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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Wednesday to Thursday 2021-09-16

#Pomelo :
How Eden might/will work with Pomelo was a topic discussed and here share just snippets from few of the comments:
- "The EOS Network Foundation has not processed any applications, the application process will leverage the Pomelo.io platform."
- "You'll be able to submit your proposal to Pomelo to represent a team or yourself as an individual. Campaigning for funding in the upcoming Eden election is another option for new projects/initiatives."
- "They're both great ways to leverage the wisdom of the crowd to help determine what the community believes should be funded. "
- "Pomelo is a platform. Eden is a community"
- "Eden Members can organize and coordinate together to help launch successful campaigns on Pomelo."
- "Their votes will have a stronger weight because their identity has been verified through the Eden on-boarding process"

#Eden_agelimit? :
An interesting discussion was initiated about adopting a minimum age limit for Eden Membership, even a poll put up on this topic. Currently neither EdenOnEOS "Peace Treaty" nor the Bylaws seems to specify any age limit. The discussions so far very varied and continues.

= END =
Wednesday to Thursday 2021-10-07

#Violet_Garden :
Violet Garden (VG), the social media built on EOS platform by an Eden member, is going well since launch just a bit over a week back. Good healthy engagement from the EdenOnEOS membership and with also Dan Larimer taking interest in VG the onward development and improvements going well.

#Eden_Elections :
Words from current "Chief Delegate":
""Hey Eden Members, I've put up a post on Violet Garden with some suggested questions for those of you who are looking to participate on Saturday as a voter.
It might also be useful for those looking to pitch a proposal to also consider your answers to these questions in case they are asked of you.
https://violet.garden/post/Tips-for-Voters-in-an-Eden-Election-3682 ""

#Pomelo :
Eden members invited to "Pomelo Playground", a test environment on EOS Mainnet but with no real assets on the line. Snipped few words from invite: ""Have fun, and share your feedback! Take the opportunity to get the hang of the crowdfunding platform before our first matching round opens up soon.""

#EOSinaBox :
Last trial election winner by sortition was the builder of EOS in a Box and winnings assisted the work to following stage.
""My video production skills are low, please be gentle with me 😂 Here is my announcement of EOSinaBox.com
https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmfZr1SN6d2yYd22GGsmd6ZrmpNjkdvcSonwEVVskNQiFN ""

#Official_Elections :
If you lost your password received when registered for election here words from Clarion team.
""If your browser isn't complaining about it (i.e., there's no big yellow banner at the top of the EdenOS home page,) your password is safely in your browser ready to go. BUT, it's always best to make sure you know what that password is in case you need it again. So I do recommend going ahead and resetting it.

There are a couple of ways to trigger that password reset flow:
1. Clear the site's localstorage and then sign back in. You should see the yellow password banner. Clicking on that will give you a link to the password reset flow.
2. Open the EdenOS in another browser or incognito window. You'll see the yellow password banner there too. Change your password (make sure you save your password!). Then go back to your original browser and refresh. You'll see the banner there too where you can simply provide/enter your new password.""

#Delegate_Nomenclature :
From Clarion team - ""not sure how much we've explicitly shared the naming conventions of the delegates... It's been mentioned in livestreams and in documentation here and there, but we never wrote it all down in one place, so here's the official naming conventions for the delegates

Wednesday to Sunday 2021-11-07

#Violet_Garden :
The reward structure in Violet Garden and VIO token utilities were discussed and clarified.

#Block_One :
Discussions around Block One continue along similar lines as earlier, now an added reflection also on potential impact the launch of Bullish might have on things.

#EOSIO_future :
Snippets from discussion starting with Eden member expressing his concern. In end technical back and forth aiming to alleviate and resolve current issues experienced.
- ""I've invested countless of hours building my company around eosio and now updates are a joke and we clearly see block one moving away from it and being an holding company. We are now a startup of 5m + in revenues and 25 people in the team. Our products has been built on eosio since 2018. But I don't think its gonna work moving forward with eosio if core maintainers of the software don't care and we just see more and more people and talent getting away from it.""
- - ""what would you like to see done ?""
- ""Improvement regarding scalability, current history tools are unstable, history nodes keep getting corrupted in the latest version, multi-chain capabilities that were promised etc.""
- - ""I can't speak towards all scalability and multi-chain capabilities, but not all history nodes are unscalable and often corrupted. The solution we've been building out for the past few years has proven very scalable and the next generation of it we're working on now has been making significant progress. There's hope at least on that front - just not from B1.""
- - ""Can I add you to a list of EOSIO developers to interview in the not too distant futures about the struggles you have faced? At this point I'm compiling a list - your name isn't on that list yet, so I figured I'd ask (same goes to anyone here if you want to contribute).
- ""Yes, that would be really appreciated. I have 3 years of experience with it and a running company on it.""
- - ""Don't walk away from all of your work with EOSIO yet. There are teams working on this now with support from the ENF.""
- ""I want my business to be part of a bigger EOSIO ecosystem, I need my own chain for cost and I'm looking forward to this day.""

#Pomelo :
Word from Pomelo ""Pomelo hasn't officially launched yet, but we already have our first 3 submissions.""

#ENF :
EOS Network Foundation - ""The recording from the invite only virtual EOS event for press outlets and key opinion leaders within the Chinese community has been published 👇
Full Speech
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01Xx5jfTEOM ""

#Fractal_Democracy :
Suggestion build/prepare for future - ""Hi everyone, just throwing this out there so others can start thinking about it besides myself.
A fractal democracy has soft guarantees of uniqueness and proof of humanity baked into the onboarding process. But if we want to leverage this onboarding process as a mechanism to achieve Sybil resistance for dapps, then we will need a strategy to deal with many different fractal democracies.
For example, Violet Garden can rely on Eden membership as a way to ensure only one account per person can claim the daily reward, but in a future with tens or hundreds of exclusive or partially overlapping fractal democracy communities, how would it work?
There may be some design decisions we could make now to impact how new fractal democracies are spun up, which would help us solve this problem from the start.""

No doubt we will see more words on the above from Clarion team and others.
Monday to Friday 2021-11-12

#Fractal_Democracy :
Discussion continued on future fractal democracies. Here part of two of this week's comments, first from Clarion team then member comment:
CLARION - ""The short of it is that 1) we are planning for a supra-communities structure and 2) the identity mechanisms we've built / are building rely on simultaneous video for uniqueness, *and* there isn't any other form of uniqueness that can be reliably established (always open to suggestions, but I don't see how iti would work).
KYC "works" because those processes verify you against (shared) 3rd party verifiers. But even Proof of Life mechanisms out there, while they can establish the real-worldness of a digital identity, they do nothing to prove that that same real person isn't establishing themselves as a real live person on some other platform (identified by a different digital ID). In other words, proving uniqueness globally isn't what we're proving; we're proving uniqueness only within a community.""

Member - ""Social verification is my favored option. There needs to be trust values baked into the system that verify the verifiers. It's easy to have collusion of verifiers when you have a limited set, so having one highly trusted rep in there is key for each group.
You can also map out a network of who verified who into the system for a visual representation. This would make it easier to check for collusion.
I think Eden is doing a pretty good job, and I am considering Eden members to use as our first members of the Web 4 global collaboration system I'll be unveiling in the near future.""

#Pomelo :
Much of posts this week were about Pomelo and the great number of Eden members actively supporting the same and listed projects. Here just few of these words indicating the wide range of views and suggestions.
- ""Sharing because I think objective feedback is critical to eden/EOS success moving forward. IMO pomelo, ENF, helio are the right solution. Instead of trying to pump price we are pumping use-cases into the network.""
- ""Let's please consider supporting our Chief Delegates as well as other Eden Delegates and fellow Eden Members with Projects on Pomelo!""
- ""Is there any consensus on a process on using Eden delegate funds in pomelo to maximize the funds?""
- ""a few ideas have been floated around, but no consensus per se.""

One member shared a twitter post - https://twitter.com/eos_marketing/status/1458792540291932164?s=20

Another member asked @daniel_keyes to kindly remind the value of an Eden Member using their account on Pomelo?
""He said:
For this season the value is purely cosmetic. You get a profile picture.
Pomelo is planning to give Eden Members a 'trust bonus' next season.
Or at least once we have more Edens.
The trust bonus would be a bonus added on top of your donation before the quadratic formula is applied.
Say for example you donate 1 EOS and have a 200% trust bonus, as far as the matching formula is concerned, you donated 2 EOS.
So your donation has a bigger impact on the matching distribution than it would otherwise have.
Pomelo is planning to have a trust bonus for this too: https://pomelo.io/grants/ygc2lp2oe
Past 7 days - Saturday to Friday 2021-11-19

#Pomelo :
Much discussion continues on how best encourage Eden members and in particular delegates to support Pomelo listed projects and more. One idea which gained traction was for Eden to award NFTs for every task members complete/impact including Pomelo and other donations.

Another member expressed these words ""I think we need to lead by example and it would be a strong message to say 98% (or whatever) of Eden members participated in Pomelo's first season."". However the initial post by same member, on how achieve this goal, developed into very long discussion on pros and cons with use of the proposed method to achieve such high participation.

#ENF_Eden :
New views were expressed plus some suggestions how to react and/or act to meeting referred to with same # also in previous recap. Nothing conclusive as of yet from these Eden member discussions due to very differing views and discussion continues. Among all posts seen just three snippets.

The discussions led to one member posting where these words were included:
"" Dan warned us when he wrote "ensuing debates and conflict can tear a community apart". Let's heed this warning and not fall into a trap of polarization, but instead strive to "combine the best aspects of crypto-contracts, human contracts and human dispute resolution," so that this experiment actually results in EOS becoming the first smart Ricardian contract block chain. ""

Another member objected and here part of the words:
""I appreciate the point, but if Eden expects to play a role in EOS governance it should choose its policy. To do this we need to rely on our consensus mechanisms, and/or our leaders.
The policy can be to not have one on this issue, but this should be stated here so that we know where our organization stands if we have any aspirations as an organization with a say on this blockchain. And to do this, we need to use our consensus mechanisms or our leaders.""

One Chief Delegate weighed in, here the beginning part of post:
""An official "Eden Stance" is basically impossible to achieve unless it is so generic it will be essentially meaningless. Eden is a group of people that come to consensus and select people to receive community funding. Nothing about that leads me to the conclusion that we'll all agree on anything never mind a subject with as much nuance, uncertainty, and rational ignorance as this one. ""
If we want to trust the Eden election process to manifest in a unified voice then we'd need to simply let @jestagram speak for all of us since he is the Head Chief Delegate. Even the 6 Chief Delegates all don't agree on this situation.""

#Eden_Landbuy? :
One post including words "Eden should try buying an actual land" led to much discussion, few snippets.
- ""This is a fantastic idea. More immediately, we can purchase/develop land in the various virtual worlds (especially EOS ones)""
- ""It could just be a vision for now, and as a long term goal for Eden members to strive for. ""
- ""There is already precedent for Wyoming DAO LLCs buying land.""

The last snippet with more facts added and in very short words from these a new DAO LLC was created recently and purchased 35 acres in Wyoming. The statute grants "personhood" to a smart contract which means it can own property. The DAO LLC which owns the land has tokenized itself and are fully legit "final settlement" legal ownership of shares in the LLC. These can be sold peer-to-peer and/or internationally.

Ending snippets which in part related to the above:
- ""Eden is all about the individual members, companies, joint ventures, and organizations working independently to provide value for the whole of Eden. I await a future when Eden members use funds to build businesses and projects and donate % back to Eden treasury. Eden is the country, and EOS is our Currency. Ideally, all EOS members should one day become Eden members.""
- ""Yes 100%! I would love to see EOS and Eden buy land and build great cities!""

= END =
Past 7 days - Saturday to Friday 2021-11-26

The news of a B1/Brocks/Helios deal discussed also among the Eden members, whether EdenOnEOS should make an official statement in these matters. In short for now no firm stance as membership is divided on how to handle these siutations. Here few snippets:
- ""I think we should have people presenting their governance directions when we voted for them, right now representatives were based on what they said they will use money for.""
- ""I was only choosing based on projects, because there was strong emphasis on needing to deliver something to show eden deserves the funding.""
- ""If eden want's to push and be governance layer, we can do that in the next round, emphasise that this time we are also choosing governance decisions commentary.""
- ""I feel as if the election results would have been much different if it was a policy-based election rather than a project-based election.""
* DAN LARIMER : "It was always a policy based election in my mind"
- ""I think if we look at Dan's statements, then he has been clear that the intention is electing representives skilled at building consesus. Just because many members didn't do that does not negate the intent from the mastermind of Eden On EOS.""

#Freelance_Eden :
Words from a Chief Delegate post "Open call for Eden members who would like to do some paid video editing for the Chief Delegates. Should we use the forums to start a kind of jobs board?". This was further discussed in all delegates Zoom meeting Saturday 20th November from a wider perspective including also other tasks and jobs which need be done and could be funded.

#TranslateMe :
Invitation made to Eden members interested to join the work for "TranslateMe on EOS" and here few snippets explaining the aim.
- "We are currently standing up group we’re calling ‘TranslateMe on EOS’ in an effort to build paths toward integrating translation solutions into EOS platform workflows."
- "Please, if interested, reach out to me and i’ll send u an invite to the discussion of how to begin increasing the bandwidth between our different language speaking communities by installing these translation APIs."
- "We’re trying to increase the bandwidth between EOS language groups, in our dialogs. So basically, how would we do that? Well, we have a group that has developed translation algorithms using machine learning. And they tokenized the training process. So folks can get paid for training the algorithms that do the translating."
- "Keep your ears out if there’s a project that may have a use for a translator API. It’s ready for plugging in."
- "there’s an estimated 10 to 20 X cost savings over using centralized platforms like Google, Microsoft etc."

#EOSsupport : One post copied below!
"" Need help on how to donate to #pomelo? Follow step by step tutorial here:
If you encounter any problems, you can click the blue chat icon in the right bottom of our website at any time to open a direct chat and get connected with our support agents.
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1462793676275466244 ""
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-03-04

#Author_Comments : These weekly recaps (7 days Sat-Fri) continue as usual but with day of posting change. Will now continue be on Sundays before 14:00 UTC.

#Fractally : continue be one of main topics discussed in Eden member group. Here below just a small collection of snippets to indicate range of discussions.

- M - : "Presenting the business cases of those who are preparing to found fractals may help to further make the case for EOS inflation."
- M1 - : "Brainstorming about what kind of organizations/collectives would want to have their own fractal...
Political Parties, Protest Movements, Schools (Official/SchoolBoard as well as Student/Parent focused), Sport Teams and their followers, Software Communities (Blender, Specific Games, Open Source Devs), Professional Associations (doctors, epidemiologists, lawyers), Traditional Labor Unions, Religions (Official & decentralized) - Others? Does a list like this already exist that I've missed?"
- M2 - : "Tribal Communities, Agricultural Organizations, Environmental Groups, Cooperatives of all sorts, Housing Associations, Performing Artists"

- M3 - : "I think the Chief Delegates should work with Dan to curate Fractally into new bylaws proposed for Eden that enable Eden to abide by and focus on the Fractally process. And then the next Chief Delegates should ratify those bylaws and coordinate/fund the changes to the Eden software so that weekly meetings and distributions are happening asap, so that we can focus on testing the Fractally process."
- M4 - : "I think eden and its CDs have to discuss with the network on things we need in order for us to build our application without affecting others. Once all is straightened out, then we discuss with fractally team how much it will cost to put fractally software together, the maintenance etc. once we iron things out then we can get the team to do the work and we pay at milestones."

- M5 - : "Will fractally have any connection with Metaverse?"
- M3 - : "Not sure, but that's an interesting question."

"Is there anywhere I can just track attendance to this?"
""I think for now we will use a spreadsheet set up to keep track each week as well as we'll begin posting to HIVE as way to log events on chain to verify the information in the spreadsheet is correct. We're still working out details on that and open to suggestions. So tracking the spreadsheet may suffice. The intention is to bootstrap this thing and have fun testing the process. As well as start to attract/engage lots of new people into the fun with us.""

#Block_One : A proposal with number of responses, here just a few of these.
- M6 - : "After listening to Dan regarding the ENF litigation proposal, can I suggest the following: rather than dragging us and B1 through the courts we make them a proposal in that rather than they give us back x amount of EOS the equivalent amount is burned this avoids the confrontation and removes the issue around us being a DAO"
- M7 - : ""I think civil law is more about restitution than punishment. Burning settlement tokens would punish B1/Bullish without offering any restitution to EOS. I think most participants in this community are now of the mind that inflation going towards public goods is a net positive, so the 'token' value of settlement burn wouldn't be deflationary at all. The network would just create more tokens immediately to replace them.""
- M8 - : ""Where would b1 give 1B? What structure has a true goverance with checks and balances to give out funding that is not run like a pyramid?""
- M9 - : ""It's better to not think about B1 one way or other. That's a waste of time. All time that is not used to build the community.""

#Pomelo : Season 2 begins March 22:
- "Pomelo seems super legit so far. Excited for season 2. Who is working on their pitches?"
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-03-25

#Author_Comments : The use of - M -, - M1 - and so on is to indicate posts by different members when deemed necessary. Each hashtag starts a new sequence from - M -, - M1 - and so on. Does not mean same member as any previous - M - in recap.

#EOSsupport :
" Account Recovery/Replacement Update: We concluded testing today on the updates to the contract that facilitate account recovery/replacement. Tests passed. 🎉""
""Many thanks to the fractally team for getting this done. 🙏🏼""

#EdenOnEos :
- M -: "" If the focus of Eden On EOS is to "create value for the EOS ecosystem" then it may be useful to achieve consesus on what the main value proposition of the EOS Network DAO is as it relations to the various DAO stakeholder profiles. ""
- M1 - : "I'd say it's to provide value for EOS token holders. To put it bluntly. Not investment advice."
- M2 - "Consensus where is not needed should not be sought. My point is that different visions of what it means to create value for the eos are needed. Also that might change over space and time."
- M1 - "In a really rich economy, all of these different factors add up to a healthy currency. :) It's all coming together."

#DAOs :
- M - : "What DAO software exists RIGHT NOW? Is the good stuff all written on Solidity? Should we be looking to Ethereum-based DAO platforms? Are any going to be proactively coming over to EOS?"
- M1 - : "If EOS is a true DAO, then EOSIO is the DAO software?"
- M - : "Maybe at the most fundamental sense. Like saying 'I've created the transistor, therefore computers exist (in my mind)'. We don't have any full DAO software on EOS that I am aware of. How difficult will it be to just bring this open source tech over to our new EVM? Do we need to reinvent the wheel?"

#Eden_Membership :
"Several support agents and squads can serve as witnesses for Eden's induction. It's very convenient. If someone needs a witness, they can always go to the EOSsupport.io website, open the direct chat and ask an agent. There is ALWAYS an agent on standby who would be able to facilitate the induction process."
""Thanks for this. Everything Support does just seems like magic.""

#Pomelo : Important Pomelo Dates
• Open for applications: March 22nd to April 11th
• Open for donations: March 30th to April 23rd

#Eden_elections :
- M - : "Is anyone planning to write an article on the Eden blog to promote the upcoming election? Not sure who all has writing/editing access"
- M1 - : "Great question!"
- M2 - : "This would be great. I am looking for information on it now and am struggling!"

#EdenCN : "Eden China"
"EdenCN held its first meeting of delegates after the first test election, reviewing the issues that arose during the election, clarifying again the allocation of funds, and also discussing how EdenCN can help the Chinese community projects in the second season of Pomelo."

#EdenOnEos_Fractally : Eden CDs seek a technical liason:
"We're looking for a technical liason between Eden and the Fractally team for the upcoming election and beyond. Someone in the Eden community who is willing to take up a technical leadership role and work alongside the Fractally devs in administering this next election, from testing process to the live run on April 9th. We want to make sure this person has a full understanding of the election state changes, and related actions so that they can provide coverage for the next delegates, and ideally, document and train others in what they learn, so the community can take the reigns going forward."

#Chief_Delegates-Meet : #23 - Posted 25 Mar 2022 - EdenOnEOS
"The Chief Delegates share individual updates and finalize their proposed set of Bylaws to be potentially ratified by the next set of Chief Delegates. Sign up for the next election on April 9th! https://genesis.eden.eoscommunity.org/


= END =
#Pomelo :
--M1-- : "You want to build an application that tracks the reputation of pomelo projects? that can be something some active nodes of eden can work on. Will help EOS and also bring awareness that eden members can be of a value to the community."
--M2-- : "Would be interesting if Eden itself was able to use the Pomelo platform in some way, so that only Eden Members can make a proposal for a project and then only Eden Delegates can vote on it from their Eden accounts. And the matching pool is the Eden Treasury or a separate account for this purpose."
--M1-- : "The goal is to really help the community find the best projects and fund them. Technically, if we the people are doing a great job. we should be picking maybe 5 top notch projects that we love and voting for them."
--CD1-- : "So Eden should make donations directly to worthwhile Pomelo grants then. Since it's all just Eden's money anyhow. The entire Organization should vote on it, and make one donation to each grant. On the last day, so that donation numbers don't get inflated to drive mimesis."

#Miscellaneous :
--CD1-- : "The people who run for election on the promise to be good leaders, get elected, and perform the function of good leaders... Is this function as valuable as 'building things'?"
--M1-- : "the question becomes who are you leading? if you are going to be a good leader for yourself and make sure that you deliver on your promise and intent then that is nice. But when you say you are running to be a good leader to provide value for EOS, what is it that you are leading becomes the question."
--M2-- : "I'm participating in the Eden Town Hall Twitter Space right now, and I'm realizing that most of us Eden Members need A LOT more practice in learning how to talk about Eden and EOS to people or to an audience who knows very little or nothing about our stuff. The EOS community has been predominantly stuck in its own bubble and echo chamber. If we want this ecosystem to grow, we must make our ideas, apps, etc. super attractive and welcoming to various audiences who are unaware of Eden or EOS and the value it offers them. I encourage everyone creating media to consider this."
--M3-- : "If eden process would be used by the world then it will be hard to track people and organizations who have legit twitter accounts no? I mean if it would be used by only this genesis group then I understand. We should find a way.
--M4-- : "Well, for Eden, if we could add a field to member profiles / potentially add a special field for CD controlled msig accounts, then it’s all able to be checked against the smart contract. But i’m not a dev, so someone check me here. Similar to adding a pgp key, no? Simple like “@E02=EdenOfficial” or some such thing, in bios. Attest “officialness” and revoke as need be."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Saturday, May 14, 2022

- END -