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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Past 7 days - Saturday to Friday 2021-11-26

The news of a B1/Brocks/Helios deal discussed also among the Eden members, whether EdenOnEOS should make an official statement in these matters. In short for now no firm stance as membership is divided on how to handle these siutations. Here few snippets:
- ""I think we should have people presenting their governance directions when we voted for them, right now representatives were based on what they said they will use money for.""
- ""I was only choosing based on projects, because there was strong emphasis on needing to deliver something to show eden deserves the funding.""
- ""If eden want's to push and be governance layer, we can do that in the next round, emphasise that this time we are also choosing governance decisions commentary.""
- ""I feel as if the election results would have been much different if it was a policy-based election rather than a project-based election.""
* DAN LARIMER : "It was always a policy based election in my mind"
- ""I think if we look at Dan's statements, then he has been clear that the intention is electing representives skilled at building consesus. Just because many members didn't do that does not negate the intent from the mastermind of Eden On EOS.""

#Freelance_Eden :
Words from a Chief Delegate post "Open call for Eden members who would like to do some paid video editing for the Chief Delegates. Should we use the forums to start a kind of jobs board?". This was further discussed in all delegates Zoom meeting Saturday 20th November from a wider perspective including also other tasks and jobs which need be done and could be funded.

#TranslateMe :
Invitation made to Eden members interested to join the work for "TranslateMe on EOS" and here few snippets explaining the aim.
- "We are currently standing up group we’re calling ‘TranslateMe on EOS’ in an effort to build paths toward integrating translation solutions into EOS platform workflows."
- "Please, if interested, reach out to me and i’ll send u an invite to the discussion of how to begin increasing the bandwidth between our different language speaking communities by installing these translation APIs."
- "We’re trying to increase the bandwidth between EOS language groups, in our dialogs. So basically, how would we do that? Well, we have a group that has developed translation algorithms using machine learning. And they tokenized the training process. So folks can get paid for training the algorithms that do the translating."
- "Keep your ears out if there’s a project that may have a use for a translator API. It’s ready for plugging in."
- "there’s an estimated 10 to 20 X cost savings over using centralized platforms like Google, Microsoft etc."

#EOSsupport : One post copied below!
"" Need help on how to donate to #pomelo? Follow step by step tutorial here:
If you encounter any problems, you can click the blue chat icon in the right bottom of our website at any time to open a direct chat and get connected with our support agents.
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1462793676275466244 ""
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2021-12-24

#Author_Comments : With the amount of posts and discussion growing in the Eden Members group these recaps will from now on mainly serve as pointers. Pointing to posts and issues which in turn lead to comments/discussion Eden members should read if missed them.

#EOSIO_EOS_Future :
During the past week these ByWire interviews gave further insights into events leading up to where things are today in relation to "B1 vested tokens":
https://youtu.be/DPdy0sNOFHw - Brock Pierce - 18 Dec 2021
https://youtu.be/43sccQzYBcc - Yves La Rose - 20 Dec 2021

Dan Larimer interviews published this past week on above topic and more:
https://youtu.be/0LDKprDdz5M - EOS, Brock Pierce, B1, ENF - 21st.
https://youtu.be/iF2moFE97tk - EOS Future, Eden & Governance - 23rd.

#Incubator? :
A post which led to some discussion:
"" I’d like to start by offering to form our own internal incubator/consulting/mentorship program which can be made available to any Eden members who need support for the business elements of their projects. If we can start working together and generate a pipeline of products and services, we’ll be laughing at our current situation a year from now. ""

#Global_Forum? :
Another interesting thought was presented:
"" Regardless of anyone's feelings on the merits of the mandatory global gene therapy experiment, talk of making EOS a home for communities really gets me thinking: Why can't we use the Eden process to invite a thousand doctors to form a public community and run an Eden Event? That would make for an amazing result. And most importantly, ALL EYES WOULD BE ON THIS NETWORK.""
"" How much would it take to create a new community for doctors around the world to join? The software is already built, is scalable, the network is ready, and the EOS community is here to help make it happen. Create a Global Forum on the Covid-19 Catastrophe.
What would it take?? ""

#Eden_alternatives :
Daniel Larimer put forward these words in the group which led to interesting comments and more: "" Who would you consider to be the three main competitors to Eden? The Eden process. If we didn't have Eden, what alternatives are in the market? ""

#EOS_BPs :
Snippets from a post related to the "B1 vested tokens" and the impact on voting for BPs. It led to a rich discussion from a range of varied viewpoints.
"" It would seem one of the other big changes from the ENF/BP actions against B1 was to remove their voting ability. So to clarify 2 msigs were signed by the BPs, one to freeze the vesting schedule, and one to remove the voting power of those tokens.
I'd like to suggest that Eden steps up and makes a proposal to the ENF/BPs to allow B1's frozen tokens to still vote for BPs...and specifically have them vote for the 30 BPs listed by our proxy. What do you all think about this? ""

#Governance :
A view expressed
""Those who control the blockchain should have ZERO role in governance as it's not a proper check and balance to power. Community votes for BPs and it should be based solely on technical prowess, reliability, uptime, running APIs, history nodes, anything that makes the network better, faster, more accessible. Then we need something like Eden to vote on governance issues like token supply or use of tokens or reversing transactions, etc.
The BPs should basically not be able to have any impact on the EOS Token, period.""
Another post in the area of #Governance, here just a snippet:
"" In terms of what "power" an elected set of delegates from an Eden-style election could have in DPoS, I'm not sure. My initial thoughts are to include an msig of 2/3+1 of the sitting Eden Chief Delegates (those who made it to the final round) to be incorporated with the 15/21 BPs msig to execute their "God powers".
So this way when the BPs (controlled by the whales) decide to make god power changes (code upgrades, freezing accounts, key nullifications, and yes what happened on EOS Dec 7) the BPs would achieve 15/21 AND then the Eden Chief Delegates would also need to approve the tx. This way one pareto captured entity can't in isolation make changes.
This is totally just a rough idea...and there are definitely people in this community and in all of the EOSIO communities that are way smarter than me to come up with solutions. ""

#Author_Comments : The discussion on governance related topics a very dominant thread this past week. Much good discussion and we will find out what it might lead to, hopefully in a very near future.

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, up to & including Sunday 2022-07-24

#Author_Comments : A number of topics extensively discussed these past weeks and has been in area of fundamentals from a wide range of viewpoints. Among these #MyvoteEOS, #Inductions, #Eden_elections, #Infrastructure, #EDAO, #Funding, #Treasury, #Governance, #Bylaws and more. #Recaps do not reflect much, if any at all, of these intense discussions. This because it is quite impossible to give a fair balanced view of these discussions in the short #recap format.

#EOS_distribution? : 2022-07-10 :
--M1-- : "Is there anywhere one can go to see EOS distribution worldwide?"
--M2-- : "You can see geo distribution of inflation to BPs here - https://mainnet.eosio.online/rewards-distribution"
--M1-- : "Thanks, I'll check it out. Still having to make a series of assumptions here such as: . . "

#Eden_Delegates : 2022-07-10 : "Eden Season 3 Delegates channel has been set up, for current delegates to coordinate and stay in contact with other delegates of this seasons election."

#Eden_elections / #Accountability :
--M1-- : "Does anyone have an expense list for Eden elections? I'm curious where most of the costs come from. From first contact interview with Yves it sounds that it's really expensive."
--CD-- : "Here is a summary of the bids, . . "
--M2-- : "There was shockingly low participation from Eden members on that Vote.Eden Lead RFP."

#Dispute_Resolution / #Induction : 2022-07-12 : "I'd argue we need the dispute resolution before the removal/reduction of entry friction, depending on how much friction we're removing. We may also need a way to report people mid election if they won't/can't turn their camera on."

#FIO_Crypto_Handles : 2022-07-12 : "Wanted to let everyone know I added 123 more FIO Crypto Handles for Eden members: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/all-edenos-members-now-have-eden-fio-addresses/3462/29?u=lukestokes - They used to be called FIO Addresses). If everyone mapped addresses to various blockchains, we might be able to engage those chains to do Eden specific airdrops, knowing Sybil attack is impossible as it’s one handle per person."

#Eden_future : 2022-07-13 :
--M1-- : "Eden offers a process to distribute funds in a beautiful democratic way. This part is awesome. But I think the main problem with Eden is that it doesn't promote leadership for the community. During the election, many . . . "
--CD1-- : "Leadership over what tho. Over its own treasury? Sure, that much is obvious but when we try to govern other bigger system, while not proving we can even properly run eden, then... it looks like a naive proposition"
--CD2-- : ""Leadership" doesn't need to be interpreted as governing EOS, although that can certainly be a lofty goal that we can shoot for, and even there 'governing' EOS is full of nuance, and not binary."
--M2-- : "I would start by saying that there were a lot of concepts circulated in the community initially as to the vision for Eden. Then there wasn’t much follow up on some of those things and it all sort of took a life of its own. The biggest . . "

#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-07-13 : " What is Eden to Ourselves & to the World" :
--CD-- : "Join us for a manual Eden-style event on digging into why we're here. 🤔 We're looking to have the first of what will likely be a couple group calls on brainstorming what Eden is, and more importantly what can it become. 🚀"
--M1-- : "I expanded some ideas in the current election and will continue to advocate for a product management approach to Eden’s evolution. This morning I published an article on governance largely in reflection of the recent Eden election, available at linkedin or medium:
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-govern-your-self-others-world-web3-gavriel-shaw or
https://medium.com/@gavriel/how-to-govern-your-self-others-and-the-world-in-web3-a3bb82a07ea2 Very much looking forward to facilitating these workshops."
#Recap Eden Member group (WK36) posted Monday 2022-09-12

#Governance : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35167 :
--M1-- : “Good governance system does not mean good outcomes - Any governance process, regardless of how good and fair the system is, can only be as good as a community of individuals that runs it.“ - https://peakd.com/fractally/@sim31/good-governance-system-does-not-mean-good-outcomes
--M2-- : “Nice article. I think one factor is how many people in community are good. I think people turn good from “bad”. I think vice versa is only true in the movies.”
--M1-- : “I disagree, I think people turn from good to bad sometimes. Well, at least in the eyes of others.”

#Public_info_update needed : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35193 : “As I understand things currently only the Bylaws to follow. The Peace Treaty no longer in effect. There is a need to update erroneus information from public sites.”

#Eden_Fractal_consensus : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35228 :
--M1-- : “Talking about consensus process proposal for EdenFractal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cr7AJPSNVpGJtYejeo0YaVyLXL1KtrTH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104193210757363607373&rtpof=true&sd=true
---M2-- : “The main concern is that community members have the chance to read any [meaningful / long-lasting] proposal free of any emotional manipulation (intended or subconscious). Thus, any amount of time that allows for . . “

#Eden Values : https://t.me/c/1186628781/35230 : “Feel free add to this list as long as it is not a synonym of those mentioned : - Participation, - Responsibility, - Consensus, - Trust, - Reliability, - Charity. If you agree with these, please simply give a thumbs up.”

= END =
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 02-08 Dec, 2023.

#Chief_Delegate - "Product Meeting" Mon. 11 Dec, 2023. All CDs expected to participate/vote!

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates (aka UpScale) weekly meeting : https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/17129 : "🎯UpScale All Delegate Meeting December 7th, 2023. - Video 11m (+7m) - : https://youtu.be/SkDOT9zOW38?si=Mywe2alwVWfRDeWX"

#Governance WG meeting 04 Dec, 2023 (Video 16m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/17141 : Topics: web platform, preparation for election on 06 January, Bylaws to be updated plus Hypha + more.

#Tech/Dev meeting 05 Dec, 2023 (Video 57m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/17088 : Topics: changes in project funding application form, discussion selection process itself, process to commence in Term 9 or? + more.

#Ambassador WG meeting 08 Dec, 2023 (Video 50m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/17142 : Topics: Ambassador program creation, Chief Delegate roles within the program, Course structure, , Monday 11th December "Product meeting" all CDs expected to participate and vote, + more.

#Comms_Media WG meeting 08 Dec, 2023 (Video 49m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17140 : Topics: Web site, Hypha + more.

#Chief_Delegate payment structure? : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17079 : "I propose we radically change payment structure to delegates. Pause the % allocations as they have been to date. Use all treasury only on explicitly revenue producing bets. Such as . . . "

#UpScale_future - treasury : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17033 : " . . . put the treasury into Crypto?"
https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17036 : " . . . "web 3 products and services" could be developed better with a larger Treasury. We could focus now on buying any of these, offering . . . "
https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17111 : " . . . basic offering could consist of crypto management, as well as revenue generating solutions we're developing/invested in, and . . . "
https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17122 : "We probably have to look at legal compliance again if we define ourselves as fund managers."

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 16-31 Dec, 2023.

#Election on 06 Jan, 2024 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17533 : "The next election take place on January 6th 1 pm UTC. Registration is open until 5th January 1pm UTC. So 24 hours prior.
- Additionally to linked web form registration, please sign this action with your eos account - UpScale (ex. EdenOnEOS) - to confirm your participation as proof of registration on-chain https://bloks. . "
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17515 : "Registration Via the form linked and (https:// ...) +📍the electopt (https:// ...) action below. Check this document (https:// ...) to see the incoming registrations. This document will be updated until January 5th 1PM UTC which is the ultimate date/time for registration to be accepted."
- https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17533 : "📍The zoom link will be posted by @M.... on the 6th."

#EdenOnEOS_Delegates (now #UpScale) weekly meeting : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17437 : "🎯UpScale All Delegate Meeting December 21st, 2023 - Episode 11 : 00:51 - UpScale Software Package, 01:41 - Hypha issues, 04:22 - Comms/Media, 07:38 - Governance & Bylaws, 10:46 - Finance, 14:10 - Ambassador Program, 17:08 - Reputation System, 17:41 - Workload for reputation system, 21:57 - Open Block Explorer will apply to USP, 23:36 - Submit your solution to the USP, 24:55 - Time to conclude" -

#Ambassador/Comms WG combined meeting 18 Dec, 2023 : (Video 41m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/8229/17346 : *Updates on information/marketing work related to election, website, "USP", how vote in election and more.*

#Tech/Dev meeting 19 Dec, 2023 (Video 48m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/7230/17368 : *Various updates and discussion minimum number of applcations to commence project funding + more.*

#Governance WG meeting 20 Dec, 2023 *(Video 35m) : https://t.me/c/1580300708/466/17392 : *Run through of the draft proposal amended Bylaws for coming Term CDs to consider.*

#Membership : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17396 : "There is no page at this time on the website upscalenow.io to list membership. For the inductions we have historic in the eos atomic hub: https://..."

#UpScale_Software_Package "USP" status : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/17306 : " . . a few key reasons why these things are important and necessary to be in place first to enable the revenue we’re aiming for: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 ... "

Main EdenOnEOS/UpScale public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps Weekly
EOS - Mondays:
https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) - Saturdays:
https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*