replaces the Clarion/Fractally team? What are your thoughts on custodianship of Eden assets?"
--M2--: "IMO Eden as an organization should have 'Roles' that are defined by the CDs and appointed by them as well. "
--M3--: "I was thinking the same… I think Eden should do Eden. So anything that's needed to be maintained or undertaken should be done so by elected Eden Members."
--M4--: "I'd like to add that these members be subject to the same rules as the submission and change to the by laws, that is to say . . "
--M1--: "I'm not sure about this...if you have a bad actor in a role, needing to wait for a subsequent election to replace them is likely too much latency to minimize the damage that the bad actor can inflict."
--M4--: "Yeah, I'm not sure about it either, but thought the question should be discussed."
--M5--: "Eden could collaborate with Hypha . . for everything other than inducting members and electing delegates, etc? Hypha software is designed for organizational management, not just inviting members and electing delegates."
--M6--: "The thing is that the positions we are discussing should serve Eden's ultimate purpose, not the Delegates personal goals. CDs serve Eden's interests too. Just like them, a dev team delegated to take care of it on behalf Eden interest is what I picture."

#Eden_Accounting_Standard : How Eden funds allocated.
--CD1--: " Proposal Eden Accounting Standard. Feedback welcome in forum! https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/eden-delegates-accounting-standard/5826 "
--M1--: "This is awesome. An initial question, is there a space limit to the memo field?"

#Fractally :
--CD1-- : "I am totally in favor of any Eden member deciding what is of benefit to the EOS Ecosystem and acting in that manner. Does Eden as a group consider work on ƒractally to be a good use of Eden-derived resources? (I am asking)"
--M1-- : "Considering the current mission of Eden is "To create value for the EOS ecosystem" and there has been no commitment at all from the Fractally team to include EOS in their future plans, I would vote no, this is not a good use of Eden-derived resources."
--M2-- : "If Eden Members want to move in the direction of what's proposed in the Fractally white paper, then we have a dedicated group for that. You can message me if you want the link to that group. Eden seems to have some immediate needs and short-term obstacles to overcome and it would be helpful if every member can focus on achieving the next logical steps first and foremost."
--M3-- : "My confusion is honest. Until we receive a Notice of a determination there is a surgical "divorce by splitting (or forking a chain) the code, or other Fiat"… I see EOS, EdenonEOS, and fractally as Siamese Triplets. I am convinced we should walk in sync, unless we are not "better together."
--M4-- : "There is no true or false. I don't disagree with you. The fractal paradigm is everywhere in any of the ecosystems (Eden, Hu-Fi ,EOS Bees, Fractally ...). Our society has to collaborate and EOS is the perfect example of an Everyone's Open Society."
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-06

#Author_Comments : Week started with a discussion on Eden treasury status and funding plans ahead. Various other topics as always with also an extensive discussion initiated by idea brought forth by a member. A proposal to aim for and work on a near future "CONFERENCE (Party)?!!" during or soon after June 2022. As member expressed it "EOS and June go together!". The discussion continue, potentially with an event formulated in near future.

#Funding :
--M1-- : "I think you should strongly consider pulling more funding from the treasury. If by doing this Eden as an org can grow and expand faster, then I think this would be a reasonably prudent early use of funds that the BPs and ENF would be ok with."
--CD1-- : "It makes a lot of sense to have the organization itself pursuing more significant goals, rather than just funding a Pareto population of election winners... And then the unelected constantly petitioning them for funding, AND . . . . "
--M2-- : " Why not invite economists to help redesign the economic model? Everyone is in a prisoner's dilemma. Maybe you can hire someone who is proficient in game theory."

#Polls :
--M1-- : "I love idea mentioned in the last delegate meeting to hold symbolic votes about all things related to EOS. It doesn't need to be binding to be valuable."
--M2-- : "That’s what Consortium is for."

#Eden_Contributors :
" We're meeting again today, if you'd like to join.
Focus is on presenting your next steps for Eden.
All delegates and members are welcome to join.
https://gofractally.com/events/empowering-eden-contributors "

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #4 - Thursday, May 5, 2022 - Posted May 6th, 2022

-- "The Eden CD's 4th meeting notes can be found below 👇🏼
Key Highlights:
▶️ Bylaws have been ratified and are now in effect.
▶️ Introducing KPI to measure the success of Eden.
▶️ What services can Eden provide to the broader community?

-- "The Meeting minutes of Eden Chief Delegates are mapped out into the MindWeb Eden Dashboard MindMap."

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-13

#Author_Comments : Plenty discussion on and around ownership of Eden social media accounts and assets. Even more on Eden as an organization, the Eden processes, funding, future and much more. Discussion on and from a number of angles and been kind of a week of EdenOnEOS soul-searching.

#Assets :
--M1-- : "Eden is not an official organization. Any organization can be an eden. If they use the process then they are technically an eden. Any individual or organization can use an eden logo, or create an account call eden and do what they like."
--M2-- : "maybe those who are holding the Eden assets associated with this organization hand them to those running the organization, which are the current CDs."
--M3-- : "Bylaws need to clarify how these kinds of assets are handled/managed. The specific ones we are talking about (specific YouTube, Twitter, etc). This is why organizations require proper planning in the early stages.
--M4-- : "We have elected the CD by trust. They could/should control all assets via privatkeys and msig."
--M5-- : "Off-chain assets are not forkable, and therefore the community should consider limiting its "official ownership" of assets to the extent it values the autonomy of the members."
--M6-- : "Dan has previously given advice to the CDs about this topic. He suggested using a legal "trust" to hold off-chain assets."

#KPIs :
"Glad to finally see some focus on KPIs. I’ve been advocating for this since Eden started. There needs to be a way to measure at least some aspects of Eden’s performance or how do we know if our efforts are adding value and making a real difference? Sure there’s intangibles like goodwill, but you can’t buy something to eat with goodwill…"

#EdenOnEos :
--CD1-- : "The Eden Process, if that is what we are reducing Eden's essence to, is an election tool that allows a group of like-minded people to come together and create hierarchical representation for themselves - it creates a tree of members - literally an organization. The credibility of the process relies on the elected members actually coming together to form a cohesive whole, and that means creating an official 'persona'. It doesn't need to be a Legal Person, as an LLC would be."
--M1-- : "You can be an eden member but not belong to a company or an organization that is was created by other eden members. The tool is to empower individuals and organizations to operate independently and build. Then collaborate when necessary for the ultimate good of EOS. If ppl want to create an organization for leadership that use eden process then that should be started properly. With proper name. Etc."
--CD2-- : "This is clearly an Eden of EOS debate for Eden members. Eden itself [whatever version] is just the sum of the parts of its members as represented by its democratically chosen delegates."
--M1-- : "We are all eden. there is no head. We multiply, we iterate. a hydra. it becomes more centralized when only few people are doing more and more and more and carrying everyone else"
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-20

#Author_Comments : The latest CD meetings been setting the tone for much of discussions in the Eden Member group. The quality, or rather lack thereof, in some EOSIO BPs and the voting for BPs became main topics through this week. This recap just a very tiny fraction of the rich and "deep" discussions.

#EOSIO_EOS_future :
--M1--: "I think it would be awesome for either Eden or the ENF to establish a fund for attracting projects from other chains and facilitate porting over, or them being multichain, especially once the EVM is up and running. A Committee could be created by interested Eden Members and work with Eden Funding or apply to the ENF for funding from them."
--M2--: "To attract other chain Dapp developers we need to have a large user base, to get that we need just 1 killer Dapp, who’s building it? Easy onboarding free to use."
--M1-- : "I take your point though, that some Dapp Developers depending on what they're building will be looking to come on board an ecosystem with users. If that's the case, this is where we need to sweeten the pot/temporarily subsidize them to use the EVM and discover the benefits of utilizing EOS first. This can grow our users/onchain transactions and can save them some cash at first, and jumpstart the network effect."

#Eden_future : (referencing EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Sat. May 14, 2022):
"This weeks @EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate meeting is not one to miss! There is a bold vision being formed, and the #EOS community is likely to have an opinion! Let's see what the @EosNFoundation makes of the CD's latest democratic overtures! 😉 $eos"

#ENF_Eden :
--M1--: "ENF serves the network and the network needs to be optimized"
--M2--: "if members who want to run organizations and initiatives want to do so to better the network then they should go for it."
--M1--: "ENF can also delegate voting to Eden and/or to a proxy".
--M2--: "👎we are about to destroy EOS"
--M3--: "ENF may of course vote with their own tokens... nothing wrong there.
If BPs want money to run infra, they could pitch to ENF to get some funding, but I don't see why ENF would proactively go looking for BP candidates to fund.".
--M1--: "ENF is currently our best bet for cutting the deadweight BPs".
--M2--: "they are. they are really doing a great job".
--M3--: "It's a difficult question as these are tokens being allocated to the ENF by the network. Conflicts of interest arise. What if the current BPs asked that IF the ENF votes it's only allowed to vote for the current top 21? giving way to further centralization."
--M1--: "If EOS doesn't prioritize having amazing (above and beyond) BPs, then it will likely be outcompeted by networks who do prioritize it. And rightfully so. I'd like to see where seriously addressing this BP thing is on the collective roadmap for the EOS network."
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-27

#Author_Comments :
Eden member group in a bit of a lull this week, short work on #recaps this week.

#Eden_debating? :
--M1-- : "I see increasing negativity in the https://t.me/EdenOSinfo public channel. Constructive criticism should be encouraged and supported. Constant repetition of the same negative topic without offering a solution should not be."
--M2-- : "Is the purpose of the public group open debate? Or is it to help onboard people into Eden & EOS? There are plenty other places for public debate. Perhaps a privilege of Eden Membership can be the ability to participate in well structured and moderated, open public debates? No point in joining if you can get that privilege without joining."
--M3-- : "ya maybe it is (the open debate part). Maybe part of what Eden needs to do is define itself and its intentions in a public forum. Our public Eden channel seems to have the eye of many in the EOS community who actually care about EOS' success, so of all the places to debate the negative viewpoints, why not there, and if not there where else?"
--M4-- : "My personal view of the EdenOnEOS Channel is that it's also a place for the EOS Community to engage with Eden. I'd encourage delegates to be present and engage there with the public, especially on governance topics. By the way, toxicity is the real problem, not negativity as long as it's expressed in a civil and rational manner to be debated."

#Eden_Hispanic :
"Happy day EDEN Members! Weekly call in "Eden - Spark", any member of the hispanic community (or not) is welcome. The link to the meeting found in the TG group. Thanks!

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"Meeting Minutes 19 May 2022 - notes from CD meeting #6 last week.
Main items covered:
▶️ Individual updates
▶️ Vote for Yves as ENF President discussed
▶️ What areas should CDs vote on?
▶️ Why Eden & what is Eden's future?


- END -
#Recap Eden Member group, past week up to and including Saturday 2022-06-04

#Author_Comments : I wish to again emphasize that #recaps only point to some of all posts/discussions. They are in no way a complete reference to the same. The #recaps are only meant to serve as a guide to some of the interesting topics.

#EOS_Yield+ : https://t.me/c/1186628781/28471
"“... a liquidity rewards program designed to incentivize TVL in DeFi applications on EOS would be one of the most impactful drivers of network growth.”" - https://www.eosgo.io/news/yield-blue-paper-liqudity-rewards-on-eos

#EOS_support : (some words related to "ram cleaning") :
- Question - "Is there any information on how to do ram cleaning?"
- Answered - "One case to free up RAM is: If you sell a token you hold in your EOS Account and the token balance is zero, if it doesn't automatically, you can recover RAM through the "close" action with Token's Contract.
For EOS click here: https://bloks.io/account/eosio.token?loadContract=true&tab=Actions&account=eosio.token&scope=eosio.token&limit=100&action=close enter your eos account and symbol "4,EOS"
or another example for EOSDT here: https://bloks.io/account/eosdtsttoken?loadContract=true&tab=Actions&account=eosdtsttoken&scope=eosdtsttoken&limit=100&action=close
We don't have an article yet, but it's planned to write one for that topic."

#Moving_Eden_Forward : (discussion mainly among Eden members whom are also members of ƒractally)
"Focusing on the next logical actions steps for moving Eden forward. Wednesdays 1300 UTC - https://gofractally.com/events/moving-eden-forward"

#EOS_Community :
- Question - "Do we have any new announcements?"
- Answered - "The EOS community is rebranding the main net. There is a cooperative between EOS chains, there is good governance happening at EDEN, and the fractally white paper is being coded into a very exciting Blockchain application. EOS is evolving into a federation of DOAs, Smart Companies, and DACs, which separately and together are coding Open Source software solutions that are a strong foundation for public goods. In addition, for profit businesses are attracting VC funding to build on top of these blockchain and open source solutions."

#Fractally_related : (& Eden connected)
"Proposal for Eden Fractal - https://edencreators.com/edenfractal
I'm proposing the name "Empowering Eden Contributors" for this event.
We are also looking to schedule another weekly meeting on another day of the week: Proposal for Fractal Forums - https://edencreators.com/fractalforums
I'm proposing the name "Moving Eden Forward" for this event.
If the group is open to it, we may join on StreamYard to have the meeting there as part of the live stream event rather than on Zoom as we normally do. Not sure the level of interest yet. I'm just a facilitator. My suggestion for the Live Stream event is to theme it around these questions or something similar to spark convo and valuable content:
What has been your greatest recent contribution to the EOS network?
What's something valuable that you'd like to see happen next on EOS?"
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Sunday-Saturday 2022-06-11

#Author_Comments : The recap this time with two Chief Delegate meetings - #8 on June 2 and #9 on June 9.

#Chinese_Eden :
--M1-- : "Welcome to follow Chinese Eden, we have a separate Discord and Medium, and all proposals and election process will be posted in the EOS Community Forum. Due to limited manpower at this time, it is difficult for us to keep the English version up to date, so if anyone in the community would like to help us with translation, we would appreciate it!
Discord: https://discord.gg/fy2JYdpR
Medium: https://medium.com/@edencn
Information on past first test election and on upcoming second test election: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/c/eos/eoscn/35
Notion: https://edencn.notion.site/edencn/EDEN-827f60bd124b4d2ead39619444edf07d"
--M2-- : "Sure thing...
I'd love to invite you or any representative of it to the EOS Translation Foundation Telegram group.We want to address all this language barriers and solve them for easier interaction."
--M1-- : "We also have a DAO called EDAO, which we improved Daniel's fractally and used it to provide more support services for elected projects. Everyone in the community can get involved, do the work needed for the project, and report back at the weekly meetings for rewards."
--M2-- : "Come around. We'll be happy to help. https://t.me/EOSTranslationFoundation"

#EdenOnEOS_Benefits :
"Welcome to Eden members private group 🎉 https://help.eossupport.io/en/articles/5889843-what-are-the-benefits-of-becoming-an-eden-member"

#Fractally_related : (& Eden connected) :
"" "Don't Give Fractally the Time of Day"
This is an extreme and antagonistic statement of how we should proceed.
But I do think, we should focus on building Eden. If we want to adopt aspects of Fractally, why not. But not Fractally. In general, at the current date and time, with the information at hand, my perspective has not changed. I would not vote to "become a Fractal" of Fractally. I encourage greater focus and development of Eden, and EdenOnEOS. I don't want to draw this conversation out more than it needs to given this is Eden, and Fractally is nowhere near a state where we could evaluate its adoption.""

#Accountability :
--M1-- : "Eden members who wish to be vocal and report their CDs on not fulfilling promises should feel encouraged to do so, and ofc address the matter politely and with the respect any person deserves, as well presenting the proof of the claims."
--M2-- : "It is my understanding, that the people who elected the delegates are responsible for holding them accountable. In an ideal system, voters could have the opportunity to rate their delegates or at least make a statement as to whether they have kept their word on what they promised."
--M3-- : "Ideally what would be of use is a place where public comments/questions/concerns can be posted about each Eden Delegate. There the Delegate could publicly respond to defend themselves, or even just to explain their thinking for deviating from a promise or something."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #8 - Thursday, June 1, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Chief-Delegate-Meeting-8:8
"Notes from the CD meeting #8: https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-8"

"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #9 - Thursday, June 9, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-CD-Meeting-Week-9:5
"Notes from CD meeting #9: https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-9

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Sunday-Saturday 2022-06-18

#Author_Comments : Most discussions over past week centered around CD's "Declaration of the Transfer of Control and Assets to the Members of ‘Eden on EOS’" - https://bywire.news/articles/declaration-of-the-transfer-of-control-and-assets-to-the-members-of-eden-on-eos and Dan Larimer follow up post "Implications of Eden’s Declaration of Independence" https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/38054 with much discussion also in the EdenOnEOS group.

#Eden_Assets? :
--M1-- : [2022-06-12 20:35 UTC] - "Below is a link to an official communication from the Eden Chief Delegates. It would be great if we can come together and make something happen regarding this Declaration and the Independence of Eden on EOS this Wednesday, June 15, at 13:00 UTC!"
--M2-- : "The "big ask" is not just for the keys, but also, there is a second big ask... "All IP rights, too" Aren't those two separate issues of the contributions of community members?"
--M1-- : "The IP is not required to progress, although it would be nice to collect it within the control of the CDs. Once the CDs have this, I'm of the opinion that they appoint leaders to the respective Eden Member Services circles and within there custody of the respective bits of IP lie."
--CD1-- : "The CDs are putting the pieces in place to establish Eden Member Services, on top of (obviously) changing the smart contract and website and other stuff."
--M3-- : [In reply to Daniel Larimer post on "Implications . . "] "Thank you for voicing your position on the matter. Highly agree on your points regarding what needs to be done in reference to taking over the socials, domains, etc. and the parties wanting to do so putting up collateral. I also agree that we should be careful with legal ramifications ... appreciate you shining a light on the possible pitfalls."
--M1-- : "There is no intention, from what I've seen, by the CDs to have Eden own property. They are just trying to consolidate it under the stewardship of its elected leaders. From there I expect they'll hand it out to willing Eden Member's to control and accept temporary ownership. And hopefully use Dan's collateral suggestion by those who assume control."

#Eden_elections : [13/06/2022 22:51 UTC]
--M1-- : "The chief delegates have permission that can do everything they need to do. The transfer of board.major keys happens right after elections."
--M2-- : "Can they update the contract to fix the election date with those permissions?"
--M1-- : "Yes. But the bylaws is locked. Right now. Was supposed to be 30 days before next elections."
--M2-- : "The bylaw says there is an election every 3 months. I understand you think the code is also bylaws. I don't think that makes sense."
--M1-- : "It will when other bad actors take over as CDs."
--M3-- : "The bylaws do not "absorb" a Peace Treaty. The 30 days is a By-Law guideline. The Code contract can be revised. The Peace Treaty governs the By-laws. Does EDEN want a July 9, 2022 Election?"
--M2-- : "This doesn't make sense. The bylaw changes require code changes, the bylaws that have explicit rules are what we should be following."
--M3-- : "EdenOS only understands code. And the code is still running with the old peace treaty. So either we update the code or the next election can not happen on 9th of July"
--M4-- : "Are we saying there is no way to carry out the next elections on July 9th?"
--M3-- : "No. We need to update the code. Then the election will happen."
--CD1-- : "Eden cannot update its own contract at the moment. The Eden members who currently possess the active permissions need to read the new bylaws and change the active permissions."
--M5-- : "The first problem here is that no one updated the election date before the arbitrary 30-day window was defined in the code. It was an oversight."
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Sunday-Saturday 2022-07-02
(Part 1 of 3)
#Author_Comments : The Eden name, with or without sequential term numbering, much discussed this week. So was also the aim for Eden with reference to the vision and words from early on. To top things of the legal side of DAOs and the Vitalik twitter much commented, so also by Dan Larimer. A reminder - Day/time after #hashtags refer to original posts day/time in UTC.

#Bylaws : [2022-06-26 02:23 UTC] - "The Eden2 Chief Delegates' proposals for bylaw updates." - https://eoscommunity.notion.site/Proposed-new-bylaws-d951d664a2444c9da7f4dabea893f737 :
--M1-- : "Every time I refer to the second term delegates I'm a bit peeved that we don't have a better way to distinguish between administrations."
--CD1-- : "I'm ok with naming the terms sequentially... Eden1, Eden2, Eden3. In terms of China, it works as ch.eden1".
--M1-- : "Right. Why I said CDs2... CDs certainly aren't Eden."
--CD1-- : "But everything done by the CDs is representative of the entire organization. I think it's fine to refer to these CDs as 'The Eden2 CDs'."
--M1-- : "I disagree on both parts."
--CD1-- : "I have to take and defend the position that delegates represent the organization."
-- M2-- : "Eden is about something more and that's something more I think is leadership."
--M1-- : "Governance yes, leadership not fully. We are independent minds here - a community, not a unit. The primary thing CDs have authority over is money... . . "
--M3-- : "Could someone explain the need to differentiate between the first group of CDs and the 2nd?"
--CD1-- : "We're referencing individual Eden members. We elect individuals. The elected delegates shape the outcome of that term, which can be broadly referred to sequentially, like a series of years."
--M4-- : "I think it is fair to name all Edens by the major language."
--CD1-- : "Yes, for now. But we want this to grow beyond languages. Real-time translations during election conversations. Accurate, unbiased reviews of members' past performance, accessible to everyone in every language."
--M4-- : "EdenCN is using Chinese (cn.eden), Eden Korea is using Korean (kr.eden), and this community using English (en.eden)."
--CD1-- : "Yeah, that makes sense. Something to propose and run on next election!"

#EdenCN : [2022-06-26 22:45 UTC] :
--M1-- : "As the chair of EdenCN's second trial election, I would like to share my views. . . "
--M2-- : "Much love towards EdenCN. You're doing great work."
--M1-- : "More information can be found here (of course most of it has not been translated into English yet, we are looking for someone to translate it)."
--CD1-- : "Great update, thanks for this."
--M3-- : "Great see EdenCN forging ahead with focus on the "doing"."

#Eden_Summit? : [2022-06-27 01:13 UTC] :
"It would be great if we could bring together TVLs from all communities. But before that, I think it is more important to have more communication and discussion between different Eden communities on the development ideas and directions. When Summit?"

#Trust_EVM : [2022-06-28 02:25 UTC] :
--M1-- : "Anyone aware of projects interested in EOS EVM? Particularly those on ETH looking at the potential of EOS? Or is the Trust Network still rolling out rather quietly?"
--ENF-- : [2022-06-28 14:25 UTC] "Your best strategy for finding little nuggets ahead of their formal announcements would be to keep an eye on the Jungle 4 testnet to see what contracts are being deployed. This is always the case whether it be EOS or Trust EVM dApps. Links below: "
https://trustscan.one/ - https://jungle4.eosq.eosnation.io/
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Sunday-Saturday 2022-07-09

#Author_Comments : Elections Saturday 9th the primary topic through the week. Congrats for election completion, some glitches and cumbersome registration but overall a good and credible result.

#Eden_future : 2022-07-02 :
--M1-- : "Hey EDEN community! The Bees will be running in the upcoming election. We feel the best way to increase membership is by expanding the focus of EDEN to become a crypto networking group."
--M2-- : "You have all my support for this on next Saturday."
--M3-- : " This is a very creative approach that is certainly worth exploring! I also really like that you've incorporated the Eden Member Services/Circle thing into your proposal."
--M2-- : "My next Saturday pitch is aligned on marketing circle & edu circle. "
--M4-- : "" I love the idea of Eden as a network of crypto workers. The way the ENF has used open standards and best practices to identify needs and then award contracts for work, Eden can do something similar; forming circles with goals, and then building consensus on how to reward workers.
--M1-- : "I also imagine it as non-crypto workers looking to learn more, find mentors, etc"
--M4-- : "All skillsets, exactly. A 'real people network' with something for everyone."
--M5-- : "It's a great idea! Hope it gains traction, we could see people from all blockchains joining and collaborating here."
--M6-- : "I have been working on the same concept for a few years now and refining ideas around a new type of professional networking community. I’d much prefer collaborating rather than launch 2 competing networks."
--M7-- : "If i get selected, I will run for CD on a premise that my team can build and run an opensource telegram bot that will help distribute people in pre-made telegram groups, where they just join the video chat and click record. On politics side, i will support ad-hoc just giving money to person/group that; . . ."
""I will not give money and will generally argue against any semi-permanent positions (the circles or similar ideas). Of course none of my business if other CDs still want to finance that from their allocations.""
--M6-- : "I think it's good to have opposing views. That should lead to an effective middle ground."

#Eden_future : 2022-07-08 - Eden & EdenFractal synced? Feedback sought!
--M1-- : "A vision for how to integrate EdenFractal and Eden, avoid legal issues that come from being a typical "DAO" and influence EOS BP selection: https://peakd.com/eos/@sim31/my-vision-for-edenoneos . EdenFractal is a key peace of this vision. Looking for feedback."
--M2-- : "I think there are parts of fractally that are complementary to Eden, but see far more power in the organizational structure of Eden, however incomplete. However, that doesn't mean we can't fill in the gaps and continue building on his initial work here, taking from what he's building in Fractally."
--M3-- : "Is the idea of having weekly fractally style meetings in Eden still on the table? Maybe we can work something out. I think it would lead to more engagement of the members here."

#Eden_elections : 2022-07-05 :
--M1-- : "How does @everyone feel about limiting CD terms to no succession, no repeats? So a member can run again, just not 2 terms in a row. I'm going on record as for this. Hope every current CD will join me..."
--M2-- : "I suggest no as our current consensus protocol is designed to prevent collusion/corruption as it is. If someone is deserving as deemed by the community, then why force others into the role who may be less desirable or qualified? This isn’t designed to be “everyone gets a turn”. It’s designed to be a meritocracy."
--M3-- : "I'm a fan of less is more when it comes to rules like this. If we're to trust the process then as suggested, the election itself would limit terms if required."
--M4-- : "I agree, you will prob see it happen naturally, but adding it to bylines could be something for the next cds to ponder."
#Recap Eden Member group, up to & including Sunday 2022-07-24

#Author_Comments : A number of topics extensively discussed these past weeks and has been in area of fundamentals from a wide range of viewpoints. Among these #MyvoteEOS, #Inductions, #Eden_elections, #Infrastructure, #EDAO, #Funding, #Treasury, #Governance, #Bylaws and more. #Recaps do not reflect much, if any at all, of these intense discussions. This because it is quite impossible to give a fair balanced view of these discussions in the short #recap format.

#EOS_distribution? : 2022-07-10 :
--M1-- : "Is there anywhere one can go to see EOS distribution worldwide?"
--M2-- : "You can see geo distribution of inflation to BPs here - https://mainnet.eosio.online/rewards-distribution"
--M1-- : "Thanks, I'll check it out. Still having to make a series of assumptions here such as: . . "

#Eden_Delegates : 2022-07-10 : "Eden Season 3 Delegates channel has been set up, for current delegates to coordinate and stay in contact with other delegates of this seasons election."

#Eden_elections / #Accountability :
--M1-- : "Does anyone have an expense list for Eden elections? I'm curious where most of the costs come from. From first contact interview with Yves it sounds that it's really expensive."
--CD-- : "Here is a summary of the bids, . . "
--M2-- : "There was shockingly low participation from Eden members on that Vote.Eden Lead RFP."

#Dispute_Resolution / #Induction : 2022-07-12 : "I'd argue we need the dispute resolution before the removal/reduction of entry friction, depending on how much friction we're removing. We may also need a way to report people mid election if they won't/can't turn their camera on."

#FIO_Crypto_Handles : 2022-07-12 : "Wanted to let everyone know I added 123 more FIO Crypto Handles for Eden members: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/all-edenos-members-now-have-eden-fio-addresses/3462/29?u=lukestokes - They used to be called FIO Addresses). If everyone mapped addresses to various blockchains, we might be able to engage those chains to do Eden specific airdrops, knowing Sybil attack is impossible as it’s one handle per person."

#Eden_future : 2022-07-13 :
--M1-- : "Eden offers a process to distribute funds in a beautiful democratic way. This part is awesome. But I think the main problem with Eden is that it doesn't promote leadership for the community. During the election, many . . . "
--CD1-- : "Leadership over what tho. Over its own treasury? Sure, that much is obvious but when we try to govern other bigger system, while not proving we can even properly run eden, then... it looks like a naive proposition"
--CD2-- : ""Leadership" doesn't need to be interpreted as governing EOS, although that can certainly be a lofty goal that we can shoot for, and even there 'governing' EOS is full of nuance, and not binary."
--M2-- : "I would start by saying that there were a lot of concepts circulated in the community initially as to the vision for Eden. Then there wasn’t much follow up on some of those things and it all sort of took a life of its own. The biggest . . "

#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-07-13 : " What is Eden to Ourselves & to the World" :
--CD-- : "Join us for a manual Eden-style event on digging into why we're here. 🤔 We're looking to have the first of what will likely be a couple group calls on brainstorming what Eden is, and more importantly what can it become. 🚀"
--M1-- : "I expanded some ideas in the current election and will continue to advocate for a product management approach to Eden’s evolution. This morning I published an article on governance largely in reflection of the recent Eden election, available at linkedin or medium:
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-govern-your-self-others-world-web3-gavriel-shaw or
https://medium.com/@gavriel/how-to-govern-your-self-others-and-the-world-in-web3-a3bb82a07ea2 Very much looking forward to facilitating these workshops."
#Recap Eden Member group (week #32) incl. Monday 2022-08-15

#Author_Comments : The #Eden_Future in particular discussed at length past days/week with number of different views and perspectives raised.

#Chief_Delegates-meet : 2022-08-08 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34685 :
"View EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Monday, Aug 8, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-5-Odysee:0?t=922"

#Genesis_Eden_acc : 2022-08-07 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34285 : "The genesis.eden account is now under control of the current cds. The next msig(s) will be to level out the hcd pay and increase the distribution rate from 5% to 15% as per the newly ratified bylaws."

#Fractally_related : 2022-08-08 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34310 : "Genesis Fractal Data modelling and Simulation group just made significant discoveries . . "

#Discord_Eden : (https://discord.gg/CQU4s7gcze) : "Join the Eden Discord Server! Check out the Eden community on Discord"

#Eden_Updates : 2022-08-09 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34353 : Head CD - "Some quick updates for the Eden community; . . "

#Eden_future : 2022-08-09 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34376 :
--M1-- : ""I suggested a long time ago that we run an "election of ideas" simply have people prepare project pitches and use the eden election process to pick the pitches we felt should go forward. Then . . "
--M2-- : "I think experiment would not work if key condition is not met."
--M1-- : "How has eden proved its worth funding? I think we can point to a few things as being positive starts, but I'm not sure they have achieved measurable success to the point of justifying more funding."
--M2-- : "One way to figure out would be see outcome of spent funds. i dont know if the funds allocated could do anything more than operational things. At the same time, I think it has brought people who care about eos network together. created an enviroment for fostering positive discussions etc etc .. some unmeasurable things."
--M1-- : "There is certainly intangible value that has been created."
--M3-- : "If this is about Eden on EOS, it should really be the governance layer of EOS, the ENF needs to be democratic, and Eden on EOS was supposed to be that vehicle." - ""The community should have a referendum on it's purpose, and then just stick to it ruthlessly."
--M1-- : "This is absolutely the winning strategy IMO." - ""We gain influence by being effective at something and creating value that all token holders or at least most consider to be worthwhile. This will drive membership in time, but will also increase our funding, which is what will ultimately attract people.""
--M3-- : "Well said, but people are prob here for community and building a better world. I know most in this group are like that."
--M4-- : "My comment is basically directed at getting people who want and can donate their time recognition. That situation isn't one that can or should be indefinite, but this is also supposed to be built around a reputation system where when one goes above and beyond, it should be encouraged, and thus valued." - ""I encourage more people to show up to the brainstorming meetings and participate in shaping the future vision of Eden.""

#Hypha : 2022-08-11 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34584 :
- Question: What's the status with the Hypha situation?
- Answer: "Thinking we meet Tuesday 16th at the previous time, 14:00 UTC. Once done goes back to the Hypha team to then open up the site for us."

#EOS_Respect : 2022-08-11 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34606 :
- Question: "Is EOS Respect the EOS Support hosted / managed fork?"
- Answer: "Yes looks like it" (Author Comment - Read more here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dx_8WtHU9O4pgFcb2xjek79-a3cF2FKz/view?usp=sharing)

#EOSCommunity.org : 2022-08-14 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34666 : Head CD - "Time has come to pay/donate for the code powering EDEN. Delegates (L1 and CDs) are asked to donate . . "
#Recap Eden Member group (WK37) - posted Sunday 2022-09-18

#Basic_Eden_Infra : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35317 : *A post on discussions the method used to pay for “voting site” fix/work* :
--M-- : “I do remember the donation was voluntary. But yes, it is to be taken into account the reason for not donating and I think everyone who is a delegate is accountable for the funds received. I don't think there is a mandate to provide records or anything but I certainly won't trust someone who can't provide some records. And that is just my personal opinion.”

#Author_Comments : *Starting today any “author comments” in #Recaps will look as seen here in these few words!*

#Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35011 :*Considering the discussions for many weeks and months, as relate to accountability funds received by Eden delegates, an update on the “Spend Explorer” development would be of value.*

#Eden_Treasury : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35333 :
QUESTION 1 : “Can CD join forces and drain the Eden treasury if they wanted to right now ?”
--ANSWER CD1-- : “Yes”.
QUESTION 2 : “They don't have to wait to propose bylaws and then next CD has to ratify it etc. ?”
–ANSWER CD2-- : “Nope. Thats the process that expected of us, but we have 3/4 keys on the treasury”
--M1-- : “Vote well. Don't vote for anyone in round one that you can't see as HCD.”
--CD1-- : “Bylaws are a soft set of rules.There could be rules in the bylaws that says the CDs can't move the funds, but unless those bylaws aren't accompanied with code, they can be broken. And even then, the code can be . . “

#Eden_Future : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35361 :
--CD1-- : “Lots to do! On one hand a great opportunity, on the other hand a very difficult thing to progress as participation is minimal and the purpose of this community isn't clear to all.”
--M-- : “What exactly is Eden ? I think many have their own definition and no " correct answer" exist ?”

#Hypha : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35384 / https://t.me/c/1186628781/35385 : ” There's a whole section in the blog that discusses how this will impact Eden on EOS. TLDR; Awesome tools, unlimited users, same smart contract!” – “Through an $850k grant, Hypha DAO's “Organization-in-a-Box Solution” will be significantly expanding its feature set to establish EOS as the DAO of DAOs.””
--M1-- : “"Now we're talking"! It's all coming together nicely, bit by bit. 🙏
--M2-- : “More reasons to finish developing Eden🦾🦾🦾

#Marketing : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35409 : “With all EOS action around it is a pity outsiders would still have a hard time find the core project of EdenOnEOS the https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/ - It took me way to long using Google search. In end got to it but sure is hidden away. Searched . . “

#Chief_Delegates_meet : “EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #9 – September 5, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-9:1?s=35

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK43) - posted Sunday 2022-10-30

* #Author_Comments: Discussions mainly on delegate funds “expiry date” or not, induction process, election process, how protect against sybil attack, use of NFTs for this etc. Details and comments best read in context so here only one sample of suggestions discussed in these areas. *

#Sybil_Protection : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37699 : --M1-- : “My proposed changes to fix/finish the sybil protection (incorporated the latest idea). Treat members as member candidates; Issue people who join the first round of Eden election expirable SBT (1 year). Contract can check, if there is…“
--CD1-- : “Very interesting”
--M2-- : “Community grows on trust. It is very important that we invite the right members.”
--M1-- : “I would say that without the sybil risk removed, Eden for me becomes yet another org instead of a sybil resistant system.”
--M3-- : “It would be helpful to package your proposal into a doc with visual aides.”
--CD2-- : “Whats the difference of challenging via your process versus detecting fraud in the induction process? - https://t.me/c/1186628781/37773
--M4-- : “I like the single election round sybil check approach except it means folks may have to wait up to 6 months to have a voice in the election. Maybe there could be ... “
--CD3-- : “I'm really liking your ideas here. What do you think of this attempted summary in a flow chart? - https://t.me/c/1186628781/37817
--M1-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38029 - “tldr; basically we are debating if ⮞ SBTs (soulbound tokens as per vitalik marketing machine, basically non-transferable NFTs), should first … “ – “or would be better ⮞ to provide IBC proof each time, per … “

#POLL – Sybil Check related : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37944 : Anonymous Poll : “If you needed to go through a sybil checking process to play your favorite game / buy an NFT, how long would you be willing to wait?”

#Chief_Delegates-meeting : Term IV meeting Oct 29, 2022 : https://youtu.be/Mt06DjMvnes

#Eden_Hypha : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37482 :
--CD1-- : “Starting with simple maps based on my understanding of the conversation above.”
--M1-- : “Very helpful image. Some grey areas my head - How … ?”
--CD2-- : “Makes sense. I see it as one of potential many benefits of eden membership - create and participate … .”
--M2-- : “Are we envisioning an additonal layer there? Or five separate groups.” – “”Perhaps this is the role of circles within DAOs and I am needlessly conflating the two.””
--M3-- : “If eden wants to be any sort of platform for other daos, it needs to first focus on sybil resistance and then split from there. I would say all this thinking is way too premature, eden isn't even close to finish its first layer, … .”

#Eden_Circles? : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37627 : --M-- : “Clue me in as to the existence, formal or otherwise, of all Eden circles, or working groups, currently? If you're a part of one, however loosely defined, speak up.”

#Eden_CDs_Twitter : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37670 : --CD-- : “We are using https://twitter.com/Eden_EOS_Chiefs
--M-- : “If we all agreed on a hashtag to use, that would be fine. Imo.”
--CD-- : “I don't think the org necessarily needs its own twitter account. As long as ... ”
--M-- : “Twitter accounts can serve as landing pages directing people back to websites where they can learn more... a hashtag is … .”
--CD-- : “Why create a step in between the landing page?”
--M-- : “Mentions are easy ways to direct attention to related accounts. hashtags are very broad. A direct link to a website is possible in the tweet as well, given enough space, but we still kind of have a website crisis, lol.”
--CD-- : “Yes we need to tighten up the media assets.”

#Eden_Korea : https://t.me/c/1186628781/37394 : ” 📢 Eden Korea 1st internal mainnet test has been successfully finished🎉 Website: https://edenkr.org Test account: https://bloks.io/account/testedenkor2
#Recap Eden Member group (WK44) - posted Sunday 2022-11-06

#Author_Comments: Protection against sybil attacks continue as main topic, best read in full context in Eden Member group itself Here only few snippets." *

#Eden_Bylaws adopted : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38390 : 2022-11-30 - “The CD ratified our bylaws on Friday's livestreamed meeting. Here are those bylaws: …

#Sybil_Protection : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38394 :
--CD1-- : “Approaching the above discussion from a lens of "what type of culture are we creating here" e.g. "why are people currently attracted, and will continue to attract people to participate here. Current working proposal: Only …
--CD2-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38477 : “Here is a flow chart describing the new layout to achieve a sybil protection offering for other projects.”

#Eden_Spark : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38433 : “Our weekly call in Eden - Spark, any member of the hispanic community (or not) is welcome. - Punto de Encuentro de la Comunidad Hispana de la cadena de EOS, La infraestructura más poderosa para aplicaciones descentralizadas para empresas.- https://t.me/eos_espanol

#Eden_Website : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38441 : “Current layout of website im working on as seen in our meeting #4 video. If anyone has any suggestions or changes please DM or @ me.”

#Eden Chief_Delegates-meet #4 : https://youtu.be/HcNe1kXHWW0 : "Streamed live on 4 Nov 2022. Discuss Eden on EOS Governance. To find out more about Eden Up-Vote election process, visit 🌐 https://www.edenelections.com/"

#Eden_Fractal time change? : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38430 : “The Eden community is considering changing the time of weekly meetings. This article includes proposals and reasons to change the time. https://edencreators.com/time

#Eden_Fractal meeting 21 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38429 : Nov 02, 2022 - “Discussions about agendas, proposal protocols, legal entities, agreements, and new insights from people in the WAX community ... - https://youtu.be/7MQ3arHfj10

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK45) - posted Sunday 2022-11-13

#Author_Comments: #68M and related MSIGs discussed but not covered here except for the #Eden_Poll.*

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet No.5 - Nov 11, 2022 : “Eden Chief delegates discuss Governance. - https://youtu.be/apgF0XTyP1g“ - “"Live Eden CD meeting Fridays 19:00 UTC - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClag0OaWpM0SQeA7GkutlKg/streams"

#Eden_Dispute_Resolution Lead ? : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38621 :
--CD-- : Eden now have a Dispute Resolution process as part of community rule-set. Need a 'Circle Lead' to organize and run this process. Anyone interested in this role, please speak up!.
--M1-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38626 : “I would like to offer the idea that the Chief Delegates: … “
--M2-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38682 : “Some possible responsibilities I can think of are as follows : … “
--CD-- : “Scope: This process addresses the removal of Eden members. Its scope is limited to disputes inside Eden that are affecting the integrity of the system. Violations regarding the Induction process, sybil checks in the first round of election, and different forms of vote buying.”
--M3-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38739 : “I have now looked over all bylaws and think they make sense. Personally I think cost (timewise & money related) involved can be lowered. Many … “
--CD-- : “I think we should test the current version first before we start working on the changes. These all might be … “
--M3-- : “I agree.”

#Eden_Poll : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38909 : --M1-- : POLL Question: “Should Chief Delegates in the name of EdenOnEOS take a position regarding the 68M EOS "Unburn"?”
--M2-- : “This is a good question, but I’m not sure how relevant this org or the CDs are to the governance of the network at this moment. What kind of … “
--M1-- : “To not take positions, is to relegate ourselves to irrelevance.”
--M4-- : “EdenOnEos is the truest voice of the EOS community. It should and does have opinions on how EOS is governed, therefore, imo it has to act as a voice for the community. And the CDs are …”
--M5-- : “non aggressive positioning with rationale is probably the right way. it would go a long way in adoption and understanding of EdenOnEos. From my point of view, key learning for us as community is to be proactive in governance.”

#Eden_Fractal meeting 22 on Nov 9 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38758 : “The momentous meeting when we reached consensus and approved the first proposal with the Eden+Fractal process! - https://youtu.be/eJ7g6wWSPKY

#Eden_Fractal time change! : “Time of weekly meetings changed - now 16:00 UTC Wednesdays. This article includes proposals and reasons to change the time. - https://edencreators.com/time

#Dan_Larimer Nov/2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/38689 : “Part I - Daniel Larimer: #EOS, #PSIBASE, #Antelope, NFTs, fractally and much more! - https://youtu.be/j51Mpe8l0Ng

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group (WK47) - posted Sunday 2022-11-27

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet No.6 - Nov 18, 2022 : “ The Eden Chief delegates gather to discuss Eden on EOS Governance. - https://youtu.be/TLqjjThvWMY

#Sybil_protection NTT/SBT : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39173 :
--CD-- : “We met Nov 22 to discuss implementing NTT/SBT distribution linked to voting in the election. Follow progress —> https://youtu.be/BfC5mK3VSAU Reviewing Code and Strategy for NTT/SBT Design. Also View @sachitdabas code —> … “
--M-- : “Please review and feel free to contribute and suggest features or changes.”

#Hacks on EOS Network? : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39169 : “In reply to question https://t.me/c/1186628781/39167 -
“”Not that I am aware of, but sounds like a solid idea for an article on EOS SUPPORT. Maybe this is helpful for now - https://t.me/c/1186628781/39169 - DeFi Has a $4 Billion Hacking Problem. EOS Has a... (cryptodaily.co.uk)“

#Eden_University : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39189 : “Building on Eden University fantasy 😀.. Eden university can be entry point for new members. It can have a 101 course for new members with at least these topics - a) Election training and mock elections, b) Benefits of members, c) Values of Eden - To be “formally” part of Eden … “

#Eden_Fractal meeting 24 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39182 : “The group plays Eden+Fractal and discusses agenda systems, promoting work, making rules, spreading fractal software, and more! - https://youtu.be/kXiH2dhe9Es

** #Author_Comments: ** - https://pomelo.io/grants/therecaps - if you find value in these #Recaps would be greatly appreciated if you consider donate via Pomelo any small amount to this continuing project. It allows #Recaps to continue and also improve it further plus widen the scope. 🙏

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group - up to end of 31 Dec, 2022, (UTC) -
posted Mon 2 Jan, 2023
- (Post 1 of 7)
(Next Eden Member Recap - Sun 8 Jan)

#Author_Comments: *If reader wish more related EOS and Eden material https://t.me/Recaps_EOS posted Saturday 31st Dec 2022 might have what you seek. #Recaps Eden Member group meant to give a hint of main discussion topics, at times with dates and/or links which take members to the original posts"*

#Eden_Chief_Delegates-meet – Dec 16, 2022 : (#Recap_repeat) : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40331 - Weekly Meeting #10 - https://youtu.be/TGpO_ujmp4Q

#Eden_Chief_Delegate_Proposals - 18/12/22 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40380 : "The Chief Delegates (Chris, Jesse, Xavier, Reiki, Waxa) recently conducted their 10th Weekly Meeting" - https://www.edenelections.com/post/eden-chief-delegate-proposal-18-12-22

#Eden_CD_Proposals Term 4 - 18 Dec, 2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40316 : "NONE OF THE BELOW IS YET TO BE AN OFFICIAL PROPOSAL BY THE CDs. PLEASE GIVE YOUR FEEDBACK. - Hey everyone, here’s a recap from the last CD call:
- We came to consensus on a modified funding model. The idea is to pull ...
- If the OpEx account is used to fund initiatives that have CD consensus, the ...
- We plan on creating an msig to request funding ...
- We agreed that funding two distinct membership paths is ...
We would like to emphasize that none of the above has been executed. We are open to feedback from all vantage points. To conclude, we ... "

#Eden_Member - few feedbacks and CD words up to Dec 23, 2022:
--M1-- : 18/12 https://t.me/c/1186628781/40325 "... you are removing the base protection that each CD is approving their portion of the budget; you should at least sugest bylaw change, this is a big depature from how eden worked till now ... "
--CDa-- https://t.me/c/1186628781/40320 "... its not that terrible in context of the recent source of funds and their intended purpose. The use in this case is to start other Edens, not some random ... "
--M2-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40382 "Why are we jumping the gun on starting other language sections already guys?"
--M3-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40427 "The Member Removal action is a good initiative and I like it getting polished. But another similar action ... "
--M1-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40429 "CDs did ask for feedback, so hopefully the changes will only be proposed via bylaw update for next CDs, and not acted on now."
--M4-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40435 "Current CDs shouldnt be spending huge chunks of treasury before next election."
--M5-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40505 "... this exchange and proposed multipoint pinned plan is leaning towards questionable intent for the first time, for me."
--M6-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40586 "... why have elections to select CDs if we’re going to try to micromanage them?"
--M7-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40633 "... it is the CDs that are pushing the narrative and not taking into account the views of the rest of the layers. Only when we .. "
--CDb-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40634 "... my views are changing as we are getting feedback, feedback is a time to change perspectives - https://t.me/c/1186628781/40652 "... we thought it had widespread support, and I'm happy to have messaged in here before taking action.""
--M8-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/40986 "All in all, my main takeaways from reading through the discussion that has ensued since the various proposals floated by current CDs can be stated briefly as: All power comes from consent, & when in doubt, ratify. ... " - ""L1 Delegate Distribution .. , Multi-language Eden support & The OpEx Pool .. , Rate of Treasury Emissions .. , Two Tiered Membership ... - Conclusion ... ""

#Recap Eden Member group - up to end of 31 Dec, 2022, (UTC) - (Post 2 of 7)
#Recap Eden Member group - up to end of 31 Dec, 2022, (UTC) - (Post 7 of 7)

#Membership - 26 Dec : https://t.me/c/1186628781/43137 :
--M1-- : "Members knowing that their inactivity will get them booted has historically been shown to incentivize them to participate. You see this in .. "
--CD-- : "Perhaps with enough consensus among CD's rules can be put in place to do what you have suggested."
--M2-- : "The question is how we define members." - "" .. member candidate, only active members that can show (...) that they joined at least one election (correctly) in the last year."" - https://t.me/c/1186628781/43141

#Hypha_on_EOS : https://t.me/c/1186628781/43388 :
--M1-- : " ... been in action bundle of years developing along the way - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4wkSnXnNdU"
--CD-- : " .. can use on-chain governance to make agreements about off-chain assets (e.g. issuing NFTs (or "Badges") that give admin privileges to token-gated member chats on Telegram, etc)."
--M2-- : " ... address the infrastructure such as Circles that Hypha provides ..."
--CD-- : https://t.me/c/1186628781/43401 : "Sure, you can think of a circle as a DAO within a DAO (same concept as Fractals) .. "

#Growing_Pains 28 Dec, 2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/43835 :
--M1-- : "Great discussions these past few days, if frustrating at times… these are growing pains, but I've been impressed by the wave of engagement. And Eden is growing up! 🌱 We're at ... "
--M2-- : "Also I’m so tired so I might not be answering your question. Going to hit the hay and read this again in the AM 😄"
--M1-- : "same... I intentionally drop these when folks are totally exhausted after a day of flame wars over the holidays so my words bypass the conscious mind and incept everyone with a desire to be excellent to one another. 😉"

#CoC_proposal draft - 25 Dec, 2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/42964 :
--M1-- : "Those in favor of the CoC proposal can contribute to the start of a draft here. - The doc is editable by anyone with the link for now, we'll collectively ... "
--M2-- : "I suggested earlier to run this process through an Eden Fractal circle...if there's interest..."

#Eden_moderation 29 Dec : https://t.me/c/1186628781/44397 : "Thoughts on some moderation here. - Consider avoiding circular discussions - I've seen a few where even those participating in them have acknowledged them to be a distraction and a waste of time - yet the messages keep flowing... (Definitely not all conversations here! Some epic stuff happening!). Also, some members making 100+ messages/day ... "

#Author_Comments: *Many of the discussions above continues!*

= END =