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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Monday to Thursday 2021-08-19

#Miscellaneous :
This week not much new discussion (for now) in the Eden member channel. Few shares and info posted with some chat related to these. Topics included scheduling apps and crypto regulation.

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Friday to Sunday 2021-09-19

#Miscellaneous topics discussed past 3 days with quite a number of these related to #Onboarding, #Inductions and EOS related technical advise. Also new project ideas and #Funding_Proposals were presented and discussed.

#Google_Cloud_BP became a major topic from the viewpoint that once they achieve top 21 and become an active BP this will present itself as a marketing opportunity. Discussion continue whether it is a good idea to already now support and push for Google in order to try make this happen sooner rather than later.

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Friday to Sunday 2021-10-17

#Miscellaneous :
Past bundle of days with more than usual technical and code discussion between few members. It included smart contract work, floating point determinism, WASM, bug searching, security vulnerability and more. This mainly from a preventative angle,

#Transparency :
Suggestion and query posted:
" Idea came up in the Eden Delegates Channel which I would like us to Explore. Providing Clarity and Transparency for the Elected Delegates is proving to be a complex mission and a very important one. I Think a small tweak / Feature we could add to Eden is a TEXT FIELD that could work as a MEMO for Withdrawing the funds, like "I'm planning to use these funds for"... and add it to the Memo of the Withdraw transactions so it's officially On-Chain. What do you think?"

Clarion response: "This is something we’re definitely studying. And we appreciate the feedback. Future milestones will include a much finer-grained control over the visibility into / movement of funds. And we want to make sure that these subjective aspects of transparency fit into that model nicely."

#EOS_Foundation :
Most would be aware of this 2nd wave of grants from ENF but worth repeating: "Decentralized ecosystems require many entrepreneurs building independent businesses to make them more robust and antifragile. #EOS empowers devs to build #DeFi that isn't possible on other platforms. These projects will serve as the foundations for a new era of $EOS DeFi.

#EOSFoundation is proud to announce the 2nd wave of recognition grants totaling $1.1m in support of the #EOS DeFi ecosystem! 🚀
@DefiboxOfficial @EOSDT @sovdex @vigorprotocol @DFSnetworks @NewdexOfficial @OrganixProtocol @PizzaProFi @DAPP_Network_ @pNetworkDeFi @DAPPAccountDAO

#Chief_Delegates_meet :
"The first official set of Eden Chief delegates had our first board meeting earlier this week. The meeting notes can be found in this 👇🏼 post on Violet Garden (what Voice was supposed to be, now being built by Eden Chief Delegate @velua).
The full unedited board meeting can be watched 🤓 here 👇🏻

#BP_Proxy :
Questions raised:
"-Have any of the distributed funds been staked to Eden proxi?
-will you please share proxi stake data vs time? Is the staked amount increasing?"
"I've not noticed any jump in staking, no. The question was raised that perhaps we can use the Eden treasury to vote for the Eden Member's Proxy."

Dan Larimer weighed in: ""I think this is a good idea 👍. I also think it is a good idea for all Eden members to point their own stake to Eden proxy and Eden proxy should cast votes based on consensus of delegates.
The whole point of Eden is to move to a better governance process than dpos and I think it is reasonable for everyone to back the proxy.""

Discussion followed and here just one sample: "If only Eden could somehow manifest enough incentive to draw token holders from the exchanges to the mainnet so they not only open an EOS account, but become Eden members, and then pull their tokens off of the exchanges to align their token-weighted voices with ours.
Aligned communities are where the power resides."

= END =
Monday to Tuesday 2021-10-19

#Miscellaneous :
Past few days much of discussion among Eden members related to grants from EOS Network Foundation (#ENF) to DeFi on the EOS platform as well as EOS DeFi/finance options generally.

#Official_Elections :
During a discussion on #Funding_Proposals Dan Larimer posted: ""Eden isn’t a worker proposal system. You shouldn’t be pitching projects in groups, you should be selecting representatives for your values and needs. Not any single potential solution.""

#FUD :
How to moderate EOS related telegram groups was raised. Here below copy of initial words in the post starting off a wide range of views and suggestions.
"Telegram Admins have the ability to restrict users from interacting. I propose that we encourage the Admins of all EOS-related Public Telegram Groups to restrict the capabilities of FUDsters. The current moderation policy on most Telegram Groups does not seem to help our cause. Just because someone is privileged to be in a group that does not mean there are no rules and they can behave inappropriately."

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Monday to Tuesday 2021-11-02

#ENF :
Word from EOS Network Foundation ""ENF just switched our Telegram group to read-only as we migrate our community engagement exclusively to the EOS Discord. We will use the existing Telegram channel exclusively for sharing news and announcements. Public engagement will be in Discord moving forward.

#EOS_Bees :
""With help from the #EOS community, we published "A Beginner's Guide to EOS". Active hives will translate this important article for new EOS community members in their language. https://twitter.com/EOS_Bees/status/1455244833367465993?s=20 ""

#Miscellaneous :
- ""Has anyone asked themselves why EdenOS should be more than a funding mechanism?""
- ""I think its important to note that Eden can only govern ppl who are participating in the process. In this case using their prestige earned and the funds given to them. Still interesting discussion.""

- ""Is this issue adressed in MEA?"" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_powers - Division of legislative, executive and judicial functions exercised by different political bodies with a separate origin""
-- Daniel Larimer - [In reply]
- ""Separation of powers depends upon structurally eliminating political parties. I am working on a theory of judicial system""

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#Miscellaneous :
Eden member shared following words and link, gauging of EOS ecosystem status and the current moves - ""ENF founders look for their shadows (in China). Less than 24 hours before Pomelo accepts its first grant proposal. Hypha and dfuse making waves again; this time looks like a big one on the horizon. Upland valued at a few hundred million. Voice and Bullish had something to say. Violet Garden is making its presence felt. Finney has a new artist friend. https://crypto.writer.io/p/eosweekly-enf-pomelo-dfuse-hypha

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#Miscellaneous :
Just one hint/snippet that it is not just "politics" in the Eden group:
" hey everyone, I have groups of university students building prototypes on EOS. One group is working on a voting platform and I wanted the proposer to be able to choose who can vote, either any EOS account or whitelist EOS accounts to only include Eden Members. Could someone pm me with info on how they could whitelist Eden only accounts. "

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
""The Chief Delegates had our 21st meeting last night and have made some progress on our proposed bylaw changes to be hopefully ratified by the next CDs. Of course we'd like everyone's feedback, and we plan on adding more to this as the election approaches. If you would like to add to this effort please add your notes/thoughts.
Chief Delegate Meeting #21 (unedited) - 11 Mar 2022 - EdenOnEOS.
The Chiefs discuss:
-Individual updates, -EDEN Independence, -Voting on proposed changes to EDEN smart contract, -DAO & Smart Organization platforms on EOS
watch how we came to consensus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_mZdcHQXbs ""

= END =
-- M --: "What’s the word from Chief Delegates?
When will the new bylaws be ratified? What are the next logical action steps?"
-- CD1 --: "I tried to get it done, but it wasn’t possible today. The all or nothing approach of the bylaws are Problematic. Should be done by next week at the latest."
-- CD2 --: "We spent much of the meeting discussing setup and procedure. We agreed in principle (verbally) to carry out the meetings generally following 'tradition', which I conceive to mean Robert's Rules."
""We decided to try to keep the meeting short, and so we put the discussion period off to next meeting. Ratification is first on the agenda next meeting.""

#Miscellaneous :
-- M1 --: "There is so much organized thinking and implementation happening in EOS. This is a far cry from where we were just a year ago. We should all be proud of it. My deepest appreciation to all those that are so dedicated and working so hard every day. A few thoughts from Eden election Round 2: . . "
-- M2 --: "I think everyone here deserves a 'round of applause" for their efforts in joining and participating in eden. It was only about a year ago, that EOS Main net was basically dead in the water."
"" Now we have dozens of initiatives live or in progress. Before Eden, none of those things were even in development. I think it's incredible to see how fare we've come. ""

-- CD --: "Eden members all need to be deputized and armed to go out into their communities and flog the shit out of it. Eden can provide a very wide toolset, and Eden members can become experts at communicating the EOS story. Most of us ARE experts at it already. We just need to be equipped to go out."

-- M3 --: "Critical thinking question for the big brains (very serious). If you're building a COLLABORATION mechanism why should it be based on COMPETITION? Or are Eden and Fractally not designed for collaboration? If so, what is a better way to describe the system that is in resonance with the mecanisms?"
-- CD --: ""We are trying to blend two desired outcomes into the same election event - electing for leaders, and selecting projects to fund. I am favor of Eden running its election software VERY OFTEN. Weekly could work... But not for leadership. That would be for collaboration, for sharing ideas, for rewarding people for work. I love your idea of two different monthly elections.""

= END =
#Pomelo :
--M1-- : "You want to build an application that tracks the reputation of pomelo projects? that can be something some active nodes of eden can work on. Will help EOS and also bring awareness that eden members can be of a value to the community."
--M2-- : "Would be interesting if Eden itself was able to use the Pomelo platform in some way, so that only Eden Members can make a proposal for a project and then only Eden Delegates can vote on it from their Eden accounts. And the matching pool is the Eden Treasury or a separate account for this purpose."
--M1-- : "The goal is to really help the community find the best projects and fund them. Technically, if we the people are doing a great job. we should be picking maybe 5 top notch projects that we love and voting for them."
--CD1-- : "So Eden should make donations directly to worthwhile Pomelo grants then. Since it's all just Eden's money anyhow. The entire Organization should vote on it, and make one donation to each grant. On the last day, so that donation numbers don't get inflated to drive mimesis."

#Miscellaneous :
--CD1-- : "The people who run for election on the promise to be good leaders, get elected, and perform the function of good leaders... Is this function as valuable as 'building things'?"
--M1-- : "the question becomes who are you leading? if you are going to be a good leader for yourself and make sure that you deliver on your promise and intent then that is nice. But when you say you are running to be a good leader to provide value for EOS, what is it that you are leading becomes the question."
--M2-- : "I'm participating in the Eden Town Hall Twitter Space right now, and I'm realizing that most of us Eden Members need A LOT more practice in learning how to talk about Eden and EOS to people or to an audience who knows very little or nothing about our stuff. The EOS community has been predominantly stuck in its own bubble and echo chamber. If we want this ecosystem to grow, we must make our ideas, apps, etc. super attractive and welcoming to various audiences who are unaware of Eden or EOS and the value it offers them. I encourage everyone creating media to consider this."
--M3-- : "If eden process would be used by the world then it will be hard to track people and organizations who have legit twitter accounts no? I mean if it would be used by only this genesis group then I understand. We should find a way.
--M4-- : "Well, for Eden, if we could add a field to member profiles / potentially add a special field for CD controlled msig accounts, then it’s all able to be checked against the smart contract. But i’m not a dev, so someone check me here. Similar to adding a pgp key, no? Simple like “@E02=EdenOfficial” or some such thing, in bios. Attest “officialness” and revoke as need be."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Saturday, May 14, 2022

- END -
#Hypha : 2022-08-15 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34700 : "Here is the 'Eden Positioning Paper' that is the output thus far from the workshops that was ran a couple weeks back. It is open for suggestions . . "

#Miscellaneous : 2022-08-09 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34329 : "File under potentially useful independence maximizing tools: https://cryptpad.org/"

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group (WK34) posted Monday 2022-08-29

#Eden_Future / “Workshop : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34988 :
--M1-- : “wow... seemed to manifest out of the blue... I'm intrigued at what's possible
--M2-- : “I shared the workshop doc in the previous post. Here is the actual draft position paper. https://t.me/c/1186628781/35001 - “”Once we find the right balance (by consensus) of the various community interests and priorities, we can finalize the position paper accordingly.
* worker proposal system / * community delegate leadership voting system /
* community development and engagement system / * EOS blockchain governance system””
--M3-- : “That’s a nice list. great work by everyone. A small thing , maybe we can call worker proposal system as contribution incentivization system. Would it make sense to include building/maintaining bridge to hold cross chain assets? just some thoughts.”
--CD-- : “No, better bridges are being built”

#Spend_Explore : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35010 : “Sneak peak into the Spend Explore income tab. - EOSIO Spend Explorer is an open-source dApp providing tools to improve reporting and categorizing of multiple TXs executed by EOSIO accounts.”

#Permissions : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35017 : QUESTION: “Hey, quick question to the Chief Delegates in here...has the transfer of permissions taken place yet from the old CDs?
ANSWER: Yes that was done before the code changes at the beginning of the month”
--M— : “Eden namespace now under control of the current CDs.

#Eden_Membership : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35060 : --CD-- : “General question for the group: If an individual has resigned from Eden Membership, should they leave this chat also?” “”OK so then the follow on question, if we agree they should leave here, how do we make someone leave . . “”

#EOS_Rate : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35080 : “We released EOS Rate 2.0, featuring the following improvements: 🔹Users can now add comments to their ratings / 🔹Users can like or dislike user comments / 🔹New homepage layout design / 🔹Significant performance updates & general bug fixes. Go to https://eosrate.io & start rating! Eden members that rate included in eden member proxy.”

#Miscellaneous :
https://t.me/c/1186628781/35057 : “If anyone know the person or people behind goldminerxxx, mgm.gm, mgmgmgmgm.gm or eosmadrinode I'd like to speak with him/her/them . . "

#Chief_Delegates_meet : “EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meetings :
Meeting #6 - Monday, Aug 15, 2022 : https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-6-Odysee:a
Meeting #7 - Monday, Aug 22, 2022 : https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Chief-Delegate-Meeting-7---Eden-on-EOS---Odysee:4

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