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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Wednesday to Sunday 2021-10-24

#EdenOnEOS :
Rules (Peace Treaty & Bylaws) for new Edens, already forming or on planning stage, was a discussion point. Some of the initial words copied below:

- "In my opinion -- without bylaws written in code, any community that forks the edenOS would not have bylaws to build on. Ideally each community that is created should have its own domain, server and developers. But the new community should have the same coded bylaws that the genesis community agrees with initially. What do you think?"
- "I think each Eden has to start with its own peace treaty. It might be different from group to group, or it might be the exact same."
- "I think the Peace treaty is what is necessary to start an Eden community, where bylaws come later and will likely be somewhat unique to each respective group since they will absorb unique cultural influences."
- "A peace treaty has to be the same (it is what allows for consensus building). There have to be fundamental bylaws that govern all Eden communities across the globe. Each Eden community could enact some bylaws and build on the fundamental ones. The genesis Eden community cannot acknowledge an Eden community that doesn't have a peace treaty to empower its members or create a society that does not believe in consensus building and individual freedoms."

#Fractal_Democracy :
The article "Fractal Democracy: A Primer" by an Eden member was shared and received praise by many. Here just one example: "Summaries like yours makes it much easier to propagate key concepts like Fractal democracy in other languages and we thank you for taking the time to do it."

Author added "I tried to distill FD down into the key concepts. Hopefully this can make it easier to share with your friends and family what you're up to."

#Discord_EOS :
You might have noticed words about #EOS Community Discord Server, a new home for everyone interested in all things $EOS.

#Block_One :
There was a rich discussion over the weekend regarding current status and future path of B1 and also B1 plans in relation to EOSIO. In short discussion mirrored much of what been seen other places. One view expressed it might be time for another party such as #ENF to consider take over care of future EOSIO maintenance and code work.

= END =
Monday to Tuesday 2021-11-02

#ENF :
Word from EOS Network Foundation ""ENF just switched our Telegram group to read-only as we migrate our community engagement exclusively to the EOS Discord. We will use the existing Telegram channel exclusively for sharing news and announcements. Public engagement will be in Discord moving forward.

#EOS_Bees :
""With help from the #EOS community, we published "A Beginner's Guide to EOS". Active hives will translate this important article for new EOS community members in their language. https://twitter.com/EOS_Bees/status/1455244833367465993?s=20 ""

#Miscellaneous :
- ""Has anyone asked themselves why EdenOS should be more than a funding mechanism?""
- ""I think its important to note that Eden can only govern ppl who are participating in the process. In this case using their prestige earned and the funds given to them. Still interesting discussion.""

- ""Is this issue adressed in MEA?"" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_powers - Division of legislative, executive and judicial functions exercised by different political bodies with a separate origin""
-- Daniel Larimer - [In reply]
- ""Separation of powers depends upon structurally eliminating political parties. I am working on a theory of judicial system""

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days, Saturday to Friday 2021-12-17

#EOS_Community :
Needless to say comments abound in the Eden Member group on matters relating to current state of affairs within EOS community and stakeholders. As these been expressed also elsewhere not added to this recap.

#DAO_of_DAOs :
These words - "" I'm looking for help communicating the message for the future of Eden. In particular I'm trying thinking along the lines of DAO of DAOs "" - posted by Dan Larimer and led to a rich discussion on various aspects of this concept including the "how", definition and structure of DAOs, the reward systems and more.

#Eden_Elections :
Following some twists and turns around a new amended date for next EdenOnEOS election final words is now April 9, 13:00 UTC!
"" Hi everyone. We (Dan and members of the Clarion team) discussed your feedback regarding the accelerated election timeline. We've decided to stay the course with the currently-scheduled election (April 9, 13:00 UTC). We will NOT be moving that election date up to January as previously discussed. Thanks to all of you for raising your voices and sharing your thoughts. 🙏 ""

#Accountability :
Good discussion around weekly meetings to commence and how keep tabs on works accomplished and more. Here few snippets indicating discussion held.
- ""considering the potential new direction Eden might be going in (with weekly meetings) keeping tabs on every single community fund recipient is going to be incredibly difficult.""
- ""The point of the weekly meetings is to bring in more manpower to review prior work instead of holding people accountable to promises of future work.""
- ""Bees, support staff, etc can all report in once a week and get paid.""

A comment from Dan Larimer in connection with above discussions and payment for effort made: "" There is only one way to get massive growth and that is to OVER PAY people. It is only through over payment with competition for that OVER PAY that people will get the price signal that they should invest time with the community. If all you do is pay the "market rate", people can get that anywhere. They will not change their behavior in persuit of profit for equal pay unless they are ideologically aligned for some reason.
The key is to make sure that there is genuine competition for that OVER PAY... competition should drive up quality and quantity of contribution until OVER PAY is gradually reduced to market pay. ""

#Chief_Delegates-meet :
Here link to latest meeting and the associated words were "this is already outdated in so many ways. 😂".
My comment - Things move fast in EOS World!

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group -
7 days Saturday to Friday 2021-12-31

#EOS_Community :
Good turnout also of Eden members at the "EOS 2021 Year In Review - Fireside Chat". Some suggestions to make this a 6 monthly event/review. If so it would complement well with the bi-weekly Eden Level 1 delegate meetings as well as the regular Chief Delegate meetings. Unfortunately this "Year in Review" had technical issues recording the event with only initial one hour or so recorded and available in the EOS Community Discord.

#EdenOnEOS_Benefits :
Chief Delegates have discussed creation of NFTs to Eden members participating in elections. One member posted his proposal for making these and included also illustrations of the proposed design. Few short snippets from proposer posts here below and the ideas met with enthusiasm.
"" For anyone who has been watching the CD meetings, there was talk of a need to build NFTs to show appreciation for Eden members' participation in elections. There's no formal request for proposals, but here is my proposal for member NFTs. ""
"" I will build custom ones for the CDs, and then move on to the delegates. Then, all election participants if the community thinks it is a good idea. ""

#EOSSupport : Two (2) of their posts this week:
1. Listing of EOS-based applications, #Dapps + 2. New Scam!

1 - "" Are you aware of the #EOS-based applications in the cryptocurrency space? If not, then click here:
If your EOS-based application is not listed, please write to us at Contact@eossupport.io.
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1476254754762338310 ""

2 - #EOS_scam Warning! :
"" New scam about Voice token airdrop and NFT's in your transaction history.
* Do NOT click on the link to claim! - This will switch your PRIVATE key(s)! *
Read more here: https://help.eossupport.io/en/articles/5715346-known-scam-receiving-a-transaction-with-a-comment-about-something-to-claim
Not sure who you can trust? Ask http://EOSsupport.io
Share: https://twitter.com/eossupportio/status/1476574561630097417 ""

#EOSIO_EOS_Future : Continuation of recent Bywire News interviews, relevant earlier parts in the previous recap and on their YouTube site.

Yves La Rose, EOS Network Foundation (#ENF). Talks about future of EOS, future of EOS Network Foundation, new branding and more! https://youtu.be/ddgMoMgGVfY
TEASER: Yves La Rose on building the future of EOS for everyone. Premiers 1 Jan 2022 at 17:00 UTC - https://youtu.be/fZ_bZpHyOTg

Dan Larimer, co-founder of Block.one (B1) and now ClarionOS and EdenOnEOS, talks in-depth on future of EOS, Eden & Governance. Premiered on 29 Dec 2021 - https://youtu.be/Igf2oPLP7pI

#Chief_Delegates-meet : Now on Discord, the first 15 minutes mainly "setting up". Posted by EOSSupport.io with following words:
"It only takes small drops of water coming off the rocks to form the ocean we see, and that ocean becomes so powerful."
"If we all come together and bring in the mind we have, we can accomplish anything."
Share: https://twitter.com/eosmainnetnews/status/1476956344989143044

= END =

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#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-01-21

#Eden_Landbuy :
This post lead to very active wide-ranging discussion, in part fuelled by post copied below the link.
"" This is a pretty cool DAO concept:
https://twitter.com/alliancedao/status/1481633395834712065 ""
"" Well they have one very important thing right and that is that the end of nation states is already in motion. People are going to begin forming their own transnational communities and ultimately claim sovereignty. There’s no longer the same need for violence to protect your assets or procure access to natural resources for manufacturing. Virtual states are the next evolutionary step. ""

#Consortium :
A member pushed for blockchain polling app to be used and suggested this product, already earlier set up for Eden.
"" Updated list the free tokens received when sign up and vote on poll in Consortium! https://app.consortium.vote/claim ""

Eden Members poll - % from Saturday 2022-01-22.
""Do you think we need a way for the Eden / EOS community to vote and come to consensus on important topics?
- Yes of course - 79%
- No not bothered - 21% ""

Good discussion ensued, input also from Dan Larimer.

#GDPR-Europe :
A rich and lengthy discussion was held about EU’s data protection laws and how it might impact on Eden output/uploads in public domain.

#Eden_Facebook :
"" Hey everyone, we've recently gained control of the EOS Facebook Group! https://twitter.com/EOS_Bees/status/1483069200381972480?s=20 ""

#EdenOS_Updates :
"" EdenOS Roadmap & Progress Report - With Brandon Fancher and Mike Manfredi - Streamed live on 14 Dec 2021: https://youtu.be/TvJtVDh4Zd8 ""

#EOSIO_EOS_future :
""Collaborative Vision Forward for EOS with Dan Larimer and Yves La Rose (Part 1 of 3) - Premiered 19 Jan 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpIp_EOtcyE ""

#Eden_Delegates_Meeting :
"" Chief Delegate Meeting #13 - 20 Jan 2022:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN6Yw-QqvuA ""

#EOS_Community :
Just in case you missed it - live only EOS Community Fireside chats on Discord. Every Wednesday 20:00 UTC. ""Weekly EOS Community "open Mic" Session. All topics welcome! (no recording, no streaming).

#EdenOnEOS : This topic below was kind of ending the 7 days of discussion in Eden Members group, I deemed a good way also end this recap. Just few snippets on the "Why joined?".
"" Why did you, I and everyone else generally become members? We need to make it clear ….. The Fractal governance is key in changing and improving our world step by step in business, education , politics , authority’s, governments everywhere. ""

- "" I joined to observe the experiment first hand, so i won't have to trust anyone opinion if it works or not""
- "" +1 ""
- "" Its about EOS..., Dans Book is not. ""
- "" In one sentence I would say its about establishing trust and connections - including the election process. ""
- "" I will add the opportunity to participate in fractal governance and have a voice in the EOS community. ""

= END =
#Recap Eden Members telegram group - 7 days Saturday to Friday 2022-02-11

#Author_Comments: With so much going on in our community it is good to see some focus on spreading the word of these developments, hopefully also beyond our own sphere of interest!

#EOS_Community :
Here words of an initiative by an Eden and #EOS_London member:
- "I’m looking at re invigorating EOS London , with meet-ups and general marketing if you or anyone are interested in supporting (funds or otherwise) would like to see as many big names as possible attend our first meeting. More to follow"

#Blue_Papers : Some are out and others nearing completion.
- "Aaron Cox of Greymass, and EOS blue paper project manager, discusses the significance of the blue papers that are being released. "
An excerpt from Eden Chief Delegate meeting #15.
Production by Chuck McDonald of the Eden Community

#ENF_B1 : This seen many places but significant why choose to include here. Keep in mind for now, as I can judge things, #ENF is doing a "Review of ALL possible legal recourse . . " to judge if any possibilities going forward. Rich discussion on this followed in our Eden member group.
- "As Founder of @EosNFoundation I share your frustrations! We are taking further steps to hold @B1 accountable for its past actions and broken promises against #EOS. Review of ALL possible legal recourse to seek $4.1B in damages underway. Let's do this together! #4BillionDAO coming - https://twitter.com/BigBeardSamurai/status/1491758599395180548 "

#DAOs : Words below by @bytemaster7 lead to yet another wide ranging discussion in the group:
#Dan_Larimer - ""Real #DAOs don’t / can’t file a law suites.
@EosNFoundation Real #DAOs focus on what they are Soveryn over, their own blockchain state. Real DAOs don’t have treasury of other tokens/money controlled by other governance systems. #4billionDAO
https://twitter.com/bytemaster7/status/1491775346500423685 ""

Here one of posts mid discussion with a reaction to all said thus far:
- ""I realize it’s off topic at the moment, but…
re: Dan’s definition of DAOs
I think this is a great discussion and ongoing debate to be having amongst ourselves and others involved in or interested in DAOs.
As much I enjoy being an idealist and idealizing things, it seems that the market is like a force of nature that ultimately decides what the definition of something is or is not.
Excited to get more perspective on this.""

#Chief_Delegates-meet : Chief Delegate Meeting 17 - posted 11 Feb 2022:
This week the Chief Delegates discuss:
-Individual updates
-ENF vs B1 litigation inquiry announcement
-Dan's response
-Advice for a Chief Delegatupdates Entity
-Stories from Lovejoy
https://youtu.be/SBp2yg6dL0Y "

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, 7 days Saturday-Friday 2022-05-20

#Author_Comments : The latest CD meetings been setting the tone for much of discussions in the Eden Member group. The quality, or rather lack thereof, in some EOSIO BPs and the voting for BPs became main topics through this week. This recap just a very tiny fraction of the rich and "deep" discussions.

#EOSIO_EOS_future :
--M1--: "I think it would be awesome for either Eden or the ENF to establish a fund for attracting projects from other chains and facilitate porting over, or them being multichain, especially once the EVM is up and running. A Committee could be created by interested Eden Members and work with Eden Funding or apply to the ENF for funding from them."
--M2--: "To attract other chain Dapp developers we need to have a large user base, to get that we need just 1 killer Dapp, who’s building it? Easy onboarding free to use."
--M1-- : "I take your point though, that some Dapp Developers depending on what they're building will be looking to come on board an ecosystem with users. If that's the case, this is where we need to sweeten the pot/temporarily subsidize them to use the EVM and discover the benefits of utilizing EOS first. This can grow our users/onchain transactions and can save them some cash at first, and jumpstart the network effect."

#Eden_future : (referencing EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate Meeting #5 - Sat. May 14, 2022):
"This weeks @EdenOnEOS Chief Delegate meeting is not one to miss! There is a bold vision being formed, and the #EOS community is likely to have an opinion! Let's see what the @EosNFoundation makes of the CD's latest democratic overtures! 😉 $eos"

#ENF_Eden :
--M1--: "ENF serves the network and the network needs to be optimized"
--M2--: "if members who want to run organizations and initiatives want to do so to better the network then they should go for it."
--M1--: "ENF can also delegate voting to Eden and/or to a proxy".
--M2--: "👎we are about to destroy EOS"
--M3--: "ENF may of course vote with their own tokens... nothing wrong there.
If BPs want money to run infra, they could pitch to ENF to get some funding, but I don't see why ENF would proactively go looking for BP candidates to fund.".
--M1--: "ENF is currently our best bet for cutting the deadweight BPs".
--M2--: "they are. they are really doing a great job".
--M3--: "It's a difficult question as these are tokens being allocated to the ENF by the network. Conflicts of interest arise. What if the current BPs asked that IF the ENF votes it's only allowed to vote for the current top 21? giving way to further centralization."
--M1--: "If EOS doesn't prioritize having amazing (above and beyond) BPs, then it will likely be outcompeted by networks who do prioritize it. And rightfully so. I'd like to see where seriously addressing this BP thing is on the collective roadmap for the EOS network."
#Recap Eden Member group, past week up to and including Saturday 2022-06-04

#Author_Comments : I wish to again emphasize that #recaps only point to some of all posts/discussions. They are in no way a complete reference to the same. The #recaps are only meant to serve as a guide to some of the interesting topics.

#EOS_Yield+ : https://t.me/c/1186628781/28471
"“... a liquidity rewards program designed to incentivize TVL in DeFi applications on EOS would be one of the most impactful drivers of network growth.”" - https://www.eosgo.io/news/yield-blue-paper-liqudity-rewards-on-eos

#EOS_support : (some words related to "ram cleaning") :
- Question - "Is there any information on how to do ram cleaning?"
- Answered - "One case to free up RAM is: If you sell a token you hold in your EOS Account and the token balance is zero, if it doesn't automatically, you can recover RAM through the "close" action with Token's Contract.
For EOS click here: https://bloks.io/account/eosio.token?loadContract=true&tab=Actions&account=eosio.token&scope=eosio.token&limit=100&action=close enter your eos account and symbol "4,EOS"
or another example for EOSDT here: https://bloks.io/account/eosdtsttoken?loadContract=true&tab=Actions&account=eosdtsttoken&scope=eosdtsttoken&limit=100&action=close
We don't have an article yet, but it's planned to write one for that topic."

#Moving_Eden_Forward : (discussion mainly among Eden members whom are also members of ƒractally)
"Focusing on the next logical actions steps for moving Eden forward. Wednesdays 1300 UTC - https://gofractally.com/events/moving-eden-forward"

#EOS_Community :
- Question - "Do we have any new announcements?"
- Answered - "The EOS community is rebranding the main net. There is a cooperative between EOS chains, there is good governance happening at EDEN, and the fractally white paper is being coded into a very exciting Blockchain application. EOS is evolving into a federation of DOAs, Smart Companies, and DACs, which separately and together are coding Open Source software solutions that are a strong foundation for public goods. In addition, for profit businesses are attracting VC funding to build on top of these blockchain and open source solutions."

#Fractally_related : (& Eden connected)
"Proposal for Eden Fractal - https://edencreators.com/edenfractal
I'm proposing the name "Empowering Eden Contributors" for this event.
We are also looking to schedule another weekly meeting on another day of the week: Proposal for Fractal Forums - https://edencreators.com/fractalforums
I'm proposing the name "Moving Eden Forward" for this event.
If the group is open to it, we may join on StreamYard to have the meeting there as part of the live stream event rather than on Zoom as we normally do. Not sure the level of interest yet. I'm just a facilitator. My suggestion for the Live Stream event is to theme it around these questions or something similar to spark convo and valuable content:
What has been your greatest recent contribution to the EOS network?
What's something valuable that you'd like to see happen next on EOS?"