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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-02-04

#Author_Comments: Past week with regular input from Dan Larimer, in large part related to #Fractally and #Mandel as clarifying comments and/or response to criticisms. Good to see also Yves La Rose (ENF) clarifying few matters.

#Fractally_Mandel : Words seen in many places, here few of the many also in Eden Member group:
- M - " . to my understanding Eden 2.0 and Clarion are Fractally. EdenOnEOS will possibly still exist as Eden, as suggested by Dan, but I would suggest there be a discussion among Eden members in this regard as well...."
- M1 - "It is unclear how a collection of decentralized communities can effectively advocate for the EOS Network, or even begin to approach the level of competency or care required to credibly assume any sort of governance role on EOS. In the immediate-term at least, Only EdenOnEOS does this, and it seems to me that it can continue to carve out its own unique destiny/density as a community of people focussed on EOS."
- M2 - "I love the EOS Community because it is becoming a Collaborative Ecosystem. The place where to create dApps micro and autonomous with interoperability thanks to the OS like EdenOS. But more than the OS at layer1, we have a fantastic community of vetted, trusted Eden On EOS at layer2.
With an EOS Foundation unifying the matching funds like Pomelo and Eden On EOS both with democratic mechanism.
Beside that, EOS is the Everyone’s Open Society where everyone (Corp Entity, individual) can build something of public goods, services to the benefit of the human through education and development. . . "
- Daniel Larimer, [28/01/2022 19:30] - "The Eden on EOS community will have an opportunity to migrate to a Fractally fractal or to continue using the current EdenOS 1.0"

#Polls :
Discussion followed after post on value of polling communities:
- M - "An observation on value of #polls, or maybe more the level of interest? . . . ."
- M1 - "What incentive is there for members to remain active and follow this channel?"
- M2 - "It seems to me, that people who "work for free" (even if it's just voting) for a good cause are rare these days."
- M1 - "not participating is voting, where your vote is that you agree with the direction of the community who does participate."
- M3 - "Also true, it just looks bad to have no shows apart from not even knowing there reason for not showing up."

#Bylaws 1 : Another starter of vivid discussion:
- M - "In order to have the mandate to vote on whether to move Eden over to fractally, we need to have bylaws. We are an incomplete organization at this point in time - we've been patiently waiting for the bylaws - and in order to effectively choose our own future, people need to know specifically what it is that they are going to defend or defund."
- Daniel Larimer, [29/01/2022 18:15] - "I spent months working on bylaws and this lead to the Fractally white paper based on observation of Eden"
- M - "We are still well within Dan's one year timeframe for bylaw 'control'""
- M1 - "On February 22nd we will know (more) about Fractally."

#Fractally :
""On Feb, 22 at 22:22 UTC we will unveil the details of our vision for Fractally with a 🔔YouTube premiere: (https://youtube.com/channel/UCIA2Kq6IwEWJLXtI-hopfpA)
and the release of the Fractally white paper. Be sure to follow us on twitter (@gofractally) to keep up to date with the latest news.""

#Eden_Token: Posts by Daniel Larimer, [30/01/2022 03:18]
""I'm introducing a token to Eden to amplify the power of the funding and introducing other measures to maximize engagement and accountability
Because of the major upgrades coming via ƒractally, the next Eden election will use the same interface as the last eden election. We are moving away from Zoom to provide a better user experience.
Also, a good portion of my team has been focused on Mandel which is nearing release.""
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-02-25

#Author_Comments : As expected the discussions this week centred mainly around Fractally. This recap therefore more an assist bundling together links to information about Fractally, the proposal and vision forward. Kind of a requirement to study proposal if one wish to take an informed stance and/or make a decision on how move forward.

#Fractally : White Paper release 2022-02-22 - here relevant links including talks and interviews which help to give a better understanding of the proposal. Much to take in but well worth do so for a reasonable understanding of the proposal and the wider scope.
"Fractally White Paper Twosday Reveal" - Premiered on 22 Feb 2022
Daniel Larimer reveals next generation decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).
Video Reveal - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJclki0MnnI
Website - https://fractally.com/
Blog Introduction - https://fractally.com/blog/introducing-fractally
Bywire News - "What is the future of EOS, Mandel, Fractally" - Dan Larimer exclusive - Premiered on 24 Feb 2022
Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQX0j0NTtcU
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9uLKp2AONw
Crypto Dunker - "Fractally & The Future Of EOS" - Dan Larimer LIVE Interview - Streamed live on 24 Feb 2022

#Chief_Delegates_Meet : including Dan Larimer in end of meeting further clarify #Fractally:
" Chief Delegate Meeting #19 feat. Dan Larimer - 25 Feb 2022
The EDEN Chief Delegate meet and discuss:
– Individual updates & Fractally, Fractally, Fractally"
""Some great discussion on this evening's Chief Delegate Call, & Dan makes a surprise appearance at 2:04:30.""
https://youtu.be/uELyAOG6Tsg ""

Here a tiny sample of the multitude of comments in Eden group following release of #fractally White Paper and more :
- M - : "The video was high level. Then if you want do know more. There is the whitepaper, the blog, all those things."
- M1 - : "If anyone has questions about the whitepaper feel free ask in the Fractally chat so others can learn too!" ( #Author_Comments : https://t.me/gofractally )
- M2 - : "Anyone want to join a starter fractally group?"
- M3 - : "Proving the process is the only purpose that Eden has really had since the start."
- M4 - : "I am trying to figure out if the Eden process should be a tool that an organization employs, or whether it should become the org structure itself, as fractally seems to be. Eden-As-A-Service could be viable, especially in more closed systems. (Think a high school or school board, or political party). Fractally could be huge, and definitely worth supporting, but I wonder if Eden can't support both approaches."
- M3 - : "I sense that validating the upgraded process and building the business case for inflation to fund the next generation of DAOs is the prime directive of Eden On EOS. How about you? Curious what other members think."
- M4 - : "I think Eden needs to stand by itself now, and can participate in fractally, just as any other organization might. We were funded by the network with the mandate to improve the network, and we can still explore and innovate outside of fractally. Throwing our efforts behind fractally isn't outside that mandate, I think, though it might be limiting our potential."
- M3 - : "Let's organize a group of Eden Members who would like to extend a hand in incubating Fractally and supporting the due dilligence process, . ".

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-03-04

#Author_Comments : These weekly recaps (7 days Sat-Fri) continue as usual but with day of posting change. Will now continue be on Sundays before 14:00 UTC.

#Fractally : continue be one of main topics discussed in Eden member group. Here below just a small collection of snippets to indicate range of discussions.

- M - : "Presenting the business cases of those who are preparing to found fractals may help to further make the case for EOS inflation."
- M1 - : "Brainstorming about what kind of organizations/collectives would want to have their own fractal...
Political Parties, Protest Movements, Schools (Official/SchoolBoard as well as Student/Parent focused), Sport Teams and their followers, Software Communities (Blender, Specific Games, Open Source Devs), Professional Associations (doctors, epidemiologists, lawyers), Traditional Labor Unions, Religions (Official & decentralized) - Others? Does a list like this already exist that I've missed?"
- M2 - : "Tribal Communities, Agricultural Organizations, Environmental Groups, Cooperatives of all sorts, Housing Associations, Performing Artists"

- M3 - : "I think the Chief Delegates should work with Dan to curate Fractally into new bylaws proposed for Eden that enable Eden to abide by and focus on the Fractally process. And then the next Chief Delegates should ratify those bylaws and coordinate/fund the changes to the Eden software so that weekly meetings and distributions are happening asap, so that we can focus on testing the Fractally process."
- M4 - : "I think eden and its CDs have to discuss with the network on things we need in order for us to build our application without affecting others. Once all is straightened out, then we discuss with fractally team how much it will cost to put fractally software together, the maintenance etc. once we iron things out then we can get the team to do the work and we pay at milestones."

- M5 - : "Will fractally have any connection with Metaverse?"
- M3 - : "Not sure, but that's an interesting question."

"Is there anywhere I can just track attendance to this?"
""I think for now we will use a spreadsheet set up to keep track each week as well as we'll begin posting to HIVE as way to log events on chain to verify the information in the spreadsheet is correct. We're still working out details on that and open to suggestions. So tracking the spreadsheet may suffice. The intention is to bootstrap this thing and have fun testing the process. As well as start to attract/engage lots of new people into the fun with us.""

#Block_One : A proposal with number of responses, here just a few of these.
- M6 - : "After listening to Dan regarding the ENF litigation proposal, can I suggest the following: rather than dragging us and B1 through the courts we make them a proposal in that rather than they give us back x amount of EOS the equivalent amount is burned this avoids the confrontation and removes the issue around us being a DAO"
- M7 - : ""I think civil law is more about restitution than punishment. Burning settlement tokens would punish B1/Bullish without offering any restitution to EOS. I think most participants in this community are now of the mind that inflation going towards public goods is a net positive, so the 'token' value of settlement burn wouldn't be deflationary at all. The network would just create more tokens immediately to replace them.""
- M8 - : ""Where would b1 give 1B? What structure has a true goverance with checks and balances to give out funding that is not run like a pyramid?""
- M9 - : ""It's better to not think about B1 one way or other. That's a waste of time. All time that is not used to build the community.""

#Pomelo : Season 2 begins March 22:
- "Pomelo seems super legit so far. Excited for season 2. Who is working on their pitches?"
#Wyoming_DAO_LLC : Snippet of an initial post which contained links to research and structures. Here just a small sample of the same and discussion:
- M10 - : "I'm really not sure why we haven't simply incorporated a Wyoming DAO for Eden yet. it's really a very simple process and pretty cheap. The only difference between the DAO and a typical LLC is that the DAO requires an operating agreement that outlines how we reach consensus, etc. That can be i the form of a code repository or a written out procedural agreement. I've spoken directly with people from the Wyoming Secretary of State's office and others. they are eager to help anyone create a legal DAO."
- M6 - : "Dan says a dao is not a dao of it owns property"
- M11 - : " I disagree, its fair to point out that other assets within a dao are less safe than the native token, but by that logic none of the chains should have bridges, because that turns them into "smart companies". "
- M10 _ : "I prefer to think for myself. I respect his opinion obviously, but I have a different vision in this regard."
- M12 - : "This is def the case. Anything wrapped or pegged to another asset can't be forked because only one chain would have the backing."

#UX_Network_super_token : An interview with Daryn Soards of UX Network (Helios Spotlight) much discussed in positive atmosphere.
"Not sure if this the right place to ask, but what is everyone take on the concept of super token suggested by the UX Network?"
"Daryn is one of the best minds in the industry when it comes to economic modeling. 0rigin has done well over 100 models throughout the industry now. Most important though is that this community has lacked alignment of financial incentives since day 1 due to the open source nature of EOSIO."
""Daryn/0rigin has been a great value contributor and voice of reason in the EOS Yield+ working group as well""

#Chief_Delegates_Meet :
" Chief Delegate Meeting #20 - 4 Mar 2022 - EdenOnEOS
Topics of discussion: Personal Updates, API+, BP's, The Future of Eden
And more!
https://youtu.be/CQ45dzbs0A8 "
""... and the "hide non video participants" thing got us too.. so, there are times where mostly @jessethan and @ChrisBarnes1 are off camera, but still present.""

#Fractally : these snippets added as they also reference the CD meeting.
- " I agree that we may want to use this time leading up to the next election on April 9th to come up with a list things that need to happen (based on what the Chief Delegates have discussed in their recent meeting) for graduating Eden On EOS from it's current form into something more in the direction the Fractally process."
- ""[In reply] I agree that we might want to do this also. But there is at least one other reasonable direction for EdenonEOS to turn.""

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-03-11

#Author_Comments : #Fractally and #DAOs continue be much discussed in the Eden Member group and so also the future path of #EdenOnEOS. To a great extent these matters also discussed in much same way elsewhere and just wish to remind all reading #recaps that the aim is mainly to indicate any discussions or topics not aired elsewhere.
Eden members best "dive in" and read up on these discussions following the release of Fractally white paper, if not already done!

#EdenOnEOS :
Some of the many comments on path ahead.
- M - : "Regardless of what happens with fractally, Eden exists and it works well. Bylaws and a 'reason for being' are needed for the community to take control of itself and form a true DAO."
- M1 - : "It seems that Eden has some next logical steps to take before it has the power to even decide and move in the direction of becoming a fractal. Determining what version of the Peace Treaty we have agreed to can help."
- M2 - : "Fractally is a great "idea", although it could apply to many different bchains. It doesn't necessarily help address core issues of EOS or EOSIO chains mentioned above."
- M1 - : "Fractally has a lot of stuff that Eden may do well to adopt"
- M3 - : "Dan is not doing a good job presenting how Fractally benefits EOS, in my opinion. I'm personally for him building it, submitting, and EOS deciding if they'd like to adopt it and assign it a corresponding inflation for the LPs. I don't want to pay for an open source product in that price range that has no direct and tangible benefits to EOS."
- M4 - : "The whole problem Dan is trying to solve is for the fuzzy decisions. If there are hard and clear criteria for ranking stuff, you can use a smart contract for that. The problem is that people are contributing in many different ways to advance EOS and you need people to judge who did more than who."
- M3 - : "Each person has their own understanding of what a valuable contribution to their Fractal is. If each thinks they acted in the manner that brought the most value to the Fractal. For that Fractal, it's a win-win. For each individual involved, if they are participating in that Fractal because they care about its goal, they will all be happy with the contributions everyone else made."
- M5 - : "Eden can be a fractal."
- M - : "With fractally so far out in an uncertain future, is it out of line to say ƒractally is off-topic for this channel?"
""Should we look at all of the various DAC implementations that there are? #Hypha is coming to EOS soon, and they are actually built. Should Eden be considering that as an org structure alongside an eventual fractally?""

#Bylaws :
More in focus lately and here just a few snippets:
" . right now some decisions need to be made. And have to be in accordance with our governing documents. So the question is...
Which version of the Peace Treaty and Bylaws are we abiding by? "

"I went over the spreadsheet and get a feeling of emphasis on politics which I personally don't like."
""It's true this list is overly comprehensive, but we do have an opportunity to propose bylaws to be ratified by the next CDs. The idea is to canvas Eden to get ideas from them as to what bylaws they'd like to see. We definitely don't need to cover each item in this spreadsheet, but we should at least address a couple of the big ones: Membership removal, what powers the CD's have, Election frequency changes, ownership of the genesis.eden account...
I edited the doc and made it shareable: ""

#EdenCN :
Update on the Chinese Eden - "EdenCN held our Genesis Convention successfully and is now open for membership! The first trial election will be held on March 20th. Everyone is welcome to submit proposals, participate in the election, and win the funds! It is time to bring the community together to create and improve projects from the bottom up and revive the ecosystem."
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-04-29

#Author_Comments : Eden asset ownership and organizational matters much discussed this week. Another extensive topic was "Fractally" and Eden membership view of the same and views on Eden members using their time and resources in the same.

#Accountability :
--M1-- : "Which organization should control the Eden Github repo? A capable team that replaces the Clarion/Fractally team? What are your thoughts on custodianship of Eden assets?"
--M2--: "IMO Eden as an organization should have 'Roles' that are defined by the CDs and appointed by them as well. "
--M3--: "I was thinking the same… I think Eden should do Eden. So anything that's needed to be maintained or undertaken should be done so by elected Eden Members."
--M4--: "I'd like to add that these members be subject to the same rules as the submission and change to the by laws, that is to say . . "
--M1--: "I'm not sure about this...if you have a bad actor in a role, needing to wait for a subsequent election to replace them is likely too much latency to minimize the damage that the bad actor can inflict."
--M4--: "Yeah, I'm not sure about it either, but thought the question should be discussed."
--M5--: "Eden could collaborate with Hypha . . for everything other than inducting members and electing delegates, etc? Hypha software is designed for organizational management, not just inviting members and electing delegates."
--M6--: "The thing is that the positions we are discussing should serve Eden's ultimate purpose, not the Delegates personal goals. CDs serve Eden's interests too. Just like them, a dev team delegated to take care of it on behalf Eden interest is what I picture."

#Eden_Accounting_Standard : How Eden funds allocated.
--CD1--: " Proposal Eden Accounting Standard. Feedback welcome in forum! https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/eden-delegates-accounting-standard/5826 "
--M1--: "This is awesome. An initial question, is there a space limit to the memo field?"

#Fractally :
--CD1-- : "I am totally in favor of any Eden member deciding what is of benefit to the EOS Ecosystem and acting in that manner. Does Eden as a group consider work on ƒractally to be a good use of Eden-derived resources? (I am asking)"
--M1-- : "Considering the current mission of Eden is "To create value for the EOS ecosystem" and there has been no commitment at all from the Fractally team to include EOS in their future plans, I would vote no, this is not a good use of Eden-derived resources."
--M2-- : "If Eden Members want to move in the direction of what's proposed in the Fractally white paper, then we have a dedicated group for that. You can message me if you want the link to that group. Eden seems to have some immediate needs and short-term obstacles to overcome and it would be helpful if every member can focus on achieving the next logical steps first and foremost."
--M3-- : "My confusion is honest. Until we receive a Notice of a determination there is a surgical "divorce by splitting (or forking a chain) the code, or other Fiat"… I see EOS, EdenonEOS, and fractally as Siamese Triplets. I am convinced we should walk in sync, unless we are not "better together."
--M4-- : "There is no true or false. I don't disagree with you. The fractal paradigm is everywhere in any of the ecosystems (Eden, Hu-Fi ,EOS Bees, Fractally ...). Our society has to collaborate and EOS is the perfect example of an Everyone's Open Society."
#Fractally :
--M1-- : "I think Fractally is cool, and represents an exciting new experiment in fractal democracy, I'm just not surprised that when a group moves very far, very fast, with little emphasis on communications, that they would lose some attention of the group they were with previously.
Attention is in scarce supply, the EOS community is on the ropes, Eden was only just in a nascent form when Fractally emerged as an idea. It takes a lot to move the herd, and when you divide the herd, you create confusion, and slow coordination."
--M2-- : "Really good points and perspective. Shoutout to the Eden Members who are too busy building and contributing to be involved in other things. And shoutout to others who are figuring out how to make time to help breath more life into Eden and Fractally in any big or small ways that they can."

#Eden_Town_Hall : 8 maj · Bywire News · 1:17:18
"What is Eden On EOS, and how can it shape democracy and governance?
https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1dRKZlgLZNXJB "
--M1-- : "I just listened and I think that we should not touch the treasury to fund roles. Roles are fine if the people who are elected want to run for them and fund the roles to delegate work they don't want to do. In my opinion, the treasury was set up to run elections and for delegates to get money."
--M2-- : "I personally agree with maintaining the runaway to incentivize delegates to participate in the elections and stewarding the governance of Eden, which is why I've advocated for Eden Members to work together to submit a grant application to the ENF for a new budget with specific objectives. Others seem to think that using the current treasury to boostrap Eden right now as quickly as possible increases the likelyhood that ENF will grant more funds to Eden (based on wise use of funds) and since they are available now, then there is no delay in waiting for a grant to be approved."

#Bylaws :
"Anyone have link to the new bylaws please?
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fqADSeVTv17Go4Jw8TxO6gA8wBAy-UQK1_LJwn3xE6Y/edit "

#Eden_election_dapp? :
"Either Eden decides to take this process and build it into an app that Eden can shape, or we will sit and wait for someone else to do it. If we don't package the technology up and promote it as Eden's core feature - its Kernel - somebody else will do it and name it something else. People are hunting for Eden's methodology, if we're going to start from the mission statement that we are here 'To Create Value for the EOS Ecosystem'... I contend that our methodology is our Election process, pure and simple. We have to find a way to protect its integrity, and this will only come thru a strong organization that we can all agree to get behind, because it should be helping to empower us as individuals to make a difference."

#Eden_NFT_engine :
"It makes sense that Eden could have an NFT engine so that members can produce NFTs for purposes like these. How about for rewarding participation in every Eden Election? Eden could mint EOS-backed NFTs as rewards for just showing up. These NFTs could be staked to add a multiplier to an elected delegate's budget (just a quick example). "
#Recap Eden Member group, past week up to and including Saturday 2022-06-04

#Author_Comments : I wish to again emphasize that #recaps only point to some of all posts/discussions. They are in no way a complete reference to the same. The #recaps are only meant to serve as a guide to some of the interesting topics.

#EOS_Yield+ : https://t.me/c/1186628781/28471
"“... a liquidity rewards program designed to incentivize TVL in DeFi applications on EOS would be one of the most impactful drivers of network growth.”" - https://www.eosgo.io/news/yield-blue-paper-liqudity-rewards-on-eos

#EOS_support : (some words related to "ram cleaning") :
- Question - "Is there any information on how to do ram cleaning?"
- Answered - "One case to free up RAM is: If you sell a token you hold in your EOS Account and the token balance is zero, if it doesn't automatically, you can recover RAM through the "close" action with Token's Contract.
For EOS click here: https://bloks.io/account/eosio.token?loadContract=true&tab=Actions&account=eosio.token&scope=eosio.token&limit=100&action=close enter your eos account and symbol "4,EOS"
or another example for EOSDT here: https://bloks.io/account/eosdtsttoken?loadContract=true&tab=Actions&account=eosdtsttoken&scope=eosdtsttoken&limit=100&action=close
We don't have an article yet, but it's planned to write one for that topic."

#Moving_Eden_Forward : (discussion mainly among Eden members whom are also members of ƒractally)
"Focusing on the next logical actions steps for moving Eden forward. Wednesdays 1300 UTC - https://gofractally.com/events/moving-eden-forward"

#EOS_Community :
- Question - "Do we have any new announcements?"
- Answered - "The EOS community is rebranding the main net. There is a cooperative between EOS chains, there is good governance happening at EDEN, and the fractally white paper is being coded into a very exciting Blockchain application. EOS is evolving into a federation of DOAs, Smart Companies, and DACs, which separately and together are coding Open Source software solutions that are a strong foundation for public goods. In addition, for profit businesses are attracting VC funding to build on top of these blockchain and open source solutions."

#Fractally_related : (& Eden connected)
"Proposal for Eden Fractal - https://edencreators.com/edenfractal
I'm proposing the name "Empowering Eden Contributors" for this event.
We are also looking to schedule another weekly meeting on another day of the week: Proposal for Fractal Forums - https://edencreators.com/fractalforums
I'm proposing the name "Moving Eden Forward" for this event.
If the group is open to it, we may join on StreamYard to have the meeting there as part of the live stream event rather than on Zoom as we normally do. Not sure the level of interest yet. I'm just a facilitator. My suggestion for the Live Stream event is to theme it around these questions or something similar to spark convo and valuable content:
What has been your greatest recent contribution to the EOS network?
What's something valuable that you'd like to see happen next on EOS?"
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Sunday-Saturday 2022-06-11

#Author_Comments : The recap this time with two Chief Delegate meetings - #8 on June 2 and #9 on June 9.

#Chinese_Eden :
--M1-- : "Welcome to follow Chinese Eden, we have a separate Discord and Medium, and all proposals and election process will be posted in the EOS Community Forum. Due to limited manpower at this time, it is difficult for us to keep the English version up to date, so if anyone in the community would like to help us with translation, we would appreciate it!
Discord: https://discord.gg/fy2JYdpR
Medium: https://medium.com/@edencn
Information on past first test election and on upcoming second test election: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/c/eos/eoscn/35
Notion: https://edencn.notion.site/edencn/EDEN-827f60bd124b4d2ead39619444edf07d"
--M2-- : "Sure thing...
I'd love to invite you or any representative of it to the EOS Translation Foundation Telegram group.We want to address all this language barriers and solve them for easier interaction."
--M1-- : "We also have a DAO called EDAO, which we improved Daniel's fractally and used it to provide more support services for elected projects. Everyone in the community can get involved, do the work needed for the project, and report back at the weekly meetings for rewards."
--M2-- : "Come around. We'll be happy to help. https://t.me/EOSTranslationFoundation"

#EdenOnEOS_Benefits :
"Welcome to Eden members private group 🎉 https://help.eossupport.io/en/articles/5889843-what-are-the-benefits-of-becoming-an-eden-member"

#Fractally_related : (& Eden connected) :
"" "Don't Give Fractally the Time of Day"
This is an extreme and antagonistic statement of how we should proceed.
But I do think, we should focus on building Eden. If we want to adopt aspects of Fractally, why not. But not Fractally. In general, at the current date and time, with the information at hand, my perspective has not changed. I would not vote to "become a Fractal" of Fractally. I encourage greater focus and development of Eden, and EdenOnEOS. I don't want to draw this conversation out more than it needs to given this is Eden, and Fractally is nowhere near a state where we could evaluate its adoption.""

#Accountability :
--M1-- : "Eden members who wish to be vocal and report their CDs on not fulfilling promises should feel encouraged to do so, and ofc address the matter politely and with the respect any person deserves, as well presenting the proof of the claims."
--M2-- : "It is my understanding, that the people who elected the delegates are responsible for holding them accountable. In an ideal system, voters could have the opportunity to rate their delegates or at least make a statement as to whether they have kept their word on what they promised."
--M3-- : "Ideally what would be of use is a place where public comments/questions/concerns can be posted about each Eden Delegate. There the Delegate could publicly respond to defend themselves, or even just to explain their thinking for deviating from a promise or something."

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #8 - Thursday, June 1, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Chief-Delegate-Meeting-8:8
"Notes from the CD meeting #8: https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-8"

"EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #9 - Thursday, June 9, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-CD-Meeting-Week-9:5
"Notes from CD meeting #9: https://bywire.news/articles/eos-chief-delegates-meeting-9

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group (week #31) incl. Saturday 2022-08-06

#Chief_Delegates-meet 3 : 2022-07-25 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #3 - Monday, July 25, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-Chief-Delegate-Meetings-Week-3-Odysee:4

#Chief_Delegates-meet 4 : 2022-08-01 : "EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #4 - Monday, August 01, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-4-Odysee:3

#EOS_Accounts : 2022-07-28 : How export EOS account history. :
--M1-- : ""Is there a way to export the entire history of an EOS account in CVS instead of page by page via bloks.io?
--M2-- : "Use the RPC API and traverse history until you reach the end and then parse the JSON to human readable format. Some examples: https://eosio.stackexchange.com/questions/1459/how-to-get-all-the-actions-of-one-account - You will need to learn some basic, but its worth it :)"

#Fractal_Fiction : 2022-07-31 : "The first ever Fractal Fiction creative writing event. https://t.me/EOSproject/1932678
2022-08-06 https://t.me/c/1791074150/124 -
Sophia K. wrote "Little update for everyone: the story is coming together! I’ve been having so much fun writing it and Farah and Oscar have been awesome supporters. Lars, I’ll send you a copy at some point tomorrow. 😊🐲🔮🌊🤘🏼

#Eden_Discord : 2022-08-01 :
Question : "Is the Eden Discord server reserved for Eden members only or open to all?"
Answer : "Open to all - https://discord.gg/PSE4TuCW"

#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-08-02 : "The 3rd session for the Eden Brainstorming activity was moved to coming week. Gavriel is working on a summary in advance of the next step on this mission so a short pause between calls. Next session announced after summary is shared."

#Eden_future : "For Edens sake, Eden Needs To Value EOS Focussed Contributions" : "I’d like to think of Eden as the governance layer for the EOS blockchain, based on the principles from the book More Equal Animals. The further specifics of what “governance layer for the EOS blockchain” exactly means, need to be defined further. But I think for Eden to be recognized" - https://hive.blog/eos/@maximcincinnatis/for-edens-sake-eden-needs-to-value-eos-focussed-contributions

#Hypha : 2022-08-04 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34139 : "We had the meeting with the Hypha DAO team to work towards Eden taking advantage of their platform as a potential tool to help us better organize ourselves. This spreadsheet is essentially a duplication of a questionnaire that was requested for us to attempt to fill out. In addition if you'd like to watch the meeting the recording can be found here . . . "

#Fractally_Eden : 2022-08-04 : "Just a quick update, Eden: As you’ve known, we’ve been working to hand off Genesis Eden so it’s in the community’s hands. That work has just completed. We’ve been working with the Edenia team, who has spun up servers, taken over accounts, and replaced the frontend. So you are now running on your own hardware."

#Eden_future : 2022-08-05 : "I agree with sentiment that Eden needs to earn its governance power in the EOS ecosystem. That's why I propose a path in which Eden could leverage economic power it creates to influence EOS governance, in a way that does not require asking the current governance system to yield its power: https://peakd.com/blockchain/@sim31/albedo-whitepaper ."

#Eden_elections : 2022-08-06 : "Eden Election (7.9.2022) Post Mortem Analysis - "Eden is an EOS Community organization that uses a new way to elect representatives known as “political playoffs”. The community completed its 3rd election on July 9th, 2022. This analysis is part of the Vote.Eden.Lead RFP set of deliverables." - https://medium.com/@domenicthomas/eden-election-7-9-2022-post-mortem-analysis-8d2292949483
""Here is the published version of the final analysis of the Vote.Eden.Lead RFP with a link to the final version of the eden election documentation: https://medium.com/@domenicthomas/vote-eden-lead-rfp-final-analysis-1ff292501d6c""

- END -
#Recap Eden Member group (week #32) incl. Monday 2022-08-15

#Author_Comments : The #Eden_Future in particular discussed at length past days/week with number of different views and perspectives raised.

#Chief_Delegates-meet : 2022-08-08 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34685 :
"View EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Monday, Aug 8, 2022 - https://odysee.com/@EdenonEOS:f/Eden-on-EOS-Chief-Delegate-Meeting-Week-5-Odysee:0?t=922"

#Genesis_Eden_acc : 2022-08-07 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34285 : "The genesis.eden account is now under control of the current cds. The next msig(s) will be to level out the hcd pay and increase the distribution rate from 5% to 15% as per the newly ratified bylaws."

#Fractally_related : 2022-08-08 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34310 : "Genesis Fractal Data modelling and Simulation group just made significant discoveries . . "

#Discord_Eden : (https://discord.gg/CQU4s7gcze) : "Join the Eden Discord Server! Check out the Eden community on Discord"

#Eden_Updates : 2022-08-09 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34353 : Head CD - "Some quick updates for the Eden community; . . "

#Eden_future : 2022-08-09 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34376 :
--M1-- : ""I suggested a long time ago that we run an "election of ideas" simply have people prepare project pitches and use the eden election process to pick the pitches we felt should go forward. Then . . "
--M2-- : "I think experiment would not work if key condition is not met."
--M1-- : "How has eden proved its worth funding? I think we can point to a few things as being positive starts, but I'm not sure they have achieved measurable success to the point of justifying more funding."
--M2-- : "One way to figure out would be see outcome of spent funds. i dont know if the funds allocated could do anything more than operational things. At the same time, I think it has brought people who care about eos network together. created an enviroment for fostering positive discussions etc etc .. some unmeasurable things."
--M1-- : "There is certainly intangible value that has been created."
--M3-- : "If this is about Eden on EOS, it should really be the governance layer of EOS, the ENF needs to be democratic, and Eden on EOS was supposed to be that vehicle." - ""The community should have a referendum on it's purpose, and then just stick to it ruthlessly."
--M1-- : "This is absolutely the winning strategy IMO." - ""We gain influence by being effective at something and creating value that all token holders or at least most consider to be worthwhile. This will drive membership in time, but will also increase our funding, which is what will ultimately attract people.""
--M3-- : "Well said, but people are prob here for community and building a better world. I know most in this group are like that."
--M4-- : "My comment is basically directed at getting people who want and can donate their time recognition. That situation isn't one that can or should be indefinite, but this is also supposed to be built around a reputation system where when one goes above and beyond, it should be encouraged, and thus valued." - ""I encourage more people to show up to the brainstorming meetings and participate in shaping the future vision of Eden.""

#Hypha : 2022-08-11 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34584 :
- Question: What's the status with the Hypha situation?
- Answer: "Thinking we meet Tuesday 16th at the previous time, 14:00 UTC. Once done goes back to the Hypha team to then open up the site for us."

#EOS_Respect : 2022-08-11 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34606 :
- Question: "Is EOS Respect the EOS Support hosted / managed fork?"
- Answer: "Yes looks like it" (Author Comment - Read more here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dx_8WtHU9O4pgFcb2xjek79-a3cF2FKz/view?usp=sharing)

#EOSCommunity.org : 2022-08-14 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/34666 : Head CD - "Time has come to pay/donate for the code powering EDEN. Delegates (L1 and CDs) are asked to donate . . "