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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#ENF_Eden :
A member shared posts of Yves La Rose (EOS Network Foundation) referring to a met up with Brendan Blumer and Brock Pierce. It led to a discussion on the current and future relationship ENF and Eden. Some snippets:
- ""How were our views made known or represented at this meeting?""
- ""Give them a chance to strike a deal. Yves doesn’t want to show his hand.""
- ""I applaud and support everything he's gotten done. We've been stifled which is different.""
- ""I wouldn’t worry about that , EOS and the community will benefit""
- ""If your goal in this is to convince me the ends justify the means, then so be it.""
- ""As a Decentralised community we welcome action as long as it’s in-line with the general feeling approval of the community""
- ""in a dpos network why does "Eden" deserve a seat in that discussion? We have to be realistic about the power we have.""
- ""Eden doesn't manage the EOS network, we are just a small contributor at this point. We are still in our infancy stage and only now undertaking the first iteration of this experiment that could *potentially* some day be used to run EOS or a network like it. ""

#Chief_Delegates_meet :
The first official set of Eden Chief delegates had our 4th board meeting last week. The meeting notes can be found in this post on Violet Garden: https://violet.garden/post/Eden-1-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-4-2021-11-04-9002
The full unedited board meeting can be watched here 👇🏻

= END =
Past 7 days - Saturday to Friday 2021-11-19

#Pomelo :
Much discussion continues on how best encourage Eden members and in particular delegates to support Pomelo listed projects and more. One idea which gained traction was for Eden to award NFTs for every task members complete/impact including Pomelo and other donations.

Another member expressed these words ""I think we need to lead by example and it would be a strong message to say 98% (or whatever) of Eden members participated in Pomelo's first season."". However the initial post by same member, on how achieve this goal, developed into very long discussion on pros and cons with use of the proposed method to achieve such high participation.

#ENF_Eden :
New views were expressed plus some suggestions how to react and/or act to meeting referred to with same # also in previous recap. Nothing conclusive as of yet from these Eden member discussions due to very differing views and discussion continues. Among all posts seen just three snippets.

The discussions led to one member posting where these words were included:
"" Dan warned us when he wrote "ensuing debates and conflict can tear a community apart". Let's heed this warning and not fall into a trap of polarization, but instead strive to "combine the best aspects of crypto-contracts, human contracts and human dispute resolution," so that this experiment actually results in EOS becoming the first smart Ricardian contract block chain. ""

Another member objected and here part of the words:
""I appreciate the point, but if Eden expects to play a role in EOS governance it should choose its policy. To do this we need to rely on our consensus mechanisms, and/or our leaders.
The policy can be to not have one on this issue, but this should be stated here so that we know where our organization stands if we have any aspirations as an organization with a say on this blockchain. And to do this, we need to use our consensus mechanisms or our leaders.""

One Chief Delegate weighed in, here the beginning part of post:
""An official "Eden Stance" is basically impossible to achieve unless it is so generic it will be essentially meaningless. Eden is a group of people that come to consensus and select people to receive community funding. Nothing about that leads me to the conclusion that we'll all agree on anything never mind a subject with as much nuance, uncertainty, and rational ignorance as this one. ""
If we want to trust the Eden election process to manifest in a unified voice then we'd need to simply let @jestagram speak for all of us since he is the Head Chief Delegate. Even the 6 Chief Delegates all don't agree on this situation.""

#Eden_Landbuy? :
One post including words "Eden should try buying an actual land" led to much discussion, few snippets.
- ""This is a fantastic idea. More immediately, we can purchase/develop land in the various virtual worlds (especially EOS ones)""
- ""It could just be a vision for now, and as a long term goal for Eden members to strive for. ""
- ""There is already precedent for Wyoming DAO LLCs buying land.""

The last snippet with more facts added and in very short words from these a new DAO LLC was created recently and purchased 35 acres in Wyoming. The statute grants "personhood" to a smart contract which means it can own property. The DAO LLC which owns the land has tokenized itself and are fully legit "final settlement" legal ownership of shares in the LLC. These can be sold peer-to-peer and/or internationally.

Ending snippets which in part related to the above:
- ""Eden is all about the individual members, companies, joint ventures, and organizations working independently to provide value for the whole of Eden. I await a future when Eden members use funds to build businesses and projects and donate % back to Eden treasury. Eden is the country, and EOS is our Currency. Ideally, all EOS members should one day become Eden members.""
- ""Yes 100%! I would love to see EOS and Eden buy land and build great cities!""

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-20

#Author_Comments : The latest CD meetings been setting the tone for much of discussions in the Eden Member group. The quality, or rather lack thereof, in some EOSIO BPs and the voting for BPs became main topics through this week. This recap just a very tiny fraction of the rich and "deep" discussions.

#EOSIO_EOS_future :
--M1--: "I think it would be awesome for either Eden or the ENF to establish a fund for attracting projects from other chains and facilitate porting over, or them being multichain, especially once the EVM is up and running. A Committee could be created by interested Eden Members and work with Eden Funding or apply to the ENF for funding from them."
--M2--: "To attract other chain Dapp developers we need to have a large user base, to get that we need just 1 killer Dapp, who’s building it? Easy onboarding free to use."
--M1-- : "I take your point though, that some Dapp Developers depending on what they're building will be looking to come on board an ecosystem with users. If that's the case, this is where we need to sweeten the pot/temporarily subsidize them to use the EVM and discover the benefits of utilizing EOS first. This can grow our users/onchain transactions and can save them some cash at first, and jumpstart the network effect."

#Eden_future : (referencing EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Sat. May 14, 2022):
"This weeks @EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate meeting is not one to miss! There is a bold vision being formed, and the #EOS community is likely to have an opinion! Let's see what the @EosNFoundation makes of the CD's latest democratic overtures! 😉 $eos"

#ENF_Eden :
--M1--: "ENF serves the network and the network needs to be optimized"
--M2--: "if members who want to run organizations and initiatives want to do so to better the network then they should go for it."
--M1--: "ENF can also delegate voting to Eden and/or to a proxy".
--M2--: "👎we are about to destroy EOS"
--M3--: "ENF may of course vote with their own tokens... nothing wrong there.
If BPs want money to run infra, they could pitch to ENF to get some funding, but I don't see why ENF would proactively go looking for BP candidates to fund.".
--M1--: "ENF is currently our best bet for cutting the deadweight BPs".
--M2--: "they are. they are really doing a great job".
--M3--: "It's a difficult question as these are tokens being allocated to the ENF by the network. Conflicts of interest arise. What if the current BPs asked that IF the ENF votes it's only allowed to vote for the current top 21? giving way to further centralization."
--M1--: "If EOS doesn't prioritize having amazing (above and beyond) BPs, then it will likely be outcompeted by networks who do prioritize it. And rightfully so. I'd like to see where seriously addressing this BP thing is on the collective roadmap for the EOS network."
#DAOs_Legal_Wrapper :
"New paper on legal wrapping for DAOs. Read and discuss!
From https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4123737
"'Finally, it is helpful to keep in mind that legal and operational timelines can vary considerably. In many instances, DAOs develop organically before their legal wrappers. DAOs can begin with a catalyst organizing a small community with a particular mission or goal. At the beginning stages, members coalesce around communication platforms like Discord and Telegram. As the DAO grows, members may, but certainly not always, choose to launch a token and potentially raise capital for the DAO’s treasury by having members contribute assets. DAOs commonly also leverage blockchain technology to implement governance over the DAO, a process that can involve using any number of open-source tools and dapps that have preset and customizable organizational structures or protocols. DAOs operating in this model tend to start small, and legal wrappers are often only considered as DAOs scale—or after they run into trouble due to a hack or operational problems that create liability.'"

#ENF_Eden : (related to #DAOs_Legal_Wrapper, words from Yves La Rose) "Please don't make Eden a formal legal entity. Please keep that out of bylaws. Please keep Eden as a smart contract operated DAO."
"CDs can form an entity to interact with the "real world" if they wish (that's not Eden). I will not support, and would campaign against, getting Eden to be a formal entity. Please don't transform Eden itself into a formal legal entity."
"I am not neutral on Eden's future. I wish to see it succeed and fill a key role. Grow your membership. Become a non-arguable weight within the ecosystem."

#DAOs_Legal_Wrapper :
--M1-- : "Uniqueness is attractive. We don't all have to agree on the definition of DAO... It's a logical process set in motion by people. And we have to tend to it carefully, like one does any garden. Gardens are themselves like systems of smart contracts, with various yields from unique processes.
Eden's main strength is that it is a collection of real people from around the world who are not worried about fitting into a single set of regional laws. We're trying to build something that is supra-national. If individuals wish to create a 'legal wrapper' for a specific purpose, it's something that they can do. But they can't speak for the whole organization, without basically inviting an enemy to come and set up in our garden permanently."
--M2-- : "The amount of time and energy on the idea of Eden on EOS being turned into or using a company..."
--M3-- : "From my perspective on what a DAO is, which is the only direction in which I personally support Eden progressing, "Eden's next step..." doesn't even make grammatical sense. Eden doesn't take steps. Members take steps. I member wants to form a legal entity, he should do so. Members can do things, and we are all using the fractal governance process to organize our efforts toward a common goal. I'm starting to prefer thinking that what we are *doing* is DAO. We are exhibiting decentralized & autonomous organization, rather than being "a" decentralized autonomous organization, which apparently implies to most people a form of top-down organization that I think isn't super compatible with fractal gov."
--M1-- : "We have to think about what Eden can be in 3,5,7,10 years. When you really step back and consider the potential, we are on the bleeding edge of DAO technology and techniques. This is much more than just a process."